To this day i only have one (and just recently.). All rights reserved. 337 you forgot a lot of derfari canables aka everything in the summoning place. So its been a long absence from Siptah for me, and I have a couple of questions regarding these two crafters. Class Edgesmiths provide maximum armor penetration. dont do lower then 1000 chaos surges. Class There are 3 types of Tier 4 Blacksmiths with different bonuses: With the 2.1 Update to Conan Exiles, the crafting. For example, you want an Armorer in the Tanner's Table (to allow for converting light leather to heavy), a Tanner in the Artisan table (to make silk) and an Alchemist on the Fermentation Barrel to unlock some special brews (okay this one kinda makes sense.). All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. Ive tried searching for this info to no avail. EDIT: To answer the surge question, unless I am reading this wrong (possible), the Aquilonia (EDIT: and Cultists of Dagon - this one actually has a lower change to spawn armorers/blacksmiths that the Aquilonia so I would go with Aquilonia) surges seem to be good for armorers. This item will only be visible in searches to you, your friends, and admins. ID: Heirs_to_the_North_Blacksmith_Durability, Icon absinthe.pngIcon dying vial AbyssalViolet.pngIcon modkit wpn increaseConcussDamage t3.pngIcon modkit wpn increaseDurability t3.pngIcon modkit wpn increaseHarvestingDamage t3.pngIcon alchemical base.pngIcon ale.pngIcon aloe vera.pngIcon aloe seeds.pngIcon trophy antilope.pngIcon dying vial Ash.pngIcon Magenta Flower.pngIcon Hide Bear.pngIcon black candle tall.pngIcon black candle-1.pngIcon blood.pngIcon dying vial blue dye.pngIcon crushed dragonbone powder.pngIcon underwaterbreathing potion.pngIcon ingredient brick.pngIcon brimstone.pngIcon dying vial brown dye.pngIcon White candle-1.pngIcon pottery 3.pngIcon pottery 2.pngIcon chitin.pngIcon dying vial CimmerianBlue.pngIcon climbing boots.pngIcon climbing gloves.pngIcon fertilizer.pngIcon fatty meat feast.pngIcon cookedFish.pngIcon Wd Bench Old.pngIcon crystal.pngIcon dying vial CursedGreen.pngIcon dying vial cyan dye.pngIcon dark dye pigment.pngIcon dying vial DeepRed.pngIcon trophy deer.pngIcon fire orb.pngIcon drywood.pngIcon dung.pngIcon pottery-1.pngIcon armor potion buff.pngIcon strength potion buff.pngIcon vitality potion buff.pngIcon falcata.pngIcon fangs.pngIcon fat grub.pngIcon Tavern Inside Cann.pngIcon frost lotus seeds.pngIcon fur.pngIcon gas orb.pngIcon glass.pngIcon round bottomed flask.pngIcon glowing essence.pngIcon dye ingredient glowing goop.pngIcon gold bar.pngIcon gold coin.pngIcon grease orb.pngIcon dying vial green dye.pngIcon dying vial grey dye.pngIcon grey lotus potion.pngIcon grilled steak.pngIcon ingredient hardenedBrick.pngIcon hardened steel arrow.pngIcon hardened steel bar.pngIcon hardened steel dagger.pngIcon hardened steel warhammer.pngIcon hardened steel axe.pngIcon hardened steel pickaxe.pngIcon hardened steel shield.pngIcon hardened steel 1h sword.pngIcon healing wraps.pngIcon berries highlands.pngIcon animal horn.pngIcon ice.pngIcon Incense bowl.pngIcon insultated wood.pngIcon iron bar.pngIcon Metal Bowl A.pngIcon Pottery Cim 1.pngIcon Pottery Cim 2.pngIcon Pottery Cim 3.pngIcon Tavern Inside WinePot.pngIcon metal pot 3.pngIcon metal pot 1.pngIcon ironhead arrow.pngIcon iron ore-1.pngIcon ivory.pngIcon arrow ivory.pngIcon trophy kudo.pngIcon lasting meal.pngIcon light dye pigment.pngIcon longsword.pngIcon dying vial dark magenta dye.pngIcon dying vial MidnightBlue.pngIcon midnight blue flower.pngIcon metal pot 2.pngIcon dying vial MutedBrown.pngIcon oil.pngIcon dying vial OliveGreen.pngIcon dying vial orange dye.pngIcon pottery 4.pngIcon oyster flesh.pngIcon trophy panther.pngIcon multi tool.pngIcon potent fertilizer.pngIcon dying vial purple dye.pngIcon fatty meat.pngIcon razor arrow.pngIcon resin.pngIcon rhino head soup.pngIcon baby kappa shell.pngIcon ingredient plank.pngIcon shelf.pngIcon ShroomAmanita.pngIcon silk.pngIcon silver bar.pngIcon silver coin.pngIcon spiced slivers.pngIcon starmetal ore.pngIcon razor arrow.pngIcon steel bar.pngIcon cleaver steel.pngIcon steel hatchet.pngIcon steel pickaxe.pngIcon poignard.pngIcon ingredient steel reinforcement.pngIcon repair hammer hardened steel.pngIcon steel sickle.pngIcon skinning dagger steel.pngIcon truncheon steel.pngIcon stone-1.pngIcon ingredient building binding.pngIcon stygian bronze spear.pngIcon dying vial Tan.pngIcon ingredient pitch.pngIcon stygia arabic teapot.pngIcon followerdamage potion buff.pngIcon thick hide-1.pngIcon truncheon.pngIcon tusks.pngIcon ingredient rope.pngIcon vanir M boots.pngIcon vanir M helmet.pngIcon vanir M gloves.pngIcon vanir M top.pngIcon vanir M bottom.pngIcon vanir M boots.pngIcon vanir L bottom.pngIcon vanir M gloves.pngIcon vanir light earrings.pngIcon vanir light top.pngIcon vines.pngIcon exploding imp gland.pngIcon water orb.pngIcon candle tall.pngIcon wine.pngIcon witchfire powder.pngIcon Hide Wolf.pngIcon Tavern Inside Bowl.pngIcon dying vial yellow dye.pngIcon bone-1.pngIcon hide-1.pngIcon human flesh.pngIcon severed arm.pngIcon severed leg.pngIcon human heart.pngIcon ice shard.pngIcon lingering essence.pngIcon jhebbal sag blood.pngIcon sliver of the unfulfilled.pngIcon unblemished meat.pngIcon jhebbal sag blood.png