correspondiente al horario de la afectacin (desayuno, comida o cena) y dependiendo el tiempo de sta, los los datos bancarios, correo electrnico y un telfono de contacto, de lo contrario, la aerolnea no podr the corresponding prescription issued by a certified physician. After making the payment, the Passenger must log into our Website in the My Flight section to review the status of Customers inquiring about a fare or making a reservation at the ticket counter, or over the website any reasonable expenses that result from delay in delivery, subject to the liability limitations provided When youre ready to visit fabulous cities like Cancun or Mexico Traveling with a baby has never been easier; just follow these basic guidelines so you and your little one have an incredible flight. participant companies and details, check the following webpage precio del boleto o de la proporcin que corresponda a la parte no realizada del viaje. Viva Aerobus will accommodate the passenger on the next available flight to the passengers destination. Notification Notwithstanding the foregoing, "Viva Aerobus" recommends its Passengers to confirm the time of their flights before Women up to the 27th (twenty-seven) week of gestation may travel by Viva Aerobus without the need of any medical certificate. confirmada dentro de los primeros 10 (diez) das naturales posteriores al inicio del trmite. Viva Aerobus Families not welcome Review of Viva Aerobus Hreinn Washington DC, District of Columbia 27 49 Reviewed January 13, 2019 via mobile Families not welcome We can all have a bad day with just about any airline and never before have I felt compelled to write a warning to fellow travelers. For payment deferred to 3 (three), 6 (six) or 12 (twelve) months without interests the minimum purchase shall be of $1,000.00 servicio de transportacin terrestre aeropuerto-hotel-aeropuerto. Viva Aerobus aircrafts, provided: 1. declared the purchase of the ticket with the corresponding proof, have boarded the unit destined for such purpose. No vlido para viajar del 17 al 20 de noviembre 2017, del 15 de diciembre 2017 al 08 de enero de 2018, del IAMSA: Inversionistas en Autotransportes Mexicanos, S.A. de C.V. Official ID: The following documents will be considered as official identification: Valid passport, voter's credential, professional card, credential of the Mexican Institute of Social Security for expenses and/or losses of any kind, whether with flights performed with Viva Aerobus, other airlines and/or any other personal inspection services. Asimismo, la aerolnea proporcionar alimentos segn apliquen durante su hospedaje (desayuno, comida o Viva Aerobus has now started or announced 15 new US routes since the beginning of the COVID-19 crisis. of this limitation will be posted on any social networking site used by Viva Aerobus. Viva Aerobus both charges in addition to the Rate for the air transportation service. Passenger must pay the difference in the Original Fare in those cases in which the updated fare for the modified The Passenger shall pay precio, o WebVivaAerobus Flight Schedule VivaAerobus VivaAerobus VB Flight Status Tracker Get complete VivaAerobus flight status online at "Viva Aerobus" of the nature of the service or accommodation required at least 48 (forty-eight) hours prior to the scheduled This type of payments is reflected in its reservation within a term of 24 to 72 hours. their departure at the Internet Website of "Viva Aerobus". scans of any documents will not be admitted, except in those cases in which the Passenger exhibits a certified copy Complaints made via social networking sites will not receive a formal response. Any dispute or controversy regarding these Terms and Conditions and/or the products or services provided by Viva Aerobus shall be subject to the interpretation and enforcement by the Courts of Mexico City, Federal District, waiving the ticket service charge in accordance with the Rates published in the Website. En caso de existir una demora igual o mayor a 4 (cuatro) horas, el pasajero ser The parents or legal guardians of the Asiento ni franquicia de Equipaje. international flights. Search by: Flight Route Flight number to perform any type of reimbursement of the rates and amounts paid, since it presumes that the passenger is the sole responsible for his/her physical and psychological con sus Trminos y Condiciones y Poltica de Compensacin vigentes. (Boarding Group). Passengers who have chosen the Vivalight, VivaBsico or VivaPlus modality and appear with more than 10 (ten) kilograms of Carry-on iii. This service is subject to payment Under certain conditions, minors can travel alone, but they must be at least 14 years old. A Boarding Group shall be assigned depending on the seat selected by the Passenger, which may be any of the following: VIP Group, S Group, Group 1, Group 2, Group 3, Group 4, redondos los Pasajeros podrn hacer uso de cualquiera de los vuelos contratados en su Reservacin, sin el Pasajero hizo su reclamacin, excepto aquellas Indemnizaciones derivadas de alimentos y hospedaje, las mnimo 30 das posteriores a la fecha de reservacin. nuestro sitio en Internet en El precio The Flight Certificate is a personal non-transferrable code, which may be granted only by an authorized representative The Passenger must enter the ToditoCash card number and password. All Captains of Viva Aerobus may impose physical restrictions, at their sole discretion, on those Passengers who do not have an adequate behavior or cause trouble Viva Aerobus signs alliance with laboratories to offer preferential prices on COVID-19 tests to passengers personnel of VivaAerobus and/or security personnel of the Airports. a sus Pasajeros, para revisar las compensaciones completas, consulta la Poltica de Compensacin vigente. Flying with babies is not a problem since children between 7 months and 2 years old do not have to purchase a ticket. of the city towards the airports are made with two hours and thirty minutes (2:30) in advance to the scheduled flights Passengers under 2 (two) years old are not subject to Checked-in Baggage allowance. The Rate shall be determined according to the Distribution Channel and the form of payment further occasions by the personnel of VivaAerobus, being the Passenger responsible for having the corresponding documents at hand, pregnancy, or up to 32nd (thirty-two) week of gestation in case of a multiple pregnancy (twins, triplets, etc.) 8% de lo pagado por concepto de tarifa base e impuestos del segmento afectado para la compra de un vuelo Electronic hand tools that uses gases to cut/weld (drills, portable saws, welding guns, hammers, screwdrivers, hammers, clamps), Munitions, detonators and fuses, explosive artifacts as well as replicas and imitations thereof, mines, bombs, including party-poopers Aeroenlaces Nacionales S.A. de C.V. (Viva Aerobus) has developed the following contingency plan for tarmac delays in transport as part of the Checked-in Baggage, since due to their nature they could contaminate the Checked-in Baggage of the other Passengers. All Passengers must submit their Boarding Pass, together with an Official ID, at the security points of the Airport as well as in the Last Waiting Lounges. time thereof, after the flight has occurred and only applies for the routes and/or pre-established companies (to verify For flights to or from the United States, Viva Aerobus will promptly provide information regarding it deems necessary at any time and without previous notice and/or notification, which shall not cause any condition upon boarding the flight. or Institute of Social Security and Services of State Workers, permits issued by the National Institute of Migration, Tools controls the display. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you agree. To Passengers and/or their baggage, when pursuant to the applicable standards it is determined that they pose a risk or danger, or else, that the transportation These Terms and Conditions and/or the content of the Website may have errors and/or inaccuracies. U.S. Airport that this carrier serves. Viva Aerobus may transport musical instruments which dimensions and forms do not adjust to the regular Baggage standards, It shall not be necessary for Passengers with Disability and/or Reduced Mobility to notify "Viva Aerobus" of their Viva Aerobus will assure that the passengers on the delayed flight will receive notifications Viva Aerobus withholds the right to refuse boarding to any person who may imply an actual or potential security risk to the Aircraft and/or the other Passengers, such as: People under the effect of psychotropic (except in the case of medication prior submission of the medical prescription and prior notification to the personnel of Viva Aerobus when checking-in), People sought by national or international authorities. WebMTY From IAH Economy Coach Packages on Similar Airlines. the Passenger the sole responsible to make sure that the payment is performed with the Reference provided by "Viva You can travel with your baby as soon as they are 7 days old. VivaAerobus shall not be personally obligated to render assistance to Passengers with Disability and/or If accompanied by a third party of legal age or if traveling alone, they must submit the passport and the document that states the check purchases. concepts, provided they have been acquired through the Sales Channels and effectively paid by the Passenger. 25kg o el peso contratado segn la modalidad preferencial elegida), stos se harn acreedores al pago de una 7. de los servicios brindados por Viva Aerobus sea exacta, veraz, comprobable y clara sin inducir al error o a aeronave, Viva Aerobus solicitar voluntarios que renuncien al embarque, siendo preferentes a abordar issues in the reception of emails. save some extra money with the very best VivaAerobus discount codes, deals & promotional codes for thousands of online vendors from CouponKirin. check today's VivaAerobus freshest coupon: Enjoy Cheap tickets and flights in Mexico on VivaAerobus. Act now and grab up to 75% off VivaAerobus discount codes and deals at CouponKirin in February. Notwithstanding the above, VivaAerobus has established preferential Rates for those Passengers who travel light in accordance with the following specifications: VivaLight: For Passengers who have chosen the modality Vivalight, VivaAerobus grants them a preferential rate that is understood as an included discount of $439.00 MxCy In order to carry an additional handbag to transport the Infants Descuentos que se otorgarn a los pasajeros y trminos y condiciones de otorgamiento: En caso de que se presentara una demora igual o mayor a 2 (dos) hora e inferior a 4 (cuatro) horas, y esta 4 star & up. The Passenger accepts that upon expiration of such term it may not request "Viva Aerobus" to issue the Flight Certificate. Viva Aerobus notifies the Passengers that smoking is not allowed in any of the Aircrafts owned by Viva Aerobus. adelante. components and/or fire arms, components and/or parts of fire arms (including telescopic aim), air guns, on the tarmac for international flights covered in paragraph number 1 of this document, and value therein provided. inherentes a su condicin sin cargo adicional, siempre y cuando no se comprometa la seguridad de la corresponding authorities shall be made. All articles considered as LAG that do not comply with these guidelines and/or the guidelines of the Airport of origin and/or destination shall be collected at 3. The Viva Aerobus Baby Package is perfect for flying with babies. situation requires adequate attention and adjustment to its particular needs of the Service. proceso se lleve a cabo de manera adecuada, es necesario que el pasajero afectado nos informe correctamente electronic devices, picture or video devices, cell phones, important documents or art (Valuables).VivaAerobus does not Equipaje Documentado o por i) vicios propios de los bienes o productos, o por embalajes inadecuados; ii) of a factual report or complaint filed with the Ministry Public, where the theft or loss of the official identification realizada del viaje. The aforementioned documents must be presented in a physical and original way, photostatic copies, photographs, or Web check-in (72 h before) 1. If the Passengers carries with him/her such articles, they may be confiscated if they risk the health and physical integrity of 76, No. ): are those articles that may get ruined, decompose or become unsafe for consumption or 4 nights. with its Tarmac Delay Contingency Plan. guns and staplers, industrial, crossbows, catapults, harpoons and throw guns, or any weapon that medical certificate issued for such purpose. Only child seats that are FAA-authorized are allowed onboard Viva Aerobus (VB) flights. of 55 cm. "Viva Aerobus of the pregnancy status during the Reservation process, as well as notify "Viva Aerobus" staff during check-in process. Mdulos de atencin: Viva Aerobus cuenta con mdulos de atencin en todos los Aeropuertos En caso que se requiera pernoctar, alojamiento y transportacin entre el sitio de alojamiento y el Six of the services are from Mexico City (MEX) and four from Monterrey (MTY). The Captain of each Aircraft of Viva Aerobus is at all times responsible for the aircraft, and it is imperative that every person onboard complies with the Captains instructions. At Viva Aerobus, we know everyone's travel needs are different, that is why we have new ways to travel which cater to what you want. We now offer Zero Fare, at the most accessible price, without the need for memberships, on top of the packages you already know. Conoce nuestra Tarifa Zero. *Includes a personal item that fits under the seat. Documentado sin costo, y hasta dos piezas que no excedan en conjunto 10 kilogramos como Equipaje de Mano en Whenever Passengers with Disability and/or Reduced Mobility require to check-in an additional Wheelchair, they may do so 6-7 nights. Find out what each of our packages offer and fly only with what you need. No, infant passengers without a seat do not have to pay for a domestic ticket. 1200 Jersey Ave., S.E. de Contacto; sta ser realizada como reembolso mediante una transferencia electrnica, misma que ser adelante. In the event of a Reimbursement to a Passenger, the latter shall be entitled to receive the Reimbursement for the following website, and in the boarding gate area for flights departing from U.S. airports. Viva Aerobus shall charge each Passenger on behalf of each airport the TUA and the corresponding security fee as required by the competent authority. All passengers travelling with an infant are allowed to check a stroller, child seat and other similar items free of charge. vuelos nacionales e internacionales. 3. WebBetter options to travel. vi. Whenever the Passenger decides to make during check-in a reordering and/or transfer of articles from one for check-in in accordance with these Terms and Conditions. Si el pasajero no aceptara estas compensaciones, se le ofrecer la devolucin del precio del boleto o la Call Center: Refers to the area dedicated to the communication with the customer, partners, About Viva Aerobus Viva Aerobus is Mexico's ultra-low-cost airline. for taking decisions, always with the aim of providing protection to our users. 4 star & up. del Servicio. "Viva Aerobus" assumes that the email address provided by the Passenger is valid In the event of claims for damages to passengers inside the aircrafts, Viva Aerobus shall be responsible in accordance with the guidelines provided in the applicable Laws. No vlido para viajar our Call Center and may only be used on the same scheduled date of your flight, either prior to, or up to 4 (four) hours after the scheduled time of the original flight. substances or materials; mascara; lip gloss or lip balm. The only personal breathing assistance devices allowed onboard are of the oxygen portable concentrator type, which is a certified itinerary requested by the Passenger surpasses the Original Fare, in any other case, the total amount of the fee will Viva Aerobus does not perform connections of Passengers and/or baggage, therefore, Viva Aerobus shall not be responsible It is important that the Passenger pays attention to the announcements made by the traffic personnel at the Airport. rifles and dart guns. accordance to the Federal Register Vol. Food such as milk or formula is one of the most common questions regarding what can be taken on the plane when traveling with a baby. * These articles may be transported as checked-in baggage provided they are presented inside a proper case and/or adequately packed. Viva Aerobus will coordinate with U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) at each This Plan only applies to every Viva Aerobus For purposes of operational security, Viva Aerobus will transport no more than 3 (three) Support Animals per Flight. VivaAerobus allows the Passenger only the transportation of a couple of syringes, their needles and corresponding medication in the the Passenger for the Base Rate, without including taxes, charges and/or Additional Services. the reservation. If they are younger, you will need to present a medical certificate indicating their health is suitable for air travel. of Transportation regulations and applicable provisions of Viva Aerobuss conditions of carriage. Informacin y Publicidad: El Pasajero tiene derecho a que toda la informacin y publicidad Once the Aircraft lands at the Airport of destination, proporcin que corresponda a la parte no realizada del viaje, ms una indemnizacin equivalente al 25% del For safety reasons, in Viva Aerobus entering the Aircraft with more than 15 (fifteen) kilograms of Carry-on Baggage and/or 115 Al comprar utilizando dicho certificado electrnico, la fecha de la vuelo debe de ser A VivaAeroBus Airbus A320-200, registration XA-VAJ performing flight VB-518 from Guadalajara (Mexico) to Los Angeles,CA (USA), was climbing out of Aug 24, 2022 Incident A VivaAeroBus Airbus A320-200N, registration XA-VIM performing flight VB-187 from Chicago O'Hare,IL (USA) to Mexico City (Mexico), had taxied to Incident shall not be inferred any rights or obligations. Animales domsticos: Viva Aerobus podr transportar a las mascotas de sus Pasajeros air transport service. If the Baggage of the Passenger has suffered any destruction, loss or damage in accordance with the above section, 02 al 05 de febrero 2018, del 16 al 19 de marzo de 2018, del 23 de marzo al 08 de abril 2018, del 27 de Acids and alkaline, liquid batteries, corrosive substances and/or bleachers, for example, mercury, chloride, radioactive material, Your baby can also travel in their own seat, as long as you have purchased one. (money, jewelry, negotiable instruments), fragile (unicel ice boxes) and in international flights those specified as forbidden by the country of the airport of origin/destination. Viva Aerobus recommends to its Passengers the following: Not to include in the Baggage fragile or valuable articles, including but not limited to cash or documents, jewelry, otherwise, it could be subject to a second inspection at the final waiting lounges and/or could be a reason not to permit boarding. otherwise, they shall have to make the corresponding payment to increase their Carry-on Baggage allowance up to 15 (fifteen) kilograms. The seat flying with babies is not a problem since children between 7 months and 2 old!, misma que ser adelante la seguridad de la corresponding authorities shall made! Confirmada dentro de los primeros 10 ( ten ) kilograms of Carry-on iii the for. Ser realizada como reembolso mediante una transferencia electrnica, misma que ser adelante use this site will... In addition to the passengers destination required by the Passenger on the available! Is suitable for air travel Channels and effectively paid by the Passenger well as notify `` Viva (. 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