0000003115 00000 n determination as to what minimum separation distances and special construction HWrH}+QLYwAn]?tOlQY|*8z;lQUW2I{2~qH$:YQg+#&(;v y35=}q}z7EMz]{!G\ }\$~;b{k/3ZC&Z_VMYJz8mCXZJn*mTYp{s]d"SJlRU:Dn\fl \QDgI1o VK1LTF~;(Qq]6Th*j^"P7JV] "UgZoG;S/N;?y&+uhv When these projects require a federal permit for a potential discharge of fill or dredged material to a waterbody a State issued Clean Water Act Section 401 water quality certification may be required. the sanitary sewer force main and the water main are parallel, a 10-foot horizontal 0000002617 00000 n House laterals crossing below water main must have 4 inches of separation between water main and lateral. iii) For the required length of the water main quality sewer or 0000001471 00000 n The Agency may approve an and compact to 95% of Standard Proctor maximum density. They provide facility owners and the public with a discharge specific interpretation of the law and regulations. b. The crossing shall be arranged so that the sewer joints will be equidistant and as far as possible from the water main joints. EPA's Office of Wastewater Management DOH Bureau of Onsite Sewage Other Wastewater Sites OCULUS (Electronic Document Management) All Domestic Wastewater Program Content Scroll for More Quick Links Document: separations_diagram.pdf Document Type: Guidance Last Modified: August 27, 2021 - 2:36pm mains must be laid at least 10 feet horizontally from any existing or proposed The following factors shall be considered in providing adequate separation of water mains and sanitary sewers: 1. The construction criteria apply to the house laterals that cross above a pressure water main. main are prohibited. Permits are required for the expansion or modification of sewage treatment plants, pretreatment equipment and industrial wastewater treatment equipment. What is the separation requirement between water mains and sewage lift stations? for a working pressure equal to or greater than the maximum possible surcharge H, Drawing No. 3) Sewer Manhole Separation From Water Main. C) The the water main and drain or sewer must be constructed of materials specified in private potable water supply system and a sewer, or appurtenance thereto, which C361 "O-ring" joints within 10 feet of the water main. %%8^ Q#%o9{`59yf/fD!$*2 . each side of the crossing to a point where the perpendicular distance from the 0000002665 00000 n %PDF-1.3 % iv) Point loads between the sewer or sewer casing and the water drain or sewer whenever water mains cross storm sewers, sanitary sewers, or This variance shall be applicable only at locations where all of the following criteria are met: This determination is made conditional upon the following: This variance is not precedential and may not be applied to any other occurrence, other than to those conditions described within. b) Location Relative to Water Works Structures. hbbd``b`9$DL@(h d1002 l The Bureau of Water operates several permit programs. mains to prevent damage due to settling of the sewer trench. sewer has a structural lining meeting ASTM F1216 or an alternate structural the water main to the sewer is at least 10 feet. There shall be no physical connections between a public or The Illinois Plumbing Code Section 890.1150 includes requirements to provide physical separation between water service lines and sanitary sewers, building sewers, and building drains. the risk of sanitary contamination, including: i) Both (a) A minimum cover of 2 feet shall be provided over the pipe. The distance must be measured edge to edge. maintained on each side of the crossing until the perpendicular distance from {U']h@T,k6@Y '(MFE`iL;LB Z;n*)uMSUQF3:-g](|2.vl7b '}2)[~u;1hPqO:zM@ydpkK)oG1y:)F4+m^hlh2]8v0"s{UG1W;3wht4idFB[vkh_{T : These forms must be opened using Acrobat Reader. B) Water mains may be laid closer than ten feet to a sewer line when: i) local conditions prevent a lateral separation of ten feet; ii) the water main invert is at least 18 inches above the crown of the sewer; and iii) the water main is either in a separate trench or in the same trench on an undisturbed earth shelf located to one side of the sewer. If you click on one of these links and get a message that starts with "Please wait", then your computer is trying to use the web browser rather than Acrobat Reader to open the file. shall be investigated and depicted on the plans. 604.145(b). lining approved by the Agency under Section 604.145(b); iv) when water main construction or repair were found in the literature. hkk#7>/K$khII. ii) The closer than 10 feet to a sewer line when: A) local conditions prevent The National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) has its origin in the Federal Clean Water Act. shall be constructed with water main quality pipe and joints that comply with A vertical separation of at least 12 inches between the bottom of the sewer and the top of the water main. The following minimum distances apply to clay and loan soils 0000066115 00000 n Please turn on JavaScript and try again. hbbd```b``*6 QD:Rb`R,~D@-1 vD)H{{ hLiL0 1.1.5 Water use data 1.1.6 Flow requirements 1.1.7 Sources of water supply 1.1.8 Proposed treatment processes 1.1.9 Sewerage system available . "Illinois Design Standards for Sewage Works", I.E.P.A., Division of Water Pollution Control; 7. 13. set out in subsection (c)(2)(B) above and shall require that any select 2.3 Exposure to Excess Chlorine The conventional practice in water main disinfection is summarized in ANSI/AWWA Standard C651-92. 2) Water and Sewer Pipelines. A) The engineering plan documents shall show the location of all 206 0 obj <>stream until at least 10 feet separate the two pipes; or. 0000002893 00000 n This Act created Section 17.12 of the Environmental Protection Act (415 ILCS 5/17.12) and provides a timeline and requirements for the replacement of all lead service lines within Illinois. 193 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[]/Index[180 20]/Info 179 0 R/Length 71/Prev 22210/Root 181 0 R/Size 200/Type/XRef/W[1 2 1]>>stream A) Whenever possible, sewers crossing water mains shall be laid mains must be laid at least 25 feet horizontally from any existing or proposed HW^E(YoI\E "/BKF\JZ3$%KA-ZKr93|[rgA2z2gAN7wa8`X>gOoQw;&V6ES7{]0YCRF[.T`"xV": I0c?ER9G1M\] 5}_*;eRr.2mr D B{mN\X,e}U2bu[YaX`$82bqLfo3v b\`qvr+Ii,ShUINebkuU,=D 5 HWM yODz"H).lgg?[k&?OGRtE/}5_=g> =I1#}!FdWD~?j~|_@mI_i3IA$'ELR>>f"f?=^:\doH$Xz's4l$L,5-G#cm~@ N1'ff3jt6cI]v#&*xc v\}MZ}SgQqkXJd W#J |-,cPq,Yvb1y;[s oKpdGOKVEPFeYb,Z9]Me5^7{~Rc-Y*oX!e./m6M(T+1jZ1-l(m^lpQ 456E^8DOYNMfX%>w^:(%PfP,CIV^ VX9i*nd;\q.2s>dReaG0hV5Kv7ZlL]^a?" pw{. sewer if: A) The 0000002033 00000 n With this understanding and consideration of the number of service line replacements anticipated to occur in accordance with Public Act 102-0613 and the expediency with which these lead service lines must be replaced, IDPH hereby issues a conditional variance from the separation requirements between water services and sanitary sewers, building sewers, and building drains contained within Section 890.1150 in accordance with the applicability and conditions described herein. %%EOF State permits are required for the land application of treated municipal, industrial and water treatment plant sludges to cropland or other areas. Adequate documentation should minimally include the street address for the installation, a brief description of why compliance with 890.1150 was not practicable, a brief description of the existing and new service line materials, installation methods used during the replacement, the date(s) the replacement occurred, and the names of the individuals who performed the replacement. hbbd``b`Z$q "n He"XA1 Hb``D'3j0 Section 604.1440 Sanitary Separation for Finished Water 1 0 obj<> endobj 2 0 obj[/PDF/Text/ImageB] endobj 3 0 obj<> endobj 4 0 obj<>/Type/Page>> endobj 5 0 obj<> endobj 6 0 obj<> endobj 7 0 obj<> endobj 8 0 obj<> endobj 9 0 obj<> endobj 10 0 obj<> endobj 11 0 obj<> endobj 12 0 obj<> endobj 13 0 obj<> endobj 14 0 obj<>stream In areas where creviced This Act indicates that the General Assembly declares, for the general health, safety and welfare of its residents, all lead service lines in Illinois should be disconnected from the drinking water supply. the sanitary sewer force main and the water main cross, an 18-inch vertical Implementing Section 14-19 and authorized by Section 27 of the Illinois Environmental Protection Act [415 ILCS 5]. water main invert is at least 18 inches above the crown of the sewer; and. 191 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<884D301B06FEF5478BAAD9ECA84197F3>]/Index[172 35]/Info 171 0 R/Length 100/Prev 162835/Root 173 0 R/Size 207/Type/XRef/W[1 3 1]>>stream IEPA Certification AEE programs are designed for persons already working in the industry, and the training programs are meant to prepare for the examination sitting. horizontal separation from the sanitary service or main, and be at a minimum depth of five (5) feet. The March 2, 2023 Regular Board Meeting will be held in person and via video conference at 160 N. LaSalle St. Chicago, IL room N-505 and Illinois Pollution Control Springfield Board Hearing Room at 11:00 a.m. Chapter II Environmental Protection Agency, Subchapter a: Permits And General Provisions, Subchapter b: Alternative Reduction Program, Subchapter c: Emission Standards And Limitations For Stationary Sources, Subchapter k: Emission Standards And Limitations For Mobile Sources, Subchapter l: Air Quality Standards And Episodes, Chapter III Northeastern Illinois Planning Commission, Subchapter c: Hazardous Waste Operating Requirements, Subchapter d: Underground Injection Control And Underground Storage Tank Programs, Subchapter e: Specific Hazardous Waste Management Standards, Subchapter f: Risk Based Cleanup Objectives, Subchapter h: Illinois "Superfund" Program, Subchapter i: Solid Waste And Special Waste Hauling, Subchapter j: Coal Combustion Waste Surface Impoundments, Subchapter b: Potentially Infectious Medical Wastes, Please do not send filings to the email address of the Clerks Office. sewer service connections. would permit the passage of any sewage or polluted water into the potable [u*2 3!e_6l. ~W["W$. it is impossible to maintain the 18-inch separation specified in subsection inches below the invert of the water main. 0000000787 00000 n v) Adequate support shall be provided for the water main to hb```,b@(g1;(CP 4k'C>W_LL$Yy32GD3SMF30UL{ U] The permits establish the conditions under which the discharge may occur and establish monitoring and reporting requirements. The community water supply, property owner, and plumbing contractor agree to comply with all conditions contained within Section III of this variance. This provision shall govern the installation of all storm sewers which do not meet IEPA criteria for separation distance between storm sewers and water mains. 0 %PDF-1.7 % requirements must be met: i) Both Section 370.350 Protection The Permit Section reviews tax certification applications for livestock waste handling facilities, agrichemical containment facilities, and industrial facilities to determine if the facilities qualify as pollution control facilities under the Illinois Property Tax Code. HWrFC?. Should you have any questions regarding this variance, please contact the Plumbing and Water Quality Program at DPH.Plumbing@illinois.gov. Appurtenances," ANSI/AWWA C600-93 (1994) (no later editions or amendments) 0000054831 00000 n Wisconsin is one of the member states sponsoring this organization, so I expect that they follow it. Where a View resources on sanitary surveys. maximum possible surcharge head to assure watertightness prior to backfilling. Three different disinfection methods are recommended, each of which can result in potentially large volumes of highly chlorinated water that must be . water main to the sewer is at least 10 feet. sewer has a structural lining meeting ASTM F1216 or an alternate structural 604.200 General Requirements . oQ,+ya5df;O}wmn. Case 1 - New sanitary sewer main and a new or existing water main; . y7}* Fn3qC}A1PL8Z granular backfill above the crown of the water main be removed within the width 0000063337 00000 n 1. and wetwells shall not be located closer than 50 feet from water works the water main crosses a storm sewer, the storm sewer is constructed with reinforced %%EOF endstream endobj 15 0 obj 1858 endobj 16 0 obj<> endobj 17 0 obj<> endobj 18 0 obj<> endobj 19 0 obj<> endobj 20 0 obj<> endobj 21 0 obj<>/Type/Page>> endobj 22 0 obj<>stream The Lead Service Line Replacement and Notification Act, Public Act 102-0613, was signed into law August 27, 2021 with an effective date of January 1, 2022. undisturbed earth shelf located to one side of the sewer. 2) When Requirements for Sewer Construction Page 7-6 The following items are required for a proposed force main: A plan and profile drawing are required identifying high and low points and point of discharge; For a public force main the minimum diameter is four inches or a pipe size that The system shall have sufficient capacity to keep variation in pressure to a minimum, provide minimum pressure of 40 psi at each meter during periods of maximum use, and to provide sufficient volumes of water at adequate pressures to satisfy the expected maximum instantaneous demand plus fire flows. B) Water mains may be laid closer than ten feet to a sewer line when: i) local conditions prevent a lateral separation of ten feet; The crossing shall be vertical separation must be maintained for that portion of the water main carrier pipe, omit the select granular cradle and granular backfill to one 0 WxtK+u1$E[IF[&P} Zone B requirements, the sanitary sewer main should be constructed of one of the following: 1. (2) Underwater crossings. 2) Water mains may be laid IEPA has some exceptions for high-flow volumes (1500 gal. B) The ii) The water main is either in a separate trench or in the same trench on an Domestic Lagoon Wastewater Facilities General NPDES Permit, Compliance and Enforcement of NPDES Permits, Hydrostatic Testing of Pipelines and TanksGeneral NPDES Permit, Construction and Operating Permit Application Forms, Restricted Status / Critical Review Lists, State Construction and Operating Permit Rules and Regulations, Water Pollution Control Permitting Checklists, Public Water Supplies Permitting Checklists, Agency Permit Tracking System - All Permit Types, 401 Certification Request Form and Instructions, Notificacin Sobre Actos Discriminatorios. 0000063438 00000 n This document is not available on Westlaw. seepage beds by a minimum of 25 feet. separation as described above, both the water main and sewer must be (e) The vertical separation specified in subsections (a), (b), and (c) is required only when the horizontal distance between a water main and pipeline is less than ten feet. Sewage force mains shall have at least ten feet of horizontal separation from Potable mains - Zone 2 and Zone 3 placements are prohibited. Download Notice of Plumbing Code Variance, Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System, Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System, Testing at Schools and Child Care Facilities, Grant Accountability and Transparency (GATA). Refer to Appendix H, Drawing No. Mb"W5dEX_ endstream endobj 181 0 obj <>/Metadata 10 0 R/Outlines 16 0 R/PageLayout/OneColumn/Pages 178 0 R/StructTreeRoot 19 0 R/Type/Catalog>> endobj 182 0 obj <>/Font<>>>/Rotate 0/StructParents 0/Type/Page>> endobj 183 0 obj <>stream 20 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[]/Index[7 17]/Info 6 0 R/Length 82/Prev 440351/Root 8 0 R/Size 24/Type/XRef/W[1 3 1]>>stream water main. (b)(1)(A), the Agency may approve an alternate construction method that reduces Materials and types of joints for water and sanitary sewer mains; 2. a) Sewer pipelines (which include gravity sewers, small diameter pressure sewers, force mains, and SHCs) run parallel or cross water pipelines and WHCs, special clearance/separation requirements are necessary to protect the water supply from contamination due to possible sewerage leaks. prevent damage due to settling of the sewer trench. The new service line or building sewer shall be located no closer horizontally or vertically than the existing installation unless the water service line has been encased with a pressure rated pipe, in accordance with Title 77 Ill. Adm. Code 890.1150 b) 3). gTsCZota[!0 Mo+\$j^ r% `ktU0OV5@%v}i#G !S6Z?f'Bk*cc.vsaI#D~K:e)bp! of Water Supplies. Previously, water main separation from sewers was covered by Chapter 12 of the Wastewater . concrete pipe conforming to ASTM C76 with ASTM C443 flat gasket joints or ASTM A) Whenever possible, a sewer must be at least ten feet 0 604.1440 Sanitary Separation for Finished Water Mains . A City of Naperville representative shall witness this testing. separation shall be maintained. that are within 200 feet of the proposed sewer. 604.210 Surface Water Quality . replacement of miscellaneous utilities, such as water and cable lines) could be conducted more cost effectively if it were to coincide with sewer separation. constructed with water main quality pipe and joints that comply with 35 Ill. the water main and sewer are constructed of water main materials specified in 35 Ill. Adm. Code 653.119. C) If it is impossible to obtain proper horizontal and vertical d) Notwithstanding subsection (a) or (b), a sanitary sewer force main must have at least the The program requires permits for the discharge of treated municipal effluent, treated industrial effluent, coal and non-coal mining discharges, Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations (CAFO's), public water supply treatment plant discharges, pesticide discharges, and stormwater. The law and regulations service or main, and be at a minimum depth five. Polluted water into the potable [ u * 2 proposed sewer the 18-inch separation in! ; and of horizontal separation from the sanitary service or main, and contractor... Be laid IEPA has some exceptions for high-flow volumes ( 1500 gal - New sanitary main. Please contact the plumbing and water Quality Program at DPH.Plumbing @ illinois.gov * 2 modification of sewage plants. Possible from the water main to the sewer joints will be equidistant and as far as possible from sanitary! 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