He does not have a missile weapon proficiency so take Slings or Darts at level 12. This item has been removed from the community because it violates Steam Community & Content Guidelines. Two-Handed Swords aren't an ideal proficiency for a Ranger character, since it wastes the free points in Two Weapon Style. I do not like this. Some people also use jan in their evil parties for a thief, though he's not really evil he's fine to use in those parties. Axes are an OK proficiency and you'll acquire the best axes that can be acquired (until the expansion at least) very early on. Be nice to him and you get more interesting dialogue about Hexxat. They can be comrades with benefits or . Although she can fill two party roles, you're better off with a dedicated medic and magic user, especially later in the game when you really want to be nuking foes with the highest level magic. His Intelligence means that spell learning is not an exercise in reloading and he will also have significantly higher Lore than any party member besides Haer'Dalis. Quite powerful with high level arcane spells. If he fails, he becomes nihilistic. Not sure how I feel about having Viconia as my only divine caster, though. That's a good point but not actually useful because I consider any combat with someone in ms party read a failure and reload ', I'm doing a rare (for me) evil run with that party and Hexxat as thief right now. They are two skilled Diviners and two Fighters. (trying to keep it clean for this G rated site). New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. As a Bard, he will never have the casting capacity even of Jan but he does typically have a 3 or 4 level advantage over your other magic users so that his Skull Traps hurt that much more. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Beyond the headline superhuman attribute scores, Hexxat is basically a single-class human Thief, which is among the worst class / race combinations. Proceed and you will find the real Korkorran. Her principal competition for the medic slot is Anomen. After a short talk she will fight you and then disappear again when her health is low. She has a few other perks that make her above the run of the mill. Behind the door is a hall of statues. 2023 Overhaul Games, a division of Beamdog. * Shield and Sword Style, * Katana * Dagger * Short Bow * Single Weapon Style. Does this mean you can have a romance with her and it's possible that she won't change herself back and die? Wielding a two-handed weapon compromises survivability for a front-line fighter so you may want to have him wield mace and a shield for tougher encounters. Civilization. I rarely use her domination and drain blood skill. D&D, Forgotten Realms, Baldur's Gate, Wizards of the If your PC is a Thief, you may find that by the time you come to pick up Imoen later, Nalia's level advantage may provide a compelling reason to keep her in your party instead. Just reset her to lvl 1 (be sure to reset her hp to what she would have at lvl 1 too) and keep her XP the same so she gains all the kit abilities as she levels up. Just a little common sense much like Aerie's romance. Because his equipment boosts his skills significantly, he is fully useful on recruitment. Behind it you will find a necrotic barrier that only hexxat may pass, so go ahead and split the party. The quest is initiated by recruiting Clara in Copper Coronet before chapter 4. Not sure about CHARNAME yet, considering Cleric/Illusionist. But something isn't right. With the right dialogue choices this can be changed to Chaotic Good though this may prove to be difficult. Rasaad won't get into a fight with Sarevok if Sarevok's alignment becomes chaotic good. Only someone of single-minded purpose could overcome this barrier. If you don't cover for him, you will have to bail him out of prison. Her stats make her a good candidate for harassing casters with missiles. Speak to him and he'll offer to sell you his special ammo. Mazzy is the best ranged fighter you can recruit by some way. I dislike the wilderness. You may want to take an additional point in Slings at some point as well. The Big Metal Unit is a type of armour you can eventually create that is created from the Golden Pantaloons (imported from BGEE), the Silver Pantaloons (found in SoA), and the Bronze Pantalettes. Some characters or pairs of characters either hate or end up hating each other and will come to blows meaning that long-term it is not feasible to keep them in the party, although sometimes you wouldn't want to: Deficient Dexterity can be made right using the Gauntlets of Dexterity, sub-optimal Strength can be fixed using the Gauntlets of Ogre Power or the Girdle of Hill Giant Strength and below-par Constitution can be fixed using the Girdle of Fortitude. Alternatively, the key can be pickpocketed (confirmed with Jan @ 125 skill). The light, it's more than I can stand! He has decent strength (which increases every eight levels to a maximum of 23) and slow regeneration, but he has a not-very-good AC that you can't improve because, being a bear, he can't equip anything. Apart from Find Traps, which is at a fully useful level, his skills are all over the place: a Bounty Hunter with a rubbish Set Traps skill? Hexxat is a neutral evil vampire thief and a potential companion in. You can only solve this riddle if you brought along the Tale of the Prophet Unproved book from the library in your inventory. Its actually not necessary to have a thief in BG2. She has an amulet that makes her immune to poison, charm, paralysis and level drain among other things. The door to the left leads to a dead end with Culak and his spider pets, giving you a Ring of Free Action and a Girdle of Hill Giant Strength. D&D, Forgotten Realms, Baldur's Gate, Wizards of the It looks like you're new here. Free her from her curse and you can recruit her. RecruitmentNalia is in the Copper Coronet and will agree to join your cause if you agree to help her defend her family home. Then kill him. Cloak of Dragomir will be dropped on ground once you killed its owner, either pick it up for an extra scene later, or leave it to be silently grabbed by Hexaat. Until he gets his hands on something to improve his Dexterity, Keldorn is a bit of a defensive liability with a Two-Handed Sword. I really have no problems with the decision. Korgan, Dorn, Viconia and Edwin will be my party. If you decide to keep him in your party, you can either work on that or maybe give him points in Open Locks, since 65 isn't good enough. : The path to getting him is more than a little obscure. She also has a couple of offensive abilities including Domination and a weak summons. Did someone made a walkthrough for the romances with the 4 new characters in BGIIEE? These, however, are the features of the class and Dorn's big trick - the 19 Strength - is no longer all that special. RecruitmentAnomen is in the Copper Coronet and will join you without any reservations. if you have an extra +apr weapon you can also try the good old black blade of disaster iinstead of golem fist. Hexxat is a pure thief as far as class, and has the usual thief abilities and experience progression chart. Then there is Carsomyr. RecruitmentDorn is skulking outside the High Hall of the Radiant Heart in the Temple District. Throne of Bhaal only, if Hexxat hasn't finished her TOB quest: If Hexxat is wearing the Cloak of Dragomir: Throne of Bhaal only, if Hexxat is wearing the Cloak of Dragomir: Throne of Bhaal only, after Hexxat finished her TOB quest: Throne of Bhaal only, at dusk or during night: If there's no romance with Hexxat or Viconia going on: Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! RecruitmentImoen joins you automatically in the opening dungeon and then becomes unavailable until the mid game. That being said, the lack of continuity between how you engage with her in SoA and ToB is, like a lot of the new EE content, not quite thought through. Of her life beyond childhood, she says nothing, other than that her immediate assignment was given her by someone known only as L. Discretion is a requirement of Hexxat's profession, and she prides herself on being a consummate professional. You can clear out the spiders and traps in the corridor south of the entrance before the battle if you need a place to retreat from their high-level spells (including Time Stop, GateandAbi-Dalzim's Horrid Wilting). Head south when arriving at Crypt of Durkon, loot sarcophagi and disarm a rather huge trap until you find a group of 'Ghostly Monks' led by one Keno (x=500, y=1020), agree to help them rid of underdark intruders so that you don't miss out an optional zone, an extra scene with Hexxat plus some xp. (True of any thief, of course). Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising, and problematic (harassment, fighting, or rude) posts. However, Anomen is also good in combat which Viconia never will be. The only way you can get higher level abilities with him therefore is to play a very small party. Espaol - Latinoamrica (Spanish - Latin America). If you refuse her at this point, she will disappear from the game. Alternatively, since he lacks the ability to inflict crushing damage, you may want to give him points in Maces with a view to the Mace of Disruption. You roll your player character but your party is filled out by various individuals whom you meet on your travels and who, for one reason or another, agree to throw their lot in with you. I think you should be able to directly edit her into whatever you want, though, with keeper. with permission. The floor ahead is trapped with spikes that cannot be disarmed. She comes equipped with a non-removable Hexxat's Amulet, which provides 1 HP/round regeneration, immunity to Charm creature, Panic, Berserk, Poison, Sleep, Paralyze, Poison damage, Disease, Level drain and Ability Score Drain not caused by illithids.[1]. These are each of them pregnant with smaller spiders, which will burst out and attack when the Bloated Spiders die, unless the mother spiders are killed out of sight (e.g. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Rasaad can wear the Big Metal Unit and it will give him absurdly low AC if he does so (it will also make him look like an Iron Golem so that may create doorway difficulties). 12 :6 Minsc is another returning companion with improved attributes. Thief skills: OL: 75, FT: 80, PP: 60, MS: 20, HS: 15, DI: 70, ST: 5. Next you meet a lady named Umolex waiting for some fresh corpses. Sheis quite open to flattery, and you can: With the Shroud of the Unproved and no hostiles around, Hexxat will prompt you to leave, which you may postpone, as usual. Speak to him before you speak to the person who caged him and you can buy his freedom. RecruitmentKeldorn is found in the sewers under the temple district and will gladly join up with you to investigate the Cult of the Eyeless. The worthless stealth values (these are level 13 numbers) mean that Rasaad is also the worst-in-class scout. Hexxat is now finally free to act on her own. I've been playing female characters, and did an entire playthrough once through as a chaotic neutral fighter/mage with Hex in my group, and she didn't seem to offer anything romantically (though it could have been because I accidently romanced Dorn slightly before turning him down). Learn their story if you like; their names are required later for a riddle (Sukayna, Rabi'ah, Bilquis, and Aminah). Hexxat flirts with a multitude of female companions, including Viconia and Aerie. RecruitmentYou will (unavoidably) meet Neera in the Bridge District in Athkatla. He comes with a well-stocked spellbook, although the essential Stoneskin is notable by its absence. But what about a thief? I want to start off by emphasising that while this guide is. November 2013. Loot the sarcophagi (x=1050, y=1300) for Periapt of Life Protection and disarm traps as you go, with the key, open the door at (x=1900, y=1600). almost a bit caricatured. The area that looks like the undisarmable spike trap from the last tomb doesn't seem to do anything than to look scary. I used to love sunlight. I'd rather have her as a third melee fighter but pure rogue is not very suited for that. She needs the Gauntlets of Ogre Power to fix her main deficiency (inability to equip the best armour and shields) while he needs Gauntlets of Dexterity. As usual, there is only one Dev-approved outcome and anything else leaves you with a pittance of XP and minimal loot. :P. 1. Marcus01123 Posts: 21. 1998 BioWare Corp. All Rights Reserved. Was kinda hoping she could be my third front line character and use all those nice swords of various kinds. But I'm done using you". His weapon proficiencies are a bit all over the place since he's never going to make use of those pips in Spears. Most of the mechanics are the same between the original Baldur's Gate 2 and Baldur's Gate 2 Enhanced Edition. In the meantime, you can give him the Boomerang Dagger if you can obtain it, although that may be a little wasted on him. This rises to 18/00 at level 13 (which may be as soon as you recruit her). Atari and the Atari logo are trademarks owned by Atari This was also possible before, but the PC was accidentally required to have 14+ Charisma for that even if she was in a relationship. She also conflicts with no fewer than four companions which means that you'd only take her over Jan for reasons of personal preference. Follow her to the Wild Forest and you can recruit her there. Background: Cover for him when he is confronted by a tax official and he will join your party. Yes. She will inform you they have upgraded Dragomir's Respite with the previous items you aquired and send you on a quest to regain a former servant of "L"'s, a Lich named Korkorran.You can tombwalk there right now or speak to Hexxat later to do so. His principal failing is his disastrously poor Dexterity which means he'll be competing with Anomen for the Gauntlets of Dexterity. A hidden door in the Beholder room gets you to the last quarter of this tomb. On editing her with the EEkeeper, changing her Kit/Class shouldn't pose too much of a problem. Since he is - by some margin - the best Thief you can recruit, it is best to play to his strengths. It was delayed due to legal differences between Overhaul and Atari, eventually being released on November 15, 2013. She will insist on going to Dragomir's Tomb in the Graveyard District where you have to complete a brief quest to recruit her permanently. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. As a multiclass Mage, he'll take roughly twice as long to learn the good stuff as the competition. This means that he'll be more of a utility character than a front-line fighter. With an editor like NI that lets you edit dialogue and script files, you can simply remove the lines that check if charname is female. An unfortunate loss, but not a crippling one. If you haven't read the unique books of this tomb yet, you should read them now. If Keno died, more ghosts will attack you from all sides along the way. When taking additional proficiency points, you can take a point in Two-Handed Weapon Style or Two Weapon Style. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. I thought my next run could be an evil one, since I haven't done that in forever (might have been before ToB was released). It is only visible to you. Cabrina continued to tell stories about the vampire to new agents of Larloch . Hexxat's quotes presents lines spoken by Hexxat, together with the associated sound files. 2023 Hasbro, 10 :5 I'm at a loss of words now people. And in late game she has spike trap and UAI to further improve her utility position. You can read the character order as a ranking: Note that some companions can fulfil multiple roles. All rights reserved. Annoyed that you are actually alive she will attack. Unfortunately, her inherent tankiness is compromised by physical frailty - in particular her dreadful HP score which is 22 below what it might be. You'll want to have him learn Stoneskin ASAP. In terms of where I am in the story, I'm still in Chapter 3, just moping up whatever side-quests I can actually still do before I get involved in the war between the Shadow Thieves and the Vampires, and in terms of Variables, EEKeeper says the value for hexxatlovetalks is 24. (Hexxat will have several lines for expressing her impatience to get back, but even after youve got the Claw in your inventory that shes looking for, booting her wont make her take it, nor make her parting lines any different than usual). Did i just screwed up the romance with Dorn? I am strong, but there's a limit to how much I'll carry on your behalf. Hexxat will implore you to climb in. I didn't intend to this time either, but upon realizing that Hexxat doesn't bat for that team, I changed course. Especially if you give her a pip in something better than shortsword. Hexxat is alright if she's the only thief in your roster, Thac0 can be compensated when you equip her with bracer of Dale and +4 crossbow/bow, or better yet, +2 throwing dagger/fire tooth. While Imoen's Thief skills are just about adequate for most of your needs, Nalia's aren't. She will refuse to use anti-undead items such as Daystar, the Burning Earth, or Protection From Undead. Activate the face to initiate dialogue, choose 1>2>1>1>any for the riddle, and the door (x=970, y=970) will open. This item will only be visible to you, admins, and anyone marked as a creator. RecruitmentJaheira is found in the starting area. Not only does her class combination limit her front-line capabilities, it also makes her a significantly worse ranged fighter than Imoen, Nalia and even Jan. RecruitmentAerie is trapped in the form of an ogre in the Circus Tent in Waukeen's Promenade. Thief skills: OL: 95, FT: 95, PP: 35, MS: 35, HS: 25. Wilson is a novelty character that you can easily miss. she is not male so how could she take on Dorn to protect Haxxet? Neera will refuse to be in the same party as Edwin. So far, Dorn's has been pretty simple. trademarks of Bioware Corp. Black Isle Studios and the Black Isle The following characters benefit most from the Dexterity boost: Anomen, Keldorn, Korgan. When "killed" she takes gaseous form, goes to her coffin and regenerates in a few hours. Tell him that you're going to abandon him to his fate and he'll bend the bars of his cage and release himself. You will have to progress in the related quest to have Edwin offer to join your group. If you're not using the Girdle of Hill Giant Strength on someone else, stick it on him and he can wield the Strong Arm longbow, which is the only longbow that does bonus damage. Sun damages her however, but the Cloak of Dragomir allows her to travel under the sun, with penalties to her ability scores. Late to the party here. New items in Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition, New items in Baldur's Gate: Siege of Dragonspear, New items in Baldur's Gate II: Enhanced Edition, https://baldursgate.fandom.com/wiki/File:OH87110.ogg, https://baldursgate.fandom.com/wiki/File:OH87111.ogg, https://baldursgate.fandom.com/wiki/File:OH87112.ogg, https://baldursgate.fandom.com/wiki/File:OH87107.ogg, https://baldursgate.fandom.com/wiki/File:OH87108.ogg, https://baldursgate.fandom.com/wiki/File:OH87109.ogg, https://baldursgate.fandom.com/wiki/File:OH87130.ogg, https://baldursgate.fandom.com/wiki/File:OH87114.ogg, https://baldursgate.fandom.com/wiki/File:OH87131.ogg, https://baldursgate.fandom.com/wiki/File:OH87132.ogg, https://baldursgate.fandom.com/wiki/File:OH87133.ogg, https://baldursgate.fandom.com/wiki/File:OH87134.ogg, https://baldursgate.fandom.com/wiki/File:OH87136.ogg, https://baldursgate.fandom.com/wiki/File:OH87137.ogg, https://baldursgate.fandom.com/wiki/File:OH87128.ogg, https://baldursgate.fandom.com/wiki/File:OH87122.ogg, https://baldursgate.fandom.com/wiki/File:OH87120.ogg, https://baldursgate.fandom.com/wiki/File:OH87118.ogg, https://baldursgate.fandom.com/wiki/File:OH87119.ogg, https://baldursgate.fandom.com/wiki/File:OH87124.ogg, https://baldursgate.fandom.com/wiki/File:OH87123.ogg, https://baldursgate.fandom.com/wiki/File:OH87117.ogg, https://baldursgate.fandom.com/wiki/File:OH87125.ogg, https://baldursgate.fandom.com/wiki/File:OH87126.ogg, https://baldursgate.fandom.com/wiki/File:OH87116.ogg, https://baldursgate.fandom.com/wiki/File:OH87127.ogg, https://baldursgate.fandom.com/wiki/File:OH87129.ogg, https://baldursgate.fandom.com/wiki/File:OH87138.ogg, https://baldursgate.fandom.com/wiki/File:OH87139.ogg, https://baldursgate.fandom.com/wiki/File:OH87140.ogg, https://baldursgate.fandom.com/wiki/File:OH87142.ogg, https://baldursgate.fandom.com/wiki/File:OH87143.ogg, https://baldursgate.fandom.com/wiki/File:OH87144.ogg, https://baldursgate.fandom.com/wiki/File:OH87145.ogg, https://baldursgate.fandom.com/wiki/File:OH87146.ogg, https://baldursgate.fandom.com/wiki/File:OH87147.ogg, https://baldursgate.fandom.com/wiki/File:OH93607.ogg, https://baldursgate.fandom.com/wiki/File:OH87148.ogg, https://baldursgate.fandom.com/wiki/File:OH81269.ogg, https://baldursgate.fandom.com/wiki/File:OH81273.ogg, https://baldursgate.fandom.com/wiki/File:OH81357.ogg, https://pihwiki.bgforge.net/BG2_NPC_Rundown#Hexxat_.28Vampire.29. So you could use shapechange + mislead on your simulacrum and then non-stop backstab with the golem fist. Rasaad is located in Tradesmeet - make sure to pick him up early in order to allow time for the romance to unfold. Wilson is a bear and doesn't care overmuch. In the library, Hexxat will initiate the dialog with Diya al-Hafiz which will eventually wind up ina fight, which means you can prepare traps & summons before bringing Hexxat in there. If not, he comes with a decent weapon of his own and by the time you recruit him, you may well be able to take two proficiency points in a weapon of choice. Speaking of romance guides, can someone show me the best one for Aerie / Jaheira / Viconia? The left room is a dead end for the moment as you can't open the next door within it. Potential companion in and has the usual thief abilities and experience progression chart ahead is trapped with that. Opening dungeon and then disappear again when her health is low goes to her coffin regenerates! 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