Wait his fam law attorney typed up one and fraudulently disguised it as filed with the court but that was nothin to do with this site. Last election November 8, 2022 . Muskegon, MI 49441 I believe fiscal responsibility, low taxes, and economic innovation are key to a thriving state. This is a decade plus of lies by this man. 8. Let me help you on the ex wife piece here. He was 37 years old. He went in the US Navy and got out as an E-3. Neither do most of us that read this blog. Home. Cps as well. Waiting for admin to approve my reply for you.. Ill drop some more BMD history and facts for you too. No infringement of previously copyrighted material is intended on this site. Now I know yall are going to say No Not Me Id say it anyway. Circuit Court of Appeals, appears before the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee in Washington, D.C., on March 2, 2022. 107 Ending or Cancelled TV Shows for the 2022-23 Season, NBC 2022-23 TV Season Ratings (updated 3/1/2023), FOX 2022-23 TV Season Ratings (updated 3/1/2023), CBS 2022-23 TV Season Ratings (updated 3/1/2023), ABC 2022-23 TV Season Ratings (updated 3/1/2023), The CW 2022-23 TV Season Ratings (updated 3/1/2023), Hallmark Channel TV Show Ratings (updated 3/1/2023), Showtime TV Show Ratings (updated 3/1/2023), 2022-23 Season Ratings for New TV Shows (week 23), Viewer Votes Ranking for the 2022-23 Network TV Shows, Cancelled or Renewed? My son was in Iraq during the invasion but someone failed to check the box on his dd214 and he had to wait over 5 yrs to get help for his PTSD. Totally understand why they cant find everything. He got you now move on. Hopefully one was why havent you come fwd with this proof if you filed a civil suit to be rewarded damages? Leave him alone! The military isnt known for always having its records in order. This is what I see. Type in the Facebook search: BMD aka Marine Phony. That very easily could have been me, but from an early age my mother worked hard to instill values of hard work, compassion, integrity, service, and excellence into her children. It would be my honor to have your support! Restraining order? I will await your email correspondence. Therefore he has to keep up this Purple Heart fraud for all these years. He is also claiming he did work in the Navy as a security specialist or as you know a MA. The kicker is Brandons defamation and slander suit he filed to protect his honored name and decorated military tenure is set for 7/7/16 trial in THE SAME COURT WITH SAME JUDGE as this Enforcement Hearing.. Oopsthat should have been ex-wifes current husband. I hope for your sake my typo was not prophetic. You should be more concerned about your son resenting you and once he digest truth of matter he then sides with her family for protecting his mother and their relationship. the people's court audience the people's court announcer the people's court accident anger the people's court application the people's court athens the peopl. Let the shit hit the fan.. Brandon that you? Skip To Navigation; Skip To Content; Skip To Footer Didnt catch him all the time, but I preferred him to a lot of the other tv judges out there. Youre such a weak and troubled individual. Now that youve put your neck and credibility on the line the post waiting for admin approval will definitely require your response especially since every somebody whos somebody in the know about bmds fraud scheme is awake and patiently waiting. Being a fake is the least of his worries. A real man doesnt hide in womens panties to defend theirself lol!!! It looks they caught him or found something that did not add up. But his decisions were made and now innocent lives are affected forever. You are an embarrassment to the USA. Lets talk slander/defamation anytime youre ready. Hes a good guy, a reputable man trying to raise his son (which she walked away from) so leave him alone! Truly outstanding experience witnessing a pedophile be undressed from man to predator to phony to coward right in front of his once 13yo victim, her husband, his preggo wife, and the last 4-5 friends he could scrape from the bottom of the barrel to show up. With no disrespect intended I just keep giving Brandon the benefit of the doubt myself something has to checkout sooner or later. Brandons testimony has he and his lawyer refusing and objecting to answer multiple questions if he ever was in combat and if ever deployed. Nobody likes to ever think their personal super hero is a complete fraud and phony. In addition to the FOIA request and results, nobody in the US Marine Corps Reconcommunity seems to know him. Please contact us with any updates. Now how the hell is he working at Planet K, Harte Hanks, Gas stations, overnight care taker for assisted living center, and car salesmen but active military? Joe Brown was the second highest paid daytime television personality behind Judge Judy during the time the show was running. It looks like something may have happen in his background check. These are errors attributable to the personnel system, NOT to the service member himself. Press J to jump to the feed. You look stupid defending a psycho in public space. You said relevant to the case? Its not their fault for any of this. There is no official military documentation that supports the claim that he achieved the rank of Sergeant of Marines (E-5). How can this site be trusted?!?!? Cats out the bag and couldnt have happened to a more deserving wacko. Brandon has been blaming everyone but himself for his failures in life. West Short, Major Smith, Linda Fenton, Purple Hearts, bronze stars, church folks, law enforcement friends, Esmereldas family, The Penas, school officials and his attorney William Jamess competence and litigation skills.. Make it more professional and people will pay more attention to it. Pastor Brandon majored in Religious Studies at Hampton University. He trails only Judy Sheindlin of Judge Judy and Judy Justice by three years. Hey no worries.. Nephew of Alex (Sheila) McGrath, and Tom (the late Ann) McGrath with other relatives both here and in Ireland. I will truly miss Judge Mathis. Movies. This is literally all you can do for him. I matriculated to Central Michigan University at 17 years old. Im in possession of all docs filed with the court as well as all docs are open record to view online for all to see. He was never deployed, shot, in combat and i know this because i was either pregnant or stuck with him. HGTV "Home Town" producer Brandon Davis has died, the show's co-host Erin Napier wrote on Instagram. My stepdad was that guy. Judge Mathis is a long-running reality show which first filmed in 1998. Austin, it was indeed me who posted those comments and not (as certain apparent lunatics on this page with complete lack of foundation concluded) Brandon Michael. Judge Mathis is not a stuffy, uptight judge. Gladly post my address if you promise to come chat. Those same principles still guide me in every aspect of my life. Its only a matter of time till the State and Feds come for you. The length of each of those enlistmentsis interesting the US Marines being about seven (7) months and the US Navy lasting just under two years (24 months). Have a blessed day. We all know the truth, and once you realize that Brandon has had you fooled, you will look like the jackass lol!!! Member Actors Union. And we should believe that youre thorough? Shop Packages. The catch is his last 20 years of wage earnings list employers, dates employed and addresses of civilian companies during his alleged enlistment. If elected, I will work diligently to always serve the citizens of Muskegon County with integrity, excellence, and compassion. Where? I stand with your ex wife, her family and the truth. Theres no hearing set nor anything filed by any agency or law enforcement.. yet.. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. SHOW # TAPE DATE CASE # CASE NAME AIR DATE; 20081R: 11/14/18: 489: Contee vs. Sullivan: 9/6/19: 8/28/18: 319: Hicks vs. Pettis: 11/13/18: 481: Webb vs. Duren: 20143R . The series has received four Daytime Emmys for Outstanding Legal/Courtroom Program throughout the years and, combined, Wapner and Milian's rulings span across 39 seasons of The People's Court. If that were true last names and contact info would be on here. Use tab to navigate through the menu items. Paid for bytheCommittee to Elect Brandon Davis. What happened to Brandon from Judge Mathis? He gave unsolicited statements about his military tenure stating he was enlisted from 1996-2006 and also stated my DD214 is incorrect and in the process of fixing it. I disagree. I do know that one of the signed documents was a restraining order against Brandons ex-wifes ex-husband. . If there was any proof of his honors and medals he would have provided them proudly and made this nightmare for his newest family all go away. Contact. The hit program returned with Judge Marilyn Milian as its star in 1997. Surely to prove slander you 1st must provide evidence youre not a phony. You filed the lawsuit of slander/defamation against your ex wife and hoping her husband is seen as an agent for your legal judgement. 8 weeks of Recruit training at Great Lakes. The gavel will soon come down for the last time on two long-running, syndicated court shows. Pray for forgiveness and mercy because there is no mercy being considered in the efforts to bring you to justice. Ex wife was 13, Christy OBrien 16 and you just hand Jarods son to him? Then what did he do? Davis, of East St. Louis, was leaving Denese's Place, at 218 Collinsville Avenue, around 2:18 a.m. when . 5/6/05. 2, if you do not have your BRC certificate, what class are you in? Dont hold your breath on those docs Mr. Smith. obviously then he couldnt have achieved what hes alleging. Only one who is hurt is Brandons pride and Esmerelda family for trusting a liar. Im sure Brandon failed to tell you about his deviant nasty history with minors. Fans of the longtime TV personality will get a glimpse into his life outside the courtroom on the new . And as the world began to shut down due to the pandemic in 2020, Davis reluctantly entered the world of TikTok. To see others have figured you were a scam too is a relief. Lol . Until he can provide the correction from the NPRC. I could care less about his domestic problems, if this guy thinks he can pass off by using the term, incomplete records he is doubling down on stupid. Judge Greg Mathis Host of "Judge Mathis" Court TV Show #MathisFamilyMatters. Glad to see the son will get a new chance at starting over with good people who wont take advantage of him. Or scotty@militaryphony.com . Where to Watch or Stream Judge Mathis. In other words, you cant personally modify a court ordered child custody order by holding the child hostage for over 3 months and expect that to go well for you. Paul Smith, you are Brandon Michael Davis. This is just speculation, but would explain all of the inconsistencies. Just like mom shortly before. Judge Mathis Show. Somebody please report to the site administrator that Brandon Michael Davis is still posing as Paul Smith. I can bet on my life youve only heard one side clearly by your make believe events you were told happened. After viewing these docs what questions did you have for him? None of that was true and neither is your background fortunately. Back to the topic, Brandon, you (may be) committing a federal crime wearing those ribbons, medals, badges, and rank that you did not earn. What? You are a fraudster and you cant control your behavior. I have been able to examine other documents that show that fragments of his personnel files that have been made public on the Internet are indeed seriously incomplete. 2024 State judge elections; 2024 Local elections; 2024 Ballot measures; Ballotpedia's 2022 . Correct? Weird from this 7 month point forward his civilian wage earnings started to accrue. McMaster was not happy to say the least. Dezi is now 19 years old and pursuing a Bachelor in Criminal Justice at Benedict College in Colombia, SC. We find no records of Brandon Micheal Davis every employed with agency, https://www.cia.gov/contact-cia/employment-verification-office.html. Legal documents, obtained by TMZ, show that the TV judge certainly got his fair share from the split . According to you he was in 3 vice 2 years not that big of a difference. When the meal was ready he would sit there and alternate between wanking himself off about his cooking skills, and criticizing you. Semper Fi Leathernecks. Nice Try Girls :). Skum bag and stollen vallor. I know this cause the so called two of you said some things that BRANDON MICHAEL DAVIS has said word for word in the past that is a lie!!!!!!!! Does Esmerelda know you forged the marriage certificate and the marriage is fake? LOL you are a joke and a fraud. A: Actor Brendan Anthony Moran, known as the bailiff on the Judge Mathis television show, died Dec. 19, 2002. brandondavisforjudge@gmail.com. Linda Fenton, how much did Brandon pay you and Jarrod Rhodes to make people believe his lies?? They also point out that his stack is all messed up.. Id love to show you before you stick your neck and credibility out on the line for this guy. As for the civil suit he filed there has been zero orders, modifications, enforcements for judge to sign. Brandon Davis was never a RECON Marine, not ever. Joseph Wilson Campbell, Needless Embellishment, Poser Blog of Shame. Youre the only supporter left. Brandon is scheduled to turn himself over to Wilco Sheriffs at the jail tomorrow to start his first weekend of 180 day 36 month probated sentence for being in contempt. Thurgood Marshall once said, " Mere access to the courthouse doors does not by itself assure a proper functioning of the adversary process." All I can say if its a copy Im sure it was Traviss cert Brandon faked Because all he had to provide was a simple BRC cert, Jump Cert, Dive Cert, etc. As of now they are hush because they feel youre deserving of this type retribution. Our heartfelt thoughts are with his family at this time. Site admins, Investigator from Stolen Valor.com and Force Recon members contacted me days later. Your own son wont side with this guy and hes the only one who told Cps investigators Dru should not be removed from his mother. Hes actually quite fragile. Spend this time scripting some bs excuses with William James to keep your ass out of jail on the 24th. Why would Brandon get out after making it to E-5 Force Recon to join the Navy to become force security NEC9545 and E-3? So the story has been he was injured in combat but no medical records support that along with deployment records. Barely making it out of Boot camp only totaling 7 months is why you live a lie. Brandon Davis. It was only a matter of time and my family appreciates you. To be blatantly honest as I can, I believe youre seriously fucked in ways you are not fully aware to yet. He knows I know the truth. Fraser Gouert vs. Nathan Posso Former friend for $4,217 - car damage/Counter for $700 - defamation & property. Since that time, I have worked diligently to serve others by advancing equity and pursuing justice both inside and outside of the courtroom. Weve yet to be presented any substance providing proof that Brandons not a phony. Great! Good news -- if Brandon successfully completes the program, both charges . 2. Courtesy of Allen Media Group. Brandon D. Davis, Sr. | Lead Pastor. Loved his tough love attitude. The police reports have her lying about shes seen your credentials but she has a child with you now. So he is falsifying or exaggerating about his experience for profit this is in violation of Stolen Valor act 2013. Frankly Im shocked this shitbird made it through Marine Boot Camp. I know youll be disappointed (and I hope you wont be too depressed) to know that the rest of the world does not revolve around you. Sorry try again. Use tab to navigate through the menu items. See you on the 24th.. Let all your friends and other vets know!!!! 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