Help me out, Bethany. Cindy took matters into her own hands and sent a letter back to the sender with a photo of her husband and his family. Passions intensified, and Montgomery began making threats against both Barrett and Jessi's mother. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: "Wish you were nude." Why not, Eleanor? Select this result to view Mary A Shieler's phone number, address, and more. We know all about getting text messages, but how do police go back and obtain, for instance, chat room transcripts? Mary Shieler would later explain her actions by saying she was "just having fun playing games online.". UNIDENTIFIED MALE: There is one catch that almost end the connection before it began. BETHANY MARSHALL, PSYCHOANALYST, AUTHOR OF "DEALBREAKERS": Well, he`s perverse obsessed and he has a compulsion, and the underlying compulsion is to create the sense of the ideal life, love and admiration, and he needs it constantly like a fix. Jessi's swimsuit photos, and Mary's screen name: "talhotblond" were the perfect bait. A love rival over a girl none of them had never -- had ever even met. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: "Yes, Jessi. Tall Hot Blonde. Rishi Sunak looked like he had won the lottery. PHILLIPS: are looking for escapism. This (EXPLETIVE DELETED) loser is leaving on Saturday. Thomas Montgomery -- Thomas Montgomery didn`t know that he was talking to a teenager until he was in prison and they handed him a picture and said, hey, here`s -- by the way, here`s the Talhotblond you thought you were talking to. He must be -- and the "Lifetime" movie portrays that extremely well. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The other says he`s a handsome young Marine. And they`re not bonded to anybody in their lives. She wants the sex. They certainly had never slept with her. The picture was 30 years out of date. While Montgomery said the virtual sex made him "feel kind of dirty," he was in too deep to sever ties with her. But the IMs that came from Talhotblond showed her to be torn --- mad one instant, desperate to return to a love with a man who she knew didn't exist teasing him. 2. GRACE: Let`s see Odom and Clements, please, Peter Odom and Kirby Clements. Online messages recovered between the lying pair revealed that the relationship had become dangerously obsessive for Montgomery who said it 'became more real to me than real life'. Montgomery's screen name, Marinesniper, was a nostalgic harkening back to the six years he spent in the military as a young man. Daniel, I`m just sick hearing these facts. And on weekends, him and his best buddy, Joe, would get together and do what 22-year-olds do in western New York, find a place that serves chicken wings and maybe a beer and a pool table. GRACE: Freaks. Tallhotblond set in motion a chain of events, the natural result of which had to be murder, and she knew it. It`s actually almost laughable until that on-line teen love affair ends in murder. Jessi and Berrett took to the Internet to make sure everyone knew Montgomery (who recently had a birthday) was a liar. Marinesniper became consumed with jealousy -- and he wasn't about to take it lying down. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Yes. The heartbroken Jessi sought revenge by befriending, in the same chat room, a 22-year-old co-worker of Montgomery's named Brian Barrett (IM handle: beefcake), for whom Montgomery had been a mentor. While Mary Shieler's husband divorced her and Jessi cut off contact (Shieler approached Jessi at the divorce hearing, according to Schroeder, and said, "why don't you get over this? And I just remember screaming at them, Is he OK? Do you miss it. Throughout all this, neither Barrett nor Montgomery ever actually met the object of their mutual desire. And on -- in this case, it`s like you think you`re selling cocaine, but you`re really selling a turnip, all right? UNIDENTIFIED MALE: "Wish you were nude." Imagine Mary's surprise when she found out she wasn't the only good liar. That is actually Montgomery many, many years ago. Home Inspections by a North Carolina Licensed Professional Burke Shuford of Triangle Home Checkers is dedicated to providing the speed & service that you need. MARINESNIPER1000: Do you want me to repeat what you said, or do you remember? You know, there`s something else, too, about this woman that was not charged. UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: "What does Brian have to do with this?" Brian Barrett was a handsome 22 year-old, the only one in this sordid tale who was telling the truth. You are having fun in your life now, so it`s time for us to leave." What`s your question? UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I checked out her bio. SCHROEDER: Yes, you play blackjack, you play a bunch of different games, you play diamond (INAUDIBLE), you know, a lot of fun games in there, specific teen rooms and there are also adult rooms. But there`s just one problem. That`s up to you, Jessi. how to tell if bean sprouts have gone bad 1; rimworld save our ship 2 derelict ship 1; kremlin website address 7; mary shieler interview. However, when police arrived at her door they were presented with 45-year-old Mary Shieler. 3. DR. MICHELLE DUPREE, MEDICAL EXAMINER, FORENSIC PATHOLOGIST: Nancy, that`s a good question, but the thing is with a high-powered rifle it`s that amount of kinetic energy that`s displaced into the body when that rifle goes off. UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: You`re still up? Intrigued by the flirtatious nature of the messages and the beautiful profile pic the girl called 'Jessi' had, Montgomery decided to use the anonymity of the Internet and message her back pretending to be 18 too. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: "I`m leaving." Bronze Star, Purple Heart, a police officer. THIS IS A RUSH TRANSCRIPT. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I don`t know. We`re blurring her photo because that`s her daughter, her teen daughter`s photo she`s using. Talhotblond calls him on it right away. He was having an on-line love affair with who he believed to be Tallhotblond, a teen girl. Tom?" But Mary couldn't let it go. Let`s go to Peter Odom, Kirby Clements and Bethany Marshall. It transpired that Mary Shieler was taking pictures of her daughter Jessi and passing them off as pictures of herself to Montgomery and other men online. And there might be something very creative but the law here just didn`t allow for it, and that`s what`s so sad. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: "Jessi, enclosed you will find a picture of my family. ", Montgomery's alter ego suddenly and violently crossed over from fantasy to real life. Chatroom flirtation leads to deadly relationship. GRACE: worked together. It even seemed that he was losing touch with reality, as a note to himself proved. He was a 22-year-old, big, strong, happy, young man. Certainly, she has some kind of fantasy life. PHILLIPS: Absolutely, the thought -- freaks is the exact right word, Nancy. She poses as a teen on line, and on line seduces what she believes to be another teen, pictured here. Well, as you mentioned in your opening, you`re dealing with a portly, dim-witted, bald man who is living an essentially pathetic life. She would extract revenge by starting up another steamy online affair, with one of Thomas Montgomery's co- workers. I agree with Sonya. He MUST seize it, starting with the Budget, writes ANDREW NEIL, The Daily Beast: Web's Killer Love Triangle, Online Love Triangle, Deception End in Murder, Do not sell or share my personal information. You`ve been hogging it practically every night for the last month. On his part, Montgomery had created an alter-ego of himself as younger and stronger. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: So that`s how you went from being a 46-year-old man that you were. Part of HuffPost Wellness. And then she starts to aggressively pursue this young man. She was actually a 45-year-old part-time secretary with a teen daughter. Fate finally took a hand. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: (INAUDIBLE) I was older. This is my husband. I'll just play the game with her,' said Montgomery, whose tragic story has now been turned into a Lifetime Movie directed by 'Friends' Courtney Cox. Today; Well, it ended in murder. MarineSniper was 46-year old Thomas Montgomery, a married father of two. It ends in murder. UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Oh, yes, like, I`ve got all the time in the world. The kid turns out to be a 46-year-old Sunday school teacher, father of two. She is not tall, hot, blond. BARBARA SCHROEDER, PRODUCED FILM ON CASE THAT INCLUDES INTERVIEW WITH KILLER: Hi, Nancy. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: "You might get the magic." Brian Barrett's parents started a petition to enact laws to protect against future Mary Shielers. PETER ODOM: She had to know it. UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: "Please don`t say that. They should both stew in the same pot together, Peter Odom! Upon questioning her, they discovered that Jessi was in fact her daughter and the pictures and underwear she had been sending belonged to her 18-year-old. That`s mistake of fact. GRACE: OK. That`s what an avatar is, like your little mascot, right? They each think that they`re communicating with a hot teen on the other end. And you know what`s even scarier is the woman that was posing as the 18-year-old Tallhotblond -- you know, she is just as guilty of murder as the person who pulled the trigger. Few stories better deserve the appellation of our recurring category . GRACE: Kirby. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: "My heart will exist no more after Saturday, so I will forgive with an e-mail. We used something else. Both of them are parents. Brian Bennett just involuntarily gets included, and Montgomery decides, I`m going to take somebody out allegedly, and I`m going to kill him so I can get Jessi back. "There were some very provocative poses," he said. The woman that he thought he was going after was a woman, an 18-year-old woman. The comments below have not been moderated. P. ODOM: It doesn`t mean it`s right. John, so you`ve got a 46-year-old man, a 45-year- old woman. That's why his impulse toward her was murderousfrom a psychological perspective, she engaged in cyber homicide.". Unlock Profile. She continued her talking to Montgomery online: Marinesniper: my heart aches to hear you call me your tommie, Marinesniper: i wish i could be that 19 yr old marine for u, "In his mind, this was the jackpot," said Barbara Schroeder, who documented the bizarre relationship in a documentary called "Talhotblond." But when police arrived at her home, they were in for another surprise: A woman named Mary Shieler opened the door. That is a formidable injury. They were a team, inseparable, getting nails done together and prom shopping for not just one, but two dresses. Thebank that won't pass on rate rises unless you ring and ask:Just one of the ruses greedy lenders use to Meghan Markle was 'hugely disappointed' by life in the royal family and as a 'global superstar' she 'hated Twitter is DOWN: App crashes for thousands of frustrated users around the world. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: "That is up to you, Jessi. ELEANOR ODOM: I know. I`m so sorry." If you read these e-mails, he was clearly manipulated by a woman who should have stopped playing her game. (END VIDEO CLIP) GRACE: That is video from lifetime original movie "Tall Hot Blonde." But there`s only one problem. "She sends me a text message and says, she hates me you should be put in jail for this," he told "20/20.". This post was published on the now-closed HuffPost Contributor platform. EXCLUSIVE - Revealed: Carol Kirkwood's secret toyboy fianc - 13 years her junior - is a divorced police 'Digital antidepressants' to be rolled out on the NHS as health bosses give eight apps and web-based therapy BBC journalists vote 'overwhelmingly' to stage series of strikes in move that could sabotage corporation's 'This is the most ridiculous thing I've seen!' UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I was confused, and I didn`t know which way to go. SCHROEDER: Well, in talking -- we actually talked with Mary Shieler after all this happened, and I asked her, you know, how -- what were you thinking, and he was her justification for lying online. I mean, my wife and I were sick and literally I think almost throwing up in the beginning when we found out about it. He`s busy with the murder charge. Resides in Ronceverte, WV. She has spoken publicly about the deadly love triangle just once, to the BBC. Our son was just a great kid. This erupted in violence. "I just told her I'll get off when I'm done," he recalled. (END VIDEO CLIP) GRACE: That`s the lifetime original movie "Talhotblond." SCHROEDER: Huge -- it`s a huge Web site for gamers and it`s a, you know, fun -- GRACE: Gamers. I`m not going to ask you shrink-type questions like why are people playing games online when they could be doing something constructive like working or being with their children? ', Now 52, Thomas Montgomery is serving 20-years in Attica Prison in New York for the murder of Brian Barrett. She`s just a piece of dirt. I mean, his entire life revolved around getting up every morning at 6:30, going to school until 3:00, and going over to Dynabreak (ph) from 3:00 to 10:00 for a second shift to afford to go to school. But how does the young 22-year-old, the real kid in this picture, the 22-year-old Brian Barrett, who ends up dead, how does he get into the love triangle? Montgomery pled guilty to first degree manslaughter and was sentenced to 20 years, although he's now appealing, claiming that his plea was coerced. "It was stupid. CASAREZ: Good question. Montgomery and Shieler were both lonely people who reached their mid-forties with their best days behind them, who then created deadly deceptions in the hopes of recapturing the glory of youth, and of finding real intimacy by fervently denying their true selves. With me, John Lucich, criminal investigator, president of E Forensics. Mary Shieler didn't come away unscathed. We`re not blurring his photo because guess who that is? What? This includes being supportive of William emotionally and financially, as well as sharing time with William and jointly making decisions for his health and well-being.. Go ahead, Nancy, I`m sorry. They wanted to have fun. So -- SCHROEDER: Incredible excuse. Talhotblond's instant messages revealed that her real name was Jessi, a softball-playing high school senior from West Virginia. That`s one thought, that this -- these two posers were creating a fantasy in their mind that was more compelling than the reality of their everyday lives. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Her bio (INAUDIBLE) says she was 18. Why don`t you try being an adult now, and you tell me why! January 27, 2021 to present. A West Virginia senior in high school, a softball player, calls herself Tallhotblond on line, takes to the Internet to strike up a romance in a teen chat room with Marinesniper, a handsome 18-year-old set to deploy to Iraq. You know, she`s probably a nice-looking girl. So I`m a little bit shocked that she wasn`t charged with those crimes. TALHOTBLONDBIG50: No. SCHROEDER: Right. By all accounts, Mary Shieler was a perfect mother, one who loved and spoiled her breathtakingly beautiful teenage daughter Jessi. It`s amazing. GRACE: OK, question, Jean Casarez. I`m not going to bother, since you are a famous producer. He`s actually a balding 46-year-old Sunday school teacher, a married father of two. That`s Tallhotblond. But for Jessi, he invented a younger, stronger, more virile version of himself, called "Tommy." He is a balding 46-year-old Sunday school teacher, a married father of two. UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: "Why are you saying that?" Prosecutors in New York desperately searched for a reason to charge Mary Shieler, but ultimately, could find no law she had broken. Why not a conspiracy charge? This would have been a great time for the fantasy to end. Follow him on Twitter. Why are you saying that?" And she sees this instant message seductive from a woman, she tells her own mother who is Montgomery`s wife, Marinesniper`s wife. ELEANOR ODOM: And you know, Nancy, that`s not technically a crime, which is just sick, if you think about it. And it's, it's kind of frightening.". And this is what they`re saying to each other before it all blows up in murder. TALHOTBLONDBIG50: You know I care and why. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: "So it`s time for Tommy to be put to rest." And, you know, imagine that moment when you`re handed a photo of the girl that you just killed a man over. Born on April 3, 1947 at Rt. A blurred picture of Jessi Shiebler which her mother Mary sent to Thomas Montgomery when she was flirting online with him. I just thought, oh god.". GRACE: Not what I asked. I don`t care what you meant to do. Contributors control their own work and posted freely to our site. He`s the killer. Forget turnipsnow eat SQUIRREL! Jessi, meanwhile, seemed to feed off Montgomery's aggression. She said that she was bored and lonely. 10 positive effects of population growth on economic development That almost gave me a heart attack. But Jessi also e-mailed one of Montgomery's co-workers, a 22-year-old, good looking, part-time machinist and college student named Brian Barrett, to see if it was really true. And al he did was text back and forth to this 45-year-old woman posing as Tallhotblond. GRACE: Joining me right now is a special guest. Larry Getlen is a regular contributor to the New York Post, and has also written for Radar, Maxim, Variety, and Esquire. CUYAHOGA FALLS, OHIO - Mary Yvonne Shieler, 69, formerly of Fayetteville, WV went home to be with the Lord on Monday, June 27, 2016 in Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio. SCHROEDER: Well, she`s never -- to this day, she hasn`t apologized to her daughter, she hasn`t apologized to the Barretts. GRACE: Well, you`re accurate about that. Medical examiner, forensic pathologist. Which makes it all the more difficult to understand the evil this mother was secretly unleashing into cyberspace. That`s when I told her, I`m playing on my dad`s name. (COMMERCIAL BREAK) (BEGIN VIDEO CLIP) UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Furious rivalry ends in cold-blooded murder. Don`t see them. That`s where she belongs, and that`s one of the reasons why we`re on the phone talking, is because I just feel it needs to change. foreign income tax offset calculator australia; court ordered community service california; used morgan buildings for sale; john delaney snl; westfield staff parking penrith We are taking your calls. Check out more of the latest entertainment, fashion, and culture coverage on Sexy Beastphotos, videos, features, and Tweets. And in this stack of instant messages, over a dozen times Montgomery begs her. TALHOTBLONDBIG50: Life was so much better when you were my Tommy. When 18-year-old Talhotblond started instant-messaging him, he decided to pretend he was 18 too. (CROSSTALK) GRACE: Peter. mary shieler interview mary shieler interview. "They almost made him out to be a pedophile.". That`s the way I understand the facts. Patch Panels & Cable Management. But forget that. He has hinted darkly of covert ops and dark deeds best unmentioned, but U.S. Marine records obtained by "20/20" show that although he qualified as a sharpshooter, he never trained as a sniper or saw action. GRACE: Don`t start out with saying -- throwing mentally ill out there because in my world of crime and justice, when you say insane or mentally ill, you`re talking about a legal definition that could get the killer off and he could end up doing six months in the crazy bin and then walking free, all right? GRACE: Thank you. I`m Nancy Grace. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: You`ve been on line for two hours. The pair then seduced each other for months, as "Tommy" shared tales of combat in Fallujah, which Montgomery learned about by watching the news, while Jessi sent sizzling bikini photos and a split heart pendent that said "Jessi and Tommy forever." (END VIDEO CLIP) GRACE: Back to Jean Casarez, legal correspondent, "In Session." UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Don`t go creeping up on me like that, Carol. GRACE: She sent her daughter- Kirby, before you`re polluted by Peter Odom on this one, let me just try to reason with you. Thomas Montgomery sent 'Jessi' this picture of himself as 'MarineSniper'. The picture that Cindy Montgomery (right) sent 'Jessi' of her family life with Thomas Montgomery. I think Dr. Bethany GRACE: That is Tallhotblond! GRACE: With me is Brian`s father -- 22-year-old Brian Barrett gunned down as a result of a phony love triangle on line. Includes Address (7) Phone (5) Email (3) See Results. He`s not 18. And for two years, they carry on about having sex and being nude and the magic, blah, blah, never knowing that each other is lying? At one point, when his wife actually told him to get off the computer and talk to her, Montgomery couldn't. The woman behind the whole thing. Eleanor Odom, why no crime on that? Concerned about the appearance of an older man mingling online with minors, Montgomery told talhotblond that he was on his father's accountand that he was really a buff, 18-year-old Marine named Tommy. He is moving to West Virginia to be with the love of his life.". Late one night after leaving work, Brian Barrett was shot to death, executed with a sniper rifle. And then the tipping point. DANIEL BARRETT, SON MURDERED IN INTERNET LOVE TRIANGLE: Yes, we have. Shieler, according to Schroeder, has never apologized to her daughter, shown any remorse, or acknowledged wrongdoing of any sort. Mostly, Mary struck me as a bored, attention-seeking person. There they are. SCHROEDER: Exactly, fake people pretending to be real people. I'd love to get together.'". Before long the messaging became romantic, but it ultimately led to the unraveling of Montgomery's marriage, the death of a co-worker, his own eventual imprisonment and the shocking twist which haunts him to this day. Co-workers led the police to Montgomery. GRACE: What`s that? They were a team, inseparable, getting nails done together and prom shopping for not just one, but two dresses. keystyle mmc corp login; thomson reuters drafting assistant user guide. I`ve done too much damage to be undone now. However, fate caught up with him as his wife Cindy found a package that 'Jessi' had sent to Montgomery which led her to his secret pile of photos, underwear and letters from West Virginia. While talhotblond features excerpts of a prison interview with Montgomery, Shieler refused to be interviewed, although Schroeder spoke to her for twenty minutes off-camera. SCHROEDER: Sadly, after he -- after he killed Brian. Residential LED Lighting. It was innocent at first, but she kept at it. It was herdumpy 45-year-old housewife Mary Shielerwho used sexy photos of her own daughter to seduce both men, including having cybersex with them using her daughter's name and image, and eventually driving one to murder the other. SCHROEDER: Right. By entering your email and clicking Sign Up, you're agreeing to let us send you customized marketing messages about us and our advertising partners. Shieler has never apologised to her daughter and her husband divorced her and Jessi cut off contact. the professor is in interview questions 1; blue mystic grow journal. Is this for real? UNIDENTIFIED MALE: "What you two talked about." (COMMERCIAL BREAK) (BEGIN VIDEO CLIP) UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: She said, hey, cowboy, how are you doing? At one point, Montgomery told Jessi that Barrett had "made a very deadly enemy," and that by continuing contact with him, "u have done what I feared mostturned my heart ice cold." UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: "No!" Brian To/FilmMagic. It was her-dumpy 45-year-old housewife Mary Shieler-who used sexy photos of her own daughter to seduce both men, including having cybersex with them using her daughter's name and image, and. An online affair ends in murder. It was just an on-line flirtation. 'Let me introduce you to these people,' she wrote. This is actually her daughter she`s using photos of, Pete Odom. "He was enraged," said former prosecutor Ken Case. Plus: Check out more of the latest entertainment, fashion, and culture coverage on Sexy Beastphotos, videos, features, and Tweets. They`re out there, they`re anonymous, they`re living out their fantasies, they`re doing what they think is safe. JIM AVILA, GEOFF MARTZ and JOANNE NAPOLITANO, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. CLEMENTS: No, not legally crazy, but I will -- I will suggest GRACE: She`s stirring the pot, and then it boils over. You`re going to blow a gasket, Jean Casarez. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Talhotblond? The family budget was tight, but Jessi was going to two proms, her own, and her boyfriend's. ", Instant messages recovered from his computer show that the online relationship began to consume Montgomery. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: "He left a few copies of your conversation on my toolbox today. Self: On the Case with Paula Zahn. mary shieler interviewshort anecdotes for speechesshort anecdotes for speeches We used to call it "starting stuff." He`ll say, leave me alone. Montgomery found out about this, became incensed and on September 15, 2006, drove to meet Barrett as he left where they both worked and shot him three times, killing him. They`re playing some sort of game on line, and neither one knew that they were playing the other person. One night, in a jealous rage, Montgomery fired three fatal bullets into Barrett, killing him, in their factory parking lot. So he went through this whole charade, and she manipulated and kept egging him on and kept luring him back in, drove him crazier than some people feel that he already was. I want to thank you for being with us. That`s a whole another can of worms. Brian's screen name is "Beefcake" and as he consoled Jessi online, she seemed to find a better fit with him -- and perhaps a way to strike back at the combat Marine who wasn't. UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: "What would you do?" So when we say mentally ill and insane, right here in this house, you got to be able to back it up with facts and law. Reflector Series DANIEL BARRETT, FATHER OF MURDER VICTIM (via telephone): Hi, Nancy. Don't get along with your Mom? In March 2006, Montgomery told "20/20" one of his daughters was using his computer when Jessi happened to instant message him. ELEANOR ODOM, PROSECUTOR: Yes, Nancy. 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