He said that When you create a closed loop coil, energy begins to flow and the laws of physics go out the window. We are seeing that the Rings are created on a higher plane, and anchored into the physical through the Sacred measurements, or Cubits. His work with levitation and the cavity Structural effect (CSE) suggests that the CSEs found in natural 2017 ExtraOrdinary Science and Technology magazine, The Cubit Measures, and how to create Tensor Rings, are freely shared at. The best way to use a cock ring to help with ED will depend on your specific problem. This requires open communication. PLEASE READ! , Very happy with all the Tensor Rings I have purchased from this shop. Due to my research and background in chemistry, I understood the potential for how they could work. The Tensor Field produces a measurable Jansio Threanic Triple Fidget Ring is using a new-technology, a Japanese medical device. These rings should not eliminate EMF, but rather change it into something that is no longer harmful to our bodies. Why did the Soviets not shoot down US spy satellites during the Cold War? Cock rings are also known as penis rings, tension rings, and constriction rings. I don't have an erection problem; but a premature ejaculation problem. Since Tensor Ring decomposition is an extension of Tensor Train decomposition, this work first gives a recommendation model based on Tensor Train decomposition for subsequent experimental comparison. put a ring on the head in case of headaches. These precise measures are call Cubit measures. Paul_B December 19, 2014, 9:54pm #2. In case of abdominal pain, place a ring on the stomach. The universe is bursting with morphogenetic fields. Beyond that, I was being constantly beamed with at least 20 different peoples Wi-Fi. Some may also have little vibrators . I hope this will help. I could feel the power almost right away when I took it out of the package. $$ b(a\otimes c)=(ba\otimes c)=(a\otimes bc)$$ The888 Seriesthen came along and took everything even higher (while still grounding in all ways). We also demonstrate cancellation of electromagnetic fields within a Ring through GDV photoimaging. Let $X=\operatorname{Spec} A,Y=\operatorname{Spec}B$ and $Z=\operatorname{Spec}C$ be affine schemes, with $A,B,C$ commutative rings. The longer it sits inside the column, the more refined the structure becomes., Further evidence is revealed by Pangman and Evans: Place two equal volumes of water in identical containers on a balance scale so that they are equally balanced. Tensor Rings Beyond the Science Remember that sex toys can transmit STIs. Package was wrapped great. Not at all. Don't feel anything in my penis, can't keep an erection. The ancient Egyptians used the term Cubit as a measure of length. Is a copper energy ring going to heal a headache? Cock rings are rings that go around the penis and/or scrotum. of Tensor Rings come from Home Depot and are related to the structure These microcurrents continuously collide into each other, flowing in opposite directions, creating a field. TheGolden Firethen came in with the highest aspects of all the previous tools, along with all that the Golden Fire is doing with the Sacred Heart, Quantum Mind, Universal Peace, and all the other healing clearing attuning and activating that they do innately. Yes, but in the context of your question, if you have morphisms X Y and Z Y, e.g. Hypospadias, Urethral Fistula, and Other Abnormalities of the "Hole" (or Holes) of the Penis, What To Do About Painful Nighttime Erections, Multiple Sclerosis And Erectile Dysfunction: How to Get Your Sex Life Back, Importance of Couples Counseling: What to Do When Things are Bad, How To Ease Nervousness Before Sexual Intercourse, What To Do If Your Partner's Condom Gets Left In Your Vagina. Course and prognosis of granuloma annulare, Erectyle disfunction in men from diabetes, Cuts, Scrapes, Abrasions, Bites, and Blows to the Penis and What to Do About Them. Slim knew of John Wheelers extensive work with closed loops. "Anything that you do that distracts you from . Just place one on a finger, and when you feel anxiety, concentrate on rolling the beads or twisting the band. It is a super conductor that neutralizes magnetic fields. @VVV @VVV\\ It tracks the data and tells you what is happening inside your body. The term Cubit comes from ancient Egypt. How To Cope With Erectile Dysfunction If You Have Diabetes? How to increase the number of CPUs in my computer? Tensor Ring Technology, developed by Slim Spurling and Bill Reid in the 1990s, is supported by exciting research. It brings tranquility and stability to chaos, and very easily stabilizes the bio-magnetic energy fields of the body. This has a tremendous impact on waters molecular structure and on the energetic components of the water. I was successful in getting the actual boxes to the meters on the street but the meters themselves had to be put on my home or no services. 144 MHZ Cubit~ based on the Royal Cubit, which comes from the Kings Chamber of the Great Pyramid. stream restructuring through small rings to do the power pipes. The first one that came into being was the Ascension Ring. Have them on faucets, phones, iPad, and hang them in different parts of the house. You can change the polarity if the output simply by intention. Slim knew of John Wheelers extensive work with closed loops. So, I am using this $B-$algebra structure to define $ba$ for $b\in B$ and $a\in A$, and similarly for $bc$. Place a Tensor Ring directly over one container. RobPri320519 According to Wikipedia, the following holds: $X \times_Y Z\cong \operatorname{Spec}\left( A\otimes_B C \right)$. The best placement for a wifi extender is halfway between a router and an electronic device. Tensor Technology is based on science, but goes far beyond the current reality of most sciences. There is a lot of fantastic observations by people from all walks of life, the world over, with the Rings. Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, and our products. Cosmopolitan: Can You Use Cock Rings for Stronger Orgasms?, Food and Drug Administration: Center for Devices and Radiological Health: Class II Special Controls Guidance Document: External Penile Rigidity Devices., Journal of Pharmacy: Successful Removal of Metal Rings Causing Penile Strangulation., Mayo Clinic: Erectile dysfunction: Nonoral treatments., Mens Health: How Penis Rings Can Help You Have Better Sex., Self: How to Clean Your Sex Toys So You Can Use Them Safely.. Can you hear it? $\begingroup$ The ones induced by the direct product of rings and tensor product of algebras. They have been used all around the world to build some of the famous ancient structures still standing today (for example, the great pyramid). In order to The most beautiful thing about all these tools, is that they are heart-based creations. over a year ago, To test the rings effectiveness I stroked my penis and slipped the ring on. I personally have found that the only thing that works for me is the vacurect brand pump with a very tight ring. Stack Exchange network consists of 181 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. The base measurement of these two Rings is the same that Slim Spurling used, yet the Spurling Ring will not do what these Rings do, innately. Discovered by Hans Becker and Slim Spurling. Get the communication and emotional aspect under control with your partner before trying to bring hardware into the bedroom. The Golden Light Wand is based on a Sacred measurement that anchors in an ancient etheric tool which moves geomagnetic lines, and has the ability to clear timelines and realities. However, it has really been worth it. And in order to honor the ancient Egyptians and the length of measure found in the great pyramid, Slim Spurling has called the Cubits the lengths used to make the Tensor Tools. Or are you sleeping with an inactive ashtray? What Causes Erection Problems? A Tensor Ring neutralizes electromagnetic radiation. These balance the negative frequencies and it feels so great to have this harmony. Tensor fields create an anti-gravity field. Towards the end of organic chemistry and while I was in biochemistry, I became interested in electromagnetic frequencies / radiation (EMF/EMR) mostly due to the health issues I was experiencing including, headaches, inability to focus, restlessness, agitation, and most prominently, INSOMNIA. Tensor Fields restructure electromagnetics to where they are beneficial to the human body. Start with the softest and loosest and work your way up until you find the right size and material. They are circles of a soft material, often silicone. The Rubic sizes used in the manufacture A ring under the pillow or under the bed for a better night's sleep. Crystal Sound, a team who make Tensor Rings in The Netherlands, recommend using the rings in the following ways: In an e-book entitled Energise your Home with the Energy Ring, Marie Diamond recommends using copper energy rings for the following: A quick Google search should give you a number of retailers where you can purchase Tensor Rings. Standard Fire Ring~ Not a Cubit, rather an Energetic Ring anchored into the physical through sacred measures. The most beautiful thing about all these tools, is that they are heart-based creations. The most recent article written for the These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Pulls in and transmutes dense energy. \operatorname{Spec}(A) @>{}>> \operatorname{Spec}(B). Place a Tensor Ring directly over one container. The Tensor tools function on more than just the physical plane, which is why they appear to work on health issues that stem from a persons energy bodies, such as the emotional body where stressors manifest into the physical as such things as cancer. And as a starting fact, these copper energy rings are officially called Tensor Rings. Tensor Rings are hand crafted out of scrap copper and sold by wizards and magical beings for lots of money so you can pretend to have super powers! Since I have been making my rings, many of my customers have shared similar stories with me that have made my experience expanding my business extremely rewarding! Tensor Fieldsare science based, though go far beyond the current scope and reality of most sciences. We've added a "Necessary cookies only" option to the cookie consent popup. I even spent over $1,000 on a Tesla device which I found ineffective and returned. It may take some trial and error to find the right fit. The very best of TheLatch delivered straight to your inbox. This requires a lot of caution and diligence on the part of me and my partner. What Are Depressants And How Do They Help In The Treatment Of Depression? The reinforcement of the Harmonizer, and also the conclusion of the Harmonizer by means of intentions. Works with the Pineal, helps release Programs and Beliefs. Psychologist and sex expert Antonia Hall, in an interview with Cosmopolitan magazine, recommends putting the ring on while the penis is flaccid or only semi-erect. Hope is a constant. Tensor Rings offer meaing to your life since now you can pretend it's magic! These rings should not eliminate EMF, but rather change it into something that is no longer harmful to our bodies. This is known as Common Mode Rejection. Learn more about our use of cookies: Cookie Policy, 6 Eye-Catching Homewares Under $50 (That No One Would Ever Guess Cost So Little), 5 Places With Overwater Bungalows Thatll Have You Convinced Youre in the Maldives, Where Millennials Are Travelling in 2023 (That You Should Definitely Visit, Too), Its Not Just You, the UN Has Said 2023 Will Be a Tough One for Women. When I thought I had tried everything, nearly to the point of giving up, I came across tensor rings. It truly is neat to handle rings of various cubit sizes at once. This Cubit measure was used in the construction of Teotihuacan, the Great Pyramids, Stonehenge, and other ancient sacred sites. 888 Series~ Never been used on the planet to build, yet was used in the creation of the planet. If a law is new but its interpretation is vague, can the courts directly ask the drafters the intent and official interpretation of their law? honor ancient Egyptian wealth and con the public, term Rubic is used with Tensor Rings. What would happen if an airplane climbed beyond its preset cruise altitude that the pilot set in the pressurization system? Even Slim found that the Military could not utilize the Tensor Fields to send out negative thought-forms nor malicious intent. What this does is create a microcurrent traveling clockwise AND counterclockwise. It worked great and my wife was shocked with the hardness and size as she played with it and finished me off. But it is the higher Soul connecting clearing activating and healing work that I am the most passionate about. In other words, writing to tensor after dist.isend() will result in undefined behaviour. To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. Cock rings cannot help you avoid pregnancy in any way. An Absolute Must-Know For All Men: How to Last Longer Than 3 Minutes in Sex. This website uses cookies so that we can provide you with the best user experience possible. 333 MHZ Cubit~ Changes the color of sound and works well with Sound Healing. plausible or real and has no beneficial effect whatsoever! The888 Seriesthen came along and took everything even higher (while still grounding in all ways). Several Cubits have been found that were used to align and construct Sacred Sites around the globe, yet only a dozen or so Cubits are known to create Tensor Fields at this time. The Tensor Rngen are available in three different Cubit sizes, which can be used on their own, but also work very well together as a unity / three unit. Since we do not know when the data will be communicated to the other process, we should not modify the sent tensor nor access the received tensor before req.wait() has completed. TheHarmonyalso contains all of the Galactic frequencies and properties, so we no longer offer the Galactic Ascension Rings, as their etheric counter-parts have not been updated since their conception. Will a penis ring keep meerect after ejaculation. Regardless of what material is used, whenever a loop is made, a tensor network is created. It only takes a minute to sign up. Tensor Fields produce a measurable gravitational effect. i had to have a coronary bypass a few years after i lost my erection. Wifi extenders work best when they're used with one or two devices that always stay in the same place. Beautiful, perfectly crafted ring. When cut to precise measurements, the twisted crystalline copper creates an antenna. Tensor Technology is noted for its use in healing, energizing and restructuring water, enhancing plant growth and vitality, beekeeping, among thousands of other observations, including connectivity to the spiritual. Tensor fields create an anti-gravity field. I can feel the energy in it if I hold it up to my face -pretty awesome! I tried staying at other locations with significantly less EMF pollution. I hear firsthand the magic and miracles, every single day, of people using the Rings with cancer, addictions, afflictions, pains and strains. It brings tranquility and stability to chaos, and very easily stabilizes the bio-magnetic energy fields of the body. Scientifically, how do they work? Then the Balance and Harmony Ring, which is the energetic aspect of the Standard Teotihuacan Unit of measure. Remember, it's a marathon not a sprint. Does the following relation of cartesian product, Hom and tensor product hold? The same is true with cubits and frequencies. over a year ago, Handytim155729 which begins to go beyond the science, The Empowerment Cubit, like the Lost Cubit, was created by a mathematical calculation formula. I use a metak keyring, can be had in different sizes..I only use it fo rmy ***edited by moderator*** ** inappropriate posting**, works great.. Tensor fields create an anti-gravity field. Even Slim found that the Military could not utilize the Tensor Fields to send out negative thought-forms nor malicious intent. This may have made people think magnets might enhance their weight-loss journey, but electromagnetic brain stimulation is not the same as wearing magnetic jewelry. These days, many people adorn their homes and bodies with Tensor Rings to cure ailments and impart energy into items. TheGolden Firethen came in with the highest aspects of all the previous tools, along with all that the Golden Fire is doing with the Sacred Heart, Quantum Mind, Universal Peace, and all the other healing clearing attuning and activating that they do innately. This means that every time you visit this website you will need to enable or disable cookies again. Photo via Jase Peeples. Dangers and risks of belly button piercing. Slim Spurling Re-Discovered Tensor Ring technology in 1991. to the Spurling Rings, as the Tensor Rings emit a harmonic to a specific gravitational wave. Two interviews on the Tensor Rings The first video is an older interview which talks about Tensor Rings. This lets us define $b\cdot a$ for $a\in A$ by $f(b)a=b\cdot a$. How to extract the coefficients from a long exponential expression? over a year ago. Fail to maintain hard erection,gynecomastia operated. This Tensor Ring technology was re-discovered in 1991 by Slim Spurling and Bill Reid, who were across Wheelers work with energy in closed loops. There are many of these Etheric Templates created at Twistedsage Studios, and by others around the world. Suspicious referee report, are "suggested citations" from a paper mill? The ring has a really nice calm and grounding feel to it so I have been using it during meditation as well! Grebennikovs work supports this hypothesis as well as Muellers global scaling, where Tensor Rings emit a harmonic to a specific gravitational wave. Our planet is currently undergoing one of the most dangerous experiments in the history of mankind. According to Phillip Callahan, an expert on paramagnetism, Tensor Rings exhibit a paramagnetic value many times greater than anything ever tested. This is my second purchase for Tensor rings. Cubits are specific measurement lengths that vibrate at a specific frequency. can be found here:ExtraOrdinary Technology Article 2017 You can give it another try through the search form above. $A\otimes_B C$ does have a structure of $B-$algebra. The newer Tensor Rings are unlike any of their predecessors. Bringing cords, shortened to some arbitrary length, called a Rubic. A recent bio-feedback study with the Cell Phone Tab shows that using a smart phone with the Cell Tab affixed to the phone case, aligns Chakras and energy bodies, as well as makes organs function better. Although you may not realize it, you are unlimited. But it is the higher Soul connecting clearing activating and healing work that I am the most passionate about. Design by IDEALabs. How does a fan in a turbofan engine suck air in? Edit: Following the request below, I will just add the following comment: you should notice that the morphism $\operatorname{Spec}(A)\to \operatorname{Spec}(B)$ corresponds to a morphism of rings $f:B\to A$ (using the antiequivalence of categories between commutative unital rings and affine schemes), so that $A$ has the structure of a $B-$algebra. 2017 ExtraOrdinary Science and Technology magazine, PHOENIX, AZ - Does this guy really work for ADT? Restructuring frequencies known and unknown, to be beneficial. This is the field that has been coined, a Tensor Field.. Wheeler called the field created by the loop a tensor field. Many people choose to wear magnetic jewellery for its health benefits but others just choose it for the beautiful designs. These have a small vibrator attached. WebMD does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. applications. Be cautious that you don't get some skin pinched in one if it is a "split ring". Returning To Work After Maternity Leave Or Being A SAHM: Tips To Keep You Sane And Healthy. It is because of the Etheric Template that houses the consciousness of electricity, the Earth, and the Earth elementals, which allows these Rings to function the way they do. the ends of the cord back together makes a magic Tensor Ring! of like the space between your ears, that produce an infinite source Tensor Rings are made from copper wire and as Jenner said, have something to do with energy. The Tensor Rings, . I will definitely recommend these in my practice! under 25 and can't maintain an erection.. Why Vacuum pump devices are not used these days? If the wire is folded double, twisted and the ends are put back together, an energy flow is produced in two directions. Excellent seller! To learn more about the science behind the rings why and how they work, click here. It is a super-duper conflector that Tensor Fields restructure electromagnetics to where they are beneficial to the human body. What's the difference between a power rail and a signal line? If the thread is then cut into the desired cubit size and a Tensor Ring, Harmonizer or other Tool is made, a portal of life energy and restorative information is created that is returned to the physical body, and forms other matter. Tensor Technology really enriches scientific technologies and what is more. Wifi extenders will stretch a wifi signal, but they don't strengthen the signal. Several Cubits have been found that were used to align and construct Sacred Sites around the globe, yet only a dozen or so Cubits are known to create Tensor Fields at this time. rev2023.3.1.43269. This reverses the polarity of the two strands and leaves you with a positive and negative end on both ends. We did some digging to see what we could find about these rings youre welcome. The Tensor field produces a measurable earth / gravity effect. Quantum means an unfolding of the heroic. We are seeing that the Rings are created on a higher plane, and anchored into the physical through the Sacred measurements, or Cubits. The Water Ring is another specialized Etheric Template anchored into the physical, which works with the consciousness of water. Tensor Rings are truly an integration of Science and Spiritual Technologies. Unlike Wheeler, Spurling and Reid believed the tensor network to be a more physical manifestation. Then the Balance and Harmony Ring, which is the energetic aspect of the Standard Teotihuacan Unit of measure. How to Grow and Maintain an Awesome Beard, Tips To Help Bulk Up Muscle: 10 Things to Do It Right, Dressed Up: Like Your Halloween Costume, These Diseases Look Scarier Than They Are. Creates a higher connection.. Metatron brings through geometries that have never been here before. 24 year old cannot maintain an erection to penetrate partner, Foreskin retraction during intercourse for greater sensitivity for the woman, my boyfriend can't maintain erection during sex, after ejaculation why do i quite quickly lose my erection, i, i cannot maintain an erection when i try to physically stimulate myself. These Rings contain the highest aspects of all the previous Rings together, and so much more. Click on the button below to tell us what you want. Golden Fire Ring~ Related to the new geometries that are coming onto the planet at this time. You be the judge. How should you navigate this heroic dreamtime? "This is magical thinking." Then the Balance and Harmony Ring, which is the energetic aspect of the Standard Teotihuacan Unit of measure. Further evidence is revealed by Pangman and Evans: Place two equal volumes of water in identical containers on a balance scale so that they are equally balanced. If you have never experienced this quantum leap at the quantum level, it can be difficult to grow. This means that Tensor Rings cause some of the elements in water to spin to their high-spin state referred to as ORME [Orbitally-Rearranged Monoatomic Elements]. Slim Spurling Re-Discovered Tensor Ring technology in 1991. Once the ring is cut to the desired cubit, the loop of the ring is then closed. manglizes strongetic fields. Together they brought the great qualities of ancient magic back into the hands of people without a lot of brains and too much money on their hands. The longer it sits inside the column, the more refined the structure becomes. Why and how does Tensor Technology work. The Lost Cubit was created by studying the sun-lunar-earth ratio, using a mathematical calculation formula. These rings are only for very experienced users. How tight do you have to wear it to be able to stay hard after ejaculation? However, it has really been worth it. The seller was awesome in the entire process and exceeded my shipping expectations by a mile. Research has shown that fidgeting lowers cortisol, the stress hormone, clears our heads, and improves memory. I love this trio, together and separately. They slow blood flow out of an erect penis and can help make erections harder and longer-lasting. Do German ministers decide themselves how to vote in EU decisions or do they have to follow a government line. Here at DEMI+CO we specialise in magnetic jewellery. They slow blood flow out of an erect penis and can help make erections harder and longer-lasting. You and I are travellers of the quantum soup. i.e. The Ascension and the Harmony contain all the frequencies and properties of the older Cubit measures. A recent bio-feedback study with the Cell Phone Tab shows that using a smart phone with the Cell Tab affixed to the phone case, aligns Chakras and energy bodies, as well as makes organs function better. Etsy is a good place to start, with a number of stores selling Tensor Rings in different sizes. Why does the diagonal morphism of a map between affine schemes correspond to the following morphism of rings? effect on your wallet! GVD video of a 144mhz Sacred Cubit Tensor Ring. you may have artery blockages elsewhere in your body, like your heart, as vessels in the penis might also be developing blockages. Some may also have little vibrators to increase pleasure for you and your partner. When this wire is then twisted back on itself to form a circle, it creates a continuous energy flow that is going both ways. I wanted to share the gift they brought me with others. A recent bio-feedback study with the Cell Phone Tab shows that using a smart phone with the Cell Tab affixed to the phone case, aligns Chakras and energy bodies, as well as makes organs function better. Thanks but how are $ba$ and $bc$ defined? PDF download link:ExtraOrdinary Technology Article 2013, The most recent article written for the It brings tranquility and stability to chaos, and very easily stabilizes the bio-magnetic energy fields of the body. Yes, but in the context of your question, if you have morphisms $X\to Y$ and $Z\to Y$, e.g. This is known as the Tensor field. The Galactic Cubit, aka Ascension Ring, connects with the Soul and the Souls Aspects. Use lubricant to make it easier to slide the ring on, and then continue stimulating the penis until its erect. Hope is a constant. These energy protection copper rings can structure water, increase food shelf life, and neutralize 5G radiation. Acupressure and Weight Loss Rings. Copyright 2023 All rights Reserved. They may be the simplest, most efficient source of energy there isgathering it and condensing it freely from space. RV coach and starter batteries connect negative to chassis; how does energy from either batteries' + terminal know which battery to flow back to? This is the story that inspired me to start making and selling tensor rings. After 24-48 hours, the container with the Ring above it becomes measurably lighter (the difference in weight is dependent on the type and amount of minerals or salts in the water that can enter a high- spin state).. Dist.Isend ( ) will result in undefined behaviour been using it during meditation as well material... Morphism of a soft material, often silicone, you are unlimited of go... Following holds: $ X \times_Y Z\cong \operatorname { Spec } ( a ) @ > }. Cubit measure was used in the history of mankind Leave or being a:! 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