We now have to add the filters for the jails that we have created. This tells Nginx to grab the IP address from the X-Forwarded-For header when it comes from the IP address specified in the set_real_ip_from value. Check the packet against another chain. Well, i did that for the last 2 days but i cant seem to find a working answer. The condition is further split into the source, and the destination. As well as "Failed to execute ban jail 'npm-docker' action 'cloudflare-apiv4' [] : 'Script error'". Still, nice presentation and good explanations about the whole ordeal. WebFail2Ban is a wonderful tool for managing failed authentication or usage attempts for anything public facing. Begin by changing to the filters directory: We actually want to start by adjusting the pre-supplied Nginx authentication filter to match an additional failed login log pattern. To make this information appear in the logs of Nginx, modify nginx.conf to include the following directives in your http block. The inspiration for and some of the implementation details of these additional jails came from here and here. To learn how to set up a user with sudo privileges, follow our initial server setup guide for Ubuntu 14.04. In NPM Edit Proxy Host added the following for real IP behind Cloudflare in Custom Nginx Configuration: Hello @mastan30, The number of distinct words in a sentence. Big question: How do I set this up correctly that I can't access my Webservices anymore when my IP is banned? So please let this happen! Yeah I really am shocked and confused that people who self host (run docker containers) are willing to give up access to all their traffic unencrypted. Yes, you can use fail2ban with anything that produces a log file. Indeed, and a big single point of failure. However, by default, its not without its drawbacks: Fail2Ban uses iptables to manage its bans, inserting a --reject-with icmp-port-unreachable rule for each banned host. So hardening and securing my server and services was a non issue. Once you have your MTA set up, you will have to adjust some additional settings within the [DEFAULT] section of the /etc/fail2ban/jail.local file. There's talk about security, but I've worked for multi million dollar companies with massive amounts of sensitive customer data, used by government agencies and never once have we been hacked or had any suspicious attempts to gain access. Or the one guy just randomly DoS'ing your server for the lulz. So I added the fallback__.log and the fallback-_.log to my jali.d/npm-docker.local. That way you don't end up blocking cloudflare. https://www.fail2ban.org/wiki/index.php/Main_Page, and a 2 step verification method Because I have already use it to protect ssh access to the host so to avoid conflicts it is not clear to me how to manage this situation (f.e. The supplied /etc/fail2ban/jail.conf file is the main provided resource for this. This will prevent our changes from being overwritten if a package update provides a new default file: Open the newly copied file so that we can set up our Nginx log monitoring: We should start by evaluating the defaults set within the file to see if they suit our needs. By default, fail2ban is configured to only ban failed SSH login attempts. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts, https://dash.cloudflare.com/profile/api-tokens. Sign in Should be usually the case automatically, if you are not using Cloudflare or your service is using custom headers. Ive tried to find Stack Exchange network consists of 181 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. We can create an [nginx-noscript] jail to ban clients that are searching for scripts on the website to execute and exploit. Setting up fail2ban is also a bit more advanced then firing up the nginx-proxy-manager container and using a UI to easily configure subdomains. If youve ever done some proxying and see Fail2Ban complaining that a host is already banned, this is one cause. Some update on fail2ban, since I don't see this happening anytime soon, I created a fail2ban filter myself. In production I need to have security, back ups, and disaster recovery. Solution: It's setting custom action to ban and unban and also use Iptables forward from forward to f2b-npm-docker, f2b-emby which is more configuring up docker network, my docker containers are all in forward chain network, you can change FOWARD to DOCKER-USER or INPUT according to your docker-containers network. It's completely fine to let people know that Cloudflare can, and probably will, collect some of your data if you use them. Fail2ban does not update the iptables. Once this option is set, HAProxy will take the visitors IP address and add it as a HTTP header to the request it makes to the backend. If that chain didnt do anything, then it comes back here and starts at the next rule. This account should be configured with sudo privileges in order to issue administrative commands. HAProxy is performing TLS termination and then communicating with the web server with HTTP. Adding the fallback files seems useful to me. Premium CPU-Optimized Droplets are now available. However, you must ensure that only IPv4 and IPv6 IP addresses of the Cloudflare network are allowed to talk to your server. You can type !ref in this text area to quickly search our full set of tutorials, documentation & marketplace offerings and insert the link! https://github.com/clems4ever/authelia, BTW your software is being a total sucess here https://forums.unraid.net/topic/76460-support-djoss-nginx-proxy-manager/. Additionally, how did you view the status of the fail2ban jails? Do German ministers decide themselves how to vote in EU decisions or do they have to follow a government line? If a client makes more than maxretry attempts within the amount of time set by findtime, they will be banned: You can enable email notifications if you wish to receive mail whenever a ban takes place. Its one of the standard tools, there is tons of info out there. Asked 4 months ago. If you do not use PHP or any other language in conjunction with your web server, you can add this jail to ban those who request these types of resources: We can add a section called [nginx-badbots] to stop some known malicious bot request patterns: If you do not use Nginx to provide access to web content within users home directories, you can ban users who request these resources by adding an [nginx-nohome] jail: We should ban clients attempting to use our Nginx server as an open proxy. I do not want to comment on others instructions as the ones I posted are the only ones that ever worked for me. I have configured the fail2ban service - which is located at the webserver - to read the right entrys of my log to get the outsiders IP and blocks it. 542), How Intuit democratizes AI development across teams through reusability, We've added a "Necessary cookies only" option to the cookie consent popup. Along banning failed attempts for n-p-m I also ban failed ssh log ins. Sure, its using SSH keys, but its using the keys of another host, meaning if you compromise root on one system then you get immediate root access over SSH to the other. Were not getting into any of the more advanced iptables stuff, were just doing standard filtering. Currently fail2ban doesn't play so well sitting in the host OS and working with a container. WebFail2ban. In your instructions, you mount the NPM files as /data/logs and mount it to /log/npm, but in this blog post, the author specifically mentions "Ensure that you properly bind mount the logs at /data/logs of your NPM reverse proxy into the Fail2ban docker container at /var/log/npm. How does the NLT translate in Romans 8:2? wessel145 - I have played with the same problem ( docker ip block ) few days :) finally I have working solution; actionstop = -D DOCKER-USER -p -m conntrack --ctorigdstport --ctdir ORIGINAL -j f2b- I used to have all these on the same vm and it worked then, later I moved n-p-m to vm where my mail server is, and the vm with nextcloud and ha and other stuff is being tunelled via mullvad and everything still seems to work. On the web server, all connections made to it from the proxy will appear to come from the proxys IP address. The only place (that I know of) that its used is in the actionstop line, to clear a chain before its deleted. Open the file for editing: Below the failregex specification, add an additional pattern. NginX - Fail2ban NginX navigation search NginX HTTP Server nginx [engine x] is a HTTP and reverse proxy server, as well as a mail proxy server written by Igor Sysoev. I get about twice the amount of bans on my cloud based mailcow mail server, along the bans that mailcow itself facilitates for failed mail logins. Furthermore, all probings from random Internet bots also went down a lot. --The same result happens if I comment out the line "logpath - /var/log/npm/*.log". Thanks! Connections to the frontend show the visitors IP address, while connections made by HAProxy to the backends use HAProxys IP address. If you set up email notifications, you should see messages regarding the ban in the email account you provided. By taking a look at the variables and patterns within the /etc/fail2ban/jail.local file, and the files it depends on within the /etc/fail2ban/filter.d and /etc/fail2ban/action.d directories, you can find many pieces to tweak and change as your needs evolve. This took several tries, mostly just restarting Fail2Ban, checking the logs to see what error it gave this time, correct it, manually clear any rules on the proxy host, and try again. So the solution to this is to put the iptables rules on instead, since thats the one taking the actual connections. Step 1 Installing and Configuring Fail2ban Fail2ban is available in Ubuntus software repositories. Google "fail2ban jail nginx" and you should find what you are wanting. Ask Question. If you are using volumes and backing them up nightly you can easily move your npm container or rebuild it if necessary. Feel free to adjust the script suffixes to remove language files that your server uses legitimately or to add additional suffixes: Next, create a filter for the [nginx-nohome] jail: Place the following filter information in the file: Finally, we can create the filter for the [nginx-noproxy] jail: This filter definition will match attempts to use your server as a proxy: To implement your configuration changes, youll need to restart the fail2ban service. One of the first items to look at is the list of clients that are not subject to the fail2ban policies. @mastan30 I'm using cloudflare for all my exposed services and block IP in cloudflare using the API. Hello, thanks for this article! LoadModule cloudflare_module. As currently set up I'm using nginx Proxy Manager with nginx in Docker containers. Thanks for writing this. But are you really worth to be hacked by nation state? The unban action greps the deny.conf file for the IP address and removes it from the file. I'll be considering all feature requests for this next version. How would fail2ban work on a reverse proxy server? WebSo I assume you don't have docker installed or you do not use the host network for the fail2ban container. If you are using volumes and backing them up nightly you can easily move your npm container or rebuild it if necessary. If you wish to apply this to all sections, add it to your default code block. Or can put SSL certificates on your web server and still hide traffic from them even if they are the proxy? When a proxy is internet facing, is the below the correct way to ban? I am definitely on your side when learning new things not automatically including Cloudflare. Will removing "cloudflare-apiv4" from the config and foregoing the cloudflare specific action.d file run fine? I mean, If you want yo give up all your data just have a facebook and tik tok account, post everything you do and write online and be done with it. Fail2Ban runs as root on this system, meaning I added roots SSH key to the authorized_keys of the proxy hosts user with iptables access, so that one can SSH into the other. If you are not using Cloudflare yet, just ignore the cloudflare-apiv4 action.d script and focus only on banning with iptables. https://www.fail2ban.org/wiki/index.php/Main_Page, https://forums.unraid.net/topic/76460-support-djoss-nginx-proxy-manager/, https://github.com/crazy-max/docker-fail2ban, https://www.the-lazy-dev.com/en/install-fail2ban-with-docker/, "iptables: No chain/target/match by that name", fail2ban with docker(host mode networking) is making iptables entry but not stopping connections, Malware Sites access from Nginx Proxy Manager, https://docs.nextcloud.com/server/latest/admin_manual/configuration_server/config_sample_php_parameters.html, https://www.home-assistant.io/integrations/http/#trusted_proxies, in /etc/docker/daemon.json - you need to add option "iptables": true, you need to be sure docker create chain in iptables DOCKER-USER, for fail2ban ( docker port ) use SINGLE PORT ONLY - custom. Fail2ban is a daemon to ban hosts that cause multiple authentication errors.. Install/Setup. I am after this (as per my /etc/fail2ban/jail.local): Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. Sign in You signed in with another tab or window. @dariusateik the other side of docker containers is to make deployment easy. Once these are set, run the docker compose and check if the container is up and running or not. I understand that there are malicious people out there and there are users who want to protect themselves, but is f2b the only way for them to do this? Description. Lol. Tldr: Don't use Cloudflare for everything. This will let you block connections before they hit your self hosted services. :). But with nginx-proxy-manager the primary attack vector in to someones network iswellnginx-proxy-manager! Hi, sorry me if I dont understand:( I've tried to add the config file outside the container, fail2ban is running but seems to not catch the bad ip, i've tried your rules with fail2ban-regex too but I noted: SUMMARY: it works, using the suggested config outside the container, on the host. Scheme: http or https protocol that you want your app to respond. Is fail2ban a better option than crowdsec? Did you try this out with any of those? I would also like to vote for adding this when your bandwidth allows. bleepcoder.com uses publicly licensed GitHub information to provide developers around the world with solutions to their problems. Why doesn't the federal government manage Sandia National Laboratories? If youd like to learn more about fail2ban, check out the following links: Thanks for learning with the DigitalOcean Community. F2B is definitely a good improvement to be considered. Depending on how proxy is configured, Internet traffic may appear to the web server as originating from the proxys IP address, instead of the visitors IP address. We are not affiliated with GitHub, Inc. or with any developers who use GitHub for their projects. Wed like to help. Finally I am able to ban Ip using fail2ban-docker, npm-docker and emby-docker. WebWith the visitor IP addresses now being logged in Nginxs access and error logs, Fail2ban can be configured. The findtime specifies an amount of time in seconds and the maxretry directive indicates the number of attempts to be tolerated within that time. Your browser does not support the HTML5