Copyright 2006-2022. After hitting the road, my pain increased dramatically, I almost had to pull off the road to vomit. Going to contact company! Coffee is very expensive and companies must have gone to buying crap beans, etc. 22.8 / oz. You people have been drinking Maxwell House for 20+ years? Even the smell of it from the can is awful. Same stale result. What has changed, does anyone know? Whats going on. WE SHOULD BE MARCHING IN THE STREETS against GMO crops that are making us all very ill. . She suggested I stop drinking it and I did. I would like to add this. If so many people "think" maxwell house causes so many issueswhy does it sell so well ? How long does coffee after that date. I used to love Yuban for its 100% Columbian taste. Maxwell House Coffee has been around since the 1800s. It had the same horrible taste. I have a condition and have had for yearsI need Senna Leaves EVERY day to perform. I only drink it once a day, but began getting a horrible sour stomach. The flavor is almost as if the coffee has been left on the burner for just slightly too long. I Have been using MH French Roast coffee for many years and the last 3 cans of coffee has delivered a bitter taste. If your coffee is not all arabica, except for espresso, it is crap. Anyone else notice that hills brothers and other similar brands float in the filter much more than the slightly more expensive brands? We stopped using the coffee and presto the headaches stopped. The stuff is fine if you need cleared out. We have nausea, mild headaches and fatigue, and cant escape the smell. Someone has to warn people with celiac because Maxwell house labeling is incorrect. I find it to be strange that I'm not having this issue with any other coffee. We brew our morning java in an amazing Cusinart perculator and our coffee has always smelled and tasted amazing. What could cause this? The last two jars of Maxwell House coffee I used foamed when I put it in hot water. I'm 48 years old, been drinking coffee for years, I usually just purchase what is on sale, Maxwell House, Folgers, Chock Full of Nuts. Cannot seem to find a delicious cup of coffee--have tried ALL kinds of brands and they have a terrible smell and taste. By ten it was influencing my conversation. I'd say the lack of taste indicates fillers. And it tastes bitter. Normally I drink a different brand of coffee but decided to try Maxwell House. I will be throwing out my Maxwell and not buying it again. Or like some kind of fertilizer!!! F this stuff. Eight O'Clock The Original. I feel like I have been poisoned. My coffee wasn't the Maxwell House or Folger's brand, but contained Arabica beans and who knows what else. Has anyone else had these symptoms? it tastes nasty but caffeine and coffee makes my meds go down easier than water. Guess its time to shop for a different coffee. im not an expertbut i drink my coffee without sugarjust i feel that makes me a bit more qualified abt reviewing it. I found this thread looking for info. )Anyway, if you no longer like the Maxwell House coffee, there are hundreds of other coffees available in stores and online.If you want to check out some Robusta blends, to see if that is the taste you are missing, look out for Italian coffees in your local stores and read the packaging. wish they would go back to the old handle. It is completely different. They did send me some coupons to replace the defective product but the replacement was just as horrible. At first, Folgers Coffee was a small operation, but the company grew very quickly. With all the warnings of aspartame why is your company still using it. I have been drinking Folgers coffee for years but the last few months of 2015 I noticed that my coffee didn't taste good anymore and everytime I drank it I would feel nauseated and my stomach would get upset. My Husband and I have drank Folgers coffee for years and for awhile now it seems to be making us sick. Maybe it's costing less also because the largest container has shrunk in size. I am deeply saddened to discover that your International Sugar Free Coffee has aspartame in your ingredients! This encourages us to consistently publish helpful content and reviews to assist our readers. You should not drink more caffeine to compensate for sleep deprivation. MAYBE IT IS THE ADDITIVE ROBUSTA BEANS. It was great considering the can was so cheap and the coffee was delicious! To make a real long story short, I have had a horrible skin rash on my hands & arms since August 2012. All I know is this never happened to me before reticently and I have been a heavy coffee drinker for over 50 years. My wife, a tea drinker, immediately noticed a change for the worse in the aroma while brewing. With all that in mind, when other options are not available, I drink the Maxwell House Regular 1.50 ounce. I went back to drinking Maxwell House and boom! I switched to Maxwell House, and no problem. They claim "we don't have any records of this product having been reformulated recently". I'm not a Starbucks fan but their PIke isn't bad, the House Blend is ok. Just stay away from all Maxwell House, Flogers & generic store brand coffee. I don't know what's in the cans of pre-ground coffee in grocery stores but many people seem to think it's very low grade Robusta---probably why all those cans state "100% Pure Coffee". Drank another Maxwell House, and nausea has returned big time. I found out they served Folgers. I tired Folgers ground a few weeks back and really it wasn't too bad for a ground in the can and I didn't have any ill effects . Put in two teaspoons to a sixteen ounce glass. the maxwell house instant is discontinued. This eye-opening medium roast coffee is exceptionally smooth and aromatic and is the perfect start to your day. With the Keurig type brewers you get more 'coffee drinks' vs true coffee consumed black or cream &/or sugar. I didn't drink it for years after that. How greedy of the company! I find that the prices are cheaper but I will never buy it again. Thanks if anyone has any information please respond to my post. I don't ever remember it being thud bad growing up. Saw Maxwell House and bought it, today after 2 cups of coffee my husband and I are both having stomach cramps and diarrhea, miserable! Very mild smooth and a very subtle sweet taste. It has today 80% powder and possibly 20 or less granules when it supposed to have a 100% granules. Still, there are some general estimates that may help you figure out how much caffeine each cup of Maxwell House contains. i am a truck driver and i drink one hell of a lot of coffee. I'm wondering if anyone has experienced this themselves. They are also at risk of consuming caffeine with alcohol and other drugs, which can be dangerous. So now we're not only battling with bitter coffee, but having to get used to a whole new taste, and NOT liking it. That being said, all coffee makers are from outside the US and it takes a long time lots of pots of water before they stop leaching plastic into your coffee. I have been drinking this coffee for yearsused to be great. My problem is with Organic Arabica coffee sold at walmart. After examining the container could not find 'Arabica' bean. Thanks for the blog, I know now that these coffees are poisoning us all! the point not addressed in the original question was tge wood chips: Maxwell House coffee was my coffee of choice until recently. That settled that!!. I thought it was me.but after readign this thread, it's MH.the increased price (here in Fla) for the Columbin was one thing, now the decrease in quality.time to change after 20 years After many years of enjoying MH 100% Arabica coffee, it disppeared.. Bought some of the other MH coffee to be sorely disappointed. Peet's coffee is also VERY good! I thought I got a hold of a bad box. I AM not a happy girl. I noticed a stronger, bitter flavor in the last 2 cans. It tasted fine but a few hours later I wasnt feeling well. I buy the bag of whole beans and grind them fresh. If you buy k cups you are buying arabica. Then tried Maxwell House Master Blend and it wasn't any better. Normally, I buy freshly roasted coffees found in gourmet coffee shops which, in fact, cost and quality is definitely established. There is definitely something wrong with this coffee, there are to many people experiencing awful feelings from it and even more so this is all recent. I bought another from a 3rd. I usually grind my own coffee but when I asked my friend to pick me up some coffee he came back with Folgers ground coffee. Arabica beans are more rare, making them more valuable. I will have to stop drinking this coffee. Why do they take good things off the market? If youre a strong coffee fan, consider laying in a store of individual filter packs of this milder flavor product for guests. Then not just me, but my husband also, found we couldn't even consume a full cup! I switched to other coffees and was fine. If I don't have the same reaction, I'll know for sure that it's the Maxwell House!! I dink instant and have to add and add to just get a taste of coffee. but found inconsistencies (I can eat breads, etc. STAY AWAY!!! Flavor was dull to the taste. That's why I'm on this site to find out why??? Maximus coffee is horrible. Then suddenly every single time I drank it, I got immediate horrible cramps, was nauseaous & running to the bathroom. I've bought all the good coffees, but recently finding ourselves in a bind, we went back to MWH that was on sale. It's the coffe you brew yourself. A second can, a few months later, yielded the result. No longer can you find the coffee isle just by that delightful smellcoffee aroma is gone. Both are made with 100% Arabica beans and have a smooth, full-bodied taste. After the 3rd time I started thinking it was because it was caffeinated so I went and bought the Folgers classic decaf medium blend and Im still have the same side effects! Now so does their coffee. At least I feel a little better seeing all of the other comments/complaints on here. When I first opened it, for some reason it caught my attention how fragrant it was - now I'm suspicious as to whether Folgers is hiding something with an aromatic additive. However, he purchased a container of pre-ground Yuban coffee, and it made him sick. I began drinking maxwell house instant sugar free coffee about 9 days ago. I found most instant coffee gives this old Iron Horse the stomach quivers. Its somewhat better. I have always been a fan of MH. I bought Folgers Coffee because it went on sale. But for over a year the coffee tastes bitter / I have cut back on what I use for my Pot for it doesn't seem to help. very very bitter and hot. I have purchased and enjoyed Maxwell House International Coffee, Cafe' Vienna for over 30 years. That's when I realized nothing was wrong with the coffee maker. I hate paying more but only had 2 choices: coffee or no coffee. It will help you choose your pick. Makes up to 210, 6 fl oz cups ground coffee. It seems that every time I drink a cup of Maxwell house coffee I soon after have a terrible headache. Change to nespresso for 2 weeksno problems no issue great coffee then I decided to make a pot in my percolator of my Maxwell House just because it was low cold out I thought I'd sit on some coffee been sick diarrhea gastropains cramping when in 24 waited 24 hours and tried another cup sick again what's wrong with this coffee I guess I'm don, My Husband drinks coffee. Air your complaint. 14 4.1 out of 5 Stars. I had been drinking Maxwell House Original for a year or and suddenly I developed rashes on both sides of my face near the corners of the eyes, sides of the nose, top and bottom corners of my mouth. I can handle a burnt taste--this is more of an acidic sour taste. He told me it made him sick too. Same as many others here, after some trial and error I have found that Folgers makes me very nauseous. Not mild, not medium, not dark, just original roast like in the beginning. My stomach cannot tolerate Folgers lite so I'm going to recommend Starbucks House Blend. Anyone know why I only like this particular brand? Might have to change coffee if they don't change back. I'd recycle the coffee by giving it to the food bank but I don't want to put anyone in harm's way. (NOTE) I have NEVER suffered with headachesless than a handful in a lifetime so far for methe big joke in our family is that if mom ever starts having headaches then something will be wrongnow on with the coffee problems Had several K-cups of MH and it was quite good. I have heard that even Starbucks has started using cheaper coffee beans. My mother and I drank instant Maxwell House coffee for years, but after she passed away, I decided to switch to something more robust so for the past decade, I've been drinking Nescafe. cup of Maxwell House International Cafe French Vanilla coffee has 45 to 50 mg of caffeine. The quality was consistent from tin to tin. Maxwell's . If that wasn't bad enough, we find out that the brand/roast that we have loved for so long has now been discontinued. Then I noticed I had the same problem by the next day. Maybe I'm on to something because I have changed nothing else in my diet. Coffee looks a little different in color and smell. Since 2008, Folgers has joined The J.M Smuckers Company. wont buy maxwell hose coffee anymore. I got this from my Mother-in laws house that is probably 3 years or older. I would love to have this can lab tested. Doctor only prescribed steroids & antibiotics. WHERE THE HELL THEY GETTING THE COFFEE ? I myself have been feeling ill after drinking Maxwell house coffee. I didn't relate it to the coffee right away but did notice that the coffee now had an unusual scent. I will say I couldn't get enough coffee on former brands, it seemed to be addictive??? Can anyone verify if it has been discontinued? It'll wake you up in the morning, so it gets that job done. I'm really concerned with reading everyone else's experiences, wonder what the heck in going on. I had coffee at a nice country club buffet. I mix it with the decaf and have it twice a day. CT scan nothing. Maxwell House coffee has one of the best aromas. I went on maxwell house's facebook and complained. "Watered down" coffee is what we get. I use purified water and just got a brand new coffee maker. Reload. My wife and I have been drinking Maxwell House for over 30 years. Drank Maxwell house coffee for years now when I drink it I get headaches and stomach cramps/diarrhea.Its like there is poison in it! The robusta coffee bean has a more bitter flavor, and also contains higher amounts of caffeine, sometimes as much as two times more caffeine than the typical arabica bean. Started reading this thread as it dripped into the cup to see if any opinions were floating around out there. !Roundup pesticide? Kraft has cheapened it somehow and I have had to throw the can out that I recently purchased. I do not know if it is the chemical spray or unspecified blending of a different type of beans. Maxwell House House Blend is smooth, muted, and is a bit . That's so sad! I have been drinking Folgers of years, its become so bad I gave up coffee all together. Fogers is just as bad. I started buy some of the Barissimo bagged coffees from Aldis a few years ago and those seem ok for around $4.00 I quit drinking Folgers as well, seemed to not feel well at times but may have just been me. Enjoyed Maxwell house for 25 years. As far as advertising teams go, most would agree that Folgers and Maxwell House are both household names due in large part to their equally impressive slogans/jingles. The ones that are say so, the ones that don't are arabica/robusta blends. Product details page for Maxwell House Wake Up Roast, 30.65 oz. I bought Maxwell House coffee last week for the first time and immediately started having the runs and significant intestinal upset. I finally figured out it was my Maxwell Coffee after not having it over the Holiday as I was out of town and drinking Tim Hortons. And, I suppose it's a matter of taste, but Folgers isn't overloaded with chicory. Maxwell House medium roast's caffeine content is approximately 100 to 160 milligrams in every 2 tablespoons of grounds, or 12 fluid ounces of prepared coffee. I also started having intestinal cramps and diarrhea. I felt the same thing .. nauseous and diarrhea. This was the 50's and 60's. harsh.and flavorfulgets the job done. Mh have since giving me stomach pain each time i drink it. There is something very wrong with MH coffee. Maxwell House does not provide the exact amount of caffeine in their decaf blends. I ask my husband to give me his thought after I make coffee and he find it to be weak as well. Please - anyone else experiencing headaches with Folgersor any coffee. What is going on? Jst came across this and was glad to find out that im not the only one. The side effects I have experienced range from heart palpitations, shortness of breath, full body aches, sever migraines, internal body aches, diarrhea, nausea and blurred vision! (This helps get that nice head/foam on the top. Before, I could not have typed this message. I thought maybe it was a bad batch from the store I usually shop at, so I went to a different store. They need to know they are losing loyal customers. I went through several tests to try to get to the bottom of my problems. Weve been drinking this for years - ! . FIND A STORE. It would cost thousands of dollars and they would still probably win in a taste test. Article I read in magazine said you get more caffine in medium brews. This is the coffee brand I would always buy and enjoy. What the hell? SO I thought I was imagining things when I thought Folgers might be making me sick. By comparison, the same amount of Maxwell House Lite Ground Coffee contains 25 to 50 milligrams of caffeine. We used to love the Maxwell house house blend, but lately it has been tasting different, not good like it used to be. Within hours I had a full blown migraine. Started to suspect the coffee this morning. If youre cutting back on caffeine, you can be confident that mixing in a bit of Maxwell House decaf will still result in phenomenal flavor. The last few containers I have purchased, a different story. We are idiots? Our original medium roast coffee is exceptionally smooth and . This used to be nice coffee before, little bit strong but good.Now it has some weird flavor, better yet no coffee flavor, something acidy and smelly.Wonder if company uses GMOs in its preparation?They give it pretty cheap now, cause people are figuring it out there's something bad to it.Won't buy it again. (2) Folgers 1/2 decaf 1/2 reg was better than the the number 3 Maxwell House. BVR Rating 209 reviews. The store brand tasted better too. Decided to buy a can and MH was on sale so figured I would give them another try. The other night I went to grab a can of Maxwell House Coffee and couldn't believe that they've made the container even smaller, again! I went back to my normal brand which cost a little more, but in the end realized it was so worth it. Several months later i spent the weekend with a friend. Whole bean or ground. We have lots of great small batch artisan coffee roasters here in the states. I just picked up a free pound of coffee at Zabars in NYC when buying an Aeropress. I've read the comments below and I was wondering if anyone gave consideration to the caffeine in coffee. Maxwell House Mocha Indulge Prepared w/ water. 2023 KITCHENSANITY KitchenSanity is a trademark of, Dark Roast Comparison: Black Silk Vs. Intense Bold, Decaf Comparison: Folgers vs. Maxwell House, K Cup, with both Master Blend and Original Roast flavors, Pre-bagged filters of both regular and decaf for easy use and disposal, Instant coffee in freeze dried crystal form, Flavored grounds, including Hazelnut and Vanilla, Mocha latte beverage powder, easily mixed with hot water for a sweet coffee treat. THANK GOD!!!cOb. I used to buy it at Stop and Shop and Shop Rite. No other coffee has had me doubled over in pain like this. At first we thought maybe we were getting sick, we were both having the same symptoms, maybe the flu? About 5 years ago I cut down to one cup a day, and just a few days ago I was put on Paxil for anxiety. Not an expertbut I drink my coffee without sugarjust I feel that makes me bit! So bad I gave up coffee all together chemical spray or unspecified blending of a different brand of has... Warnings of aspartame why is your company still using it many others here after. 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