[16] HUMINT and SIGINT Candidates must have previous training in tactics, such as CQC, sniper, counter-sniper and source development. Most candidates assigned to the Operations, Communications, and/or SIGINT squadrons go through an assessment and selection course, as well as a lengthy background investigation and psychological testing. Guerrilla insurgents in Nicaragua composed only one part of the multitude of threats facing the US With cartels all over South America creating chaos for pro-US forces, Pablo Escobar and his cartel were the targets of several US government agencies and departments, including the ISA. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed. The Decisive Action Training Environments, Worldwide Equipping Guide (WEG), and hybrid threat products authored and maintained by ACE Threats are available via the OE Data Integration Network (ODIN). (Source). IO personnel should work with intelligence personnel to improve coordination and routinize processes. (Source). Intelligence leadership should assign primary responsibility for analysis of the IE to a single organization, which would establish a foundation for institutionalizing capability integration and raise awareness of the associated challenges. Years before its actual formation, the need for the ISA, or an operational entity like it, was already being examined. What organizational changes or policy revisions are necessary to enable that arrangement? In 2016, Mr. Greco was awarded the Presidential Rank Award, Meritorious Rank, Defense Intelligence Senior Executive Services. As previously mentioned, its members cross train with the CIA, Americas most comprehensive civilian intelligence agency. Security, Intelligence, and Information Policy The Security, Intelligence, and Information Policy Section provides guidance and oversight designed to preserve civil rights and civil liberties in the execution of homeland security programs and activities. (Source), The tactics and techniques of the ISA are some of the most unique among all the JSOC special operations groups. Engagements. Each of these groups achieves different specialised tasks for their assigned mission. [citation needed]. The SIGINT group of the ISA gathered signal intelligence via aircraft, that was then passed on to NSA analysts. Saddam Hussein was eventually captured during Operation Red Dawn. To support information operations practitioners, intelligence personnel must be familiar with the types of information that are relevant to OIE. Originally the ISA operated as a tactical arm of the National Security Agency. The Pardee RAND Graduate School (PardeeRAND.edu) is home to the only Ph.D. and M.Phil. Centra Spike agents operated all around Colombia, as well as neighbouring countries where the cartels influence extended. The third known squadron is the Mission Support Squadron. There are training gaps at all levels and in both communities in terms of the importance of OIE and requesting and providing support for these operations. Originally referred to as Task Force Orange, other names have included Centra Spike, Torn Victor and Gray Fox. This representation of RAND intellectual property is provided for noncommercial use only. Artificial intelligence is a class of machines that learns and self-improves using a technique known as machine learning. Col. Jay Popejoy, chief of the Brigade Modernization Command's Threat Support section, is actually assigned to TRADOC's G-2 Intelligence Support Activity supporting the TRIAD. Permission is required from RAND to reproduce, or reuse in another form, any of its research documents for commercial purposes. (Source), The ISAs selection and training is geared towards intelligence specialisation despite conducting occasional direct engagement. It is unclear how often the ISA interrogates subjects, though given their covert operations they likely at least interrogate high-value targets. In 1979, U.S. intelligence thought it had located a POW camp in Laos using aerial and satellite photographs. Biography. RAND is nonprofit, nonpartisan, and committed to the public interest. Infiltration relies much less on stealthy engagement, and much more on subtlety and effective tradecraft. ACE Fusion Directorate integrates research and analysis efforts from across the ACE with those of the Intelligence Community to produce tailored assessments for senior leaders within the Army and Department of Defense and provides direct support to TRADOC G-2 Operational Environment Center (OEC) training and exercises. By spring 1982, the Intelligence Support Activity found itself under attack for support to former Special Forces Lt. Col. Bo Gritz, who had organized a private POW rescue mission, and other activities that some considered questionable. Intelligence Support Battalion LEADERSHIP. Are resources adequate for the scope? There are four primary battalions with various responsibilities being spread across them. In 1981 the Intelligence Support Activity began to immediately select new operators, growing from the FOG's original 50 members to about 100. intelligence support. Intelligence consumers (e.g. What does your signature ensure? (2.) IO organizations should promote greater understanding and awareness of OIE and the importance of information-intelligence capability integration, particularly among intelligence personnel and commanders. Gray Fox operatives sometimes work under the broader umbrella of "Joint Special Operations Task Force 20", which also included DEVGRU, the Army's Delta Force, and 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment. Dozier kidnapping, Operation Winter Harvest, US Army Intelligence and Security Command, United States Army Special Operations Command, 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment, "The Pentagon's Spies: Documents Detail Histories of Once Secret Spy Units", "Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC)", "Meet the Shadow Warrior Leading the Fight Against the Islamic State", "Task Force Orange: Supporting Delta Force", "Prepared Statement to be Given by MG William E. Odom, Assistant Chief of Staff for Intelligence, Department of Army Before the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence on 8 June 1982", International Journal of Intelligence and CounterIntelligence, "Memorandum for Director, Defense Intelligence Agency", "United States Army Intelligence Support Activity 1986 Historical Report", "United States Army Intelligence Support Activity 1987 Historical Report", "Secret Army Intelligence Unit Lived On After 1980 Iran Mission", "Army Regulation 6909504 Military Intelligence Civilian Excepted Career Program", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Intelligence_Support_Activity&oldid=1142221543, "The Activity", "The Army of Northern Virginia". These operatives have a cover in the commercial sector, typically as an international businessperson. (Source). The fleet was comprised of 15 different types of aircraft for a combined total of 40 aircraft, all decked out with SIGINT interception technology. This situation is compounded by a lack of awareness of intelligence organizations' processes and requirements among information operations staffs. The DHS Office of Intelligence and Analysis (I&A) has a strong state and local engagement program, whose mission is to make sure that state and local partners can quickly access the capabilities, resources, and expertise necessary to share information and intelligence and serve as full participants in the homeland security intelligence enterprise. Meaning that the government of the country these troops are operating in known that they work for the US government, however they dont necessarily know that theyre a spy. US intelligence gathering methods centre around the US intelligence process, composed of the phases Plan, Prepare, Collect, Process, and Produce. FMSOs publishes books, monographs, and papers are integral to critical thinking in the Armys leadership, analytic communities, and military education, and wherever there is a professional interest in what they think they think. FMSOs Operational Environment Watch provides translated selections and analysis from a diverse range of foreign articles and other media that our analysts believe will give military and security experts an added dimension to their critical thinking about the Operational Environment. The United States Army Intelligence Support Activity ( USAISA ), frequently shortened to Intelligence Support Activity or ISA, and nicknamed The Activity, is a United States Army Special Operations unit originally subordinated to the US Army Intelligence and Security Command (INSCOM). The United States Army Intelligence Support Activity (USAISA), frequently shortened to Intelligence Support Activity or ISA, and nicknamed The Activity, is a United States Army Special Operations unit originally subordinated to the US Army Intelligence and Security Command (INSCOM).It is tasked to collect actionable intelligence in advance of missions by other US special operations forces . Prior to his assignment as TRADOCs G-2, Mr. Greco served as the Special Assistant for Intelligence to the Commanding General and G-2 of U.S. Army Europe from 2004 to 2011 where he spearheaded the intelligence efforts of a forward deployed theater Army headquarters. There is insufficient support for OIE and little emphasis on the IE among defense intelligence organizations, hindering efforts to plan and execute OIE. For almost 70 years, responsibility for conducting human intelligence (HUMINT) has fallen mainly to the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). The ISA initially had only support activity and HUMINT gathering functions. Establishing cover as husband and wife to live in and conduct intelligence collection missions within a target country. [11], The ISA has also conducted an operation to search for US MIAs (soldiers reported as Missing In Action) allegedly held in South-East Asia in secret POWs camps in the 1980s. The unit would be immediately deployed to any country where a terrorist act against the United States had taken place, and would start providing critical intelligence, as well as setting up landing zones and . I am currently an Engagement Manager employed with Downer Professional Services, achieving the advancement of Capability Development within the Department of Defence. The USD (I&S): Principal Staff Assistant and Advisor to the Secretary of Defense and the Deputy Secretary of Defense on intelligence, counterintelligence, security, sensitive activities, and other intelligence-related matters. Despite the recent surge in interest in OIE, there is still not sufficient appreciation across the joint force for what these operations can contribute. CCMD Intelligence Support Commonwealth & Partner Engagement Strategy, Policy & Enterprise Assessment Director for Defense Intelligence (Counterintelligence, Law Enforcement & Security). The Italian police and intelligence agencies have never officially disclosed how they located General Dozier in late January 1982. Gaps in understanding, including the lack of a shared lexicon, impede close coordination between the intelligence and IO communities, risking missed opportunities and reduced effectiveness. 6th Communication Battalion. [21], Since 2005 onward, the ISA has not always operated under a two-worded Special Access Program (SAP) name (GRAY FOX, CENTRA SPIKE, etc.). Their unique abilities are called upon when other special operations forces have not been able to complete their mission due to a gap in intelligence. Apply to Operations Associate, Chief Information Officer, Examiner and more! Fulfilling a Crucial Role: National Intelligence Support Teams Capt. Prior to Saddams capture, over 40 members of his family were captured and interrogated to determine his whereabouts with little success. US Army intelligence defines HUMINT as including: The sources of this information can come from enemy combatants, including regular armed forces, and civilian sources. Subscribe to Military.com and receive customized updates delivered straight to your inbox. The commander provides this focus through the articulation of the Now, shes a third-term Virginia congresswoman. James M. Lose, USMC Introduction In the early and mid-1990s, even as the US Department of Defense worked to reduce its Cold War-size budgets, it found its military forces becoming embroiled in numerous "low-intensity conflicts" around the world. Before it operated under the name ISA, the group was referred to as the Field Operations Group (FOG). Before entering Civil Service, Mr. Greco served 22 years on active duty as an Army intelligence officer in a variety of important command and staff positions. However, the ISA intercepted Iraqi communications that corroborated intelligence collected from his family members. [6], The unit is known by many names. Their efforts may have saved more than a hundred 10th Mountain Division and 101st Airborne Division soldiers fighting near Takur Ghar in Afghanistan's Shahikot Valley during Operation Anaconda. It has also gone by a number of two-word Special Access Program names, including OPTIMIZE TALENT, ROYAL CAPE, CENTRA SPIKE, CAPACITY GEAR, GRANTOR SHADOW, TORN VICTOR, QUIET ENABLE, OPAQUE LEAF, CEMETERY WIND, GRAY FOX, TITRANT RANGER, and INTREPID SPEAR. Intelligence (Cyberspace) Personnel who collect, process, analyze, and disseminate information from all sources of intelligence on foreign actors' cyberspace programs, intentions, capabilities, research and development, and operational activities. Get the weekly email from Grey Dynamics that makes reading intel articles and reports actually enjoyable. The Intelligence Support Activity (ISA) is also under JSOC. They must maintain a demeanour of trustworthiness and calmness, so any approached HUMINT sources feel safe and trusted. [22] Candidates also come from the other military branches. The museum of failures is a fun way to encourage a growth mindset and teach staff to laugh off shortcomings. Zones are prepared, field intelligence is gathered, and targets are laid out for other forces. The most secretive unit out of the four, the Intelligence Support Activity was created after the failed Iranian embassy hostage rescue operation in 1980 to provide the then-nascent SOCOM and the . The Chief's planning element determined that DOD/Army needed to create a Joint Army-CIA force that would both develop quality intelligence abroad, but also provide site support for direct action operations. Like all units, the Intelligence Support Activity contains operational detachments as well as support detachments such as intelligence analysis, medical, logistics. The army once maintained the ISA, but after the September 11 attacks, the Pentagon shifted direct control to Joint Special Operations Command at Fort Bragg, NC. Nowadays the ISA focuses on the preparation of the battlespace for military operations across the globe. such as PRC intelligence activities or attacks against the U.S. homeland, as well as disruptions of health, economic, or financial activities in the United States coming from Latin America. Human intelligence (HUMINT) and signals intelligence (SIGINT) are the most common products of their operations. The Headquarters element of ISA is located in Fort Belvoir, VA but the squadrons and supporting elements are scattered across the Maryland/D.C./Virginia area. "The Ministry of Ungentlemanly Warfare" will tell the story of the inventive team that brought espionage into the 20th Stew Smith and Jeff Nichols discuss the new testosterone to epitestosterone ratio (T/E) used at BUDS to deter use Abigail Spanberger spent almost a decade as a CIA operations officer. What terms are appropriate to describe what is collected and what is produced? The ACE is comprised of four directorates: G6 Command, Control, Communications & Computers, Office of Internal Review and Audit Compliance, G-2 OPERATIONAL ENVIRONMENT ENTERPRISE WEBSITE, OE TRAINING APPLICATIONS HUB (CAC LOGIN REQUIRED), There are core OE narratives that describe the changing and complex conditions the Army will face whether we have a mission next month, next year, in 2035 or beyond. Go to Change area in the lower-left corner of the page, and select Sales Insights settings. In the original crest, the claymore was wrapped in a chain with one of the links broken as a reminder of those killed during the failed Operation Eagle Claw. Welcome. (Source) At the time, the Salvadoran Army was facing attacks from leftist groups and more lethal right-wing death squads. Colonel John Lackey served as unit commander from 1986 to 1989. I have accrued over 12 years experience in the Government and Defence environments in my career to date. Moreover, existing collection and analytic practices could support IO intelligence requirements, but these requests are often crowded out by Through their mastery of SIGINT, the ISA quickly got on the task of intercepting radio and telephone transmissions. The support provided can come in a range of different forms. (Source). However, U.S. Army participants in the operation have hinted that the mid-January arrests, the interrogation of those arrested, and follow-on investigations led to the eventual location of the Red Brigades hideout where Dozier was being held, in an apartment over a store in Padova. During Anaconda, ISA intelligence helped save both the 10th Mountain Division and 101st Airborne Division at Takur Ghar. There is a need for intelligence personnel who are responsible for specific IE- and OIE-related tasks, as well as ensuring effective coordination between the intelligence and IO communities. Its purpose is unlike many other special operations forces of the US military, not dedicated to direct combat, and more towards secretive and clandestine actions necessary to support other military operations. There are many examples to show that Program and Project Managers (PMs) who consider intelligence routinely, and effectively plan for future intelligence needs, deliver more capable and resilient systems than those who do not. He also leads the Armys enterprises for Critical Thinking, Mad Scientist Initiative, Foreign Military Studies Office, Global Cultural Knowledge Network, and the Operational Environment Center. Foreign language skills, although highly desired, are not a prerequisite to becoming a member of the ISA, though to be a SIGINT/HUMINT operator in the field with other Special Mission Units, working clandestine operations in non-permissive environments, knowing a minimum of several languages is usually indispensable (e.g. The vast majority of their operations are clouded not just in shadow, but in complete darkness. This report is part of the RAND Corporation Research report series. Additionally, ISA recruits from other branches of the US military and potentially elsewhere in the intelligence community. . (Source). Also available in print form. This activity plays a key role in preparing U.S. military forces for coalition operations by developing . Department of Defense Directive (DODD) 5132. . (Source), Under the operational codename Centra Spike, the Intelligence Support Activity operated alongside CIA and local police elements to track down Escobar. Some of the more well-documented operations of the ISA shed light on the general nature of the ISAs overall operations. ISA has gone by many names over the years but its current one is not public knowledge. Delta troop is tasked with countries that are a softer target for infiltration such as the Philippines or Morocco. The task was submitted to the U.S. Army Special Operations Division (SOD), which started Operation Queens Hunter. Few special operations forces are clad in as much secrecy as the Intelligence Support Activity. In the aftermath, the FOG was hard at work gathering intelligence in Iran in preparation for Operation Credible Sport, the second attempt to rescue the hostages. These deployments include Operation Winter Harvest, Operation Queens Hunter and their role in Operation Anaconda. Operation Winter Harvest Operation Desert Storm Operation Gothic Serpent Operation Enduring Freedom Operation Iraqi Freedom. Spec Ops Profile: Intelligence Support Activity, Navy SEAL Dies in Parachute Mishap, 4th Training Death in 14 Months, Special Operations Commander Fired After Being Arrested for Alleged Drunk Driving, Hit and Run, 8 Fun Facts About the USO to Celebrate Its Birthday, Cameras Now Rolling on Movie About Churchill's Secret WWII Spec Ops Unit. TRADOC G-2 supports the Armys Combat Training Centers, deployed forces, all of the Armys educational institutions and capability development activities. I have specialised in leading teams in the coordination and delivery of project management and support, workforce structure . The debris revealed a spider hole and as an operator prepared a grenade, Saddam poked his head out of the hole. The work accomplished by the FOG was successful, however the second attempt (called Operation Credible Sport) never took place because the air assets needed were not available.[11][14]. Now it's USAPAB. Editor's Note: The following text is from FM 2-0, Intelligence, 6 July 2018, Chapter 4, "Intelligence Staffs and Units." National and Joint Intelligence Support National intelligence organizations employ specialized re-sources and dedicated personnel to gain information about potential adversaries, events, and other worldwide intel- Understanding all the following is necessary for successful infiltration: (Source). I will support business intelligence engagements for multiple clients across various solution . The administration saw ground intelligence contingencies as needing improvement if future special operations were to be successful, as the CIA did not always provide all the information needed. The cyber operations team extends into other offsets of intelligence gathering, including OSINT, cyber threat intelligence and cyber warfare. Bravo and Delta troops utilize commercial or non-official cover. Sound Like You? Primarily acting as enablers for JSOC special mission units. [11] ISA included three main operations branches (Command, SIGINT and Operations) and an analysis branch, whose name changed over the years (e.g. The success was such that the operation, planned to last a month, ran for more than three years. Working alongside SEASPRAY, a specialized aviation unit that would later form a part of Delta Force, the ISA would conduct aerial SIGINT operations to assist the Salvadoran Army against guerrillas. Candidates then are put through a battery of assessment and selection courses as well as background checks and psychological testing. In planning for a conflict involving the PRC, the United States should . IO personnel should receive instruction in targeting processes, which should extend to nonlethal effects. One such organization, the Red Brigades, composed of far-left communist-leaning extremists, kidnapped U.S. Brigadier General James Dozier. Information may be released to federal agencies based on formal accreditation as specified in official directives, regulations, and demonstrated need-to-know; to federal, state, local, and foreign law enforcement, intelligence, or security agencies in connection with a lawful investigation under their jurisdiction; and to commanders/agency . In 1989, the then USAISA commander John G. Lackey sent a telex "terminating" the USAISA term and his special access program GRANTOR SHADOW. Intelligence Support Activity - Operations The ISA has been at the forefront (although very much in the background) of most of America's special operations since the early 80s. Deputy Lead, RAND Space Enterprise Initiative; Assistant Policy Researcher; Ph.D. All RAND reports undergo rigorous peer review to ensure high standards for research quality and objectivity. The RAND Corporation is a nonprofit institution that helps improve policy and decisionmaking through research and analysis. Clothing worn by locals, even in specific areas. Are you one of them? In 2003, the Intelligence Support Activity was transferred from the Army INSCOM to Joint Special Operations Command, where it was renamed the Mission Support Activity. He attended the Intelligence Senior Fellows Program and is a graduate of the Executive Leadership Excellence Program run by the Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University. After the cancellation of Operation Credible Sport, the FOG was not disbanded but enlarged. Mr. Greco has received numerous awards and honors throughout his career. It is after all, not a strictly combat-oriented role like its other Tier 1 operators. Unit names. A review of guidance, doctrine, and documentation on the information requirements for OIE, along with interviews with subject-matter experts, highlighted 40 challenges to effective intelligence support to OIE, along with 67 potential solutions to address them. IO personnel should receive instruction in targeting processes, which should extend to nonlethal effects. Intelligence Support Activity - Role The Activity's primary role is to gather actionable intelligence in order to pave the way for special operations undertook by units such as Delta Force (known as 'operational preparation of the battlespace'). However, Operation Anaconda is one of few of the ISAs Afghanistan operations known to the public. Persian, Arabic, Pashto, etc.). ISA operatives are highly skilled in the various arts of HUMINT gathering including: (Source). Exactly who would execute the direct-action operations, would be determined after the intelligence determine the situational necessities. (Source), The failure of Operation Eagle Claw was a turning point for US special operations. The trials of the ISA in Queens Hunter were not the only time the team was tested in South America. In 2003, the Intelligence Support Activity was transferred from the Army INSCOM to Joint Special Operations Command, where it was renamed the Mission Support Activity. 4th ANGLICO. Most ISA trainees are from Army Special Forces, meaning many have skills in CQC, sniping, counter-sniping and general tactical engagements. Once a member of the ISA passes the initial selection, it trains alongside different intelligence specialists, including members of the CIA. They also have direct action elements within their battalions, alongside specialists in HUMINT and SIGINT. The exact makeup of ISAs force structure is hard to determine. Acquisition Intelligence Policy. , any of its research documents for commercial purposes OSINT, cyber threat intelligence and cyber warfare infiltration relies less. Operated all around Colombia, as well as neighbouring countries where the cartels influence extended detachments as well background. 101St Airborne Division at Takur Ghar least interrogate high-value targets other names have included centra Spike, Torn Victor Gray... The exact makeup of ISAs Force structure is hard to determine his whereabouts with success... In Operation Anaconda interrogate high-value targets in another form, any of research... In Laos using aerial and satellite photographs 10th Mountain Division and 101st Division. Gathering including: ( Source ), the FOG was not disbanded but.! 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