Midnight Requisition: To "borrow" (with varying degress of consent) a needed item from another unit. They are a permanent fixture. This term derives from the nickname "squid", meaning "sailor.". WESTPAC: While this usually refers to the western Pacific area of operations, it can also refer to a type of deployment in which a unit heads to multiple locations throughout said area. Whitney(LCC-20), as it rarely goes to sea. Beer Day: On many navy ships, even in the present day, all hands are given 2 beers if they are underway without a port call for a given period of time generally 45 days. EAOS: Expiration of Active Obligated Service. Cruise: A ship deployment from her home port, usually lasting between 5 and 8 months. Big O boat, USS Oriskany CVA34, Also called the Mighty O boat, After the fire of 10/26,1966 she was called the USS Zippo by some. Skittles: Sailors who work on the flight deck of a carrier. Ricky Crud: (1) A one-night sickness which sailors acquire in bootcamp after receiving their smallpox vaccinations. Humped the bunk: Screwed up. Like many such measures, this fooled absolutely nobody. Bells will only be rung as a single strike, or a closely spaced double strike, with a maximum of eight bells (4 sets of 2). Also called "Four fans of freedom," a desirable platform for airedales who have no wish to spend any time whatsoever at sea. Zoomie: (1) An aviator; generally refers to a USAF pilot or navigator/combat systems officer. (US slang) A well-off person who indulges himself or herself; a playboy. Today's modern electronic video game fighters like the F/A-18 will never be in the same ballpark. See also "Blue Shirt. P.C.O.D. Also lifers say things like "there is nothing a sailor needs that is not in his sea-bag"; this usually is a comment implying a sailor does not need to see his spouse or children, more rarely acronym associated with people coasting through their Navy career, stands for "Lazy Incompetent Fuck Expecting Retirement", or "Lowly Indignant Fuck Evading Reality" see also "The ROAD program.". Fast Cruise: Pretending to be underway while moored to a pier. Dining-ins are for the service-members only. Also called "Charlie" from phoenetic "Victor Charlie.". Basically, they taught the PO2 exam for 6 months. Or jump out of your rack and make it. JARTGO: Just Another Reason To Get Out. Grog: Initially, this referred to the watered down rum ration given daily to sailors in the Royal Navy. Bulkhead remover: A fictional substance veteran sailors often task new sailors with getting, as a joke. "DD" was also the type designation for pre-missile destroyers. Pucker Factor: Tension caused by high stress during a difficult or dangerous evolution. 1934, James T. Farrell, The Young Manhood of Studs Lonigan, Ch. Used pejoratively if the officer in question is overly proud of this fact. Goatrope: A confusing, disorganized situation often attributed to or marked by human error. Place where food is prepared for consumption. Contrast with the "Blue Water" Navy or "CRU-DES." Often condoned when essential to get underway. Note: Reactor department is well aware that both phrases are dumb, but it is highly effective at trolling. Some black shoes say "Live by the gouge, die by the gouge." Goat Fuck Operation: A situation in which every possible aspect fails or goes "sideways". Compare "Ricky Boxing.". Dirty-shirt wardroom: (Aircraft Carrier): Forward wardroom immediately below the flight deck for pilots wearing (sweaty) flight gear and working ship's officers. Khaki Brigade: chiefs who start taking over an engineering casualty or going over to see what is going on. It is considered by the Navy as sacred waters, and, every year during the commeration of the Naval Battle of Guadalcanal, a ship in the area will put out to sea, and drop a wreath in the area to honor the dead. Mandatory physical training regimen designed to return sailors to within physical readiness standards. ", Black Pants: An enlisted sailor below the rank of E-7 (Chief Petty Officer). To open valves in the mud drum to allow boiler pressure to force accumulated sludge out of the boiler. Usually takes the form of "Hey, did you hear (insert ship name here) had a fire in their main machinery room and can't get underway so our cruise got extended by a month?" Pisser: (1) A urinal (not a toilet). Derives from Bremerton, Washington, where there is a base at and around which such females are common. In nuclear commands, can sometimes be seen as KEY when over-nuked (the last letters of the same three words are used.). Also the haircut worn by truly motivated sailors. crud: An upper respiratory infection usually caught in boot camp by new recruits bringing viruses from all over the country. ", "Wrong answer, RPOC! "So what happened on your watch?" Retired RMs may have a ZUT certificate or even a ZUT tattoo. The day at sea has long been divided into watches, which are called: Midwatch or Balls to 4 (0000 to 0400); morning or rev (reveille) watch (0400 to 0800); forenoon watch (0800 to 1200); afternoon watch (1200 to 1600); dog watches (1600-1800 and 1800-2000); and the first watch (2000 to 2400). Fried Calamari: A sailor who has been electrocuted. Ping: To emit a pulse of sound energy from a SONAR transmitter. VA Veterans Administration / Department of Veterans Affairs: A department of the US Federal Government that assists military veterans with medical care, educational benefits for college of technical training, home loans, burial, etc. This can be for a variety of reasons: Medical, personal, disciplinary, etc. Golden rivet: The rivet, made of gold, which according to folklore every ship is built containing one of. 9 10 10 comments Best Add a Comment Ghostusn 1 yr. ago Pogey Bait: Candy, sweets, ice cream, etc., so called because such items are used as "bribes" for a pogue. Why do they call officers cake eaters? Permanent Help: Slang for a PH (Photographer's Mate) in a fighter squadron. JO-JO: Pronounced "joe-joe." Learn more with our list of military sayings and what they mean in the context of the military. Alternatively, "stop your grinnin' and grab your linen. (3) Control Unit No-go Test. Im putting a three frame rule on him. CIVLANT/CIVPAC: Home, or where you go to when you leave the Navy. So called because most of the meat of a lobster is in its tail. (2) Editing a poorly worded memo or document for clarity. When leaving base, only "essential" stops could be made in utilities, of which alcohol was not one of them. Quadzip: Four numeral zero's in a row. VASTARD: Sailors that work with the AN/USM247(V) Versatile Avionics Shop Test (VAST) operational from 1972-2006. Equipment failure is usually caused by letting the smoke out. Shaft Alley Sally: A loose and easy female shipmate that would be willing and ready to get it on down in machinery spaces and/or shaft alleys. Also "ditty chaser.". FFG: Frigate, Guided Missile, class of ship. Also called No F'n Good. Royal Baby: Originally the fattest man on the ship, chosen as part of Neptune's court during Shellback initiation, which includes kissing his belly. A special show put on for inspecting senior officers. (Submarine). Stands for either "Simple Minded Ass Grabbers" or "Sometimes Mechanic, Always Gay." Can-opener: Safecracker who opens cheap safes. They "shit" words out when one squeezes the handle. "Bull nose," "Wildcat," "Pelican hook," "rat guard, rat lines," "deck Apes.". "How are you doing today PO Jones" "Living the dream Captain". Watch: A period of duty, usually of four-hours duration, six-hours on submarines. A-Gang: The Auxiliaries Division of the Engineering Department. Killer Tomato: A large reddish-orange inflated ball used in gunnery practice at sea. Also a Variance on the rules. Here today, GUAM tomorrow: Received orders from one island to another island, as in ADAK to GUAM. (30 min of cleaning and 2-4 hours of fucking off.). Navy Shower: Not a form of punishment. Mando Commando: Sailor assigned mandatory physical training (Mando PT or FEP) for being overweight or failing the Physical Readiness Test. NAMI Whammy: Slang for the incredibly in-depth two-day flight physical given to all prospective aviators at the Naval Aeromedical Institute at NAS Pensacola. Zero: Officer. Love Boat: (1) A sub tender crewed primarily by female sailors; see also "Tuna Boat." SSGN: Submarine, Guided Missile, Nuclear, class of ship. Gouge: The inside scoop, the skinny, the low-down. Monkey and a football: Short for "A monkey trying to fuck a football, and the football is winning." Like a Big Dog: Doing something in a big way; Something larger than life that is happening; Being aggressive, mean with a loud growl. As in "Shit can that chit, you're not getting any liberty.". What is a Cake Eater in the Military - One Apron A cake eater is a term used to describe someone who is not well suited for the military life. Given for something done poorly. Wizzard: Topsider insult for a nuc. Also called a "One-Eyed Jack." Bravo Zulu: Originally, "BZ" was a signal meaning "Well Done." Operation GOLDENFLOW: A command-wide urinalysis test. "What do you do onboard?" "Gadoozlefrank is an enlisted puke. Roach Coach: A snack or lunch truck that stops at each pier where the ships are berthed. Cold Shot, Cold Cat: A catapult launch from a carrier in which insufficient speed is attained to generate lift. Quarters: A gathering of all the people in the organization. DLGN: Destroyer, Leader, Guided Missile, Nuclear, class of ship. Material condition: Status open or closed, of various fittings, hatches, etc, which are denoted by a letter. V4 Division: Aviation Fuels. Cleaning Stations: An hour-long field day evolution in which everyone drops what they're doing and cleans their spaces. Much easier than the dreaded "helo dunker. "cunt ring". NFG: Non-Functioning Gear: Used typically on Tags placed on electronics indicating malfunction description. "Go grease the donkey dick. "A grain of sand on the beach of reasons to get out of the Navy.". Standard Navy Redundancy Standard. (3) to John Wayne (a helmet): To leave one's helmet's chin strap undone, the way John Wayne often did in movies. Salt and Peppers: Refers to the old style working white uniform, where the sailor wore a white shirt, and black pants. Snot Locker: The storage area for snot a person's nose. D.B.F. Rack Oyster: when you bust in your hand and slurp your own semen for a late night snack primarily used on frigates you want to go to MidRats? Im good bro, I had a Rack Oyster before watch. "I work in The Hole." COMNAVSNACPAC, COMNAVSNACLANT: A sailor who stores a lot of junk food in their rack. ", MARF: Acronym used by a superior to a roving watchstander, means Make Another Round, Fucker. Three Frame Rule: Refers to a sailor or situation that is inherently dangerous. Non-Useful Dody) A sailor who has not completed any qualifications and is therefore of no use to their division. Pogue: A homosexual who may be called a "twink", usually under-aged. Origins of the "Cake Eater" Saying ; Where did the saying " let them eat cake " come from? If one person at the table is willing to eat all 12 apples and succeeds, that person is given the honor of "carry on" (lack of harassment by upper classmen) for the remainder of the semester. This is an all-white short sleeve uniform that makes the wearer look suspiciously like the ice cream man. Prefaced by the type or theater of service the deployed spouse is in, e.g. Blue Water: Deep water far from land. Goat locker: A lounge or galley for the exclusive use of "Chiefs.". Mags: Place to store ammunition and weapons in warships and fortifications. Must be signed off by a superior or expert. See also "Salty," below. B.O.H.I.C.A. A "My Wife Chit" is a special request that uses one's wife as an excuse/justification for needing to be absent. Atlantic Fleet equivalent to a Pacific Fleet WESTPAC. A pivoting latch, usually one of several, for locking down a water-tight hatch. Smiley-face art optional. Radioactive Rudolph: Reindeer meat brought onboard in Scandinavian Ports, especially soon after the Chernobyl meltdown. Wardroom: Officer's mess, or dining room. (3) A task that has to be done yesterday. Benny Suggs: The Navy's Beneficial Suggestions program, a method where DON employees, and Navy and Marine personnel can make suggestions to improve various programs and operations. In the aviation community, hot racking refers to an individual who has not taken a shower before retiring to his bunk, usually after working a 12-hour shift on the flight deck. It is typically made to disappear 30 seconds before it is needed, sending junior enlisted crewmembers into a panic that the mast will hit the bridge under which the ship is about to pass. A container (usually zipper-closed) for toilet articles such as soap, razor, shaving cream, deodorant, etc; especially for expeditionary sailors. Snake Eaters: Special Forces personnel such as Navy SEALs, Green Berets, etc Snipes: Sailors assigned to the Engineering rates, i.e. Origins in the P-3 Orion Sub Hunter/Killer community. A frame on a ship is its ribs and they are set a certain distance apart so if your ships frames are 3 apart the rule is 9. Elephant Scabs: Veal Parmesan. Marine Dinner Tray: Derogatory description (to the "eldest service branch") of an enlisted sailor's 13 button flap on the front of his dress blue uniform trousers. : : : : Cake-eater ' ''a term whose first recorded use is attributed to Thomas Dorgan (TAD) in his comic strip of November 17, 1918, and described by 'The Flapper's Dictionary' as ''any guy who is addicted to noodle juice parties, one who nibbles at cakes at such parties. Training Aids: Logically, these are items used to assist by demonstration some point in a training lecture. a Seaman/Airman/Fireman, getting out of line with a Chief Petty Officer. Mess line: The straight line of the buttoned shirt over the fly of the trousers. AX: The enlisted rating Aviation Anti-Submarine Warfare Technician; since merged into AT rating. MAD Boom surfing: Struggling to complete or barely passing required evolutions in training on the P-3 Orion Patrol Aircraft. A hinge is then inserted that allows for reattachment of the removed gray matter later. Wrinkle Bomb: A uniform worn by a sailor that is wrinkled so badly that it looks like the sailor slept in it. A play on words that hints at the escapades her crew may have been involved in. : (1) Currently Unqualified Naval Trainee. Usually lasts on a good day about 3-4 hours. Naval method of indicating the time of day aboard ship, usually over the 1MC. ". Also seen as a name badge at this time, so officers/petty officers will forget the wearer's real name. The first Sailor to smile loses and is required to buy a round. Also called "Fresh Air Snipe.". Corpsman Candy: Sore-throat lozenges handed out at sick bay in lieu of any substantive treatment. More recently referred to as a Carrier Strike Group (CSG). A lot of junk food in their rack of your rack and make it well-off!, Ch usually lasts on a good day about 3-4 hours rating Anti-Submarine. Both phrases are dumb, but it is highly effective at trolling in boot camp by new bringing!, disciplinary, etc and Peppers: Refers to the watered down ration... Truck that stops at each pier where the sailor wore a white shirt, and football. Meaning `` sailor. `` 's real name Locker: the enlisted rating Aviation Warfare... '' was a signal meaning `` well Done. a person 's nose get. Or document for clarity when one squeezes the handle a carrier in which insufficient speed attained. Readiness Test according to folklore every ship is built containing one of them `` Tuna Boat. the spouse. To be absent ( US Slang ) a sailor or situation that wrinkled! 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