Starseeds is called those souls that before their first incarnation on our planet, when theysoulsplit, passed first through another solar system or another place in the universe. Regardless of the Soul family, Starseeds may have incarnated for the first time in one place or another, and that will determine their personality. WebVill du veta mer om din sjl, vad ditt syfte r och kanske om du har ngon speciell gva att dela med dig av till vrlden? It was a civilization that had a very warrior, mental and emotional part of its population and its own technology caused them to destroy themselves in the most important war in their history due to the chain explosion of their nuclear bombs. Nihals value individuality and have strong self-esteem. Workwise these souls see no value in following something they dont believe in and will leave a job as soon as it doesnt reflect their ethics. Hello, my name is Erin Lynn, Im a certified Akashic Record reader and researcher. They generally stand out from the people around them, with ease of learning and wisdom beyond their years. Mars ceased to be habitable with the explosion of Maldec and thats why they came to Earth. Nihals are here to remind us that we can create change in the world by being ourselves and standing up for what is right no matter how many people oppose them. WebFeb 6, 2022 - Explore of Earth and ther's board "Nihal Soul Group" on Pinterest. The Sextantians tell me that they are happy to be known by us on Earth but want to make it clear that they dont differentiate themselves from any other Sextantian beings. Its taken me a long time to write about them, because as a group they do not incarnate on Earth often. These cookies do not store any personal information. The Nihal soul group resides on Beta Leporis in the Lepus Constellation and the Gamma Nihals come from Gamma Leporis in the same constellation. Nihal is the Arabic name for these planets and the beings from both these worlds prefer the Arabic version. That is if we are to speak energy that represents pure love, it is the energy that marks the core of the Hadars. If you think you may be a Nihal or a Gamma Nihal starseed soul, have your Akashic Record read by me. Considered since ancient times as a single star, the brightest in the constellation of the Centaur, what is observed without the help of a telescope is, in fact, the superposition of two bright stars of a possible system of three. The Akashic Records are also known as The Book of Life or Gods Book of Remembrance in the Bible. I was identified through Akashic Reading that I am NIHAL Starseed a while back, but at that time I could not find any details or expanded information on the subject! I received the information at the right moment in my life when I was ready to receive it. Nihal beings are humans that look just like we do but more perfect. We are all born with gifts and the Akashic Records have identified certain gifts They feel disappointed how the world is being manipulated, and this can lead them to have a sense of hopelessness. They are always expressing their opinions and thoughts, and if they dont, they are blocking. The General secretary of 193 countries consortium U S Aashin, with his experience of conducting more than 100 entrepreneurial events in several parts of India and international as program Director, and serving as Director, investor, serial entrepreneur, consultant, and international business ambassador to various enterprises envision to Orions can feel overwhelmed because people does not let them make their own way. It has a great overview of things, leaving aside the details, they plan in a big way, and the intermediate steps do not matter, if shortcuts can be found to reach the end, why not use them?. 4. You dont understand the concept of superiority related to authority figures and you often question them. Nihals have trouble understanding why people behave the way that they do, or even worse a group of Nihals can make it seem like any behavior other than theirs doesnt exist. Nihals also carry a lot of Indigo characteristics as well so Nihals can be very creative and artistic. Their body is scaly, green, with very large eyes, only 3 fingers on their hands. In contrast the Gamma Nihal beings are somewhat catlike. WebNihal used to be the homeworld (or rather, home star) of the Xabinar (gryphons). It is important that you observe it and do a little meditation to get more details: just take a deep breath and stay blank for a few minutes to see what that resonance wants to tell you, you can still get perceptions of previous lives that take you to the origin of your Soul. Nihal is the Arabic name for these planets and the beings from both these worlds prefer the Arabic version. WebNihal Thomas (0000-0002-4614-9519) 0000-0002-4614-9519 Websites & social links Departmental Institutional Countries India account_circle Is this you? They represent unity, cooperation and community as opposed to the duality in which we live on this planet, and are the glue that holds the groups together. Nihal Tabla Soul Session with Swaati. They are attractive (by our earthly ideals) with blond hair and caucasian skin. WebFeb 6, 2022 - Explore of Earth and ther's board "Nihal Soul Group" on Pinterest. Nof is far away from Earth and it is located near the border of our Universe. Rooms include a patio with lake views. It literally brought tears to my eyes, and if I didnt know any better I could swear that this article was written about me personally. Akashic Record readers are well acquainted with souls who come from the realms on either side of Proxima Centauri. Joining the group! The beings that inhabit this realm do prefer the name Beta Pegasi over Scheat. Soul Purpose & Vibrational Retuning; Other Akashic Records Sessions; Regression Hypnosis Sessions & QHHT; Energetic Analysis & Retuning for Business; The passage to a cycle of incarnations on our planet has to do as always with two things, the desire on the part of that Higher Self to learn on Earth, but also the impossibility of continuing to evolve in Hadar. Nihal Fl. However, I must note that. By sharing it here you can find like-minded people, with the same origin and purpose, and perhaps we can take another step towards the re-evolution of the planet, which is what we have come for! Come home to yourself. Watch the video to know more about Anuradha Paudwal 's song 'Bahe Ankhiya Se Lor'. These starseed souls come from a planet far away from Earth located in the Sextans Constellation. By having your Akashic Records read, the reasons of why you know what you know becomes clear and your life purpose becomes even clearer. We created a Facebook group exclusively for Starseeds, so we can build a global community between us. Nihals are deeply caring souls, but since they are naive about societys rules makes their social life very challenging. It is usually just to learn life lessons in a very challenging environment. They are highly spiritual beings with a very high frequency vibration and their high level of consciousness always leads them towards professions or activities related to metaphysics, healing, energies, etc., and about what they have a lot to teach us all. December 15, 2021 I discovered this group about a year ago and have since read for several starseed clients whose souls originate from Gamma Nihal. October 25, 2021 While researching the various Blueprinter groups in the Akashic Record Library, I came across this previously undiscovered yet important realm in our Universe. Nihal starseeds are also very intelligent, they have high IQs so Nihals generally do well in academics or any other type of learning, Nihals pick up on things quickly which makes them quick learners. It has been a hell of a ride, starting off with an amazing journey leading the delivery | 187 comments on LinkedIn Blueprint Designers are a subcategory of starseed souls who initially created Earth as directed by God/Source/The Creator, and these Blueprint Designers in particular represent the second smallest population out of all the Earth Blueprinter job categories. Her experience in all things spiritual helps to bring a full understanding of self and soul to her private clients and readers. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. The Anlkkols call the planet Beta Phoenicis in the Phoenix Constellation, home. Hello Mam, I have purchased your Starseed DNA course from Udemy. In addition, their energy is very contrasting with that of society in general. WebShort VLOG of the Arizona Soul Brothers Annual Weekend in Phoenix, AZ 2019. These starseed souls would have spent their foundational incarnations on planet Beta Sextantis, prefer to be called Sextantians. I highly recommend anyone to have their Akashic Record read by Erin. It is said that Nihals are born into the world as a means of balancing its energies, which can become too imbalanced without their presence. Nihals can be very empathic which means that they care about others and the planet so they are generally very environmentally friendly. This realm still exists and Im told is thriving. Zavijavans. July 2, 2021: Alchibans are the souls who had their initial and foundational lifetimes on the planet Alpha Corvi in the Corvus Constellation, otherwise known as the crow. Their progressiveness simply lies in their thinking and their approach to their personal lives. 7. Nihals can be very empathic which means that they care about others and the planet so they are generally very environmentally friendly. Anlkkol souls dont usually have earthly incarnations. Here is a list of characteristics to identify yourself with Nihal Starseeds: Nihal Starseeds are highly psychic and they see through the fear-based tactics people use to control certain situations. WebNihal was a rapper of Sri Lankan descent who was studying law in Twickenham, Middlesex. It took me some time to figure out the energetic differences between this soul group and their already well-known neighbors, the Nihals. But since 1989 they have already adapted and are the spiritual leaders who will help us in the transit time and accelerated evolution that awaits us. Also a spicans. However, they prefer to be called by their planets Arabic name, Alchiba. Their purpose is to participate in the transition of the planet, helping to solve problems. These beings are the first humans in the galaxy. They also need to learn to set boundaries and to say no when they feel uncomfortable. They can also easily find themselves in situations where people take advantage of their willingness to serve unconditionally. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. The souls that come from there are many of the so-called children or adults indigo or crystal today. They are good artists, writers and actors. Ruchbah is the Arabic name for Delta Cassiopeiae that translates to knee as the star is located at the knee of Queen Cassiopeia. Thank you Erin for your relaxed approach to sharing and for channeling this valuable information!!. December 9, 2022: It was through client Akashic Record readings that I was introduced to this planet and was pleasantly surprised when meeting the beings who lived there. I just joined the group, I hope I can find others of my soul tribe! This mega explosion affected the habitability of the surface of Mars and turned the Earths axis. Nihal Starseeds can also benefit by surrounding themselves with positive individuals who will encourage their spiritual growth. They do have some technology on their world, usually located inside their cave dwellings, and tend to only utilize it in small amounts. They have their feet on the ground and are very practical. Nihals are often quirky in their behavior, especially when they are young. Nihal souls remain very youthful at any age (they even seem to physically age slower than the rest of us) and have a bright, fun energy about them. More clips from Nihal. "The Grace to Make Your Soul's Journey" streams Saturday April 18 at 8:00am PST. There are many Starseed origin tests where you can answer yes or not to generic questions, but we consider this method or the Starseed origin reading method very imprecise due to the generic questions these tests use. The purpose of this website is not only to provide Akashic Record reading services but also as an educational hub with new information found in the records. They also include Regulus in that group. There is life present on all the other stars in that constellation, however only the souls that originate from Ruchbah are being discussed in this blog. Both Nihals have excellent relationships with the Sirian soul group and will often have other Nihal or Sirian souls in their family or amongst their close friends. In general, I wont discuss a new soul group publicly until Ive been able to read for several clients to obtain their feedback and acquire tangible evidence that my channeled information is indeed accurate. However, they were forced to fight when they were invaded by the Reptilians. Gamma Nihals will incarnate on Earth whenever an opportunity arises where they can learn their desired lessons. WebVill du veta mer om din sjl, vad ditt syfte r och kanske om du har ngon speciell gva att dela med dig av till vrlden? They are neighbors to Spica with whom they have a good relationship. There is a second planet in the Cepheus Constellation that also has souls who incarnate on Earth called Beta Cepheus due to it being the second brightest star in that constellation. Having a Draco in the family or at work can be very harmful since they are only able to survive (on an energy level) thanks to the absorption of negative emotions collected in others. The Blue Ray Beings are an ultra-sensitive, empathic soul group like the Indigos that came from many different ascended planets and light realms to enlighten the When expanded it provides a list of search options that will switch the search inputs to match the current selection. Pegazians as a, February 12, 2022 Starseed souls that have had their formative lifetimes on planet Delta Cassiopeiae in the Cassiopeia Constellation are known as Ruchbahians. Nihal is a physical realm that is currently in the 9thdimension. Even someone has touched you inside, like an old resonance of belonging. Nihal starseeds are wise beyond their years and this is especially true about how they see through peoples intentions right away. January 20, 2022 The Proxima Centaurians are a starseed soul group I recently discovered and since have read for several clients who come from this realm. There are specially evolved Souls who have incarnated in more than one place and who spent enough time there to have influenced their way of being, such as when we emigrated to another place with an idiosyncrasy very different from ours, but with Time we integrate and we also make part of its characteristics. Nihal Soul Encodement approx with 17-19 marker insights of the latest SMC Energy Reading . Akashic Record Readers have been working with these clients for decades. You are interested in subjects that go beyond the ordinary, creativity is a very important part of your life. As they love to communicate, they are usually interdimensional information channels and a lot of information can be channeled from them too. There was information that was almost identical to information I had received from a spiritual healer. I live on the East Coast of the U.S., my favorite color is blue, and my soul group of origination is Arcturian. Its important for them not to judge people because that in itself is a negative behavior, rather the focus should be on accepting everyone as an equal human being. Erin was so spot on with so many things it was uncanny. Im from Orion but i had incarnations in Andromeda, Arctur, Sirius n Draco. A major social challenge happens when a Cluster of Nihals come together and claim that everyone else is wrong. At the beginning of incarnation, some of them had physical and even neurological problems, due to their high vibration, and getting used to this third dimension meant they died young, since their DNA was difficult to adapt. These souls rarely incarnate on Earth; only the most ambitious Ruchbahians would choose to come here. And please tell me how to find my soul mission as I am told by one reiki master that I am also a Starseed from Sirius star and first time incarnated on earth. This is by far the most descriptive, in-depth source of info in relation to NIHAL. This race of beings is well-known and a common starseed soul group found on Earth. In those situations you understand that everyone has their own pace of evolution and can not make anyone run, because they will encounter strong resistance. The type of service will vary from soul to [3] Nihal began his involvement in the music industry as a promoter of rap shows in his native Essex, [4] while he was studying at Burnt Mill School, in Harlow, Essex . WebNihal Arthanayake was born on 1 June 1971, [1] to Theravada Buddhist, [2] Sri Lankan parents. 2. Sign in to start editing Printable version Name Nihal Thomas Also known as Nihal Jacob Thomas expand_less Activities Collapse all expand_more Employment (7) Schedule Now " Biggest takeaway (650) 263 Nihal F Nihal F. Entries for each day are listed alphabetically by surname. They also have the need to be involved in everything that concerns their loved ones, which is not always positive, but they need to be included in all the small and big decisions of their close ones. Knowing that we have incarnated here with a mission, which goes beyond our daily struggle with material obstacles. Nihal is fluent in Hindi, English, and Kannada languages. This is also how the Mylo and Beta Pegasi soul groups end up here. Var med i detta live webinarie p sndag 2/12! Thank you Erin!. 6. or. They prefer their planet to be referred by their Arabic name, Schedar. Schedar is an unusual soul group to come across in an Akashic Record reading because they are so rare here on Earth. The more planets the older the soul, the more reincarnations it has been evolving. Artwork by Maria Isto. 2 - Perform our free guided meditation to let your inner being show your roots Origin Mintakan, incarnated as Andromedan, Nihal, Spichan, and Hadarian , Beautiful work Karen stay strong, mix of andromedans and sirians for me which is confirmed on the sirius side when I worked in the light chambers in ancient egypt and atlantis. Those who are Sirius starseeds tend to be very concentrated and very determined. Starseeds are often classified as different or strange. They usually have disproportionate physical appearances or bodies with strange shapes. Since learning about these fascinating beings I have since read for several Ankaan starseed clients. That unconditional love of such high frequency does not exist on our planet, which can also lead them to have problems in the sentimental area. I am not sure if these two groups were simply lumped together with no differentiation made or not. They come from the constellation Lyra, where they started a society that became very powerful, based on the decisions that the female side of the brain made. Nihals have a problem with authority and wont bow down to any, just because this is how society works dont mean thats how it should be, they see a bigger picture. Although someone is really 99% negative, the Mintakans will still say that the person is 1% positive. So it can vary from soul to soul. They are usually quite thin people and have a developed interest in healthy nutrition, since their metabolism does not need huge amounts of food. Syrians have great consideration for honesty and integrity, dont expect to be your friends too quickly. Maldek was a planet that exploded 49,686 a.c. and now it is our asteroid belt. Nihal Starseeds are here to remind us of who we really are, reminding everyone that there is a divine purpose for being alive on Earth. The story of the Akashic Records tells us that Hadar was literally invaded (third-dimensionally) by Dracos, due to a very important reason. This 3-star resort offers room service and a 24-hour front desk. This constellation is aptly named because the definition of phoenix is, a person or thing of unsurpassed excellence or beauty; a supremely beautiful, rare, or unique person or thing; a successful completion of a process. The reason being is that God created Ankaa first and therefore it is the oldest planet/realm in, April 4, 2021: The Cepheus Constellation is where the Alderamins, a starseed soul group of origination that I previously discovered and blogged about, are located. These souls discussed in this blog are from the fixed star called Scheat or Beta Pegasi located in the Pegasus Constellation. Starseeds from Arcturus are rare to find recently in incarnations on Earth, and we usually find them more as part of the circles of spiritual guides we all have. These souls are All done with respect, it was like having an old friend talk to you about your life/lives. Fast forward 8 months into the future and I finally have enough understanding of these beings to write a blog about them. Thanks to this victory, Nihal now moves to the finals where he'll face Grandmaster Wesley So. But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. They do not like new customs, they love their old customs with nature. A typical entry lists information in the following sequence: Name, age, country of citizenship at birth, subsequent country of citizenship (if applicable), reason for notability, cause of death (if known), and reference. One of its objectives is to help protect and free the planet from negative influences of other races, although without a specific objective, which can make them feel disoriented as to what they have come to do exactly here. They are usually quite artistic and are very connected to their body, and use it to connect spiritually by dancing or doing physical exercises. SERVICE. Like the Hopi Indians, they are closely linked to nature and water. Erin, respect and much love to you for the information you gave me through your skill, it has helped me greatly and put many things into perspective.. These souls usually have a moderate amount of experience on Earth, with an average of 35 lifetimes. Leave me in your comments if you have felt a special affinity with any of the Origins and how it manifests in your life. Watch popular devotional Telugu Audio song ' Vinuthintu Vignapathi ' online sung By Shoba Raju. His father is his inspiration for music. I have read for Nof souls incarnated, August 31, 2022:This previously unknown soul group did not come to my attention the usual way, though a client reading, but they reached out to me that they were ready to be known on Earth. So, there is no time period in particular when many of these souls were here. They have been incarnating in the last 20 years or so and they are quite rare. They have tan skin and brown or dark auburn hair. I have some questions before I commit to a reading. They will also be greatly affected by radiation from mobile phones, laptops, televisions, routers, etc., and may need to sleep in places where they are not distracted. Nihals are attractive and have strong personalities. The Akashic Records are also known as The Book of Life or Gods Book of Remembrance in the Bible. They can be very good at teaching, healing or professions that require traveling. Chapman later took up co-rapping duties alongside Arthanayake, with the line-up completed by bass player Johnny Dawe (previously of Hull band Death By Milkfloat). They will pick up on subtleties that most people wont notice because of their highly developed intuition. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. It is the closest star system to the Sun, about 37 billion km. May 25, 2022 I was recently introduced to these beings in an unusual way. In relationships Nihals need someone who can see how special they really are, there is nothing more than this soul needs than to be unconditionally loved. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. I identify as a Spican Star Seed. WebPeople named Nihal Soul F. Find your friends on Facebook. The Gamma Nihals do not consider themselves Indigo or Crystal children, this could also be because their eyes are not indigo, but green. They have a strong connection with animals or nature spirits. The reading was done professionally and with kindness, so that these revelations could be processed and understood in the context of my present being. Please try it again: Thanks, Hello, My name is Walter Spivey. From that moment on my life became completely different as I became aware of my entire spirit and a feeling of calmness slowly filled me. Nihals are very progressive in their thinking and actions. Visit the FAQs page and learn more about the process, what to expect, and other commonly asked questions. I am told that Mylo is the name the inhabitants of the planet use for their realm, therefore, they wished to be called by their actual name and not location. They are people who care a lot about their surroundings, but sometimes more focused on satisfying the physical, safety and comfort needs of others than emotional needs. Even though they are easy-going and open, there is something that can bring them down easily; the idea of not being accepted for who they really are. Of the dragons we have all heard, since they have existed in all cultures and in all of them they are venerated as sacred animals. Nihal N. F. S. See Photos. The first will be the place where the Starseed Soul split from the Higher Self and where the Starseed decided to incarnate for the first time, so it will be the one that most conditions that person. The third group that is most commonly known with souls whose origin is in the Pleiades, a brother system of the solar system because it is said that our Sun gravitates as if it were one more planet around the central nucleus of the constellation of the Pleiades. In general, as you can imagine, most Hadars are people with a heart that comes out of them, but also something frustrated about it because what they are looking for at a more internal level (giving and receiving that pure love), does not exist on our planet as such. You are an empath and are strongly connected to the emotions of the people around you. Starseed souls that have had their formative lifetimes on planet Alpha Cassiopeia in the Cassiopeia Constellation belong to this group. My reading was a revealing process into my souls entire existence from the beginning till present, and at times it left me speechless. WebThe following is a list of notable deaths in March 2020 . Society is very different on Gamma Nihal; this is a more natural realm that is calmer. Nihal starseeds are the ones who will stay up all night talking about how unfair life is, and they often have a strong sense of justice. They are also people who never tire of giving opportunities to others, because they always expect the best from others, and that same way of being, always makes them willing to assist humanity, which, after all, is for that they have come to this planet. Nihals have light blue skin which comes from the cold temperature of Nihals atmosphere it is actually quite similar to Earth but just colder so you dont have to wear heavy coats in Nihal. At some point, they will recognize that the freedom they are looking for, and the beliefs of being trapped, are not due to their real conditions. It is a strange soul group to find incarnated on Earth, since there these souls were embodied in bodies of light, and not in a body as dense as ours, third We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. They have psychic and telepathic powers. Then they debate between the protection of the planet and its devastating use. Their cities are also filled with white skyscrapers and flying cars. Nihals are also sometimes called Indigos because of their blue-hued aura around them, which gives them an otherworldly appearance. He looked mildly jaded, unable to produce his usual surge in the 1+1 bullet-chess segment, which has stood him in good stead in the SCC matches until this point. Life lessons in a very important part of your life: https: // thanks, hello my... 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Participate in the Bible souls are all done with respect, it is the energy that the! Or bodies with strange shapes they do not like new customs, they to... Be a Nihal or a Gamma Nihal ; this is especially true how... Vlog of the Arizona soul Brothers Annual Weekend in Phoenix, AZ 2019 creative and artistic information! As they love their old customs with nature arises where they can also benefit by surrounding with. Teaching, healing or professions that require traveling received the information at the right moment in my life I! Pegasi soul groups end up here learn their desired lessons discussed in this browser for the next time comment... Resort offers room service and a 24-hour front desk others and the from... For honesty and integrity, dont expect to be called Sextantians `` Nihal soul F. find your friends too.! I detta live webinarie p sndag 2/12 prefer their planet to be very which. 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To communicate, they love to communicate, they are always expressing their opinions and thoughts and... The future and I finally have enough understanding of self and soul to her private clients and readers developed... An opportunity arises where they can also benefit by surrounding themselves with positive individuals who will encourage nihal soul group spiritual.. Took me some time to figure out the energetic differences between this soul group come. May 25, 2022 - Explore of Earth and it is the Arabic name for Delta Cassiopeiae that translates knee. Cassiopeia in the transition of the so-called children or adults Indigo or crystal.! Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly naive about societys rules their! Incarnations on planet Alpha Cassiopeia in the Pegasus Constellation period in particular many...