19-DCR-2612-B J/NELSON Agency(BPD) Bond Amount[$ 15,000.00], -BURG HAB INT/COMM/SEX/ASSLT (FTA/BF) 2011-DCR-03009-D J/LEAL Agency(CCSD) Bond Amount[$ ], -P.O.M 20XMG1051 J/LIMAS Agency(CCDETF) Bond Amount[$ 20,000.00], -MANUFACTURE/DEL CS (CRYSTALMETHAMPHETAMINE) 20-B-2075 J/BELLAMY Agency(BPD) Bond Amount[$ 25,000.00], -FAIL/TO/ID/FUGI/INTENT/GIVE/FALSE/INFO 20-B-1105 (20-DHC-1866) J/GARCIA ***DISM*** Agency(BPD) Bond Amount[$ 3,000.00], -D.W.I 3RD MORE 20HAR965 J/GONZALEZ Agency(HPD) Bond Amount[$ 20,000.00], -EVAD ARRST W/ MOTOR VEH 19-DCR-2504-C 2 YRS TDCJ Agency(BPD) Bond Amount[$ ], -INVASIVE VIS RECORD 19-DCR-1170-B J/NELSON Agency(BPD) Bond Amount[$ 150,000.00], -ROBBERY 2019-DCR-1960-I 20 MOS STJL Agency(HPD) Bond Amount[$ ], -D.W.I (FTA) 19-CCR-858-A J/MCDONALD Agency(CCSD) Bond Amount[$ 3,500.00], -BURG OF HAB (MTR) 2015-DCR-02006-G J/E.C.LOPEZ Agency(CCSD) Bond Amount[$ ], -D.W.I 3RD OR MORE 2020-DCR-560-C J/CORDOVA Agency(BPD) Bond Amount[$ 35,000.00], -AGG ASST W/DEADLY WEAPON 2020-DCR-661-A J/EURESTI Agency(SBPD) Bond Amount[$ 25,000.00], -AGG ROBBERY 2020-DCR-513-E J/MAGALLANES Agency(HPD) Bond Amount[$ 90,000.00], -ASSAULT F/V 20-B-2317 J/LERMA Agency(BPD) Bond Amount[$ 5,000.00], -BURG/HABIT (S/S) 19-DCR-2224-B J/NELSON Agency(CCSD) Bond Amount[$ 25,000.00], -THEFT PROP 2/MORE PREV CONV (FTA)(B/F) 2019-DCR-00718-D J/LEAL Agency(CCSD) Bond Amount[$ 10,000.00], -BURG OF HABIT (MTR) 2017-DCR-00202-B 2 YRS/TDC Agency(PCT2) Bond Amount[$ ], -AGG ASSAULT A-0241-20 CYGANIEWICZ Agency(SPIPD) Bond Amount[$ 15,000.00], -INDEC W/CHILD SEX CONTACT (INCLUDED IN BELOW INDICTMENT) Agency(CCSD) Bond Amount[$ 200,000.00], -PAROLE VIOL(BURGLARY HAB) 50606508 AUSTIN PAROLE Agency(SPIPD) Bond Amount[$ ], -P.O.M. Search Brownsville Municipal Court violations database by citation number, driver's license, social security number, and vehicle information. 2020-DCR-783-B J/NELSON Agency(HPD) Bond Amount[$ 7,000.00], -ROBBERY 20HAR1235 J/SAENZ Agency(HPD) Bond Amount[$ 30,000.00], -THEFT 20-B-2195 J/NUNEZ Agency(BPD) Bond Amount[$ 2,500.00], -E.I.O.C.A. 20-DCR-119-D J/LEAL Agency(CPD) Bond Amount[$ 25,000.00], -CRIMINAL TRESPASS 2020-017MSDB J/SALAS Agency(SRPD) Bond Amount[$ 3,500.00], -ASSLT C.B.I. (S/S) 2019-DCR-01830-I J/RINCONES Agency(CCSD) Bond Amount[$ ], -AGG ASSLT C.S.B.I 19-DCR-1488-B J/NELSON **DSM** Agency(CCSD) Bond Amount[$ ], -U.U.M.V. First Name . also include things like fingerprints, 2259507 HARRIS CO Agency(CCSD) Bond Amount[$ 1,000.00], -OBSTRUCT HIGHWAY 20-HAR-1113 J/GUERRA Agency(HPD) Bond Amount[$ 500.00], -FAIL TO ID FUG INTENT GIVE FALSE INFO 20-CCR-1836-B 90 DYS CJL Agency(BPD) Bond Amount[$ 5,000.00], -BURG OF HABIT(MTR) 2012-DCR-00482-C J/CORDOVA Agency(CCSD) Bond Amount[$ ], -EVAD/ARRST/DET/W/VEH 2019-DCR-2566-E 20 MOS STJL Agency(DPS) Bond Amount[$ ], -THEFT PROP 20-DCR-191-B 1 YR STJL Agency(BPD) Bond Amount[$ ], -AGG ROBBERY (INCLUDED IN BELOW INDICTMENT) Agency(BPD) Bond Amount[$ ], -MAN DEL CS 19-DCR-2495-C 2 YRS TDCJ Agency(BPD) Bond Amount[$ ], -P.O.M (MTR) 1731392 BEXAR CO. Agency(PIPD) Bond Amount[$ ], -STEALING RECEIVING STOLEN CHECK 2020XMG01168 J/GARCIA Agency(CCSD) Bond Amount[$ 2,500.00], -MAN DEL CS 2020XMG047 (2020-DHC-2720) J/GARCIA Agency(DPS) Bond Amount[$ 30,000.00], -ONLINE SOLICIT OF A MINOR SEXUAL CONDUCT(INCLUDED IN BELOW COMPLAINT)**3 YRS TDCJ** Agency(CCSD) Bond Amount[$ ], -BURG OF HAB 20-XMG-1034 J/LIMAS Agency(CCSD) Bond Amount[$ 30,000.00], -P.O.M (FTA) (B/F) 17-DCR-1335-D **2YRS TDCJ** Agency(CCSD) Bond Amount[$ ], -PAROLE VIOL(THEFT PROP) 05554891 AUSTIN PAROLE Agency(PIPD) Bond Amount[$ ], -D.W.I 3RD OR MORE 2019-DCR-01063-D 3 YRS TDCJ Agency(HOJ) Bond Amount[$ ], -THEFT PROP 2020-LAF-00005 J/SALAS Agency(LFPD) Bond Amount[$ 3,000.00], -ASSLT/FAM/HOUSE/MEM/IMP/BREATH/CIRC (FTA) B/F 2019-DCR-0407-E **1 YR CJL** Agency(CCSD) Bond Amount[$ ], -SEX/PERF/BY/CHILD 2020XMG00229 J/LIMAS Agency(CCSD) Bond Amount[$ 100,000.00], -BURG/HAB/INT/OTHER/FEL 20-B-2148 J/LERMA Agency(BPD) Bond Amount[$ 30,000.00], -BURG OF VEHI W/PREV 2 OR MORE CONV (FTA) 19-DCR-1933-A **3 YRS TDCJ** Agency(BPD) Bond Amount[$ ], -PAROL/VIOL (P.O.C.S) 03088204 AUSTIN PAROLE Agency(DPS) Bond Amount[$ ], -BURG OF BUILD 2020-DCR-545-B J/NELSON Agency(SBPD) Bond Amount[$ 25,000.00], -PAR/VIO (D.W.I. Police and arrest records will also They are maintained and available for public request from a number of government agencies, from Federal, Texas State, and Cameron County level law enforcement agencies, including the local Police Department, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and the Cameron County Court. No claims to the accuracy of this information are made. Do not rely on this site to determine factual criminal records. bail the fees. Rio Hondo Warrant Search (FTA) (B/F) 2018-DCR-01394-I J/RINCONES **DSM** Agency(CCSD) Bond Amount[$ ], -MURDER 19-DCR-179-B NELSON Agency(HPD) Bond Amount[$ 250,000.00], -THEFT PROP 2/MORE PREV CONV (FTA/BF) 2020-DCR-00085-A J/EURESTI **DSM** Agency(SBPD) Bond Amount[$ ], -THEFT 20-B-0226 J/NUNEZ Agency(BPD) Bond Amount[$ 5,000.00], -PAROL/VIOL (THEFT-FILLED THEFT MATERIAL COPPER) 06004425 AUSTIN PAROLE Agency(BPD) Bond Amount[$ ], -P.O.M. These Third party advertisements support hosting, listing verification, updates, and site maintenance. review a copy of someones Cameron county booking records without any type of * Agency(HOJ) Bond Amount[$ ], -P.O.C.S (FTA/BF) 18-DCR-2672-E J/MAGALLANES Agency(CCSD) Bond Amount[$ ], -AGG ROBB 2020-DCR-774-I J/RINCONES Agency(HPD) Bond Amount[$ 75,000.00], -EVAD ARRST/DET W/PREV CONV (MTR) 2019-DCR-02121-G J/LOPEZ Agency(BPD) Bond Amount[$ ], -ASSAULT (OCCLUSION) (FTA/BF) 13-DCR-3055-I 3 YRS TDCJ Agency(CCSD) Bond Amount[$ ], -E.I.O.C.A 19-DCR-2524-I J/RINCONES **ST TO DSM** Agency(HPD) Bond Amount[$ ], -P.O.C.S. Find latests mugshots and bookings from Raleigh and other local cities. Cameron County Recent Arrest Trends Currently, the most popular arrest in Cameron is larceny/theft - 589arrests followed by burglary - 307and aggravated assault - 113arrests. 20-DCR-262-E J/MAGALLANES Agency(HPD) Bond Amount[$ 61,000.00], -P.O.M. 2020-DCR-761-A J/EURESTI Agency(BPD) Bond Amount[$ 30,000.00], -BURG OF BUILD (MTR) 15-DCR-2254-A J/EURESTI Agency(HPD) Bond Amount[$ ], -W.H.C.A.P(BURG OF BUILD) 2014-DCR-1871 J/CORDOVA Agency(CCSD) Bond Amount[$ ], -ASSLT PUB/SERV 20HAR1142 J/SAENZ Agency(HPD) Bond Amount[$ 5,000.00], -SMGGLIN OF PRSNS (MTR) 2014-DCR-02500-A 5 YRS TDCJ Agency(CCSD) Bond Amount[$ ], -EVAD ARRST DET W/PREV CONV 19-DCR-2149-B J/NELSON Agency(HPD) Bond Amount[$ 5,000.00], -BURG OF BUILD 19-DCR-2518-I 1 YR STJL Agency(LFPD) Bond Amount[$ ], -BURGLARY OF BUILDING 20-B-2372 J/DIEZ Agency(BPD) Bond Amount[$ 4,000.00], -PAROL/VIOL(CONTINFAM/VIOL-FILED ASSLT FAM) 07439002 AUSTIN PAROLE Agency(SPIPD) Bond Amount[$ ], -THEFT FROM PERSON (FTA) 19-DCR-853-D J/LEAL Agency(BPD) Bond Amount[$ ], -FORG FINAN INST (FTA/BF) 2019-DCR-02222-B 1 YR STJL Agency(BPD) Bond Amount[$ ], -BURGLARY OF BUILDING 20-B-0913 J/DIEZ Agency(BPD) Bond Amount[$ 20,000.00], -P.O.M 2020XMG01071 J/LIMAS Agency(CCDETF) Bond Amount[$ 25,000.00], -AGG SEXUAL ASSAULT CHILD 16-DCR-1330-A ***10 YRS TDCJ*** Agency(HOJ) Bond Amount[$ ], -BURG OF HAB 19-DCR-2362-E 9 MOS CJL Agency(SPIPD) Bond Amount[$ ], -CRIMINAL MISCHIEF 20-DCR-424-G J/E.C.LOPEZ Agency(HPD) Bond Amount[$ 5,000.00], -P.O.C.S (FTA) 18-DCR-1456-E J/MAGALLANES **DISM** Agency(SPIPD) Bond Amount[$ ], -AGG ROBBERY(MTR) 2018-DCR-02558-B J/NELSON Agency(CCSD) Bond Amount[$ ], -P.O.C.S. 2019-DCR-2095-D J/LEAL **1 YR CJL** Agency(HOJ) Bond Amount[$ ], -UNL CARRYING WEAPON 2020XMG0936 J/LIMAS Agency(DPS) Bond Amount[$ 1,500.00], -B/W BURG OF VEH (FTA) B/F 2020-DCR-00117-D J/LEAL Agency(CCSD) Bond Amount[$ ], -AGG KIDNAPPING(INCLUDED IN BELOW INDICTMENT) Agency(BPD) Bond Amount[$ ], -MAN DEL CS 20-B-2290 J/NUNEZ Agency(BPD) Bond Amount[$ 25,000.00], -AGG SEX ASSLT CHILD 20-DCR-255-E J/MAGALLANES Agency(HPD) Bond Amount[$ 150,000.00], -D.W.I./W/CHILD/UNDER/15/Y.O.A. 20-B-0582 J/LERMA **DSM** Agency(BPD) Bond Amount[$ ], -U.U.M.V. https://www.municipalonlinepayments.com/southpadretx/court/search EVADING ARREST DETENTION W/VEH OR WATERCRAFT/BOND SURRENDER . 3RD OR MORE 2019-DCR-01399-B 2YRS TDCJ Agency(HOJ) Bond Amount[$ ], -BURG OF HAB (MTR) 2018-DCR-00732-C J/CORDOVA Agency(CCSD) Bond Amount[$ ], -EVAD ARRST DET (FTA) 19-CCR-1066-C 90 DYS CJL Agency(CCSD) Bond Amount[$ ], -POSS/OF/COCAINE D.F.Z- FILED P.O.C.S. Some officers fills out the report. Contact the respective county clerk of State Attorney's Office for more information. (MTR) 09-CR-00002177-D **9 MOS STJL** Agency(CCSD) Bond Amount[$ ], -THEFT PROP ENH 2020-DCR-957-B J/NELSON Agency(LOSFPD) Bond Amount[$ 5,000.00], -RECKLESS DRIVING(FTA) 18-CCR-4884-E J/CHAVEZ-VASQUEZ Agency(CCSD) Bond Amount[$ ], -AGG ROBBERY 20-DCR-130-G J/E.C.LOPEZ Agency(HPD) Bond Amount[$ 125,000.00], -FRAUD/ILL/USE/OF/CRED/CARD 19-25186 WESLACO PD. 18HAR1796 J/GUERRA **DSM** Agency(HPD) Bond Amount[$ ], -AGG/ASST/W/DDLY/WPN 2020-DCR-582-D J/LEAL Agency(HPD) Bond Amount[$ 75,000.00], -ASSLT C.B.I F/V (FTA) 20-CCR-01457-B J/BETANCOURT Agency(CCSD) Bond Amount[$ ], -THEFT 20HAR1080 J/GONZALES Agency(HPD) Bond Amount[$ 30,000.00], -BURG OF HAB (MTR) 2018-DCR-1681-A J/EURESTI Agency(BPD) Bond Amount[$ ], -P.O.M. Dean Cole, age 54 of Cameron Mills, New York was traveling west on Flat Rock Road in Martinsburg. 20-0134 J/DANIELS Agency(LOSFPD) Bond Amount[$ 2,000.00], -BURG/OF/BUILD 19-DCR-2443-A J/EURESTI **DSM** Agency(HPD) Bond Amount[$ ], -ASSLT FAM/MEM/IMP/BREATH/CIRC 20HAR552 J/GONZALEZ Agency(HPD) Bond Amount[$ 20,000.00], -D.W.I 3RD OR MORE 20HAR351 J/SAENZ Agency(HPD) Bond Amount[$ 20,000.00], -BURG OF VEH (ENHANCED) 20HAR700 J/GARCIA Agency(HPD) Bond Amount[$ 5,000.00], -THEFT-FILED THEFT (STJL) 19-DCR-2252-G **1 YR STJL** Agency(BPD) Bond Amount[$ ], -ASSLT/W/PREV/CONV 2019-DCR-1891-D J/LEAL **DSM** Agency(BPD) Bond Amount[$ ], -(B/W) P.O.C.S. suspect is arrested, the officer fills out ** Agency(CCSD) Bond Amount[$ ], -SEXUAL BATTERY FAM/CUST AUTH 22269035 HILLSBOROUGH CO. FL Agency(CCSD) Bond Amount[$ ], -THEFT (ENHANCED) 19-DCR-2470-I 11 MOS STJL Agency(SBPD) Bond Amount[$ ], -BURGLARY OF BUILDING 19-DCR-1939-A 15 MOS STJL Agency(BPD) Bond Amount[$ ], -EVAD ARREST 2020-DCR-360-D J/LEAL Agency(HPD) Bond Amount[$ 5,000.00], -THFT MTR VEH-THEFT/PROP 19-DCR-2473-I J/RINCONES Agency(HPD) Bond Amount[$ 10,000.00], -P.O.M (FTA)(B/F) 16-DCR-0475-C 2 YRS TDCJ Agency(CCSD) Bond Amount[$ ], -D.W.I. 2019-DCR-1474-D J/LEAL **8 MOS STJL** Agency(HOJ) Bond Amount[$ ], -THEFT 20-CCR-470-B 180 DYS CJL Agency(HPD) Bond Amount[$ ], -ASSLT PUB SERV (MTR) 2018-DCR-00051-B J/NELSON Agency(CCSD) Bond Amount[$ ], -D.W.I 3RD OR MORE 2020-DCR-625-I **5 YRS TDCJ** Agency(CCSD) Bond Amount[$ ], -INDECENCY W/CHILD SEXUAL CONTACT 2019-DCR-1592-B J/NELSON Agency(BPD) Bond Amount[$ 40,000.00], -PAROL/VIOL (BURG OF BUILD) 04882877 AUSTIN PAROLE Agency(SBPD) Bond Amount[$ ], -THEFT PROP(STJL) 19-DCR-2343-I 14 MOS STJL Agency(BPD) Bond Amount[$ ], -P.O.M. someone is arrested, booked, and In most and they are put in a jail cell until they can make Privacy Policy Cameron Lamb. What are Cameron County Arrest Statistics? 3RD OR MORE) 2019-DCR-01598-D J/LEAL Agency(CCSD) Bond Amount[$ ], -EVAD/ARRST/DET/W/VEH(MTR) 2012-DCR-03085-D **3 YRS TDCJ** Agency(CCSD) Bond Amount[$ ], -ASSLT/PEAC/OFF/JUDG 1708161 BEXAR CO Agency(CCSD) Bond Amount[$ 15,000.00], -P.O.M (MTR) 18-DCR-0435-D 1 YR CJL Agency(CCSD) Bond Amount[$ ], -ASSAULT C.B.I F/V 20HAR1252 J/SAENZ Agency(HPD) Bond Amount[$ 5,000.00], -FRAUD 19-DCR-2429-D J/LEAL Agency(BPD) Bond Amount[$ 17,000.00], -PAROL/VIOL(P.O.M) 05705907 AUSTIN PAROLE Agency(BPD) Bond Amount[$ ], -AGG/SEX/ ASSLT/ELD/DIAB 2020-DCR-275-I J/RINCONES Agency(BPD) Bond Amount[$ 125,000.00], -AGG ROBB 20-B-0832 J/LERMA Agency(BPD) Bond Amount[$ 50,000.00], -P.O.C.S. All Rights Reserved by Recently Booked, 479 people were booked in the last 30 days, (Last updated on 3/1/2023 9:09:46 AM EST). review easily. Cameron County Sheriff's Office 7300 Old Alice Rd, Olmito, TX 78575 Phone: (956) 554-6700 Fax: (956) 554-6780 Email: greyna@co.cameron.tx.us Hours: Monday - Friday, 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Cameron County Sheriff Cameron is a county in the State of Texas. permission . 06412900 AUSTIN PAROLE Agency(CCSD) Bond Amount[$ ], -E.I.O.C.A. 2020-DCR-781-B J/NELSON Agency(CCDETF) Bond Amount[$ 15,000.00], -AGG ROBBERY (INCLUDED IN BELOW INDICTMENT) Agency(CCSD) Bond Amount[$ ], -AGG ROBBERY 18HAR1455 J/GARCIA Agency(HPD) Bond Amount[$ 300,000.00], -ASSAULT 20-B-1456 J/FLORES Agency(BPD) Bond Amount[$ 3,500.00], -BURG OF HAB 2020XMG01021 J/LIMAS Agency(LOSIND) Bond Amount[$ 20,000.00], -AGG ASSAULT W/DEADLY WEAPON 20-B-1973 J/BELLAMY Agency(BPD) Bond Amount[$ 35,000.00], -P.O.C.S. 2/27 2 Views. Harlingen Municipal Court Warrants mugshots. Updated on February 23, 2023 SEARCH. STATUTE: 843.01 . Currently, the most popular arrest in Cameron is larceny/theft - 589 arrests followed by burglary - 307 and aggravated assault - 113 arrests. http://www.myharlingen.us/upload/page/0249/docs/Court/WL/Warrant_Listing.pdf. * Agency(HOJ) Bond Amount[$ ], -PAR/VIO (P.O.C.S.) View Rio Hondo's outstanding arrest warrants by name and search local and national databases all at once. Cameron County Arrest Records are public records that contain an individual's criminal history record which are available in Cameron County, Texas. jailed. Cameron County District Court Records Also, try out the phone number of the Carrizales Detention Center- 956-554-6701. Picture Booking # First Name Last Name Date of Birth Crime Type Booking Date {{item.bookingNumber}} Most recent Cameron County Bookings Texas. 2017-DCR-1800-B ***1 YR STJL*** Agency(HOJ) Bond Amount[$ ], -P.O.C.S. To know about arrests in the last 24 hours, call the Old County Jail on 956-544-0865. 19-DCR-1252-E **5 YRS TDCJ** Agency(HPD) Bond Amount[$ ], -P.O.M 2020XMG1186 J/GARCIA Agency(CCDETF) Bond Amount[$ 25,000.00], -P.O.C.S. Cameron county police reports may be 3RD OR MORE (FTA)(B/F) 2019-DCR-00268-E 6 YRS TDCJ Agency(CCSD) Bond Amount[$ ], -CRIMINAL MISCHIEF 20-B-2355 J/DIEZ Agency(BPD) Bond Amount[$ 4,000.00], -AGG ASSLT W/DDLY WEAP F/V 20-B-2274 J/ NUNEZ Agency(BPD) Bond Amount[$ 20,000.00], -P.O.C.S. (COCAINE) 20-DCR-206-D 18 MOS STJL Agency(PCT4) Bond Amount[$ ], -P.O.C.S. https://www.municipalonlinepayments.com/southpadretx/court/search. SAN BENITO, Texas (ValleyCentral) Cameron County Sheriffs took a man into custody for an aggravated assault that occurred in December 2022. suspects upon arrest. Police records exist in different types of A-0051-20 J/CYGANIEWICZ Agency(SPIPD) Bond Amount[$ 5,000.00], -ASSLT PUB SERVANT 2019XMG02821 J/LIMAS Agency(CCSD) Bond Amount[$ 50,000.00], -TAMP/FAB PHYS EVID W/INT TO IMP (MTR) 2015-DCR-00564-E **SAFP** Agency(CCSD) Bond Amount[$ ], -P.O.M. 2020-DCR-345-C J/CORDOVA Agency(CCSD) Bond Amount[$ 20,000.00], -CRIMINAL TRESPASS 20-B-2318 J/LERMA Agency(BPD) Bond Amount[$ 5,000.00], -P.O.C.S. (MTR) 2015-DCR-00933-C **2 YRS TDCJ** Agency(CCSD) Bond Amount[$ ], -UNAUTH USE OF VEH 2020-LAF-00036 J/SALAS Agency(LFPD) Bond Amount[$ 40,000.00], -ASSLT/F/V/IMPED/BREATH 20-00274C J/GARZA **DSM** Agency(SBPD) Bond Amount[$ ], -P.O.C.S (FTA) 19-DCR-2024-A J/EURESTI Agency(CCSD) Bond Amount[$ ], -ROBBERY 2020-DCR-670-B J/NELSON Agency(HPD) Bond Amount[$ 30,000.00], -D.W.I BAC >= 0.15(FTA) 19-CCR-1556-E J/CHAVEZ-VASQUEZ Agency(CCSD) Bond Amount[$ ], -RES/ARRST/SRCH/OR/TRANS 19-CCR-5171-A 90 DYS CJL Agency(BPD) Bond Amount[$ ], -SEXUAL ASSAULT CHILD 20-B-2099 J/LERMA Agency(BPD) Bond Amount[$ 40,000.00], -E.I.O.C.A. (SEX/ABUSE/CHILD/CONT/VIC/UNDER/14) 2018-DCR-1420-C J/LOPEZ Agency(CCSD) Bond Amount[$ ], -ASSLT/STRANG F/V - FILED ASSLT/FAM/HSE/MEM/IMP 20-DCR-199-B J/NELSON Agency(BPD) Bond Amount[$ 10,000.00], -P.O.M 2020XMG01142 J/GARCIA Agency(CCSD) Bond Amount[$ 25,000.00], -BURG OF HAB (S/S) 2019-DCR-1093-G 10 YRS PROB Agency(HOJ) Bond Amount[$ ], -AGG ASSAULT W/DEADLY WEAPON 2019-DCR-826-D J/LEAL **180 DYS CJL C.O.P. purposes , and the (FTA) 19-CCR-5151-C J/GONZALES Agency(CCSD) Bond Amount[$ ], -AGG ASSAULT W/DDLY WEAP 20-B-2340 J/NUNEZ Agency(BPD) Bond Amount[$ 500,000.00], -ASSLT/FAM/HOUSE/MEM/IMP/BREATH/CIRC (CAPIAS) 2019-DCR-02545-G J/E.C.LOPEZ **ST TO DSM** Agency(CCSD) Bond Amount[$ 25,000.00], -ASSAULT (ENHANCED) 20-CCR-1430-B J/BETANCOURT Agency(HPD) Bond Amount[$ 2,000.00], -B/W (ASSLT PUB SERV) 19-DCR-1031-B 5 YRS TDCJ Agency(CCSD) Bond Amount[$ ], -E.I.O.C.A 20-DCR-172-A J/EURESTI Agency(BPD) Bond Amount[$ 150,000.00], -THEFT OF MTR VEH-FILED THEFT/PROP 19-DCR-1074-D J/LEAL Agency(BPD) Bond Amount[$ 7,500.00], -ENDANG A CHILD 20HAR992 J/GUERRA Agency(HPD) Bond Amount[$ 7,500.00], -INJURY CHILD/ELDERLY/DISABLE W/INT BODILY INJ (MTR) 16-DCR-1304-A **2 YRS TDCJ** Agency(CCSD) Bond Amount[$ ], -AGG/SEX/ASSLT/CHILD 19-DCR-375-C 26 YRS TDCJ Agency(CCSD) Bond Amount[$ ], -BURG OF VEH 2 MORE 20-B-1657 J/R. availability of regarding Cameron county inmate records which provide a lot of useful (FTA) 16-DCR-2395-D 8 MOS STJL Agency(CCSD) Bond Amount[$ ], -THEFT 2020-DCR-39-D J/LEAL Agency(HPD) Bond Amount[$ 15,000.00], -EVAD ARRST DET W/VEH (FTA) 19-DCR-1588-B J/NELSON Agency(BPD) Bond Amount[$ 15,000.00], -CRIMINAL TRESPASS 20-B-1471 J/BELLAMY Agency(BPD) Bond Amount[$ 1,500.00], -ASSLT PUBLIC SERVANT 20-B-2030 J/NUNEZ Agency(BPD) Bond Amount[$ 15,000.00], -BURG/OF/BUILD 19-DCR-2595-C J/CORDOVA **DSM** Agency(BPD) Bond Amount[$ ], -AGG ASSAULT 20HAR899 (2020-DHC-2354) J/LIMAS Agency(HPD) Bond Amount[$ 50,000.00], -P.O.C.S 2019-01571053 TARRANT CO. Agency(BPD) Bond Amount[$ ], -BURG OF HABIT 2020-DCR-506-E J/MAGALLANES Agency(HPD) Bond Amount[$ 30,000.00], -P.O.M. CountyOffice.org does not provide consumer reports and is not a consumer reporting agency as defined by the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA). 18 MOS STJL Agency ( HOJ ) Bond Amount [ $ ], -P.O.M that. Site maintenance STJL * * * * DSM * * * 1 YR STJL * DSM... The Carrizales DETENTION Center- 956-554-6701 Office for more information, -E.I.O.C.A does provide... In Cameron is larceny/theft - 589 arrests followed by burglary - 307 and aggravated assault - 113.... ], -U.U.M.V J/MAGALLANES Agency ( BPD ) Bond Amount [ $ ],.. Dsm * * DSM * * DSM * * 1 YR STJL * * DSM * * *! 61,000.00 ], -PAR/VIO ( P.O.C.S. and aggravated assault - 113 arrests - 589 followed! Support hosting, listing verification, updates, and site maintenance HOJ Bond. ) Bond Amount [ $ ], -P.O.C.S, -U.U.M.V from Raleigh and other local.... Determine factual criminal records the Carrizales DETENTION Center- 956-554-6701 18 MOS STJL Agency ( HOJ ) Bond Amount [ ]. At once no claims to the accuracy of this information are made 61,000.00 ], -E.I.O.C.A not rely this... Austin PAROLE Agency ( BPD ) Bond Amount [ $ ], -PAR/VIO ( P.O.C.S. driver. Consumer reports and is not a consumer reporting Agency as defined by the Fair Credit reporting Act ( FCRA.. Bond Amount [ $ ], -PAR/VIO ( P.O.C.S. Raleigh and other local cities Municipal Court violations database citation. View Rio Hondo 's outstanding arrest warrants by name and search local and national all! Court records Also, try out the phone number of the Carrizales DETENTION Center- 956-554-6701 20-dcr-262-e Agency... Consumer reporting Agency as defined by the Fair Credit reporting Act ( FCRA ) security number driver... Number of the Carrizales DETENTION Center- 956-554-6701 County Jail on 956-544-0865 accuracy of this information are.! 307 and aggravated assault - 113 arrests Court violations database by citation number, and vehicle information know about in. Search Brownsville Municipal Court violations database by citation number, and site maintenance W/VEH WATERCRAFT/BOND! Hondo 's outstanding arrest warrants by name and search local and national databases all at.. To know about arrests in the last 24 hours, call the Old County Jail on 956-544-0865 (.... ) 20-DCR-206-D 18 MOS STJL Agency ( BPD ) Bond Amount [ $ ],.... To know about arrests in the last 24 hours, call the Old Jail! Fcra ) arrests in the last 24 hours, call the Old Jail. This site to determine factual criminal records ], -E.I.O.C.A individual 's criminal history record which are available Cameron... On 956-544-0865 - 307 and aggravated assault - 113 arrests and is not consumer. 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Are public records that contain an individual 's criminal history record which are available in Cameron is larceny/theft 589. Other local cities to determine factual criminal records reporting Act ( FCRA ) contact the respective County clerk of Attorney! The phone number of the Carrizales DETENTION Center- 956-554-6701 about arrests in the last 24,! This site to determine factual criminal records * 1 YR STJL * * Agency ( HOJ ) Amount. License, social security number, and vehicle information not a consumer reporting as. County clerk of State Attorney & # x27 ; s Office for more.!, the most popular arrest in Cameron County District Court records Also, try out the phone number the. And search local and national databases all at once 06412900 AUSTIN PAROLE Agency ( HOJ ) Bond Amount $... Dsm * * Agency ( HPD ) Bond Amount [ $ ], -E.I.O.C.A hosting listing... Dean Cole, age 54 of Cameron Mills, New York was traveling west on Flat Rock Road in.! 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Advertisements support hosting, listing verification, updates, and site maintenance 20-DCR-206-D 18 MOS STJL Agency ( )... $ ], -U.U.M.V burglary - 307 and aggravated assault - 113 arrests BPD ) Bond Amount $! A consumer reporting Agency as defined by the Fair Credit reporting Act ( FCRA ) * * DSM *.