Inside the cave you once again have to place 2 cubes on the Anvil pedestal. Place it on the feather pedestal. Mounts Wing Sets Phosphor Skins . You can also destroy the seed after defeating all the enemies either way. You need to use the northern metal cube to move the huge metal cube to block the lasers, letting the crate reach the feather pedestal. Now come up here and see the room on your right when facing the wall. And the other finding a Bronze pot which can be found with a normal chest behind a breakable wall in the Clashing rocks. South of the rock where you got the above epic chest, you will see the next 2 chests marked on the map on the 4th and 5th rocks. For the first puzzle, use the terminal to call Oricalcham. Fenyx Admiring A Glorious Axe Axe Combo Unlock Requirement: Complete Prologue Next to the terminal which will summon the sphere, are 2 pedestals. This is a tricky shot but doable. Now after your done here continue on your path, when you arrive at a gate like monument look to your left, to see a Vault. Once he is beaten you will receive Phosphor the tainted, this is a great skin cuz he heals a whole health chunk on hit. Now for this part change the wind direction and move the large metal cube west to block the laser. You need all four to open. When you do activate the terminal and jump and glide down, if you haven't gotten the chest yet get it now. There's exactly ONE youtube video I found in french with the comments turned off where he uses a stamina pot and immediately jumps and dashes but I can't make it work. Buff up as well to make it go faster. Now step on the pedestal glide down and move forward you will reach Punishment of Atlas next. First you stun him with Aries wrath either using it once or more times doesn't matter, once he is stunned, heal to full health and start using sword combos quickly and build it up a lot and as he is about to recover use Aries wrath again, depending on your combo he may end up stunned again. Finally head for Aries's throne room/treasury. Once all of them are gone you will be able to advance to the end (sorta) and will get the quest item Fang of Hydra. But essentially you have the same thing but with wind added as an element. Try and avoid doing side activities until you can clear the map and reveal all of them. Equip Skin of Pride and Mane of Pride. Next she says and i quote: "Do the hero thing". Once you do you will receive her Blessing, these are basically super powerful passives you get for helping gods out of whatever predicament their in, each has 4 and you can view them in your touch pad menu, as such my guide won't contain a list. Place both cubes on the feather pedestal here. After you will be able to collect the quest item Salpinx. Im not seeing a broken pillar to assemble it. On the path from the lake you can find nearly all types of materials, and you will eventually see a group of red enemies with shields and weapons like you have before, these guys are guarding a chest. At first you will only encounter "Red" enemies but as you upgrade your Gear "Blue" enemies with higher health and attack power will appear, this will affect both outside exploration, story and Vaults. Right across from it is a pyre which will be unlocked by standing on this pedestal. Do this for the middle and right sides too, also remember to go all the way to the end on the middle path so you can get the chest, which has Zeus' Lightning in it. While on the left path when you are close enough jump and glide down to the chest. However this is a timed lever, after you pull it in about 7-10 seconds the gate closes again. After that the path splits into 4. Get on the platform as it moves you west. Then go in and open the chest to get this item. Which will cause lightning to hit 3 enemies on using Athena's draw. Just use the usual tactics. Immortals Fenyx Rising Vault of Athena Vault of Athena is the second major Vault that you'll come across in the storyline of Immortals Fenyx Rising. Guarding the eastern most ambrosia (which takes a lot of climbing/vent gliding to get to), is a boss not shown on the map or any where else. its_matt 2 years ago #2. Anyway look to your left and then activate a terminal. You will need to use Phosphor's clone to block the second crate to keep it from moving. You will reach the location of a fresco challenge and will need to continue south to a mandatory Odysseus challenge. But ignore the enemies if Typhon is around just keep depleting his health. Genres Action Adventure Features - Immortals Fenyx Rising - DLC 3: The Lost Gods Discover a new top-down gameplay experience featuring a daring new champion and brawler-style combat! Now continue forward through the opened path and you will be brought to where the fork converges again. You can keep following the torches which will lead to more ledge jumping or you can climb up to Constellation challenge 2 and take the right route from there to reach the next point faster. Stand on the person pedestal and throw the 2 remaining cubes up through an opened barrier on to an anvil pedestal. Go up the stairs and reach the checkpoint and then go to the gate ahead. During the scenes you will get the last Blessing. And then glide to at least one of the ledges on these huge mountainous rock formations. You can bypass this a bit with aries's wrath. It is the same in the Rogue Isles, Europe, and across the g Go out here and find the terminal to complete this part. Roll the pearl in and then dive down to the pearl and collect the Godly Seafoam.hoo boy. The one on the left can be pulled to you using L1+Triangle. Product Information. There is a fork in the road earlier in the vault. Unlike the boss you fight in the overworld this one you can actually manage. The second part is a bit different. This one has the Valor of Soldier Helm. First bring the sphere up the ramp, then make it so that the first crate, the one closest to you moves so that it makes a bridge with the next ledge. This is a new one. You will get Smoldering wings of zeus as a reward. Now walk up to the forge and repair the armor. Bring it down and place it. You can't move the crates, so you need to pull the lever and let the wind in to do it while making sure to change the direction for both boxes to place them on the pedestals. Now from the top glide to the other tower again. Reading this so long after the thread goingwhat the fuck is 'air dodge'? Pyrite Island. He can be taken down like any other boss. The bowls are golden and have charcoal in them but are not lit. Now for the Vault itself. Unlike the other available mounts, Spring is a preorder exclusive and is given as a reward at the end of the side quest When the Road Gets Rocky. Once it explodes place the ball in the slot. When you reach the north eastern most part of the map you will be able to climb the walls here for a bit. On January 28th, the first expansion released "A New God", which takes players to the Olympus Palace to undergo a daunting trial. Make your way to the objectivate location, the Hall of Gods. Again you could have done this already, but if you haven't see below. You can have already done this but if you haven't see below. After the a point you will be carrying a small crate with a big metal cube, use the big metal one to block lasers so that they do not destroy the crate you are carrying. Beware of Bears along the way, and you will need to jump/glide across a broken a bridge. Go around it (using the south path), pick up the normal chest along the way and make your way to the 2nd Odysseus challenge. You get the last color for the Embrace armor. Your health is a red bar divided into segments and you can regain it over time (depending on difficulty). You can't do much with this now so file it away for later. This chest contains the head gear, Mane of Pride, basically armor with an effect, you can equip it from the touch pad menu. Return to Aries after and watch the scenes. Return (or let the scene continue). Take them down and collect the chest as it's on your way. Activate both of the terminals here will summons large balls. Now go back and collect the lightning to leave. To remove it you need to find incense bowls and place them in white pedestals. Now make your way to the next marker as you go, collect or do anything else you wish on the way. This vault is hidden inside an underground temple, whose entrance is in chasm filled with lava at the bottom, its on the northern portion with a legendary boss nearby. Phosphor is great at keep him staggered too. The best list of Games built against your custom filters. On the right side of the floor you are on is a room, enter it and there will be a lot of laser in narrow passages, follow this path as it goes up to higher floors. River of Styx Cistern where you spend Charon coins to unlock new skills and new godly powers, or add effects to existing powers or skills. IMMORTALS FENYX RISING 2250 Credits $19.99 Add to Wishlist See More Released on December 3, 2020 Earn up to 20. Next inside, chest east wall for a breakable wall. Immortals Fenyx Rising is a sprawling action game that brings you across several regions fighting monsters, restoring power to gods, and solving puzzles. The damage output will be more immense depending on how upgraded everything is (if you already have masteries this will be child's play). Go in and use the terminal and then pull the cube, letting you leave with it. This guy is basically a stronger version of Fenyx with some different moves. even if your stamina is gone you can still jump once and then doge your way across the rest of the gaps. Defeat three easy waves and then head to the end where the lightning is. Once up here you will find the locked chest and a feather pedestal. You can get to the Grove of Kleos by going north from this region, fast travel to Gaia's soul and head straight north. After meeting the God of War in the War's Den area, he'll. After the scenes you will get Aries's final blessing and the Wings of the Monstrous. You can find in game hints at each one's locations in the form of a map. NOT why Im here though. Collect the orb and place it in a correct slot. Otherwise see below: Left Automaton hand: Found in the ditch at the puzzle for chest 10. Now thats another Vault complete. This Vault can be found in the South east portion of the region and is west of chest 6. After defeating it go down the eastern path to get a chest and do another part of the puzzle in this segment. Go straight ahead to start the first puzzle. Enter for a difficulty 3 Vault. You may have to do this in the correct order so do the left ones first then the right ones. The next puzzle on this side, is activate a terminal to call 2 links cubes and to push one to bring the other to a pedestal, basically just like with Athena's vault. Use Aries wrath for stunning and then beat it up. This quest is unlocked by finding al 4 Nike fragments (Other 3 are in other regions) and then going to the marked location in this region. Once you arrive at the location and watch the scenes, you will have to then solve a puzzle in these ruins to progress. There are purple enemies standing still below floating blocks and you can basically insta-kill them with arrows aimed at the blocks to make them fall. Go up the branch till you reach a pedestal, step on it and a flame will appear and seed will be unlocked. The first seed can be destroyed using the flame pyre to your left and the second from the pyre on the north east. This thing is basically an automaton repaint so it isn't very hard. Now keep moving onwards till you arrive at yet another lever. Then just finish it. To break it down simply for you though, ideally you should have Brood of Typhon helm, Breastplate of the eagle, buff potions at the ready and basically just use Aries wrath to stun and then lay into him with sword combos. Go get it after making sure the wind is favorable. Once done select new game to begin. Buff potions, brood of Typhon helm etc, will make this much faster too. South of the first rock where the Ambrosia was, is another rock with a red crystal on top and some flower pollen at its base. Now to damage it run around it and pick up rocks and the like to throw at it for a lot of damage, retreat to the rocks above above to get some breathing room, simply repeat this pattern until it is stunned and so on. Head to the marked locations and solve the puzzles to activate the mechanisms. Simply activate the 2 Anvil pedestals using the rocks and a clone. Defeat all the enemies and then destroy all crystal corruption. This beast can be found right near Fresco Challenge 3. Move forward to the first puzzle. Once done head through the door and stand on the pedestal to call a platform, stay on the pedestal until it is close enough. If you still cannot beat him with the above method come back when you have upgraded your potions, skills and armors more. Pull it and jump across the platforms to your east, pull the next lever, to turn on a moving platform. The first puzzle, has you do exactly as you did in her vault except with some cubes you need to move with the Athena mechanic. Once you do the other will almost be in place. Once here activate the terminal in front of you and place a cube on the feather pedestal and the remaining cube and the block of stone on the anvil pedestal. Once you do bring it across, do the same with the 2nd crate. Keep going until you are past the laser traps, then use the wind to glide to the next tower. The barrier will be lifted by placed 3 Cabbages in the pedestals near the barrier. Having any Blessings before this fight will help immensely so feel free to come back when you have done more story stuff. And now puzzle time. Next go up some stairs, on the left you will see a ditch with some coal down below, pull up 2 chunks and take it with you to the next furnace, when here, throw them in while standing on the pedestal and then light it with an arrow. Immortals Fenyx Rising. Inside is a Stone glare helmet. At the next puzzle pull the lever and collect the chest to the east outside the windows (it has ambrosia). Players can choose to customize Fenyx as a male or female character. The basic strategy here is to dodge around until Ozomene is low enough that you can land a fully charged Ares's wrath ( i had all skills in this tree unlocked), to bring him near stun or stun him immediately. Here you will find the last Epic chest you can collect right now. Also note you CAN already possess them as they are available before now. You can make them float by attacking them and bring them back down to. Defeat the soldiers and interact with the forge. Get off at the other end and collect the Chest here. Difficult Vaults will have an extra chest at the end near Zeus's Lightning, while the long Vaults for Aphrodite, Ares, Hesphaestos and so on will have up to five chests hidden about. As soon as you approach the location, a scene will play and then a boss again, Godly Griffin Lieutenant. Once it is beaten use the vents that open up to glide up to Aphrodite's essence and collect it to complete this vault. After a point on this path you will reach a point with a lot more greenery and you will be as close to the Hall of gods as this path can be, now instead of following the path simply make your way there off the beaten path, so avoid taking any risks while doing this. Like the previous area the Wraith will be actively attacking you until you defeat them. Reach the next check point BUT before opening the next door look to your left and jump down to the branch here and you will find a chest. Before going North to the next puzzle, glide over to where the slot is and follow the path, and climb some wall, you will arrive at another puzzle, this leads to a chest. Now drop down into the 3rd and final Vault of the region. Now go back, lift the crate and use it to place the metal cube on the spiked platform, then glide down and place the big wooden crate on top of the metal cube then use both to climb up over the ledge. If you have buff potions you can easily defeat him. There isnt much to say here just make whatever you want, but it's not very in depth with most of the settings leaning towards a female character to begin with. For armor i used breastplate of the eagle and brood of typhon helmet. Esper. Press the terminal and a large block of stone will appear chained to the gate above, shoot the part in the middle and make the rock fall down and break into 2 convenient parts, place the rocks on the two pedestals and you're done. Now return to Hephaistos. Once both are in place the path forward will appear. The second incense bowl is to the left of that athena statue between three guys. Cross the platforms to the other end you will need to fight two Gorgons. Valley of Eternal Spring Vault of Tartaros guides and walkthroughs, Wars Den Vault of Tartaros guides and walkthroughs, The Forgelands Vault of Tartaros guides and walkthroughs, Grove of Kleos Vault of Tartaros guides and walkthroughs, Kings Peak Vault of Tartaros guides and walkthroughs, Vaults of the Gods guides and walkthroughs, Immortals Fenyx Rising best horse guide: How to get the silver pegasus and purple unicorn, How to get Daidaloss Treasure and upgrade Phosphor, Myth Challenge Big Lyre locations and notes. Found south of the aries statue at the edge of the island. You do not need to skip them as they are very easy to beat. Then after confirming it hasn't step on the Left pedestal again for the remainder, if all goes well it should reach the slot. Here you need to find 2 pieces of a pillar and put them on the central one, the first is near the pillar the next is on the platform ahead. Now climb up and move forward. After the scenes the prologue will at last come to an end and the game will direct you to fly or rather glide to the new/next region across. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Now using the arrow of apollo, shoot your arrow through the flame bowl ahead and have it hit the pyre to light it on fire to remove the barrier to the door. I don't know how or why they decided on this weather vault. This course is simple enough that you shouldn't need guidance as it's basically jumping and placing crates on pedestals. Next go to the south east room, light 3 pyres which have symbols that match those shown on the wall as you enter the room. Using all of the above resources to improve Fenyx and make him a more formidable warrior. Head inside. Make your way to the top collecting anything on the way, down below you can also find some boar/pig like enemies to practice on as well. To do this go to the left and right sides of the barriers to small rooms with pedestals. Memorize it here and then advance. The chest will contain a Midnight fragment for later. You will see a lone Cyclops there next to a huge clam. Immortals Fenyx Rising The first chest is behind the big wooden crate to the west and has an ambrosia inside. Now normally and i would suggest going for the guarded chest south east of this rock but in this case i will recommend instead returning to the center of this region or the Hermes Statue as the enemy guarding it is way too strong right now,here i recommend instead going to the Odysseus challenge symbol in the center of the southern section. Once you do this the gas in the maze below will be gone. Now after you get through the next set of vents you will see the next solution to your left. This boss as usual is a weaker version of the Mythical creature for this region. Because these are technically optional i will be including them in the above mentioned section instead of this walkthrough. You will be given his first blessing and a new vault will be unlocked for you to enter. After the head is beaten 2 more will appear for round 2. Basically a small cave in the red chasm below the hall of the gods. One problem the front entrance to where the target is located is blocked by a barrier. Now back to the Ares quest line in War's den. I said it was guarding it but the Ambrosia can be collected from there without alerting it. Buff up and beat it up as per usual. You essentially use R1 to attack enemies, and square to dodge, you can use R3 to lock on. Cerberus's mouth will now open head inside for a vault. They have quests for each of the DLC to give us a sneak peek and maybe entice people to buy it. So if you for some reason you haven't finished that questline go do it. User Score 7.5 Now for the second one, across from the planetarium you will notice a building with a fenced window, make your way to take building and go around it to find a broken wall. The chest contains a second color for the Victorious helm. Speak to Hermes to continue the main story and watch the next scenes. Achilles fights a lot like a spear wielding undead soldier. First go east. You will see a horse with wings, this is not an enemy but a mount, you can't tame it yet so you will have to come back later, so make a mental note of this guy for now. Defeat the enemies and jump. This time, it's Arnold Schwarzenegger taking over your next binge weekend. You can advance time to night by holding Options button. Note: It contains anything from Myth challenges, special chests and puzzles but doesn't contain anything regarding normal chests and ambrosia locations as you can already find all that simply by marking and tracking them down. There is also at least 8 or so in the farmlands near the Goddess of Wisdom. For your first fight you will need to fight a Hydra head. This will unlock the chest and give you the Stormy helm of the Vulture. 9 results Content type. These are easy enough to do, note for the crate you have to move the big crate past the pillars so bring it towards the broken pillars. Loading New game+ will have you start the game from the beginning carrying everything over except for quest completion, map scouting and marked location of collectibles, chests, ambrosia, vaults, myth challenges will all reset (But you keep all your coins, ambrosia and lightning and upgrades you got from them). Play as Fenyx on a quest to save the Greek gods. Jump across the bridge, and make your way through to the other side. With all those done return to the center and head through the gate. Then bring it and place it in the slot (beware holes). Unlike before Wraiths will not be quest bound encounters. Every Vault also contains at least one chest, which you can spot by their vertical beam of light that marks where they are; use this to get an idea of where to look for them. Once you reach the first check point and defeat two enemies, stand on the pedestal. The one to your right is far off so you have to use L1+Triangle to pull it and place it on the Feather pedestal. Dodge his attacks and parry some of them and use Aries's wrath for huge stun damage and then lay into him. Immortals Fenyx Rising is far from perfect--but it is good. Break it and then take the cube here and throw it down. From the creators of Assassins Creed Odyssey, Immortals Fenyx Rising is an open world action adventure game about a forgotten hero on a quest to save the Greek gods. Now pick up the rocky baby and place it in Kronos's hands. And then removing them to shoot them up a ramp. Once all three are activated the next room with the Vault will open. For this particular puzzle you need to lift Sheep statues nearby and place them on the pedestals like the other sheep, there are 2 such sheep you must place, and once you do you can open the chest and reap your rewards. You play as Fenyx,. The first of these involves going and beating up some guys. Play as Fenyx, a new, winged demigod, on a quest to save the Greek gods. Throw the cube to the top floor like before. So maybe it shows up after? However the one thing that makes him dangerous is that he has NO STUN GAUGE. The next puzzle is more of the same except now you have to do it when the puzzle is far off and there are 2 balls, luckily you don't have to do them at the same time and if you mess up you can reset with the terminals. No 4th round. When you do use the wind to move the 3rd crate to make a bridge over here. Another Arena vault. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Using the wings to double jump uses 1 stamina gauge. Once you arrive at the Observatory you will see a platform with 16 circular slots and an orb in one of them. East of the slots you will find an orb floating in a pond. Updated daily to include the lastest Free MMOs, RPGs and more for MMORPG fans. Now go back to the last room and move the large block on to the anvil pedestal, then use the terminal. Near here on the way as marked on the map with a golden wings icon is a Myth challenge specifically a traversal challenge. This gives you the Armor, Hubris of the One-Eyed Giant. This activates another moving platform, use it to reach the other side. Bring it back to Aphrodite and watch the scenes. After that go through the door and you will be able to reach the Lightning, as before ignore the lightning and go behind it to find the chest.To open it, you need to use the terminal ahead to call a crate and place it on the pedestalwhile avoiding a lot of flaming traps. Like every other god vault, there are 4 missable chests in this vault. Now go back to the final slot, there is a pedestal here stand on it and then use Apollo's arrows to shoot through a pyre in front of you at the seed. Now step on the pedestal and then run across the platforms and use the last two to ride to the top where the 2 paths join. Then find the missing teeth of the giant skull and put it back in to unlock the challenge. When you arrive you will have to fight a Gorgon and the game will give you a tutorial on sneaking up on enemies for sneak attacks. After the scenes you will have access to the Hall of the Gods and all of it's facilities. When Typhon goes down sit back and enjoy the ending. Use these to go high and find the last chest. (The slot is to the right of the terminal). Glide down to the door on the cliffs and interact with it. Here you will have more of the same except more pedestals to step on. The difficulty of a Vault is shown in their description on the map after you enter it, but is also provided at the start of their pages in this guide. You can do this by hitting the strings on the large Lyre with any weapon, i recommend arrows due to accuracy, you need to do it right quickly, you will know you did it right when the pattern replays itself after you do and a warp will open giving you your reward. When you reach the check point, activate the terminal, this calls 2 big crates and one metal cube. Anyway climb the giant hermes statue make sure to stop on any ledges you can find to recover stamina or you'll run out of stamina and fall. Bring the sphere across it. Buy now! The Cauldron of Circe lets you use the materials (Pomegranates, Mushrooms, Figs and Nectar) to make potions with effects such as healing or recovering stamina for the obvious two, and boosting attack power and defense power for purple and yellow potions respectively. I can't even get through the beginning of the level because of the cold fog sapping my stamina and for the life of me I cant see any way around it. No adrenaline needed for a distance similar to a double jump. Once you bring it back to Phospho, you will unlock the Phospho Godly power, you can upgrade this just like any other, however in addition Phospho has additional skins which can be acquired from Legendary beast bosses after you beat them, these add an additional effect to his godly power skills. Yep this thing. Once here go down the stair like rock formations to the temple like structure. The first one is in the water to your left, simply use L1+Triangle to pull it out and place it on the pedestal. Play as Fenyx on a quest to save the Greek gods from a dark curse. Return to Aries to be told you now need Typhons Melody which is found in a vault. Immortals Fenyx Rising is a sprawling action game that brings you across several regions fighting monsters, restoring power to gods, and solving puzzles. Get ready for the boss. Shoot the target and glide across the long gap to the other side. Now follow the compass on the top of the screen to go towards the objective marker, for this go up the stairs and then climb the wall to the top and then move forward till another scene plays. Another Suped up Cyclops and the weakest one yet. Once the Minotaur is beaten you can solve this puzzle, it involves you needing to place the required weight on the anvil imaged pedestal, for this once again pick up broken objects such as the. First step on left pedestal to remove the barrier then immediately get off the pedestal otherwise like before the ball will fly out of the course. From here you should be able to glide to the South eastern islands of this region, where the remaining, chests, challenges and quest items can be found. Its so freaking buggy that it won't even let me do the air dodge.