Its interesting what we Christians will get wrapped around the axel about. The speaker brought good points to consider when trying to figure out whether cremation is acceptable or not. This heat is enough to burn up corpses and ensure that what remains would only be a few fragments. As a result, there is no need to be concerned if God can create life from dust and restore life from ashes. " True devotion, the kind that is pure and faultless before God the Father, is this: to care for orphans and widows in their difficulties .". Thankfully, you dont have to search far and wide for the answer. As a result, regardless of whether cremation has any impact on resurrection, personal interpretation is all that matters. Indeed, even as we live now, the atoms of which we are made are continually changing and being replaced. Jesus said that only a small number of his disciples would be resurrected to live in heaven. I answer a couple of ways: Whatever the case, todays scientific understanding of the body should cause us to be more confident that God can resurrect our bodies, even when cremated, eaten by cannibals or other animals, or integrated into an apple tree. If God can resurrect a body that has been eaten by worms, fungi, microbes, etc. When Jesus returns to the earth on resurrection day (1 Thess. Does this mean that God will not resurrect them simply because they were not buried properly? Neither will have any effect whatever on God's sure promise to resurrect all human beings in due course according to His plan and purpose ( 1 Corinthians 15:22 ; John 5:28-29 ; Revelation 20:4-6 ; Revelation 20:11-14 )which must include those who have been cremated. Explained by Sharing Culture Expert Answers: The Bible neither favors nor forbids the process of cremation. Thus saith the Lord; For three transgressions of Moab, and for four, I will not turn away the punishment thereof; because he burned the bones of the king of Edom into lime. He has been in ministry for nearly twenty years as a pastor, author, speaker, and blogger. Most certainly. Yahweh, Himself, commanded that the culprit, along with all that he has, would be burned (Joshua 7:15). Because ash is inert, it must be replaced on a regular basis in cemetery flower beds. While bones are amazingly resilient (as archeology and cremation can confirm), there may situations where no physical remains are left to raise from our particular grave. So, when He recreates them, i.e. When Christ returns, Paul declares in Colossians 3:1-3, every body shall be raised incorruptible with glory. It means that even after death, the body will not suffer from corruption and will be restored to its original state. I would think that our resurrected bodies are the same if by this you mean that they are 1) physical (made out of the dust of the ground) and have essentially the same uniqueness. This will in no way prevent God from being able to resurrect their bodies. (2 Peter 3:7, 10), then the world will one day be burned up or "cremated" by God . Scripture clearly favors burial over cremation, but God has no problem resurrecting the . Most Americans today die as a result of cremation, not burial. As for Joseph, he wanted his bones to be carried out of Egypt so it could be buried in Canaan, although his embalmed body was in a coffin for about 200 years until the Exodus (Genesis 50:24-26; Exodus 13:19; Joshua 24:32). God is the Almighty who is not limited to resurrecting buried bodies. Im just one person using the gospel I have been blessed with to bring hope, peace, and answers to other seekers of truth. No, cremation is not a sin. 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You who dwell in the dust, awake and sing for joy! 17 Unbelievable Bible Secrets No One Has Ever Told You, 12 Unspoken Reasons Why You Should Not Use the New International Version (NIV) Bible, 5 Powerful and Vital Lessons from the Life of Samson, 20 Most Surprising Lessons from Psalm 91 You Probably Never Heard Of, 12 Awesome Lessons We Learn from the Healing of the Man Blind from Birth (John 9:1-41), What Does it Mean to Put your Hand on the Plow and Look Back? All of our genetic code (at least the part of which was not affected by sin) will remain unique and individual to us on the New Earth as it is today. According to Canon 1166, the church provided guidance on this in 1983, stating, The Church earnestly recommends the good custom of burial the bodies of the dead, but it does not prohibit cremation unless chosen for purely religious reasons.. Though we read that burning dead bodies or corpses arent shown in a favorable light in the scripture, there is no actual verse that directly commands not to do it or it is a sin to cremate a dead body. Crematory is not a sin, according to the Bible. Cremation is the process of reducing a corpse to bone fragments through the use of fire. Whether we are buried or cremated wont affect the power of the Resurrection on our behalf. That is really just a complex code which arranges every part of our physical make up. Disclaimer:While all of my answers will use scriptures and/or words of modern prophets, I do not represent The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Does this mean that Christs tomb did not need to be empty for his resurrection to occur? Any faults, defects or imperfections will be gone. Now, its time for us to dig deeper into this topic. He spoke everything into existence in the first place in Genesis chapters one and two when He tackled the far larger job of creating the entire universe. In other words, anyone who believes in Jesus Christ and is cremated will not be harmed by the act. The first actual mention of cremation in the Bible is 1 Samuel 31: 11-13 where Saul and his sons are burned and then their bones buried after terrible ravages were inflicted on their bodies. Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Thank you, Michael, for your measured perspective and clarity on this subject. When it comes to the disposal of a dead body, burial is the standard practice in both the Old Testament and the New Testament. The Bible does not refer to cremation directly. Some people disagree with this conclusion, pointing out that the body remains decompose after burial. In this page you can discover 19 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for resurrect, like: uprise, reactivate, reanimate, reawaken, rekindle . Can God resurrect a cremated body? Why does God allow good people to suffer? Hinduism does not recognize funerals as a religion. Ultimately, it is up to the individual to decide what they believe. In the final analysis, what the Bible says about cremation isnt the main concern of every Christian. The Bible does not say that a cremated body cannot rise. Theres no need to be concerned if God can create life from dust and if he can restore life after death from ashes. Nearly five years ago Texas House Bill 1155 was filed. Although many Christians believe that their bodies cannot be resurrected after cremation, the practice is still uncommon. The bodies of Christians who died a thousand years ago have, by now, completely turned into dust. 5:21-1 ESV / 5 helpful votes, Christ the Savior. And they took their bones, and buried them under a tree at Jabesh, and fasted seven days. All rights reserved (About Us). ). In this case, to rise from the grave may be symbolic of our resurrection, but not what will actually happen. The Bible does not have any precedent for cremation. He can do whatever He pleases and certainly, He can resurrect bodies that have been burned. There is no definitive answer to this question as it is a matter of religious beliefs. In addition, alternative cremation options, such as direct cremation with a cremation urn, offer a full range of services. Gospel Q&A: How Do I Tell If Its the Holy Ghost or Just Me? Another important thing to consider (and, maybe, the most important) is that we are physically not the same person we were just ten years ago. The issue really comes down to the level of continuity we see between our future body and our present body. If God created us from the dust of the earth originally, can He not resurrect us from the dust left behind after we die? It doesnt matter what physical material God uses and whether they are the same atoms or different ones. God could just use the same blueprint he used at the very beginning. If yes, how? Bodies of the saints, heaven, and earth will be renewed by God. The resurrected creature has all of the memories of the dead creature (including whatever . Becoming Christians 2k followers More information Austria The cremation chamber can produce heat of up to 871 to 982 C (1,600-1,800 F) temperature. The decision is ultimately determined by a deceaseds personal wishes, as well as the feelings and preferences of those who make the final arrangements for him or her. What does God feel about certain situations? Some reject cremation on the grounds that the decomposed bodies of those who have been cremated cannot be raised. Even though cremation is not mentioned in the Bible, it is mentioned in other places. I dont believe any of my answers are comprehensive. The Bible does not explicitly state a preference for cremation or burial, and people have practiced both methods throughout history. The LORD will trouble you this day. So all Israel stoned him with stones; and they burned them with fire after they had stoned them with stones. Jesus Christ Himself was buried. For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality. God has already spoken it into existence. Ezekiels vision of the valley of dry bones is a clue. Because God can resurrect a cremated body. And a mans uncle shall take him up, and he that burneth him, to bring out the bones out of the house, and shall say unto him that is by the sides of the house, Is there yet any with thee? How Can I Overcome My Fear With Faith? Some people may be concerned about a cremated body and how it will be resurrected in the future. According to the Bible, burial is primarily done in caves, tombs, or under the ground. Is it wrong for Christians to cremate their dead? The Church Handbook states, The family of the deceased person decides whether his or her body should be buried or cremated. For example, God buried Moses himself (Deuteronomy 34:5-8; Jude 1:9). Maybe God immediately replicated the cells of his body when he rose and the old cells just disappeared. What on earth is going on? So, in the final analysis, theres really no difference between burial and cremation in terms of what would become of the corpse. God is the Almighty who is not limited to resurrecting buried bodies. God is perfectly capable of putting the parts back together, but we should also consider that we shall have glorified bodies. Paul encourages his disciples in 2Corinthians 5:7 to do what is necessary for Christs sake, declaring that offering your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God, is your spiritual act of worship. Despite the fact that cremation is not mentioned explicitly in the Hebrew Bible, it is found throughout. When Josiah reached the top of Bethel, he scorched it and threw the dust away. The burial of a Christian also distinguishes the burial of a deceased Roman or Iron Age European pre-Christian Pagan from cremation. God need only reform a physical body within the framework of the eternal spiritual body resulting in the re-creation of a body in his perfect image, just as Adam was initially created in a perfect state. Moreover, it is worth noting as well that cremation isnt only reserved for people who are on a tight budget. Even if the grave marker or other type of memorial is on a family plot, it can be very important to survivors. Th.M. You might have heard about Achan, the man who hid treasures in his tent after God forbade the Israelites not to do so. The answer is yes, God can resurrect a cremated body. The dead body is put inside a container like a sturdy cardboard container or casket. I am an ordained pastor, who is Jewish by natural birth, but never practiced Judaism. (Alternate Resurrection Theory #1), 14 Evidences for the Resurrection of Jesus Christand 14 References. For your dew is a dew of light, and the earth will give birth to the dead. In parts of Europe during the middle ages, cremation was forbidden and punishable by death, especially if combined with Heathen rites. Therefore, it seems perfectly reasonable that God could use the exact same body. How do we deal with all the bizarre, paranormal, seemingly unchristian things that are happening in the world. God made our bodies miraculously, he can resurrect our bodies miraculously and he's promised to do that. 2023 Funeral Direct. When a long-life coffin, a deep burial, and an embalming procedure are used, the deceased remains preserved for a very long time. it helps to pay the bills and keeps this website running. Becca loves audiobooks, dark chocolate, singing, hiking, walking, going out with her husband, and raising their chickens and children. Is resurrection possible if cremated remains are scattered? Can God resurrect a cremated body? I concur with Joshuas comments. So glorify God in your body. However, similar concepts are mentioned in the Bible as we have read in the list of Bible verses about cremation KJV. Many Christians believe that cremation violates biblical teachings regarding burial and the resurrection of the dead. though the body may or may not be changed. The result of cremation or slow decay over thousand of years is the same and it makes no difference to God. (2) The centrality of the Incarnation. I refer much to the original language of the day and make extensive use of numerous translations of the bible and they are not all accurate. Last Update: Jan 03, 2023 Bodies decay in the soil or water, so even if someone is buried, it is quite possible that when the grave is dug up some centuries later, there might be little or nothing left. In the end, however, we should remember that the resurrection will take place by the power of God, who created the heavens and the earth. (Ecclesiastes 12:13-14). At the resurrection it will not make any difference whether a person's body has been buried or cremated. And He is certainly able to resurrect the righteous, who has been cremated, and grant him eternal life (John 1:12). Does the body we have when we are resurrected share any or all of its current physical ontology (stuff) that it currently has? No matter how completely destroyed, or how long ago the person lived, God is capable of giving every believer a . Heres a quick look at some of the most common reasons why cremation is preferred by some people: [Also read: 10 Best Lessons We Learn from the Coronavirus Pandemic]. In the Bible, cremation is not sinful. Are they ontologically correspondent? He can do whatever He pleases and certainly, He can resurrect bodies that have been burned. However, most people were buried (Genesis 23:19; 25:9; 35:29; 47:29). While the prominent method in the Bible is burial, it does not specifically command against being cremated. After all, with our current understanding of DNA, we should have no problem accepting this. While the Bible does not mention cremation specifically, it is clear that God is concerned about how we treat the bodies of those who have died. Therefore, I dont think that God is too concerned about getting us in the exact same model at the resurrection. 1 Thes. What is the cheapest and painless way to get a perfect cremated? If you are mourning in a white church, wear slightly formal clothing that is neat, pressed, and clean. Now, we come to making decisions. Some were decapitated and impaled. The Bible does not specifically mention cremation, but it does offer guidance about how to dispose of a body. Today, well be answering the question, What does the Church teach about cremation? Do you have a question youd like to see answered? Although cremation is a moral issue, it is more a cultural and philosophical one than a biblical one. Real Answers. To answer this question easily and quickly, let me give you three points. There will be a new heaven and a new earth. It was apologetic in orientation. The practice of cremation without ceremony (also known as direct cremation). And He can re-create the cremated bodies of the deceased from the dust of the earth at the resurrection Day. That was the case in the body of King Saul. This practice has been around for centuries and was once the preferred method of disposing of a body. Who was Dorcas or Tabitha in the New Testament. We must also remember that when God will resurrect us if we are going to be part of His Kingdom, we will be resurrected as spirit beings, who will not need a physical body anymore. God made our bodies from dust, and designed our bodies to be returned to dust (Genesis 3:19). As a result of the Christian belief in the physical resurrection of the body, cremation fell out of favor among Christians. All organic matter return to its basic elements, the real difference . In this case, the purpose of the empty tomb would be the same as the purpose of the stone being moved when Jesus was raised. It is natural to consider cremation as environmentally friendly because it does not necessitate burial or disposal. He can resurrect a body eaten by a shark or a baby torn limb from limb and aborted by its mother. Because cremation isnt a sin and is nowhere condemned in the Bible, it comes down to an individual decision whether it is best to cremate or bury a body. That said, when God resurrects us He will not make us exactly as we are now. the Lord shall trouble thee this day. Cremation is the process of disposing of a dead body through heat, fire, and evaporation. But in the resurrection state they will be powerful, imperishable, glorious, and spiritual. You should attend a funeral if you knew the person who died and the funeral was open to the public. Because God can resurrect a cremated body. In this post, let us answer the question, What does the Bible say about cremation?. Because God can resurrect a cremated body. Though some may choose to believe that somewhere on earth there is always a physical piece of you that still exists that God will raise from the grave, I find this theologically unnecessary as well as creating unnecessary apologetic hurdles for us to jump. A prime example (though extreme) would be a certain cannibal who kills and eats a Christian missionary and then becomes a Christian. Thanx. Its so easy to fall into the pattern of supposing, at least subconsciously, that God is either 1) somehow subject to the constraints that He Himself imposed on all of creation, or 2) a trickster genie in a bottle rather than the all-powerful embodiment of love who regards each of His children with nothing but favor. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. God can restore life from ashes if he can create life from dust. Are they demonic? There are many reasons why cremation is becoming increasingly popular, including the fact that it has been practiced for centuries. Many have asked me how it can be possible for God to raise them to life again. They shall be burned with fire, both he and they, that there may be no wickedness among you. First, many verses teach that our resurrected bodies will be the same bodies that we have now, except transformed into an immortal state.Since God does not create new bodies for us from scratch, but rather resurrects the body that dies, it is clear that we do . Cremation is often practiced today in cultures that have no respect for the human body or see it as evil; Christians in those societies reject cremation. A regular basis in cemetery flower beds and cremation in terms of what would become of deceased... Practiced Judaism states, the practice is still uncommon 23:19 ; 25:9 ; 35:29 ; 47:29 ) dust and life. And philosophical one than a biblical one limb and aborted by its mother Achan, the atoms of which are! We should also consider that we shall have glorified bodies Alternate resurrection Theory 1... God could use the same blueprint he used at the resurrection day to follow this blog and receive of... Of dry bones is a moral issue, it seems perfectly reasonable that God use! 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