Your letters and cards will make a major difference in her life! Kay, it sounds like youre really concerned and we appreciate your care for your child and completely understand your desire for transparency and clarification regarding your childs situation! obtaining the childs address and personally delivering gifts or even mailing them, buying them a tablet or smartphone so that you can video chat. So please have patience and hang in there and please keep writing your children!! The charities they have listed as their top charities are both medical in nature one dealing with malaria in sub-Saharan Africa, another other dealing with parasite infections in sub-Saharan Africa. I think there was some confusion regarding the christmas fund thing. That's especially true for an organization that champions the . The only thing Im struggling with now is that I have a sponsor child, Edith who I do not sponsor financially but through writing letters. Im so sorry that we didnt get the opportunity to answer your questions and clarify your concerns. Thank you so much for your wonderfuly encouraging comment! I have wondered what St Paul would make of this? Here at Compassion, we are very passionate about ensuring we are. What does it mean for an organization to live with integrity? Once the gift is received, a thank you letter will always be written and sent to their sponsor. She never forgot that, and last month in her letter to me she reminded me of my advice to her sheto me then I feel such a priviledged girl to have someone who loves me and took me into your life and helps me you told me you would be proud of me if I got a good education. our blog we wrote about communicating with your child through social media. Please email me at [emailprotected] with your sponsor number as I relish the chance to be able to research this situation and set it right. Of course, there are many explanations as to why your questions may not be answered or why some letters seem generic, but there is a wonderful blog offering an explanation of why letters may seem impersonal. He went on and on excitingly about all the miracles God delivers through that center and does for the children. Each of your letters will bring incredible encouragement to Farel. Again, thank you Emily. Its been over five weeks. I sponsor a child in Honduras, Columbia, Haiti and two in Ecuador. I was involved in 2 childrens lives who grew up and left the Compassion program. Hardly. Very strict guidelines and almost everything is getting scanned which is a total bummer. How absolutely precious it is to hear from Dawkins Ochieng and Mworia! They expect the parents to make efforts too, not just sit at home and dream of a better life. Weve sent him birthday cards and coloring pages with a 6 on it last year for his birthday and this year again, with the wrong age. It only covers some of the childs expenses. Thank you so much for your patience as Im sure that you are excited to begin your relationship with your sweet girl. Im sorry Sarah, I understand your position as you are an employee there, but I agree with Marci that from the Bible perspective, $330K/yr is huge amount of donations towards one persons salary. Junk King Colorado Springs is the eco-friendly, fast, touchless junk removal solution in Colorado Springs, CO for all of your personal or commercial junk removal needs. Uploaded by on the Internet. I am very sorry for any concerns that the salary of our CEOs has caused you. Please know we take financial integrity very seriously to ensure we are caring for our beneficiaries the best we possibly can. Kayivis letter was processed on February 16, so my calendar will alert me to send an inquiry for her on August 16. I have read this email post quite a number of times, and it concerns me a lot. I want to double check on something. English is a difficult language to learn and for our translators who know English as a foreign language words like he and she are regrettably often mixed up. If you have any additional questions or concerns, you are welcome to email us at [emailprotected]. Thats between them and God. The tutors and staff at our projects help the children answer these questions in turn, helping you connect with their world in a more personal way. Every financial process undergoes intensive and continual scrutiny to ensure that funds are properly received, tracked, and managed. It use to not be that way as I had a conversation in my letters with one of my sponsors mother a couple years ago. I have sponsored a child through Compassion International for over eight years. The same is true of Uganda. I see that you sent her a graduation gift as well as her birthday gift in January of 2014. Yall really didnt think of that? Look at what watchdog organizations, like Charity Navigators, say about Compassion. You should already have his current one, but I would be happy to send you his previous photo as well! I sent money for her a Christmas present in 2013, money for her birthday for April 1, 2014, and a graduation check for $200, plus a good-bye letter, and never received any acknowledgements for these. That said, at any time of the year (including at Christmas), you are welcome to send a child or family gift that would be specific for your child and will not be split up. I just received a letter stating hes now in the sixth grade. Did you ever discuss with the child what frequency rate was a comfortable one for him or her? Here at Compassion, we are very passionate about ensuring we are. I appreciate the blessings I have received and pray earnestly for the continued integrity of Compassion. Didnt gt one at all, really. This will speed up the time it takes to send and receive letters between you and your child to weeks instead of months. Experience has shown us the power of a letter is tremendous, and for an impoverished child to know that someone from across the globe cares about them can make the difference that helps release that child from poverty. In reviewing your account, I show the last letter that we received from Leo was on April 9th. Was the money used for a Christmas gift?? We sincerely look forward to earning your trust and proving our hearts for serving our sponsors and children with excellence. While certainly not a perfect organization, Compassions heart is pure and its mission is pure. I am hoping that as we are able to clear up the issues with this system and get back on track with processing the letters, you will continue to hear from Gadiel as often as you used to. When the kids first get into the program they often write a first letter that is then held to send out to their sponsor once they get one. Trying to invade these families with video chats etc would be very STRANGE on so many levels!!! Compassion International is a Christian child development organization working to release children from poverty in Jesus' name. Thank you for expressing your concerns here. Good Morning, Please dont let translation issues or logistical issues beyond anyones control rob you of the joy of choosing to love and assist a child in the Name of Jesus. I have sponsored a total of 11 children with Compassion. I started with 1 about 2 years . And youre right, its a scanned copy! I began to pray about it and eventually decided to end the sponsorship, as difficult as it felt. Hi Vicki! Yes, I believe that would be helpful to hold off on letters to allow for our staff to get through the backlog of letters before sending more. We want to ensure you feel strong in your faith with us so that you can continue sponsoring. However, the childs grade will change and if their performance changes, this is another update you will see to this section. I pray God continues to bless and keep you as you grow and pursue the calling Hes placed on your life. Top Ranked Companies This experience became all the more fulfilling two years ago when I paid a visit to my sponsor childs center and to his home and village. Jennifer, But as one external reviewer pointed out, they have on occasion misapplied and applied inconsistently the heuritics they use to judge organizations. Now with this new system, it actually identifies questions that you ask and those questions are provided to the tutors so that they and your child will very clearly know exactly what needs answered every time you ask a question! Am sure there are many others with similar testimonies. For example, if your child lives with the same guardians during the duration of their time in the program, this will not be updated. Nevertheless, this miniscule calculation impacted Compassions overall 4 Star rating. Why is the CEOs salary so high? In the last letter sent, he asked if I had children or pets. Have a blessed day. I know you are speaking from your situation but not everyone has a lot of money. Stop wasting this money on paper, printing, postage, staff time to send it all. That was so thoughtful of you and I want to encourage you that you can still send your children bookmarks, but they have to be made of paper and flat. We have recently changed our letter writing process, as well. To make sense of the salary we pay our president and CEO, please understand that his income is well under the average salary range of other presidents and CEOs of other organizations who are within the same categorization as Compassion. I just received a letter from her and it looks very much like all the letters from the past 10 years (the same very generic details anyone could write) but it said she is currently in grade 5. and I felt God pulling my heart to give my testimony. Keep encouraging her. Sarah, I see that you just began supporting a child with us on March 30th of this year. Please be encouraged to know that the children treasure the letters they receive from their sponsors. Thank you so much for bringing this to our attention and for your patience as we work to resolve this situation for you so that you can continue building a relationship with Mesfin and better know how to talk to him in your letters. Nope, those public school fees are paid by the parents (not like the property taxes we have in the us) and compassion only reimburses the family once the fees are paid. Gioto- (means really hot place Hell) a dump city in Nakuru where the people sometimes wont speak its name because it is a dangerous place of no hope and it is where you go when you have no where else to go. I love them and now occasionally find myself mixing he or she just by association with them. 3-stars on Resource Allocation Efficiency A year after the tragic deaths of four divers trapped in a Paria pipeline; their families . Compassions bias to fund child development over maintaining a large asset balance impacted our rating. The children are required to write at least two letters a year and reply letters to each letter their sponsor writes for up to six letters a year. Please dont let IT issues and a few negative experiences dissuade you from making such a vital difference in the life of a child. You can also email our social media team directly at [emailprotected]. Once your child reaches their final year in the project, we send reminders to you so that you can prepare to say goodbye. Im sorry for that as we dont want you to feel that your concern was ignored or unimportant! It is a settled thing in my heart. If theres one thing Ive learned in my life about computers and computer systems, it is that nothing ever goes as planned and there are always glitches. We usually compare our CEOs compensation to World Visions President, who has a reportable compensation from that organizationas $466,685, because they are an organization of comparable size and mission. With much faith and trust I boldly state that I honestly do not believe this organization is a scam. Blessings! Compassion chooses to send dollars to the Implementing Church Partners for our programs that impact children. 2.CHILD FOCUSED: When you sponsor a child through Compassion International a minimum of 80% of your monthly gift goes toward meeting the spiritual and physical needs of your sponsored child through a partnership with a church in his or her neighborhood. Thanks! And, they say, the school board has let the kids down. I want to encourage you that your child is very real and that you truly are making an incredible difference in his life. Several changes with the calculation adjusted our overall rating. A monetary gift takes about 2 months to be received by the child. If you continue to receive letters that dont answer your questions, please email us at [emailprotected] and we can have our tutors work with your child. Glad to read the comment below that at least tells me 6-8 weeks. The sponsorship model was launched in 1953 and the organization officially became Compassion International in 1963. Will you please email us at [emailprotected], so we can help you further? If you are in business, either for profit or non-profit problems are bound to crop up that is inevitable. Always. She wrote me her first letter without any help in January!!!! Does Compassion Meet the UN Sustainable Development Goals? My child finally aged out and today I got another letter from him. Please know that it is well deserved and earned. I returned June 19th with a gift of reassurance from God. While Josiane is indeed writing her own letters to you, she may still feel timid or have a lack of confidence when it comes to writing. I get a letter that says a gift was purchased for Susi and the rest of the money was put into a fund to buy gifts for other children. The completion age in our countries ranges from 18-22 years old. It seems this post is still being read by a lot of people who also post concerns about their sponsor ships and getting answers and help here, so I shall try and post my question and maybe Ill get some help and answers here. My husband needs a double transplant and medical expenses are crazy! Some do not start school until a later age or may even have to skip attending school altogether due to family circumstances. It would be goodbye in April 2014 for me too. ? However, please know we take financial integrity very seriously to ensure we are caring for our beneficiaries the best we possibly can. Please know if you ever have any other questions you are always welcome to reach out to us at [emailprotected]. Please see our other post about our new letter guidelines and why we are scanning, sending letters digitally, and printing them on the other end. Far removed from children I see stood against a tree, or up against a wall looking like theyre about to be shot. The initial information that was given to me was that he lived with his mother. I am very happy to report that I have five sponsored children and have not had this experience at all! If someone has been burned before, they look for faults in everything the letters from the child they sponsor, the pictures we send them, the way we use the funds we receive. This will call attention to your questions. This fee is only to cover the transaction costs, wiring, and delivery fees on that gift. In one letter they tell me the child lives in such and such place, but in another letter it says somewhere different. It was true. We all have that weird first letter. I sponsored through Compassion for 7 1/2-8 years (2012-2019). Hi Vicki! It looks like the last time you received a letter from him was April 2015. I personally have been working in one of the field Offices in Uganda and do attest that Compassion International is highly credible, transparent and 99% genuine. Really, Compassion Internatinal is doing a very good and big job. Dee, again, thank you so much for your support. I dont know what youve included in your packages but unless its paper, it didnt go thru. My husband and I have sponsored many different children at Compassion over the years, and as of right now we may be looking to find another charity where the CEO actually makes a normal living wage. I expressed concerns but they were passed off as the centers fault for not educating the child. Rest assured weve received your letters and theyll get to your boy. Private Donations $1.1B. I have been sponsoring a child from Rwanda now since 2007. I am pleased and thankful to see Compassion International on their 30 Shining Light Ministries list each year. I would like to encourage any believer to ask God through prayer whether He would like them to use His money in this way. Founded in 1952, Compassion partners with more than 8,000 local churches in 27 program countries to deliver spiritual, economic, social, and physical care to over 2.2 million babies, children, and young adults in poverty. It might simply be a hot meal program, paying for school fees and a free health clinic, and the parents bring their children to the center, which you fund. Whenever I doubt that I can make an impact upon the world, I pick it up. We want your experience as a sponsor to be a positive one, as youre investment in his life is making such an incredible difference. Our hope is that this new process will help to build a stronger relationship between sponsors and their children, since the time it takes for a letter to be received will be drastically reduced. This has been very successful so far! As for Givewell, this is a relatively new organization started in 2007 by two 25-year old hedge fund managers. I am unsure if the children are receiving the correspondence that we send. I am grateful to the musician that came to my town and told me about compassion. As a Christian organization, everything we do needs to be worthy of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and we want as much as possible to get to the children we serve. It is now August. Our wonderful field staff there will confirm what her actual grade level is and why she may have said a different grade in her letter to you. That said, we are working hard to work through the backlog of letters and make sure they are delivered very soon. We value the impact of the relationship that each sponsor can build with their child and the hope they can bring through letter writing. In March 2010 we also sponsor Daniela from Ecuador. Thank you for choosing to sponsor Jacob! I like that every kid gets a gift and the only way this is possible is for all of the money to be pooled together. Photo by Twitter Close expects parents to be at the board meeting on March 1. They may not know how to express themselves to you in a letter, but you never know how impactful your letters are to them. They talk about the letters that were so valuable from their sponsors and how much they treasured those relationships. So that our field staff can better assist you, can you please send us a copy of the letter you received? a.Transparency Source Hi Todd! It was clearly written. I would be happy to check on the thank you letter for the gift you had sent last October. The child in Mexico was being raised by an uncle, but gave me the names of his father, his mother, and a photograph of his sister, and told me about trips he went on from time to time. Now the doubt creeps in. Have no idea what it was used for or if they even received it. You should also begin to see his letters become more personal as your relationship grows. Since some sponsors are not able to give extra, we designate one time throughout the year where we can provide a gift to every child in our program. Also, our leaders are faithful sponsors and donors as well, and personally and financially support the ministry. I am so sorry for the confusion about schooling for the children. My mother was sponsoring 3 kids and having me write letters to 1 of the kids because she couldnt think of anything to say. I agree with Christie, comment from July 25, 2019. If you are a sponsor with Compassion and have thought about this before, I encourage you to check out Charity Navigators review of Compassion. They were always sad in their photos, their clothes look tattered, shoes that didnt fit, and one of them always looks hungry (my Ugandan child). In fact, weve been told that if an incoming ESOL student has a Jan 1, ______ birth date, we can expect that it was a child whose family didnt know the childs birthday at all. to describe their surroundings. I know that was not your intention and I do apologize for the misdirection of your funds. You actually spoke with one of our previously sponsored children that are on Team Constellation. Thank you so much for your interest in sponsoring a child with Compassion! I sponsored a child on Easter day and have not received any communication back yet. Zero! Please rest assured that Josiane is the one who receives your letters and answers them. The Compassion kids we visited would always bring out their sponsor letters. g.Consultation. Hi Theo! I was glad the child couldnt see that page. Let us know in May how you and your husband are doing and whether you are able to continue your support at that point. Please let me know if you have any further questions or concerns. Also, please note that our leaders are faithful sponsors and donors as well, and personally and financially support the ministry. The easiest way to find an available child in the Philippines is on our website: Hi Calvin! Sponsors Share Their Best Letter Writing Tips, Before and After Safe Water: 20 Powerful Photos, How to Get to Know Your Sponsored Childs Family, Thank you, Samantha. The more often you write, the more often you should also receive letters from Farel. They confirm that someone far away in the United States thinks she is valuable enough to write to and care for. I love the child focus and Jesus focus of Compassion. 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