For the readers convenience, I will include only six of them here along with a simple explanation. We stumble through being in right relationship. People are tired and worn out from striving against unhealthy systems. One of the primary functions of the various monastic structures is to provide conditions in which the monks can concentrate on learning the art of listening. Benedictine Sr. Mary Lou Kownacki, a major force behind the ministries and outreach that shaped the Benedictines of Erie, Pennsylvania, in the late 20th and early 21st centuries, died Jan. 6 at . But if they are rich communally, they must be rich for the many people who are poor not only materially but also intellectually, culturally, spiritually, and humanly. Digital nun, writing for tells us,The practice of mindfulness, which for a Christian must always be the practice of mindfulness of the presence of God, is not something we learn in a few hours or even a few years. How are we being invited to swing back toward Christ-centeredness? SUGGESTED BOX ON PRAYER The psalms eloquently express how we feel and how we think about life and time and God. But for all, the ideal has remained "solitude of heart" with God, guaranteed by the "order of charity" in the community institution. (61.6). Continue to Prayer and Community: Benedictine Spirituality (Part 2). (320) 363-7112. No one is to pursue what he judges better for himself, but instead, what he judges better for someone else." We are all accountable as steward of creation, they tell us. Benedictine hospitality requires us to moderate our own views and voices, and in this day and age, as in all ages, moderation is supremely radical. The Benedictines, strictly speaking, do not constitute a single religious . Lets make ours a truly humana listening and reverentconnection. Benedictine obedience is ultimately directed not to other humans or to ourselves, but through the agency of others and the deepest yearnings of our own hearts, in love, to God. What practise spiritual practices do? People are seen as an integrated whole: Body, Mind, and Spirit. The Benedictine practice of hospitality is radical. What is Benedictine Spirituality? The primary prayer of all Catholics is the Eucharistic liturgy in which they celebrate and share their faith together, in accord with Jesus' instruction: "Do this in memory of me."The Catholic bishops at the Second Vatican Council decreed that "devotions should be so . Benedictine monks and nuns made a commitment to living in a specific location, within a specific community, as the context for their spiritual growth and development. St. Benedicts chapter on humility is one of the longest in the Rule. Listen to the Holy Spirit speaking through scripture and through the insights of others. In her blog, Presbyterian minister Lynne Baab offers ways for those of us who do not live in a monastery to embrace stability. Only in later centuries and especially since the 19th century has it occupied a more important place in monastic life than in the observance of the majority of non-monastic religious congregations, with the consequence that it is usually considered a special feature of monastic life and spirituality. xref . 1) They know that not one-size-fits-all. j. chittister, The Rule of Benedict: Insights for the Ages (New York 1992). 0000004832 00000 n Co-Director of the Spirituality Center. More than a billion Muslims share a common set of fundamental beliefs that are described as "Articles of Faith." These articles of faith form the foundation of Islamic belief system. Focus Our Eyes on God and His Word For Saint Benedict, the Word of God was of central importance. 0000001554 00000 n Benedict shows us the value of ordering our day around communal prayer (i.e. When the monk has zeal for God, he will come to see that he is consumed not only with love for God but for everything and everyone else that God has created. Only a year ago, after a year of formation, I became an Oblate of Saint Benedicts Monastery in St. Joseph, MInnesota. How are you feeling called to commit that value to practice in the days ahead? 22 Feb. 2023 . The resulting collection of ten core values - love, prayer, stability, conversatio, obedience, discipline . Teaching Artist. Spirituality is the broad concept of a belief in something beyond the self. An atheist is a man who lives without God. In other words, to be a good Franciscan means to be a good Christian. The years 1987 and 1990 saw the publication of two unprecedented and immediately popular reference works, The New Dictionary of Theology and The New Dictionary of Sacramental Worship.The present work, The New Dictionary of Catholic Spirituality, edited by Michael Downey, is intended as a companion to these, with a parallel aim and purpose.The NDCS is a collaborative attempt to take stock of . A devoted monk, he established the Rule of Benedict. He is called to witness in a materialistic world to the dependence of all men and women on God, and to their need and destiny for a happiness that lies beyond material fulfillment. He simply organized a form of cenobitic life in complete conformity with the demands of the monastic vocation, which is but integral Christian life. Benedictines are called to strive for silence and have a love for silence. The second characteristic of the monastic vocation is that it demands a life of which a privileged part is given to prayer. Core Islamic Beliefs: Six Articles of Faith. Since Benedict was a monk, the spirituality which is based on his rule, is fundamentally monastic. In 1887 Pope Leo XIII, who was enamored of the Benedictines, reestablished the College of Saint Anselm in Rome. Hospitality Or, am I living a lie, allowing myself to be conformed to every whim and temptation of my fallen nature? To complete our personal transformation, we never stop changing. The typical person takes little time for personal renewal in the hectic daily round of activities. My work with the Monastic Interreligious Dialogue (MID) has . c. smith, The Path of Life (Ampleforth, England 1995). If he gets the grandeur of God in place, he is apt to get the rest of monastic life in place too. Personal or private prayer is traditionally exercised under the form of meditative reading of Holy Scripture and of authors who explain and reflect on it, according to the three phases designated by the words "reading" (lectio ), meditation (meditatio ), and "prayer" (oratio or contemplatio ). Humility is the ability to recognize one's rightful place in the universe and to see oneself as a mysterious combination of strengths and weaknesses. The church and her sacramental system are essential to the Christian life of grace. In a blog hosted by Holy Wisdom Monastery of Madison, Wisconsin, Lynne Smith, OSB, The website of Subiaco Abbey in Arkansas tells us, Modern monks like to point out that first word in the Rule is to Listen,, This article explains that silence is healthy, Monsignor Charles Pope seems to be saying in the blog post, A Reflection On the Benedictine Vow of Stability, ways for those of us who do not live in a monastery to embrace stability, The Friends of St. Benedict website says The, offers people a plan for living a balanced, simple, and prayerful life., Joan Chittister puts it, Benedictine practices build a spirituality that will enable us to go on beyond disappointment, beyond boredom, beyond criticism, beyond loss., the monks and oblates of Saint Meinrad Archabbley, in this post on Environmental Stewardship on the blog. Benedictine spirituality is a fresh alternative in an increasingly fast-paced world. Augustinian Spirituality does not take us out of the world (into the . It's not a principle that defines what it means to be a Benedictine institution. This will not subscribe you to a contact management software program, and you wont get an onslaught of computer-generated emails begging you to buy my books and services. Harry Hagan, OSB My part in this little show began as a description of the novitiate and how it brings new people from exclusion to inclusion, from fascination to identification, and from dependence to belonging. is an Italian saint and one of the first followers of Saint Francis of Assisi. Benedictines read a portion of the Rule of Benedict every day. %PDF-1.4 % Poet/Writer. Although well into the middle years of an average life span, I am a rank beginner, a mere toddler in Benedictine practice. More than a founder in the juridical sense of the word, its author had been an educator, or better, a spiritual father, and he aimed at forming consciences capable of spiritual liberty. Like counselling, therapy and coaching, spiritual direction rests on careful listening to the 'client'. If you fill out this form, Ill respond from my personal email. 6v-7r of the Bodleian library in Oxford. In a very special way God speaks through the Scriptures, through the liturgy of the hours (opus Dei ), and through personal prayer. Because each style has its own formatting nuances that evolve over time and not all information is available for every reference entry or article, cannot guarantee each citation it generates. In the 7th and 8th centuries it was often combined with other rules, especially that of St. Columban (d. 615). Practice is how people develop the skills to become adept at anything. The Ten Hallmarks of Benedictine Education. Sam has experience in parish ministry and holds a masters degree in theology from Saint Johns University (Collegeville, MN). The Rule revolves around five practices: Prayer, Work, Study, Hospitality and Renewal. This emphasis on silence is so that we can learn to listen to God more acutelyThis kind of sensitivity and awareness makes it easier to pray at all times. This article explains that silence is healthy for community life and fosters the learning of reverence for all creation. 0000001968 00000 n Lectio divina involves contemplating what we read or hear in a Scripture, being receptive to the presence of God, and letting ourselves be transformed. Not only does the Benedictine lifestyle fit well within the walls of the monastery, its interpretation of life is also suitable to other forms of society. It evokes the name of St. Benedict, who lived in the 6th century, together with all those who have been inspired by the Rule of Benedict and associate themselves with the Benedictine spiritual tradition. Its principal source is the Word of God and its model is Christ. We are no more self-sufficient than the poor whose dependence on the service of others cant be hidden. The Rule of Benedict teaches that Monastics should serve one another (35:1). It is likewise through that response that one becomes free to be and develop as the person one is called to be. Being poor with the poor has characterized many religious from the time of the Middle Ages, but Benedictines, because of their cenobitic life and their cultural inheritance, are often rich. Emerging out of the high middles ages, it emphasizes the humanity of Jesus Christ as the mystery of God's presence in human flesh. The Benedictines, officially the Order of Saint Benedict (Latin: Ordo Sancti Benedicti, abbreviated as OSB), are a monastic religious order of the Catholic Church following the Rule of Saint Benedict.They are also sometimes called the Black Monks, in reference to the colour of their religious habits.They were founded by Benedict of Nursia, a 6th-century monk who laid the foundations of . You can order a free copy of Give Us This Day, published by Liturgical Press, by clicking here. 540-604 CE), who praised Benedict for his discretion and moderation. "Let everyone that comes be received as Christ" is one of the most familiar and oft-quoted phrases of the Rule. Obedience means "to listen intently," and this vow is undertaken in a spirit of faith and love in following Christ who was obedient to the will of the Father. Do you yearn for a good life, and do you desire to see good days? Jean Chanon, who was a mentor for Ignatius in methods of prayer at the Benedictine monastery at Montserrat. How do we respect all things as vessels of the altar (RB 31:10). Some of the key characteristics of Benedictine spirituality include: Liturgy of the Hours; Lectio Divina (prayerful reading of Scripture) Eucharist; Benedictine Spirituality includes the willingness to: Seek God; Use the Gospel and the Rule of Benedict as a guide; Listen to one another . Reading the transcript or listening to the podcast is worthwhile. Ordered by a rhythm of daily prayer that is Biblical and reflective Ive drawn this list of 22 (+ 1 = 23) Benedictine practices (arranged alphabetically) from Stepping into the Oblate way of life, published by St. Benedicts Monastery in 2017, when Laureen Virnig OSB served as Director of Oblates. Most online reference entries and articles do not have page numbers. Benedicts rule calls us to a daily rhythm of listening, obedience, and conversion of life. Eunice Antony, OSB. Saint Benedict Benedict of Nursia lived from ca. Adrian Burke, OSB writes, Benedict insists in his. Digital nun, writing for tells us, Fr. Benedictine spirituality is a way of life that helps a person to seek God and his will daily. On the blog Catholic Beer Club, Br. Thus when St. Benedict appeared, monasticism was already solidly implanted in Egypt, Syria, Palestinethe whole East and in Ireland, Gaul, Italy, Spain, and Africa in the West. This religious practice refers to St. Benedict and his spiritual practice. When I consider Benedictine hospitality, I like to extend this notion to the dialogues we initiate with those of other religious and spiritual backgrounds, especially with non-Christians. Just as all these people practice to become more proficient, spiritual seekers practice in order to become better at living a spiritual life. "Benedictine Spirituality Benedict of Nursia lived from ca. variety in physical characteristics, languages, and ways of life is really our . 0000000820 00000 n The wisdom of Native Americans has often been quoted as a way of thinking about the long term implications of our present actions: What is the impact of our decisions on the seventh generation? We are called to consider ourselves part of Gods larger and longer story, living a legacy which was a gift to us and inspiring others who will follow. Benedictine Spirituality It may seem odd that some of the best guidelines for achieving balance in our world today, where stress has become the norm, come from a sixth-century Italian monk who at one point chose to live by himself in a cave. is an herbal liqueur produced in France. Benedict reminds us of our priorities: prayer, contemplation, balance and the importance of everything we do. 1. Contact. Jesus said "Whatever you did for one of these least brothers of mine, you did for me." (see Matthew 25: . Monsignor Charles Pope seems to be saying in the blog post, A Reflection On the Benedictine Vow of Stability for Community in Mission of the Archdiocese of Washington (DC), that stability of heart is the Benedictine practice our chronically unstable contemporary society most desperately needs. He realizes that attachment to oneself and one's talents or goods brings anxiety, a bondage that ties the human spirit down to the earth and allows no enlargement of either one's horizons or one's heart. Spirituality offers a worldview that suggests there is more to life than just what people . His books includeGratefulness,A Listening Heart, and most recently, a new autobiography,i am through you so. Therefore, its best to use citations as a starting point before checking the style against your school or publications requirements and the most-recent information available at these sites: Having the mind of a beginner, being receptive to starting anew, starting fresh, starting overthis, too, is a Benedictine practice. It may be an old liqueur but it has a well-deserved place in the modern bar. It underscores the tenets of Care ethics in conjunction with Benedictine Spirituality. It is humility that takes the monk beyond the myth of his own grandeur to the grandeur of God. Commit to daily, weekly or monthly prayer disciplines. Ive drawn this list of 22 (+ 1 = 23) Benedictine practices (arranged alphabetically) from, Being in right relationship is wholly other than being in, Brother David Steindl-Rast of the Gut Aich Priory monastery in St. Gilgen, Austria, is the founder and senior advisor for. That kind of movement toward moderation is especially important as we live the open and complex questions. In this article, Benjamin Schfer, who calls himself an intercessory musicianary, blog theologian, and pilgrim on the narrow road of learning to love, writes in depth about ways to foster awareness of God. It is a lifetimes work, and it is not to be rushed or short-circuited in any way. Click here to read hints on how to enjoy this lifelong practice. The third Benedictine value is conversatio morum, which translates to "conversion of life." This value involves a commitment to personal and spiritual growth, and it involves constantly seeking to improve oneself and to live in a way that is consistent with one's values and beliefs. Im interested in connecting person-to-person with others who share my values, who want to participate with me in building a meaningful network of relationships that will serve to support us on our spiritual journey. Even the Cistercians, who in the 12th century had intended to return to a faithful observance of the rule itself, added numerous statutes. Much research has been devoted to this topic, ranging from practical to academic. U`` . What calls us to attention? Francis consulted her, especially when he was discerning between becoming a hermit and being an itinerant preacher. Hence he is able to receive others in the community, including guests, with kind consideration. Many Oblates rely on. "No one is to pursue what he judges better for himself, but instead, what he judges better for someone else." - Rule of St. Benedict 72:7 A Raven is Collaborative Collaborative Ravens create a spirit of teamwork. But what does the Bible teach on this issue? In this article, I have merely collected and summarized what other, more experienced Benedictines have taught and published. Through this experience, he came to believe that authentic spiritual growth happens only when we life with and among flawed human beings whose faults and failings are only too obvious. In community we struggle through the practice of being in right relationship with people who are stubborndullundisciplinedrestlesscareless scatterbrainedirritatingand tiresome. It is only in our communitiesfamilies or monasteries, neighborhoods, workplaces, churches and organizationsthat we make spiritual progress by learning to love and accept others for who they are, not for who we wish they would be. He did not intend to impose uniformity; he foresaw and intended diversity and reserved to each monastery the possibility of adapting the rule's prescriptions to various circumstances, provided the essential values of monasticism were safeguarded. In his spare time, you will find Sam tending his familys small tree farm or fly fishing for trout in Southeast Minnesota. Monks are to listen "to the precepts of the master" but their primary and ultimate master is God. In a blog hosted by Holy Wisdom Monastery of Madison, Wisconsin, Lynne Smith, OSB writes that in America, middle and upper class people tend to imagine they are living self-sufficiently, believing they are able to pretty much take care of [their] needs. This self-deception is possible only when [w]e take for granted all the people who work behind the scenes to provide the food for the store, to staff and maintain the filling station and all those people involved in the health care system. This sounds like the universal call to holiness, the theme that began this article. Ignacio Gonzalez, OSB writes that the Benedictine practice of Conversatio requires that we never stop asking hard questions about our personal growth. He wrote a Rule for his monastery at Monte Cassino in Italy and he foresaw . ." It is specified solely by a commitment to God sanctioned by public vows. St. Vincent teaches us to see Christ in the poor and suffering, so much so that the poor become our Lords and Masters and we their servants. The ideal of this pattern of conversion is meant to be incarnated in a special way for the community in the abbot, who is expected to be a symbolic center exercising a centripetal force that draws individuals into a truly Christian community of life for God and others in Jesus Christ through the power of the Holy Spirit. We go forth into the world as contemplatives in action, discerning God's desire for our lives here, now, and acting on God's invitation. 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