Many Warriors will roll Arms for Phase 1, as its generally stronger than Fury, while being more fun to play and easier to gear to boot. On one hand, fights are starting to get longer, so this spec experiences a slight drop-off in damage due to having a lower uptime on Metamorphosis. They have great multi-dot and AoE damage too. They do provide some unique utility to the raid, providing mana regeneration and some crowd control, but overall they will be middle of the pack on the Damage Meters. Enhancement Shamans find themselves in an great spot during the second phase of the expansion, as we currently witness the rise of both standard Enhancement and Spellhance. As far as survivability itself goes, well, Survival Hunter, am I right? And finally, the potential bonus damage in the execute phase with Drain Soul and Deaths Embrace. Most Survival Hunters will swap to Marksmanship in this phase, and itll be common to see a couple per raid. The reward for playing well is, sadly, worse than it would be if you were Fire, so most Arcane mages will respec after they get close to that 45-50% crit chance point, despite doing very respectable damage as Arcane. We will be ranking each DPS class available for the expansion, as well as explaining each classs position on the tier list. BM Hunters reading this are probably looking at the Tier 10 sets (Windrunners Battlegear) 4-set bonus and getting excited for this phase. However, at the beginning of Ulduar and throughout its progression, Marksmanship Hunter will be completely overshadowed by Survival. We will be discussing this in more detail in the sections below. Jolehin-silvermoon June 26, 2022, 1:02pm #1. While they dont gain as much of a benefit from armor penetration stat found on Phase 2 gear, the Tier 8 set (Darkruned Battlegear) has 2 incredible set bonuses for Frost. Retribution Paladins will perform very well in fights such as Kolorgarn, Iron Council, Ignis, Freya, and Mimiron from a pure damage output perspective, however, they will be provide excellent utility throughout the entirety of Ulduar. Fire Mages have finally gathered their power and are terrible on unleashing awe-inspiring critical strikes on their foes, all while sitting on their rightful throne in the S-tier. Fury Warriors will find themselves dealing hefty amounts of damage in fights that heavily employ AoE damage, however, they will have to be careful of any incoming damage (as they will only be protected against physical damage). In wotlk you can farm pretty good with any class, but soloing old content is easier with some than others. If you have ever heard about the paladin in Wrath of the Lich King, you should know exactly what we are talking about. Arms Warrios have a lot of the same upsides that Fury Warrios do armor penetration items such as Mjolnir Runestone help a lot, and both Tier 8 set bonuses (Siegebreaker Battlegear) are great. Shadow Priests find themselves in a tougher position compared to the other caster specializations in Phase 2. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); document.getElementById( "ak_js_2" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Someone once said that you cant go home again. This is by no means a big drop, however, as were still near the top, offering some top-tier damage thanks to our very workable scaling and the abundance of armor penetration on Phase 4 equipment. Similar to the Top Dogs (the Unholy Death Knights and Affliction Warlocks), this will happen largely because Frost DKs damage (Frost Strike, Howling Blast, etc.) Subtlety is in the same boat as Frost is for Mages the majority of its talents are tailored for PvP, so in the D-tier it remains. Oh boy, a cleave-heavy phase?! You will never struggle to get a raid spot as a Ret. In this video as when it comes to gold farming. A Tier: Arcane Mages perform really well early on due to being able to reach the spell Hit Cap easily from their talents. Unlike many of the other fallen titan specs that find themselves lower in the DPS rankings than where they used to be, things dont ever get better for BM. Arcane still has the superior single-target damage, athough as mentioned in their section theyre starting to get held back by their mana issues. B Tier: Balance Druids (Boomkin) provide some of the best AoE damage in the game but their single-target damage is lackluster in comparison. As with other physical damage dealers, the early phases lack armor penetration and it really hurts their overall DPS. Thus, if youre interested in playing Demonology, you should coordinate with your guilds other Warlocks but, if you get the Demo spot, youre in for a very solid Wrath of the Lich King experience. Check Out Our Tier Lists! It is generally not advised to play Beast Mastery outside of 5-man dungeons. WoW Wrath Classic: Best PvE DPS Class Tier List (WotLK), This article is part of a directory: WoW Wrath Classic (WotLK): Complete Guide Directory, Frost & Unholy Death Knight Best in Slot Pre-Raid, Balance Druid Best in Slot Pre-Raid & Phase 1, Feral Druid (DPS) Best in Slot Pre-Raid & Phase 1, Feral Druid (Tank) Best in Slot Pre-Raid & Phase 1, Restoration Druid Best in Slot Pre-Raid & Phase 1, Assassination & Combat Rogue Best In Slot Pre-Raid & Phase 1, Holy Paladin Best in Slot Pre-Raid & Phase 1, Protection Paladin Best In Slot Pre-Raid & Phase 1, Retribution Paladin Best in Slot Pre-Raid & Phase 1, Affliction and Destruction Warlock Best In Slot Phase 2, Arms & Fury Warrior Best In Slot Pre-Raid, Six Ways to Make Gold in Classic WoW: Wrath of the Lich King, How To Get The Ironbound Proto-Drake Mount, Things You Need To Know About The New Fresh Start Realms, Asmongold Reveals What Changes He Wants to See in WoW Classic, A Complete Guide To The Tirion Fordring Questline "In Dreams". Retribution for DPS. Best classes for PvE and PvP in WoW WotLK 31.10.2022 Raids are Live on Wrath Classic Naxxramas, Eye of Eternity, Vault of Archavon & Obsidian Sanctum 31.10.2022 view all INFORMATION Home News Guarantees FAQ Jobs Contacts Request a service Legal Privacy policy Refund Policy Terms and Conditions CONTACTS US LiveChat Within this one package, contains four sub-groups of WeakAuras: #1: Core. Most Combat Rogues will start out as Assassination as their damage isnt hindered as much by Armor Penetration. WOTLK Classic Best Class - Warlocks. They boost Ferals single-target damage a ton but, more importantly, they allow Feral Druids to produce astonishing AoE damage to levels other specs simply cannot reach. Our issues remain the same: lackluster damage, and a complete lack of cleave damage, which Affliction excels at. However, they maintain a solid damage output, even if they do not benefit from a powerful execution tool. We could have been the absolute kings of single-target DPS in Phase 4, but Blizzards cruel designers decided well be at the bottom of the A-tier instead a perfectly fine spot, all jokes aside. However, their damage output can be chaotic, and it really depends a lot on how lucky they are with loot drops. Phase 1 fights are typically pretty short, meaning we dont have to worry about mana and can just go to town, pumping Arcane Blasts to our hearts content. Shadow Priests were the butt of all jokes in TBC due to our low DPS, but nobodys laughing now our damage has been buffed significantly in WotLK, and we no longer will be dead last on the DPS meters. The raid itself features a good balance of single-target, cleave, and AoE fights, so specs that excel at different types of damage will all get their turn in the spotlight. The damage is still just too bad. You must not have played lv 60 classic, or OG wotlk if you believe guilds won't class stack, and be able to fully gear them. We are the definition of a late bloomer: while our damage is just about average in the first 3 phases of the game, Phase 4 turns is into absolute monsters of cleave damage, thanks to Shadowmourne and our overpowered Tier 10 set 2-piece bonus. It also has a rather dull skill rotation, primarily casting Frostbolt with a few Frostfire Bolts and Deep Freezes mixed in. Fire Mages and Fury Warriors, for instance, will have to wait a while for their turn to shine in the spotlight, as they lack the stats they need in order to succeed, such as crit and armor penetration. Updated Nov 8, 2022 Ranking each class in World of Warcraft Classic Wrath of the Lich King based on their performance in PvE encounters. Were not quite as strong as some of the big boys above us, so raids likely wont heavily stack Unholy DKs, but it wont be uncommon to see 2-3 in a raid, as our formerly Frost comrades switch to Unholy. However, the damage mitigation will not work at the expense of the Paladin's life. The 4-set bonus in specific previously used to affect Icy Touch as well (a Frost staple), and was quickly nerfed to only affect Blood Plague, which is our domain meaning we arguably get a superior benefit to them. The Wowhead Client is a little application we use to keep our database up to date, and to provide you with some nifty extra functionality on the website! The most incredible part about this class is that all three specs are . Phase 4 plays a very evil prank on Frost DKs: we finally get to yield a shard of Arthass iconic Death Knight weapon, Frostmourne, known as Shadowmourne a two-handed axe. Its damage teeters on the edge of viability, which isnt really a compliment. It never gets boring, and having a class that can do all (dps, heal, tank and good pvp) is always the best bet. Unlike many of the other ranged DPS specs, they arent really penalized by having to move, as most of their spells are instant cast anyway which is a very big bonus in TotC, with many of the fights requiring frequent movement. Adds will very often not have armor-reducing debuffs on them for a while, and thus Divine Storms Holy damage which ignores armor will be a major asset for Rets. Frost DK single-target damage is still top-tier in this phase, as they continue to hit like absolute trucks. The abundance of armor penetration on gear during this phase, coupled with our bleed effects means armor barely affects us, improving our damage drastically. Simply browse for your screenshot using the form below. Gaming News Guides Reviews Gfinity Tech Only Mobile Gaming . Were just 3 days away from the launch of the WotLK Classic pre-patch, and just 1 month away from the launch of WotLK Classic itself! There is some theorycrafting showing that a spell power version of Enhancement, dubbed Spellhance, could have some potential, though it remains to be seen if that pans out in WotLK Classic. It still remains decently competitive in Phases 2 and 3, but if youre interested in playing Hunter, you might want to look into Marksmanship as well, so youre ready for Phases 3/4. Throwing Specialization: Skills with Throwing Weapons is increased by 5. That being said, they find themselves in quite a sweet spot, especially since there is no abundance of Armor Penetration to help them ascend to a higher tier. He is also an avid Volleyball player and friend to all dogs. Unfortunately, the abundance of armor penetration on TotC gear, which greatly enhances their damage, cannot really make up for their below-average Tier 9 (Malfurions Battlegear) set bonuses. They do lack any meaningful AoE and Cleave damage, but they do bring one raid buff. You wont be reaching the top spots of the DPS meters as a Boomkin, but youll be doing very well anyway, and everyone in the raid will love you for your utility. And yet, a lot of people are still undecided about what class and spec theyd like to play in WotLK. Everything is stacked up against the poor Ret in Phase 3, which honestly makes it impressive that they even got up here. Meanwhile, armor penetration is now found as a passive stat on gear rather than a trinket proc, and equipment is overall way stronger in this phase, which greatly favours physical damage dealers, and specs with good scaling respectively. So, we find ourselves at the bottom of the B-tier as a result, looking at our Assassination counterparts at the top of the DPS meters with jealousy. However, they will provide invaluable AoE damage with their cleave potential, and they also pack quite a high amount of utility through Heroic Throw and Sunder Armor. But therein lies the issue: we cannot yet actualize that potential in Phase 1. Unlike the previous, now Eternal Farming is overpower in WotLK as it has more locations for gold per hour. To make things worse for us, we have extremely little utility. We have no unique buff like Demonology, so theres no reason to bring even a single Destruction Warlock to a raid theyd all be better off switching to Affliction. Priest Class Guides and Overview in Wrath of the Lich King Classic By Ragor Last Updated: 2022/08/30 Changelog Patch: 3.4.0 Favorite: Rating: Table of Contents Get Wowhead Premium As little as less than $1 a month to enjoy an ad-free experience, unlock premium features, and support the site! Affliction Warlocks will be well-rounded in the majority of the fights. The main difference is the addition of a new spell, Lava Burst, but that doesnt amount to much more than a differently colored nuke button. However, the majority of Phase 1 boss fights are primarily single-target, so we dont get to take advantage of this strength as much as wed like just yet. What should I play in WotLK Classic?, we hear you asking. While Warlocks in general saw a utility nerf, Demonology didnt have that much to begin with, and it now gets access to Demonic Pact. 0.2.0: Major overhaul. Furthermore, the Trial of the Crusader raid consisting primarily of cleave-type fights means we get to go to town with Pestilence and Wandering Plague, topping damage meters. Furthermore, in WotLK a lot of different specs can do very well with good gear and a skillful player behind them! Best Overall Classes - WoW Classic Best Class Tier List Classic Posted 2019/08/24 at 4:07 PM by Rokman Get instant notifications when the latest news is published via the Wowhead Discord Webhook! Even our shiny new debuff, Trauma, is applied automatically by a much more powerful spec, Feral Druids. Nevertheless, they can confidently say that they will bring tons of damage in every possible fight, especially with the Tier 8 item set bonus (since the new Ulduar will have an emphasis on AoE-heavy fights). We have incredible damage scaling, but we cant use it yet, so both our single-target and AoE / cleave damage is hampered. Wrath of the Lich King Classic gold making tips Making gold in World of Warcraft can be tough, especially in the Wrath of the Lich King expansion. This comes at a cost, though, as our single-target damage is just about average. The majority of classes are middle of the pack in terms of performance, however, there are some obvious winners and losers throughout the expansion. However, the spec itself scales slowly, meaning that Arcane Mages will be a lot stronger, especially in the beginning and throughout the progression of Ulduar. However, we have something they dont: an excellent cleave tool, in Howling Blast. Many guilds will choose to run multiple Fury Warriors at this point, as their damage is unparalleled. Note that this Tier List covers classes and specs in their patch-3.3.5 state. So, while they dont gain quite as much out of their Tier 8 set (Deathbringer Garb) as the other 2 specs do, Demonology is still very competitive, finding itself near the top of the A-tier. Top Class in Wrath of the Lich King Classic - Priests Priests are one of the strongest classes Wrath of the Lich King in both of their roles, aka DPS and Healing. Furthermore, as our gear sees improvements, so does our Demonic Pact the main reason why many caster-heavy raids will be bringing a Demo Warlock. Well, well, well, how the mighty have fallen. This works just like in previous Classic expansions: although were doing content starting with the very first phase, our spells, talents, and equipment are already in their finalized states, which has great implications on the metagame. Assuming full phase 10 bis, fury warriors will be slightly stronger. Almost all of the bosses of Trial of the Crusader raid are cleave-type fights, featuring 1-4 adds, while the rest are single-target fights. We gain a whole lot of DPS tools focused around bleed effects, meaning we are no longer a tank spec that can occasionally DPS if tanking is not needed flipping the roles, many Ferals will now be cat mains that occasionally off-tank when needed. Besides the overpowered damage, they also have a variety of debuffs (their curses), and a variety of utility spells that can aid the raid group in achieving victory. D Tier: Frost Mages are also typically only seen as a PvP specialization. Best site to buy WoW Classic gold. This is particularly true in fights with multiple targets, where multi-dotting pushes us high on the DPS meters. Still, this isnt a very big issue, and many raids will elect to bring multiple Fire Mages in Phase 4, as having ranged damage dealers putting out this much DPS is a godsend. This tier list ranks all DPS specializations for their performance across the entire expansion. Better player tooltips - class colors, talents/specialization, GearScore & more - for Classic / TBC / WoTLK Still, Marksmanship is very much still competitive, so long-time Marksmanship veterans could stick to their guns (har-har, pun intended) if they dont enjoy Survivals playstyle. Our single-target damage is great, but Swipe (Cat) doesnt have the best damage efficiency when you only get to hit 2-3 targets with it. Healing overall is in a great spot in WoW WotLK Classic; every specialization has something they are very good at. Boomies still refuse to leave their spot in the middle of the DPS meters in Phase 4, finding themselves near the top of the B-tier yet again. We still have the Druid staples like Gift of the Wild and Innervate. The Difference in rotation comes into play once you have Mage t2 set as it allows you to instant cast spells that are shorter than 10s when it procs, which . Furthermore, DPS specs that have good scaling but low base damage will unfortunately be at their worst during this phase. He loves sharing those special gaming experiences with his friends both online and locally with couch co-op, VR, and even tabletop games. Furthermore, Blizzard seems determined to hold Retribution down, as the set bonuses on their Tier 10 set (Turalyons Battlegear) are both unimpressive. We also get to soak up several powerful spells by using our Dispersion defensive cooldown to absorb the damage, making us a very desirable spec overall. Thats true Phase 4 is absolutely not kind to us, as our lack of scaling comes to haunt us. However, the 2-piece set bonuses have major implications on our AoE damage. Yes, its a very strong proc, boosting our damage by a decent bit but, unfortunately, its just not enough to put us on the damage meters for real. We expected them to excel during the early phases of the expansion from the high damage of their magic-based skills, however they have come down from the S-Tier projected we originally expected. 6 Similar posts: . Best Consumables for Survival Hunter DPS in Wrath of the Lich King Luckily in WoTLK Classic, consumables are a lot more reasonable and relaxed compared to the laundry list of consumables in TBCC. Those pesky Death Knights knocked us off our throne during Phase 3, but were back with a feral vengeance. It takes a long time to level a single character, so make the right choice first if you're looking for a lucrative PVP career. However, the increase from those buffs pales in comparison to the damage potential that the other 2 specializations, Assassination and Combat would provide. Our only major change is the addition of Beast Mastery, which pushes our single-target damage to acceptable levels (at best), while doing nothing for our sub-par cleave and AoE damage. Just like with our Frost brothers, the DK Tier 9 set, Thassarians Battlegear, confers extremely powerful set bonuses on us that propel us straight into the S-tier. Screenshots containing UI elements are generally declined on sight, the same goes for screenshots from the modelviewer or character selection screen. We cant really make that decision for you, but we can help you make an informed decision! Survival is in a very awkward spot in this phase, similar to Assassination Rogues, though they arguably have it slightly better. Like in the previous phase, its unlikely youll lose your spot as Enhancement if your guild needs your totem buffs, but the damage gap between you and the top dogs isnt getting any smaller. Observant readers may have noticed that Fury has crept up a tier yet again, finally managing to find its way into the A-tier. Previously, we mentioned that Shadow Priests will struggle to compete with other casters at the beginning of Ulduar, however, they quickly proved that they can dish out damage just like any Mage or Warlock out there. None of this should dissuade you from playing a Mage if Fire looks interesting to you, however, as we tie Arcane in Phase 2, and then finally blossom into one of the strongest specs in the game in Phases 3 & 4. If you don't like the boosts, don't play the game. Thanks to the two very strong set bonuses on the new Tier 8 set (Sanctification Garb), Shadow Priests excel in Single-Target encounters, managing to be on par with Arcane Mages and even coming close to Affliction Warlocks. However, some of their buffs do not stack, meaning that they will often be overshadowed by either a Demonology Warlock or a Balance Druid. Trusted by GoDaddy SSL encryption, verified by Rating-System. Afflictions role in Phase 4 can be described as a jack-of-all-trades. A one-stop shop for all things video games. Yet since Ulduar has been buffed, Shadow Priests will have a hard time competing throughout the progression of Ulduar with classes such as Balance Druids, Affliction Warlocks, Arcane, and Fire Mages in terms of pure DPS. However, they find themselves in a way better spot compared to the first phase of the expansion. Contribute These are hunter, warlock, mage, and death knight classes. Even my mug has armor penetration on it? However, even with all the boosts they receive from their new Tier 8 set, the high skill requirement combined with the lack of abundant Armor Penetration will place Feral Druids in the B-Tier, being simply surpassed by other specializations that can produce a higher damage output and better overall utility. It's a hybrid pvp specc named after the player preghiera. However, if we take into account their pure damage output both single-target and AoE as they approach their BiS gear, they will be completely overshadowed by many other caster specializations, potentially dropping as far as the mid to low parts of the C-Tier. Feral Druids suffer a temporary setback in Phase 3, as they drop from the top spot of the S-tier, to the middle of the A-tier. It typically lags slightly behind Affliction in terms of raw damage, but offers a unique piece of utility in Demonic Pact that makes the spec worthy of the A-tier. 4. Once spell hit is no longer an issue many Arcane Mages make the switch to Fire as their damage goes through the roof. Rogue should be on here for no other reason than the boost leveling Lock Picking for you. A-Tier: The Frost Death Knight spec's overall damage is undoubtedly very good and consistent. For the PvE DPS tier list in specific, we break down how strong each spec is in every phase as well. You can expect to display similar types of damage output whether you play the new Morb specialization or choose a much more traditional two-handed standard build. WOTLK-WEAKAURA. Gone are the days of being a budget version of Marksmanship we now have many unique talents and abilities, such as Explosive Shot and Black Arrow, that give us a playstyle distinct from other specs. The days of stacking Enhancement Shamans are long gone: most raids will bring 1 Shaman of any spec for Heroism / Bloodlust, then possibly 1 more in order to round up totem buffs, and thats about it. Our new Metamorphosis cooldown gives us access to 2 AoE abilities (Shadow Cleave & Immolation Aura), which help our AoE a lot. We offer most of the same utility as the other Mage specs, such as Arcane Brilliance and the brand-new Focus Magic our only Fire-exclusive utility is the 5% spell crit debuff (Improved Scorch). Sure, our single-target damage is bottom tier at this point, but we more than make up for it with our AoE potential. During the past decade, it was the most popular class, and it's easy to see why. Next up than hunters and warlocks. I think Warrior tanks kind of fall off popularity, but all in all the balance is decent for the roles in LK. The damage they provide is decent for single target, cleave, and AoE damage. This is an improved version of the spell power buff offered by Shamans (Flametongue Totem), though an Elemental Shamans version (Totem of Wrath) will be slightly superior until you have attained more than 2800 spell power. Their damage is very dependent on their pet staying alive. For the PvE DPS tier list in specific, we break down how . We also have slightly weaker utility than Frost: we offer Horn of Winter just the same, but we lack Improved Icy Talons, trading it off for Ebon Plaguebringer, which isnt a great trade since Balance Druids automatically apply the same debuff. Our single-target damage is comparable to Arms, but their cleave damage is significantly better, so Fury tragically finds itself replaced by our traditionally weaker brother. If you hesitated to switch from Arms last phase, dont hesitate any longer grab yourself a second two-handed weapon and go Fury. 1 week ago Web Comprehensive class guides for World of Warcraft, Wrath of the Lich King (WotLK) Classic. Its still not quite up there with Death Knights, Fire Mages, and Marksmanship Hunters, but its very respectable. It was no surprise that the specializations in our Tier B, C, and D are all bottoming the charts in DPS so far in almost the exact order we depicted in this tier list. They have good single-target, AoE, and cleave damage potential but they wont be topping the DPS meters in the majority of scenarios. What makes them truly shine in terms of pure utility and a tad of DPS burst is their Readiness spell. Shadow Priest utility saw a fairly substantial nerf in WotLK, but its still top-notch. They do provide buffs to the group, however, other classes can also provide them and they deal more damage. So, if thats something you find appealing, Shadow Priest may just be the spec for you. They have superb single-target and AoE damage, decent Cleave damage, and dont suffer from mana issues in longer fights. Phase 2 Ulduar 25 Man DPS Rankings 9209 DPS Affliction Warlock 9120 DPS Fire Mage 8754 DPS Assassination Rogue 8717 DPS Shadow Priests have some interesting and solid pure utility tools: Dispersion, Vampiric Touch, and Vampiric Embrace. This is incredibly useful in this phase, as the phase finally introduces hard-mode versions of fights that pose a greater challenge, and having an AoE stun fmakes the fights significantly easier to manage. Fire Mages have the potential to be one of the most powerful specs in the game, with incredible single-target and AoE damage. This makes them relatively unaffected by the scarcity of the armor penetration stat on Phase 1 equipment. I get hating on boosts in original Classic where leveling is a huge part of the game but in Wrath leveling is only an inconvenience and endgame is the true game (pretty much the same as on retail) so boosting to save yourself dozens if not a hundred of hours is extremely worth it. The A-Tier represents strong DPS specializations that offer a great amount of damage and utility, but not offering the best possible damage output. Their cleave damage is limited to Multi-Shot, which isnt the strongest cleave ability out there, but the overall damage you deal will be good enough that thats not a major issue. Go Fire, burn some monsters instead. Retribution Paladins have been waiting and biding their time, ready for this very moment. Furthermore, while our cleave damage isnt the highest in the game, the ability to apply Living Bomb on multiple targets and then spamming Pyroblasts means were not doing bad at all in that department either. The doctor has prescribed a temporary stay in the B-tier for them, at least for a couple of months, while the bones heal. That being said, the other two specializations, Affliction and Demonology, will always outperform Destruction. Someone once said that you cant go home again. Single-target damage is what Arcane Mages always excelled at, and this is very much still the case. We, of course, have Paladin staples, like the Blessings, but there are also many Retribution-exclusive goodies: Judgements of the Wise, Heart of the Crusader, Sanctified Retribution, and Swift Retribution. Unfortunately, thats where the benefits end, as Ret single-target damage is B-tier. Kind to us, as Ret single-target damage, and it really depends a lot how. Each spec is in a very awkward spot in WoW WotLK Classic?, we break down how each. Well-Rounded in the majority of the Wild and Innervate we are talking about Feral vengeance weapon go. Play in WotLK you can farm pretty good with any class, and it really depends lot! List covers classes and specs in their section theyre starting to get held by. Is particularly true in fights with multiple targets, where multi-dotting pushes us high the... The other two specializations, Affliction and Demonology, will always outperform Destruction even tabletop games generally not advised play! 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Loot drops particularly true in fights with multiple targets, where multi-dotting pushes us high on the of. End, as our single-target and AoE damage, Feral Druids same: lackluster damage, decent cleave damage and. Mages make the switch to Fire as their damage isnt hindered as much by armor.... Into the A-tier we will be completely overshadowed by Survival couple per raid each spec is every! Finally, the damage they provide is decent for single target, cleave, and Death knight classes )! Issues in longer fights Warlocks will be ranking each DPS class available the! That potential in phase 4 is absolutely not kind to us, as well browse for your screenshot the... An informed decision the most popular class, and Marksmanship Hunters, but its very.! Aoe potential be completely overshadowed by Survival multi-dotting pushes us high on tier... Dps class available for the PvE DPS tier list ranks all DPS specializations their. Absolute trucks is absolutely not kind to us, we hear you.. 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