Also with the diesel engine, Alfa Romeo Tonale boasts the most direct steering in the segment (13:6:1), which guarantees a safe and confortable driving experience, placing it at the top of the class in terms of agility and driving dynamics. The system has a15.5kWh battery and delivers a total output of 280HP. DISCOVER MORE. Immerse yourself in the rich tones and vibrations of our "Alfa Romeo Tonale" playlist. Both Apple CarPlay support and Android Auto compatibility are wireless allowing easy access in the cabin. At the end of the drive, when the vehicle is turned off, the device alerts and reminds the driver to check the rear cabin before leaving. The Tonale symbolizes Alfa Romeo and its continued commitment to driver safety and security. Prijavite se na testno vonjo in doivite edinstveno izkunjo vonje z vozilom Alfa Romeo. Values are determined on the basis of the WLTP test procedure, updated on 04/28/2021 and displayed for comparative purpose. Whlen Sie Modell, Motor, Ausstattung und mehr. Alfa Romeo si pridruje pravico, da kadarkoli spremeni specifikacijo svojih vozil. Hybrid 130. Welcome to Alfa Romeo Middle East. Gas Hybrid VGT 160 DCT Thanks to its next-generation software architecture, the Tonale offers a full set of technological innovations. Obvolanski prestavni roici tudi s samodejnim menjalnikom ponujata odzivno in vznemirljivo alternativo kateri koli vonji ali potovanju. My Navigation also includes Parking and Fuel Station Finder and Novi Alfa Romeo Tonale je opremljen s storitvijo Amazon Alexa*, ki vam daje obutek, da nikoli niste odli od doma. Shark fin antenna Activate the service to keep up to 8 devices connected with 4G LTE Wi-Fi hotspot. ALFA ROMEO STELLANTIS N.V. Corporate Office: Singapore straat 92, 1175 RA, Lijnden, Netherlands. Upscale features and materials like our available Alcantara and techno-leather trimmed seats stand out with their unique gradient effectthe 3D like effect creates a contrasting background color in the seats fabric. Model Alfa Romeo Tonale je dosegel drugo stopnjo avtonomne vonje po zaslugi spredaj nameene kamere, ki bono in vzdolno spremlja okolico vozila, v kombinaciji s tremi drugimi sistemi: inteligentnim prilagodljivim tempomatom (IACC), sistemom za ohranjanje voznega pasu (LC) in sistemom za pomo pri prometnih zastojih (TJA). *Amazon, Alexa and all relatedlogos aretrademarks of, Inc. or its affiliates. Autonomiczny system hamowania awaryjnego z funkcj wykrywania pieszych i innych uytkownikw drg. View . Check the fuel level, the odometer and receive direct notifications for the maintenance or repair of your Tonale directly from the infotainment system, My Alfa Connect mobile app, smartwatch, voice assistants, or from the internet web portal. Download My Alfa Connect app now and start to discover all the services. Energy Recovery, to recover energy from deceleration and braking. Front and rear parking sensors Harman Kardon 14-speaker sound system. Like its big sibling the Stelvio, it's a compact SUV crossover, a first for the . Obleena armaturna ploa s ivi, Karoserija in vstavek v mrei hladilnika v obliki rke V v barvi Dark Miron Designed and crafted to put you at the centre at all times. Nuanced details like our Adaptive LED Tribolo Headlights and striking taillights mark a significant design evolution for AlfaRomeo. Speciale badge on fenders Veloce dedicated front grill The telescopic instrument panel, called Cannocchialeand with 12.3 fully digital screen and a 10.25 touchscreen for an engaging driving experience, where passion and control coexist. Named after one of Italy's highest mountain passes, the Tonale encapsulates the organic curvatures, bends and lines found in nature. Whlen Ihr Wunschmodell, den Motor, die Ausstattung, Felgen, Farben und mehr. The Alfa Romeo Tonale is now available to pre-order. GME s 188 kW (256 KM), 9-stopenjskim samodejnim menjalnikom in tirikolesnim pogonom. 2022. Apple Car Play / Android Auto. +49 4346 41160 Kontakt via WhatsApp. *Amazon, Alexa in vsi povezani logotipi so blagovne znamke drube, Inc. ali njenih povezanih drub. ISA with traffic sign recognition Alfa Romeo Tonale provides an authentic hybrid experience that combines top performance with high efficiency, versatility and comfort. Alfa Romeo and its progression into electrification still delivers thrilling performance at every turn. The advanced hybrid system combines the 1.3-liter Combined with advanced front-wheel suspension systems, it redefines how a SUV should feel on the road. Driver drowsy detection, The Alfa Romeo Tonale Super is available in 2 types of engines Honeycomb front grills Armaturna ploa iz poliuretana z be ivi Dva kromirana zakljuka izpunih cevi (prikljuni hibrid Q4) 4 min read. Pricing and offers may change at any time without notification. Its variable-geometry turbocharger paired with 7-speed Alfa Romeo TCT dual-clutch transmission and the 48-volt 15-kW, 55-Nm P2 electric motor make it possible for the 1.5-liter gasoline engine to propel the wheels even when the internal combustion engine is turned off. Sistem za zaznavanje mrtvih kotov med vonjo spremlja mrtve kote vozila in prikae vizualno opozorilo na zunanjih vzvratnih ogledalih, ko je drugo vozilo v mrtvem kotu vozila. IACC (Intelligent Adaptive Cruise Control) Prenesite brouro z vsemi podrobnostmi. Sistem zagona brez kljua The front-wheel-drive versions of Tonale, Hybrid and Diesel, come standard with the Alfa Romeo electronic self-locking diferential to guarantee perfect traction for a smooth driving experience, emphasising the agility and sporty character of this car. Alfa Romeo Tonale er den eneste model i sit segment, der er udstyret med det banebrydende "brake-by-wire"-system, kendt som IBS. Poleg tega lahko z mobilno aplikacijo My Alfa Connect dostopate do ponudb partnerjev in ugodnosti pri zavarovanju, ki so povezane s telematskimi podatki vozila. 10,25" System multimedialny Uconnect i ekranem dotykowym (Radio,USB, Bluetooth Audio Streaming) 12,3" TFT cyfrowy wywietlacz zegarw. Znailni lebdei vstavek v obliki rke V Scudetto je osrednji izstopajoi element sprednjega dela vozila Alfa Romeo Tonale. The entry-level Tonale has a 0.8kWh battery pack, and unlike many other 'mild' hybrids, it can travel for short distances at low speeds on electric power alone. Inteligentni prilagodljivi tempomat (IACC) 18 silver alloy wheels, Black cloth seats with the symbol of Biscione The premium quality of the Tonale and its seats combines sportiness and comfort, elevating the meaning of driving pleasure to all passengers. Lita platia R20 v obliki telefonske tevilnice z rdeimi zavornimi eljustmi: oblika, ki na sodoben nain poustvarja motiv telefonske tevilnice legendarnih avtomobilov iz 60. let 20. stoletja. tevilne hibridne funkcije pravzaprav poudarjajo njegov portni znaaj znamke Alfa Romeo: Tihi zagon za zagon vozila samo z elektrinim motorjem. Prestini materiali in konne obdelave skupaj z nepriakovano osvetlitvijo armaturne ploe v trenutku ustvarijo vzduje, ki je znailno za znamko Alfa Romeo. The AlfaRomeoTonale delivers optimized charging using an available Level II, 2023 FCA US LLC. The transmission enables startup and travel in electric mode at low speeds and when parking and cruising, ensuring the typical performance of a gasoline engine but with consumption (gas + electric) comparable to a diesel engine, with extremely linear power delivery and really brilliant acceleration. A distinctivefloating "Scudetto" V-shield actingas a central focus of the front of your Alfa Romeo Tonale. Should you encounter an issue accessing any content on AlfaRomeo, please, The Sedan at the Forefront of Luxury and Performance. Prestigious materials and finishes together with the unexpected backlight of the dashboard create an immediate Alfa Romeo mood. Sprednji sredinski naslon za roke Rear USB plug type A/C Model Tonale je opremljen z veopravilnim vmesnikom, ki ga lahko prilagodite, kakor elite. The balance of our luxe features and tech components like our new Cannocchiale Digital Display, creates harmony in the Tonale and its unrivaled cabin atmosphere. The Traffic Sign Recognition system uses the onboard camera to identify traffic signs: it reports them on the display and alerts the driver of the current speed limit. Poraba goriva pri razliici modela Alfa Romeo Tonale z blagim hibridom (l/100 km): 6,35,6; emisije CO (g/km): 144127. Introduced in February 2022, the Tonale is the first hybrid-powered Alfa Romeo.It slots below the Alfa Romeo Stelvio and became the first new model introduced by the brand in six years. Giulia Quadrifoglio; Tonale; Stelvio Quadrifoglio; Giulia; Stelvio; If you're seeing this message, that means JavaScript has been disabled on your browser, please . Alcantara seats Turn your device and continue to enjoy Slednjo pri razliicah s tirikolesnim pogonom Q4 e izboljuje navor na podlago, ki je na voljo pri obeh oseh. Parkirni senzorji spredaj in zadaj Te funkcije pomagajo pri ohranjanju ustrezne hitrosti vozila in ohranjanju vozila na sredini voznega pasu ter mono zmanjajo monost trenj, ob tem pa nenehno preverjajo okolico vozila v gostem prometu, kjer pogosto prihaja do nesre.. 1 fr Neuwagen Prezzo IVA inclusa. Alfa Romeo Tonale is the only model in its segment to be equipped with the cutting-edge "brake by wire" system, known as IBS. Sistem za zaznavanje utrujenosti voznika zaznava prve znake utrujenosti tako, da spremlja bono premikanje vozila in voznikove interakcije, ki nakazujejo morebitno utrujenost. Adresse: Koenigstrae 8, 01097 Dresden, Germany Register Nummer HRB 36986. Teleskopska instrumentna ploa Alfa Romeo: popolnoma digitalni 12,3-palni zaslon, ki omogoa ve monosti nastavitve. Inteligentni prilagodljivi tempomat (IACC) Alfa equips the plug-in Tonale with a six-speed automatic and a 15.5-kWh lithium-ion battery pack that's said to provide over 30 miles of electric-only driving range. Kies de uitrusting en de kleur die het best bij u past. Use the intuitive drag and drop system to adjust widgets with a feeling that is just like the latest smartphone. The Tonale PHEV is also lot faster. PREZZO DI LISTINO [ 1] 99.000. Alfa Romeo Tonale has achieved Level 2 Autonomous driving thanks to a front-mounted camera to monitor the vehicle's surroundings, laterally and longitudinally in combination with three other systems: Intelligent Adaptive Cruise Control (IACC), Lane Centering (LC), and Traffic Jam Asisst (TJA). In addition, it is the only model in its category to be equipped with the Integrated Brake System (IBS). Aluminium shift paddles. And, in case of theft, you can speak directly to a dedicated assistance center. After reporting to the police, the system will activate tracking and transmit the vehicle's position. The system comprises a turbocharged 1.3-litre four-cylinder petrol engine driving the front wheels and an electric motor powering the rear, for a combined . Izboljajte svojo internetno izkunjo s storitvijo My Wi-Fi (del dodatne opreme) ponudnika UBIGI. Tecno-leather steering wheel The Tonale versions equipped with front-wheel drive use the excellent balance of masses to optimise torque delivery on the ground and handling on corners; the latter is further emphasised in the Q4 all-wheel-drive version by the torque available on the ground for each axle. PURCHASING YOUR NEW ALFAROMEO JUST GOTSIMPLER.DELIVERY AVAILABLE THROUGH PARTICIPATINGDEALERS. AEB with vulnerable road users Traffic sign information, The Alfa Romeo Tonale Sprint is available in 2 types of engines Tonale z najbolj neposrednim krmilnim razmerjem (13,6) v razredu C-SUV zagotavlja naravno, instinktivno, natanno in neposredno vonjo. Rdee zavorne eljusti Brembo Named after one of Italys highest mountain passes, the Tonale encapsulates the organic curvatures, bends and lines found in nature. Navor z notranjih koles preusmerja na zunanji kolesi, s imer zagotavlja vzdolni pospeek in posledino bolji oprijem s podlago. Tonale | Configurateur Alfa Romeo | Alfa Romeo France. The available multi-colored LED lights in the Tonale establish a sensual ambiance. The tray, made of thermoplastic material, has been designed to cover the luggage compartment floor with an anti-slip surface, minimizing slipping and sliding. Plush elements of comfort like our available Alcantara seats and leather finishes make every surface inviting for passengers and drivers. For J.D. Welcome to Alfa Romeo South Africa. This system allows you to maximise energy regeneration with zero vibrations and shortened stopping distances. Overall braking performance is enhanced by the adoption of fixed calipers by Brembo, with 4 pistons and self-ventilated discs at the front and full discs at the rear. Alfa Romeo Tonale se pri razliici z dizelskim motorjem ponaa z najbolj neposrednim krmiljenjem v razredu (13,6 : 1), ki zagotavlja varno in udobno vozno izkunjo in ga uvra med najbolje v razredu, kar zadeva okretnost in vozno dinamiko. It also alerts the driver when something approaches the vehicle laterally. The soft glow emanating from the dashboard creates a backlit appearance in a variety of colors including green, blue, and red. Nova dizelska razliica modela Tonale je serijsko opremljena z dinaminim vektorskim usmerjanjem navora Alfa Romeo in blailniki s tehnologijo FSD (prilagoditev moi blaenja frekvenci nihanja vozila). Poleg tega lahko s storitvijo Amazon Alexa* Voice Service upravljate in spremljate vozilo od doma. Sedei iz materiala Alcantara Fuel consumption Giulia GTA/GTAm(l/100 km): 10.8; CO2 emissions(g/km): 244. An in vehicle Wi-Fi hotspot plan and linked Amazon account are required to use Alexa in vehicle. Harman Kardon Hi-Fi Audiosystem. *Storitev My Alert je del dodatne opreme. Elektrokromatsko notranje vzvratno ogledalo Aluminijaste stopalke in letvice za pragove **Amazon, Alexa in vsi povezani logotipi so blagovne znamke drube, Inc. ali njenih povezanih drub. MultiAirturbo gasoline to provide traction to thefront wheels with the electric motor, to which therear wheels are connected. Even with an automatic transmission, the paddle shifters offer a responsive and exciting alternative to any drive or journey. Objevte svt Alfy Romeo, jedn z nejvznamnjch znaek italskho automobilovho prmyslu. Alfa Romeo Tonale 1.5 MHEV 160+20KS Alfa Romeo je uao u doba elektrifikacije, a ipak ostaje odan sopstvenom DNK italijanskog sportskog duha zahvaljujui najsavremenijem sistemu elektrifikacije na usluzi brendu. *Amazon, Alexa and all related logos are trademarks of, Inc. or its affiliates. The vehicle must be properly equipped with a Uconnect 5 NAV System. Alfa Romeo has opted for this technical solution to offer an authentic electrified experience. Od soboty obowizuj zmienione wysokoci mandatw za niektre wykroczenia drogowe. Front central armrest A long line of high-performance Italian vehicles that continues to be one of the most iconic ambassadors of luxury and speed. Az innovci, a teljestmny, a mechanika s az elektronika egyttmkdsbl megszletett rendszer a korbbiaknl gyorsabb fkreakcit s jobb pedlrzst biztost a fkek . Znak Ti na blatnikih Wysze mandaty od soboty. Cruise Control Wireless charging pad These features assist in keeping the vehicle at the correct speed, in the centre of its lane, greatly educing the possibility of collisions, while constantly checking the vehicles surroundings in congested traffic where accidents often occur. e voznik ne more pravoasno ustaviti vozila, sistem samodejno zavira vozilo, da preprei ali ublai trenje. Digitalno potrdilo NFT GME s 188 kW (256 KM), 9-stopenjskim samodejnim menjalnikom in tirikolesnim pogonom. NAJT PRODEJCE ZASLAT CENOVOU NABDKU Zkuebn jzda CENKY. Sprednje in zadnje lui Full LED In contrast, the Dynamic driving mode calibrates the Sport suspension for increased handling through turns and an enhanced sporty feel.. My Alert is the optional service purchasable on the My Alfa Connect web portal that will send you a push notification on the app in case of suspected attempted theft of your Alfa Romeo Tonale, or if its towed without authorization. Tonale features a multitasking interface that is made to be personalized. 4. Alfa Romeo Tonale dosegao je razinu 2 autonomne vonje zahvaljujui prednjoj kameri koja nadzire podruje oko vozila, bono i uzduno u kombinaciji s tri druga sustava: inteligentnim prilagodljivim regulatorom brzine (IACC), sustavom za centriranje u prometnom traku (LC) i sustavom za pomo u prometnoj guvi (TJA). . It's the first car ever to adopt an NFT blockchain certification, it boasts the Amazon Alexa* Voice Service, it allows to take advantage of exclusive Amazon* services, and much more. Falls ihr Bock auf meinen kein Fahrbericht | Review | Test | Motor | Laden | Reichweite | Weltpremiere |. Njegov turbinski polnilnik s spremenljivo geometrijo skupaj s 7-stopenjskim menjalnikom Alfa Romeo TCT z dvojno sklopko in 48-voltnim elektrinim motorjem P2 z mojo 15 kW (20 KM) in 55 Nm navora omogoa, da 1,5-litrski bencinski motor poganja vozilo tudi, ko je motor z notranjim zgorevanjem izklopljen. Az Alfa Romeo Tonale az egyetlen SUV a kategrijban, amely cscstechnolginak szmt elektromos fkpedlt alkalmazza. The pictures are indicative and have illustrative purpose only. Rear seat alert You have in your hand all the tools to plan, manage, monitor, and analyze your entire fleet. The most powerful version in the line-up in terms ofperformance and level of electrification will be theexclusive 280 HP Plug-in Hybrid Q4. Pricing for the Tonale PHEV hasn't been announced for Australia, but the mild-hybrid range will kick off at $49,900 before on-road costs when it touches down early in 2023. Kontakt Facebook . The 160 HP Hybrid VGT (Variable-Geometry Turbo) is equipped with front-wheel drive and new hybrid technology. Med najbolj znanimi modeli znamke Alfa Romeo so Giulia, Stelvio in Tonale. Plug-in Hybrid 275 Q4. Configurez votre nouvelle Alfa Romeo Tonale avec le Car Configurator Alfa Romeo : choisissez les quipements, matriaux, dtails, options, prix et plus encore. Med vonjo prejemajte sprotne informacije o prometu, vremenu in prometnih kamerah. Explore the 4C, Giulietta & Quadrifoglio. Aktivirajte storitev, da boste lahko do 8 naprav povezali z dostopno toko Wi-FI 4G LTE. Alfa Romeo has been an iconic Italian luxury and high performance car manufacturer for over 110 years. for control & comfort. Giulia Quadrifoglio; Tonale; Stelvio Quadrifoglio; Stelvio; Giulia; If you're seeing this message, that means JavaScript has been disabled on your browser, please . To get full pricing details, see your dealer. Electric 4 ways lumbar driver seat adjustments Bekijk de voorraad of informeer bij de Alfa Romeo dealer naar de beschikbaarheid. Caratteristiche e colori possono differire da quanto rappresentato. Ambientalna osvetlitev (razen pri vozilih z volanom na desni strani) The telescopic instrument panel from Alfa Romeo: a 12.3" fully digital display, configurable with multiple options. Sistem za ohranjanje voznega pasu nadzira stransko gibanje novega modela Tonale in ga tako tudi v gostem prometu ohranja na sredini voznega pasu. Lui za osvetlitev tal Sistem vstopanja brez kljua This record can guarantee that the car has been properly maintained and it can positively impact the residual value of your Tonale in case of reselling. The beginning of a new Alfa Romeo era. Just ask to receive real-time updates on your vehicles status, fuel level, and latest car location. 20 diamond cut alloy wheels (Hybrid 160 HP) Elektrino zloljivi zunanji vzvratni ogledali The vehicle must be properly equipped with a Uconnect 5 NAV System. Elektrokromatsko notranje vzvratno ogledalo PU dashboard with beige stitching Explore the Giulia Quadrifoglio, Giulia, Stelvio & Giulietta. Sistem za zaznavanje utrujenosti voznika, Alfa Romeo Tonale Super je na voljo z 2 tipoma motorjev: Configurateur Alfa Romeo s alfa romeo tonale konfigurator compact SUV crossover, a mechanika s az elektronika megszletett! Od soboty obowizuj zmienione wysokoci mandatw za niektre wykroczenia drogowe to use in... 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