The Dublin Convention has been divisive and especially difficult for Italy and Greece, which have struggled to accommodate migrants arriving by sea. The 2014-15 asylees from Syria and North Africa were mostly Muslim and faced higher degrees of discrimination than will the Ukrainians, who are largely of Christian heritage. Melissa De Witte, Stanford News Service:, The researchers created maps showing where warmer weather has left trees in conditions that dont suit them, making them more prone to being replaced by other species. Not everyone is eligible to seek asylum. But we need to remember that Europeans were impressively generous to the first wave of Syrian refugees, but as the numbers increased, attitudes quickly became exclusive. (Image credit: Michele Tantussi /Getty Images). MAHDIS KESHAVARZ: I always kind of think this imagery of, like, this pearl clutch of being just aghast that something can happen in your backyard, where things are happening in other people's backyards all the time. That's what makes it so shocking. The world is currently experiencing the largest refugee crisis since World War II. Lest we forget, barrel bombs are not the only threat to life. The reports advocate for lifting labor restrictions and preventing discrimination against asylum seekers. Palestinians, who have for decades lived in UN-assisted camps in the region. With the recent mass shooting in Germany, some people are again asking why anybody would hate refugees and aliens (i.e. The way we talk about conflicts can impact those who are already most directly affected by war, refugees. For example, instead of comparing refugee numbers among European countries, refugee numbers in countries bordering conflict areas could be considered as a point of reference. Another way to reduce anger at refugees is by identifying responsibilities for social disruption, and understanding that European countries welfare is rooted in a global economy that sustains poverty in developing countries (p. 1416).1. Over the past decade, mostly in collaboration with his Stanford colleague James Fearon, Laitin has published several papers on ethnicity, ethnic cooperation, the sources of civil war and policies that work to settle civil wars. the population growth among the working age has increased while unemployment has decreased. The majority of Afghans evacuated to the U.S. arrive without visas as humanitarian parolees, yet have been welcomed in the U.S. Again, Ukrainian refugees will now have the right to enter the European labor market. RANA KHOURY: We certainly do see it play out in terms of the politics of refugee reception in the idea of whose burden should it be to take refugees who are from the global South, the Middle East, Africa, versus, you know, who is welcome and who can be brought in here. Is it a vague feeling of hostility or does it stem from specific unpleasant experiences or future worries? Since Russia invaded Ukraine one month ago on Feb. 24, nearly 3.5 million people have fled Ukraine, and should the conflict continue, an additional 5 million more refugees will likely flee from the country within a year a rate that is nearly five times as fast as the flow of refugees from Syria and North Africa, says Stanford immigration policy scholar David Laitin. The decision that wealthy northern European countries such as Denmark and the UK made last fall, when they dismissed the EUs call for sharing the responsibility by refusing to receive any of the 120,000 asylum seekers relocated from the south, revealed their humanitarian priorities. For example, Orbn seeks to establish a Christian democracy in Hungary, and he has stated that Christian and Muslim society will never unite. This potent anti-Muslim, Christian supremacy rhetoric explains why Hungary welcomes Christian Ukrainians and rejects Muslim refugees from Africa and the Middle East. That's why we want you to know that, when you visit our website, we use technologies like cookies to collect anonymized data so that we can better understand and serve our audience. Refugee Health: From the Public Health Perspective. The impact of racism on refugee treatment is evident in how African, Middle Eastern, and Asian refugees fleeing Ukraine are treated. The studys findings are published in the December 2019 issue of the European Journal of Social Psychology.1. The findings could help inform long-term wildfire and ecosystem management in these zombie forests.. To answer this question, they conducted a second study using a sample of 289 female and 118 male students (average age of 32 years). The Harbour Project charity said many Ukrainians received immediate refugee. Once granted refugee status in a host country, the state cant deport them. For instance, the culture the original Irish immigrants brought with them has evolved and mixed with the American culture. Most are Ukrainians, but some are students . The International Monetary Fund has also urged the EU to lift labor restrictions on refugees and migrants, and reward employers for providing them employment. Arash Emamzadeh attended the University of British Columbia in Canada, where he studied genetics and psychology. This is because under Australia's excision regime (which was introduced in September 2001) asylum seekers who arrive at an 'excised offshore place' without a valid visa are barred from applying for a visa to remain in Australia unless the Minister personally intervenes to allow them to do so. For instance, do you worry about foreigners spreading diseases, committing violence, or taking away jobs and depressing wages? The massive migration flow to the north has produced a war of semantics: Are the new arrivals refugees or migrants? While the first three threats may be considered direct threats, the other three are extended threats. Of those, 1.1 million are children, As such, refugees are generally asylum seekers who have been granted the right to asylum in another country (refugee status). Masses of refugees from Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Somalia, Yemen, and elsewhere have faced racially motivated hostility in. Kotada Al-Younes, a young Syrian journalist who has found exile in Sweden, told me that many Syrians in Sweden share this frustration with being confined and labelled as refugees: People want to keep their identity and their profession when they go abroad. In addition, they pose a health threat because some refugees come from. Why are some refugees treated differently than others? Syrian refugees desire to work speaks to a broader sentiment, shared by many asylum seekers, that employment matters more than protection. For example, Ukrainians and Poles are fast-tracked across the border near Medyka, Poland, while everyone else must wait 14 to 50 hours to cross. He's the host of NPR's Book of the Day podcast and a frequent host on Life Kit. Ibrahim. The European Parliament stresses in a report that even though Sweden offers low working restrictions for asylees, their labor market is inflexible and poorly adaptable to employees with different skills. The conflict is also highly symbolic, for it reflects a [return] to bipolarity and a new Cold War, a standoff between democracy and autocracy, morality and hostility. In the wall-to-wall coverage of the crisis in Ukraine, a certain pattern has sometimes emerged that positions Ukrainians as different from other victims of conflict. LIMBONG: The Nigerian statehouse issued a statement today denouncing reports of Nigerians being denied entry to the Polish border. In this post, I discuss new research by Helen Landmann and colleagues in Germany, which has examined the reasons people use to justify anti-refugee hostility. A recent report by Human Rights First documented at least 6,356 reports of kidnappings and attacks on asylum-seekers and migrants after they were turned away from the U.S. under Title 42. While this study indicates anti-Muslim bias among government officials, a similar 2016 study suggests that regular citizens exhibit similar tendencies. He's also covered the near collapse of the live music industry during the coronavirus pandemic. Others avoid registering for asylum, not for practical reasons but out of a sense of dignity. They met a woman from Guatemala traveling with her two daughters. Asylum applicants in northern Europe receive welfare benefits including free education and health care while their applications are being processed, which presents a considerable cost to society. 5 Spiritual Practices That Increase Well-Being. IE 11 is not supported. The EU report challenges her statement by showing that, rather than signifying asylum seekers lack of desire to work, the slow inclusion of asylum seekers into the labor market is a result of poor implementation: Many employers in Sweden are simply not aware that asylum seekers are allowed to work. This led to a disorganized and desperate re-migration throughout Europe, with refugees under continued fear of being repatriated. Ukrainians enjoy more lenient entry requirements, refugee reception centers offering essentials, easier travel within the EU, and free public transportation and phone services. PublishedFebruary 28, 2022 at 3:31 PM CST. In addition, they found that every threat typeeven altruistic threat (concerns about the host countrys ability to care for refugees)was linked with negative views of immigration and refugees. Anna is from Denmark and can speak five languages. labor integration of both asylum seekers and refugees will generate long-term economic gains, specify that asylum seekers can only be employed, to be recognized by the national labor system, many asylum seekers experience discrimination, perpetrators behind the Paris attacks had exploited the asylum system, 40 percent of Germans calling for her resignation this year in response to her open-border policy, argued in a policy brief for The Century Foundation, accepted 69,900 refugees including a mere 2,192 Syrians last year. They can even enter Slovakia and Poland without papers, countries displaying potent anti-refugee sentiments during the 2015 Syrian refugee crisis. You know, looking and seeing why African migrants aren't allowed to cross into Hungary is just as valid as just asking why Ukrainians are. In a survey of almost 20,000 Europeans across 15 countries in 2016, my IPL colleagues found a strong anti-Muslim bias. Many refugees are coming from northern Africa and the Middle East, with roughly 50 percent of the population of Syria seeking refuge from war. Several studies suggest the increase of an active work force will benefit the EUs GDP. CHARLIE D'AGATA: You know, this is a relatively civilized, relatively European - I have to choose those words carefully, too - city where you wouldn't expect that LIMBONG: The phrasing rankled enough people that he issued a clarifying apology a day later. In other words, the deaths of African and Middle Eastern civilians have elicited less attention from media outlets and foreign governments than the deaths of Ukrainians. With fewer resources invested in non-Ukrainian refugees, it may take longer for their asylum cases to be processed, prolonging unemployment, living precarity, and limited access to resources. Therefore, the latter must contend with heightened xenophobia, and numerous studies evidence discrimination against Muslim asylum seekers. Asked whether she recognised a difference in the treatment of refugees between 2015 and 2022, Frederiksen replied "yes, it is (different), because Ukraine is our region". While the two categories are treated differently by law, in practice they are both asylum seekers. The global refugee crisis: Empirical evidence and policy implications for improving public attitudes and facilitating refugee resettlement. Why are refugees treated differently? European Journal of Social Psychology, 49(7), 1401-1420. Work permits are a contested issue in the EU, since many native workers fear that the new labor force will steal jobs from them. The Century Foundation In contrast, non-Ukrainian refugees have been physically assaulted by Polish and Belarussian patrolmen; left to freeze in the winter; detained in unhygienic camps in Greece; trapped in limbo between Poland and Belarus; assaulted with tear gas and water cannons near the Greece-Turkey border; and bombarded with xenophobic and anti-migrant rhetoric, especially in Poland, Hungary, and Slovakia. More than half - nearly 548,000 - have fled to Poland which shares a 500km border with Ukraine. The UNHCR has warned that the conflation of refugees and migrants has politicized humanitarian work, but the distinction was political at the onset, as it prioritizes victims of physical violence over victims of structural and economic violence. They want to work and maintain their dignity, not just be refugees, he explained to me over the phone earlier this week. By Muhammad Idrees Ahmad, a lecturer in digital. It is not enough for them simply to stay alive. In the past year, a record-high 65 million people have been displaced worldwide, including more than one million people who crossed borders into the European Union while thousands more died on the way. Its an undertaking thats demonstrated the ability of the U.S. government to bring tens of thousands of refugees to safety in America and marshal local resources to help them resettle in their new home. As neighboring countries let in Ukrainian refugees, Africans living and studying in Ukraine say they're facing discrimination at border crossings. This crisis requires countries that are accepting refugees to have . subscribe to Stanford Report. As anthropologist Miriam Ticktin has documented, some even infect themselves with deadly diseases to gain protection as HIV-positive patients and thereby gain residence. Why? Furthermore, according to Hanne Beirens, Migration Policy Institute think tank director, the prioritization of Ukrainian refugees restricts the resources available to other refugees, such as housing and language courses; this inequality creates a two-tiered system of refugee integration. While a federal judge on Thursday blocked the Biden administration from enforcing Title 42 for migrant families, the administration still has 14 days to implement the court ruling, and in any case is appealing the decision. Moreover, they were not permitted to work until their asylum application was approved. A further 133,000 have gone to Hungary, 72,000 to Slovakia, 51,260 to Romania, and nearly 98,000 . KESHAVARZ: So as journalists, I think it's really critical that we look at that duality, and we question why that is. Andrew Limbong is a reporter for NPR's Arts Desk, where he does pieces on anything remotely related to arts or culture, from streamers looking for mental health on Twitch to Britney Spears' fight over her conservatorship. are at risk of torture, or cruel or unusual punishment in their home countries. Every threat type was correlated with unfavorable views of migration and refugees and with favoring more restrictive control of migration. They concluded that the six threat types explained the data better than one general threat factor or two factors (i.e. For example, a person who fears he might catch a deadly disease from refugees is reacting to a direct threat, but a person who fears negative changes in politics of the country, such as a significant increase in popular support for extremist right-wing and far-right parties, is reacting to an indirect or extended threat. Refugee implies involuntary exodus, while migrant refers more to voluntary movement; therefore, the use of the latter undermines non-Ukrainian refugees requests for asylum. The Supreme Court hears arguments today on President Bidens student loan forgiveness plan; John F. Cogan and Michael McConnell discuss their amicus brief opposing it. Editor's note: Last year, thousands of asylum seekers and migrants from the Middle East, Africa, and South Asia found themselves used as pawns in a political showdown between Belarus and the EU: stuck in a dense forest along the Polish-Belarusian border and pushed back and forth by security services as temperatures plummeted below zero. Knowing what you value will help you build the most meaningful life possible. Refugees and migrants arrive to Europe by the same road; they also face the same challenges in seeking asylum, labor, and housing, as well as integrating into their host communities. Unlike Ukrainians, they must apply for asylum and wait for approval before seeking jobs. (Capacity would be determined by population, GDP, unemployment rate and other factors.) The asylum program works to provide refugee protection to people in Canada who: have a well-founded fear of persecution or. Second, under the EUs temporary protection directive, any Ukrainian national who flees as a result of the invasion, plus his or her partners and children of any nationality, may receive permission to stay in any EU country for one year; previously, a Ukrainian passport permitted visa-free entry into the EU for only up to 90 days. Extensive international coverage of the crisis in Ukraine also has geopolitical consequences. KESHAVARZ: So as journalists, I think it's really critical that we look at that duality, and we question why that is. According to new research, many asylum seekers experience discrimination on the Swedish labor market. As of March 4, Canada has only resettled 8,580 of . 1. Since 9/11, far-right terrorists have killed more people in the United States than Islamic jihadists. foreigners). Swiss Justice Minister Karin Keller-Sutter predicted that up to 50,000 people from Ukraine would arrive in the country before June to date, the highest number of war refugees to enter Switzerland in the 21st century. In a strategic attempt to halt irregular migration while maintaining her principle of a generous domestic asylum policy, Merkel has facilitated an EU agreement with Turkey. Contrarily, due to racial, religious, cultural, and ethnic differences, Europeans feel less sympathy for other refugees. NPR's Andrew Limbong has more. Religious and other prejudices are often intertwined; the disparity between how the EU treats Ukrainian and non-Ukrainian refugees stems from Europeans empathy for Ukrainians and the othering of African and Middle Eastern refugees. The act allowed approximately 190,000 refugees, escapees, and expellees to arrive in the United States before the legislation . International law and practice addresses refugee and internal displacement emergencies differently. When it comes to these refugees being treated differently during their time of need, Abdelaaty's research shows that the labels used to describe those fleeing their homelandrefugees and migrantsimpacts how countries respond, including the actual definitions of who is a refugee and who is a migrant. The death of Alan Kurdi: one year on, compassion towards refugees fades: Toddler's death opened European hearts and policy towards refugees, but 12 months on those changes have proved temporary. All rights reserved. The Italian government has at times closed its ports to foreign boats carrying rescued migrants. Broadly, what does your research reveal about the publics attitude toward refugees? Furthermore, to many white and Christian Europeans, an influx of Middle Eastern and African Muslim refugees threatens power dynamics rooted in racial and religious hegemony, while incoming Ukrainians primarily strengthen them. But they may be misguided to see migration from Africa as their foremost challenge. Staying Single: What Most People Do If They Divorce After 50, A Psychological Diagnosis for People Who Lie About Everything. The EUs response to the refugee crisis also shapes its posture towards Russia and reignites Cold War concerns about Russian aggression, for Eastern Europeans acknowledge the potential for Putin to invade their nations as well. (Image credit: Michele Tantussi /Getty Images), as the largest humanitarian crisis Europe has seen since World War II, were more likely to reject Muslim applicants, Swiss voters denying citizenship to Muslim applicants, fearing and discriminating against increasing numbers of Muslims in their midst, only a small share of the migrants there expressed an interest in reaching Europe, urban Ukrainians tend to have higher skill levels than other middle-income countries, Stanford scholar explores the impact of racial stress on Black youth. In the words of Al Jazeera journalist Saif Khalid, when white people commit terrorism this is seen as an individual act that does not represent the entire race. In Srebrenica in July 1995, towards the end of the 1992-1995 civil war in Bosnia-Herzegovina, Serbs massacred 8,000 Bosnian Muslims, a blatant act of genocide. Chancellor Angela Merkel is facing her biggest political crisis to date over this issue, with over 40 percent of Germans calling for her resignation this year in response to her open-border policy. The U.S. has an opportunity to build off of its strong response to the Ukrainian refugee crisis. Its a continuation of the policy begun under the Trump administration known as Title 42, which essentially bans anyone from seeking asylum at the U.S. southern border under the pretext that concerns about the spread of Covid-19 mean they must immediately be deported. I need ammunition, not a ride from the war-torn streets of Kyiv, Zelensky has become a vocal, defiant defender of democracy and civil liberties, while Putin has trampled Russians freedoms, invaded a sovereign nation, and authorized countless war crimes in Ukraine. That's what makes it so shocking. She says that's a pretty good sign of civilization. Given its magnitude, the Ukraine crisis may prompt leaders to consider policies that cast a wider lens, Laitin said. Just last week, the U.S. expelled 86 Haitians who fled the recent earthquake and political unrest, and flew them back to Haiti under this policy. Refugees, for instance, pose an economic threat because they need jobs, low-cost housing, access to health care, etc. The Venezuelan crisis parallels the Zimbabwean exodus of the early 2000s. And if you zoom way, way out when talking about refugees and displacement, countries in the Middle East, Africa and the global South have taken in more than their fair share of refugees. The way we. Esses, V. M., Hamilton, L. K., & Gaucher, D. (2017). As they work out where to go next, it's not clear they'll find refuge in Europe. Since the media expose Europeans more to the conflict in Ukraine, they are more aware of the atrocities and trauma necessitating Ukrainians flight to nearby countries; therefore, refugees need for asylum seems more legitimate. A mass exodus of Ukrainians risks overwhelming resources in neighboring countries even as Europe pledges to aid refugees fleeing Russia's invasion. . He has also done graduate work in clinical psychology and neuropsychology in U.S. Get the help you need from a therapist near youa FREE service from Psychology Today. Approximately 18,000 Europeans from 15 countries were given profiles and asked whom they would grant asylum; the study found a consistent bias against Muslim asylum-seekers, who were 11 percentage points less likely to be accepted than otherwise similar Christians. Corroborating this anti-Muslim bias among Europeans, another experiment in France concluded that increasing numbers of Muslims in France resulted in increased xenophobia. In the wall-to-wall coverage of the crisis in Ukraine, a certain pattern has sometimes emerged that positions Ukrainians as different from other victims of conflict. Visit our website terms of use and permissions pages at for further information. As Al-Younes noted, who wants to hire an asylum seeker still at risk of deportation, since their application hasnt been accepted yet? Why Are So Many Young Men Single And Sexless? If you are among those who hate refugees, do you know why you feel this way? KESHAVARZ: And I think one very dangerous thing that we're seeing is - and it bears asking the question - is, have journalists become so desensitized to the suffering of different peoples of color, specifically people that are in war zones, that we're no longer seeing on the same level playing field? Whether the threat is true or imagined, immigrants might be perceived as threatening in a number of ways. NPR's Andrew Limbong has more. Identifying different types of threat and their association with emotional responses and attitudes towards refugee migration. Saif Khalid of Al Jazeera attributes this disparate language to primarily white media outlets that [lack] diversity and perspective and enforce racial stereotypes. At a time when Western states are highly concerned with maintaining influence in the Middle Eastern debacle, excluding people from their shores seems ill-advised. Media coverage of the invasion is part of the reason. Meanwhile, the Maslovas, a family from Ukraine, enjoy warm welcomes. Notwithstanding, numerous other treaties - dealing with human rights, refugees, stateless people and the protection of political, civil and economic rights -indirectly afford protection for migrants; unfortunately, all too often, receiving countries flout these obligations. Media outlets therefore play a decisive role in how Europeans view asylum seekers. Assad sought to offer a stark choice between his secular rule and a jihadi alternative, creating a binary with no clean, moral winner. Six threat types emerged from the analysis of the responses:1. While media outlets have labeled Ukrainians refugees, they oscillated between refugees and migrants when referring to Middle Eastern and African refugees in 2015. Refugee agencies fear up to five million of Ukrainians could try to flee across the border as Russia's war intensifies and casualties mount. deported back to their home countries, where they are at great risk of torture or prosecution. ARI SHAPIRO, HOST: In the wall-to-wall coverage of the crisis in Ukraine, a certain pattern has sometimes emerged that positions Ukrainians as different from other victims of conflict. The Century Foundation takes your data security and privacy seriously. But several EU countries have implemented labor restrictive measures to avoid this. Copyright 2022 NPR. An anchor for Al-Jazeera English called Ukrainian refugees, quote, "middle-class people," in comparison to refugees from the Middle East and North Africa. D'AGATA: What I'd hoped to convey is that what's unique about the fighting underway here is that this country has not really seen the scale of war in recent years, unlike some LIMBONG: But it wasn't just CBS. In addition, we should remember foreigners culture will change, particularly with intergroup contactjust as cultures of European immigrants to America have changed, as history shows. One of the many things that Russian President Vladimir Putin did not expect when he launched his gratuitously stupid invasion of Ukraine was international resolve. | EuroNews Trevor Noah has slammed the double-standard between how African and Middle Eastern refugees are treated when fleeing to Europe in comparison to Ukrainians who are currently fleeing their country due to the Russian invasion. Shooting, detaining, torturing, and executing protestors, Assad forcefully crushed pro-democracy protests during the Arab Spring. That's less likely to be true for people who decide to leave in the coming weeks, said Steve. We forget, barrel bombs are not the only threat to life outlets therefore play a role! Exodus of the live music industry during the 2015 syrian refugee crisis since world war II are refugees! Venezuelan crisis parallels the Zimbabwean exodus of the responses:1 invasion is part of the crisis in Ukraine also has consequences. By Muhammad Idrees Ahmad, a family from Ukraine, enjoy warm welcomes, torturing and! Why are So many Young Men Single and Sexless geopolitical consequences escapees, ethnic! Addition, they oscillated between refugees and with favoring more restrictive control of migration and refugees and migrants referring... Five languages labor restrictions and preventing discrimination against asylum seekers for further information arrive in the 2019! 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