riding mower does nothing when i turn the key

With your multimeter set to check resistance, touch the meter probes to the prongs that the white wire connected to. Because the battery is dead, the solenoid coil cannot be triggered, and the starter system will no longer function. Why does my riding mower creep in neutral? 6. Now that we know the red terminal is getting power, the next step is to find out whether the solenoid coil gets power when you turn the key. In some cases, the starter will crank the engine, but the mower will not. To check the blade switch, our experts recommend to do the following: Like before, 0 ohms implies your blade switch is good, while infinite resistance means you need to replace it. Required fields are marked *. This should send a charge onto the valve, and if it is functioning normally, it will open. Before gaining access to the battery, turn off the ignition system. How to Get More HP Out of a Lawn Mower Engine. To give you a better view, weve removed the hood. Affiliate disclosure: As an Amazon Associate, we may earn commissions from qualifying purchases from Amazon.com. Remove the flywheel housing from the top of your engine. However, you may need a lawn mower specialist to get you back to trimming your grass. If the brake pedal doesnt work, then you need to inspect your brake detector. Why will my lawn mower turn over but not start? Read morehere. If you do hear a click sound when you turn the key, check out - "Mower Wont Start Just Clicks". LawnMowerGuru.com, All Rights Reserved. Turn off the ignition. The battery voltage will be higher than 12 volts if it is tested using a multimeter. If all of these components have been checked and are in good condition, then you may need to check the engines internal components like the carburetor, fuel pump, and flywheel. Fuel Not Reaching the Engine: Tap the side of the carburetor to help the flow of gas. Heres a videothat shows how. If your riding lawn mower doesn't do anything when you turn the key to start the engine, it could be a variety of things. Second, check for power from the battery to one of the large terminals on the solenoid. This is very common on riding mowers, as it's stored over winter, and the battery will slowly discharge. There are two wires which cross directly above the valve as it lays in the timer that you will touch with a multimeter. Testing the ignition switch on a lawn mower can be done in the following steps: 1. If this is found to be the problem, a replacement spark plug should be obtained and installed. This is very common on riding mowers, as it's stored over winter, and the battery will slowly discharge. The most common problem associated with a bad spark plug in a lawnmower is that the mower is. If it still doesnt measure more than 12 volts at the red post, replace the red battery cable. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,600],'remodelormove_com-mobile-leaderboard-2','ezslot_24',167,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-remodelormove_com-mobile-leaderboard-2-0');For more accuracy, use the multimeters voltage setting by connecting the black lead of the multimeter to the negative switch terminal, and the red lead of the multimeter to the positive switch terminal. How do you start a choke on a riding lawn mower? The problem with your mower could be with the switches. Set the multimeter to measure DC voltage. Start the Engine. Your email address will not be published. If the brake switch is okay, well check the blade switch. If you have turned the key on your lawn mower and nothing happens, the first step you should take is to check the fuel tank. If you measure infinite resistance, replace the fuse because it's blown. Turn the key to start the engine and check the resistance in your meter display. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Inspect your battery terminals and cables, and test the battery. Only a select few varieties of wood are suitable for use in outdoor projects, among these are cedar and pressure-treated lumber. Look for the large terminal posts on the solenoid where the thick red wires connect to the solenoid. So, let's get back to troubleshooting the starting system. Make that the parking brake is activated and the blades are removed before taking any action. It is possible to bypass the ignition switch, depending on the type of vehicle you have. Before you do anything, make sure the parking brake is set and the blades are disengaged. If you're unsure whether the fuse is blown, check for continuity through the fuse using your multimeter. Heres how to install a new one. If the fuse is okay, reinstall it in the holder and secure it with the zip tie. If you are getting a voltage reading, then the solenoid is not bad. If you turn the key on riding lawn mower and nothing happens. How do I charge a dead battery on my riding mower? The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance". If a simple recharge doesnt work, you need to replace the battery pack in the mower. Others run on diesel and dont need spark plugs. If it is, then check the terminals and cables for corrosion and make sure theyre clean and connected. Most contemporary mowers will link the sensors to a central controller, which controls the safety mechanisms on the mower. A word of warning here: Dont let the meter lead touch both the solenoid posts at the same time or youll see a severe spark. When you release the key to the Run position, this DC of twelve (12) volts is then redirected. Wear gloves before you walk through this step. What are the symptoms of a bad solenoid on a riding lawn mower? Checking the battery and its connections is also a good idea. Pushed it to the garage, and assuming it is an electrical problem, printed offline a toro 74360 electrical guide. Well demonstrate how to identify the root of the issue by inspecting the battery, solenoid posts and coil, fuse, ignition switch, brake interlock switch, and blade switch on the riding lawnmower. If the switch passes the test, reconnect the spark plug wire to the spark plug and start the engine. If the multimeter measures battery voltage, it will be more than 12 volts. If theres no sound, the starter solenoid is likely malfunctioning or you might have a dead car battery. Veteran,.and proud ! Pull the wire harness off the brake switch. The most common cause for the engine not turning over is simply the battery. 4) When the key is turned to the start position, the ignition switch activates the white wire, supplying power to ignite the solenoids coil. You should measure near 0 ohms of resistance through this section of wiring. When you insert your key into the ignition switch and nothing happens or it just doesn't feel right when you turn your key, you may have a bad ignition switch preventing your riding mower from starting. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,600],'remodelormove_com-leader-3','ezslot_17',166,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-remodelormove_com-leader-3-0');Additionally, bypassing the ignition switch is generally not recommended, as it can cause significant wear and tear to the starter motor, reduce fuel efficiency, and potentially cause battery problems due to constant draining of power. 7. Stop and wait five minutes. The solenoid has to be replaced if the engine turns over and starts. Saves the trouble of having to use a diode there too. The charger should work on at least 10volts to charge the battery. Assure your troubleshooting isnt impacted by any safety switches. 3. A few symptoms provide clues that its time to change a spark plug. Typically, sensors or switches control these features, and they are routed through the control module. Check Battery & Connections To test a battery you need a volt meter, but if you don't have one try this basic check. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Contact the positive terminal of the multi-meter with the red probe and the negative terminal with the black probe. It is also possible that the issue is related to the fuel system. Riding Lawn Mower Doesn't Crank or Click Sears PartsDirect 108K subscribers Subscribe 8.7K 1.2M views 5 years ago Find the written article that matches this video here:. If the sensors in the motor work correctly, a circuit module will also output a command to the starter through the solenoid. If you measure voltage at the coil but the internal contact doesn't click, the starter solenoid is to blame. If you strictly abide by these instructions, our specialists troubleshooting techniques will enable you to start your mower regardless of the model. We'll show you how to pinpoint the cause by checking the riding mowers battery, solenoid posts and coil, fuse, ignition switch, brake interlock switch and blade switch. Consult the owner's manual for instructions specific to your model. That can be quite frustrating, isnt it? A weak or dead battery won't power the starter solenoid coil. Replace the starter solenoid because the coil is getting power but not closing the internal contact to send power to the starter motor. Depending on your model, a control module could be anywhere, even under the seat. The cause could be anything, including faulty ignition switches, fuses, or weak battery connections. A mower solenoid is a type of electrical component that is responsible for transferring electric current from the battery to the starter motor. This suggests that the battery is providing energy to the starter solenoid. Then, check the spark plug to ensure it is not wet or corroded and that the spark plug wire is firmly connected. Like automobile car,riding mower requires to charge a battery, starter motor, and ignition switch. Clip the red meter probe to the white wire female spade connector and the black meter probe to the black wire female spade connector. Understanding how the initial system functions aids in focusing on the issue. How to Start a Riding Lawn Mower? Why does my lawn mower not have any power? Engage the Parking Brake. 2. A good fuse should measure near 0 ohms. Husqvarna Gas Tank is Empty The most obvious answer to your Husqvarna not starting is the lack of fuel. When the key is in the on position, the multimeter should read a higher resistance, indicating the switch is sending a current through the circuit. The main ones to check are the brake pedal switch, blade switch, battery connection, weight sensor (to make sure a driver is sitting before the mower works). Can you start a riding mower without a starter? Hire a local automotive locksmith to come out and fix it. If your riding lawn mower is clicking but not starting, the best course of action is to check the battery and spark plug, and to investigate any fuel system issues. Your email address will not be published. Robert Johnson is a woodworker who takes joy in sharing his passion for creating to the rest of the world. Check Battery & Connections To test a battery you need a voltmeter, but if you don't have one try this basic check. The parking brake must always be fully engaged when starting. Even though they are more expensive than riding mowers, zero-turn mowers can cut your grass more quickly and effectively. Before turning off the meter, turn the ignition key to the start position and take note of the voltage reading there. Using your multi-meter probes, touch both prongs to measure the resistance of the blade switch. The lawn mower will have a transmission bypass lever that will allow the operator to manually move the mower. The coil closes an internal contact to send power from the red battery cable to the black wire, which powers the starter motor to spin the engine. Next, we'll check continuity through the red wire from the starter solenoid post to the ignition switch. Then, you can figure out the correct approach for getting your tractor up and running again. Well send you a nice letter with latest posts once per week. Locate the spark plug, often found on the front of the mower, and disconnect the spark plug wire, revealing the plug beneath. On a Briggs, the code is the DOM, yymmddzz. It can go bad due to a number of factors, including corrosion of the solenoid due to environmental conditions, improper installation or maintenance of the part, general wear and tear, or simply because it is an older part. Bypassing a broken ignition switch is quite a technical procedure that will require a little more than just a manual and a keen sense of learning. What is the life expectancy of a zero turn mower? No clicks, no nothing but dash numbers. Check the PTO switch,at the connector (turn key/wiggle connector),and also check the forward/reverse switch. With the multimeter set to measure resistance, touch one meter probe to the B prong on the back of the ignition switch and the other meter probe to the S prong. One of the most important parts of a riding lawn mower is the ignition switch. We'll use this Craftsman riding lawn mower for our troubleshooting. It just keeps going and going.This video is for entertainment purposes only. But when the solenoid turns on the starter motor, it makes a clicking sound. Step 1: Detach the Battery. When you start the engine and your riding mower does not forward nor reverse, your ignition switchs contacts complete a circuit. In addition, find the riding mower parts you need to fix your mower. Starter Spins Without Fully Engaging the Flywheel (Rare). Craftsman Riding Mower. In addition, if your ignition switch isnt functioning properly, you may find that your dashboard lights are slower to turn on each time you start the vehicle, or they may flicker while the engine is running. If the key switch is working properly, when the key is in the off position, the multimeter should read 0 ohms, indicating no resistance. What To Try When Your Key Wont Turn Your Ignition. When a mower solenoid goes bad, it usually needs to be replaced to ensure proper operation of the mower. How do I clean the carburetor on my lawn mower? First, well check for a blown fuse because you can usually see a blown fuse just by looking at it. Check That Power is Getting to the Starter Solenoid. If it is not working properly, it can cause the lawn mower to not start or to run erratically. 4. How to replace a riding lawn mower rear tire, How to replace a riding lawn mower fuel filter, Top 10 electric lawn and garden tools for 2023, How to remove a lawn mower blade using a removal tool, Riding mower parts and supplies to stock up on video, Shop Model #SHV68TL3UC/07 Bosch dishwasher, Shop Model #502254982 Craftsman 12-hp tractor, Genie Garage Door Opener Replacement Parts, Samsung NX58H5600SS/AA-01 gas range parts, Briggs & Stratton 130212-3250-01 lawn & garden engine parts, Craftsman 247204112 rear-engine riding mower parts. If the battery is weak, you must charge it to start. Follow these steps to change a faulty solenoid: While you can repair some solenoids, its often better to change them for longevity. You need a reading of about 12.7 volts. You can tell the starter solenoid coil is receiving power from the battery through the ignition switch when you hear a click. Finally, if the battery is the problem, check the batterys power level using a voltmeter and make sure that its in the right range. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[320,50],'remodelormove_com-leader-4','ezslot_18',164,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-remodelormove_com-leader-4-0');if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[320,50],'remodelormove_com-leader-4','ezslot_19',164,'0','1'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-remodelormove_com-leader-4-0_1');.leader-4-multi-164{border:none!important;display:block!important;float:none!important;line-height:0;margin-bottom:7px!important;margin-left:auto!important;margin-right:auto!important;margin-top:7px!important;max-width:100%!important;min-height:50px;padding:0;text-align:center!important}Ultimately, if you are experiencing any of the above signs or symptoms, it is likely time to get your ignition switch checked and potentially replaced. 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