Mexican Family Culture: Important Values, Traditions, and Beliefs. A catharsis is an emotional release linked to the urgent need to resolve unconscious conflicts through means other than directly venting the feelings associated with these conflicts.Footnote4. It should not be assumed that all Iranians share the same language, cultural, religious or political beliefs. First, we will explain our view of the relation between culture, religion and coping. The Iranian people have a record of practising quite a progressive form of Shia Islam. Relation of existential meaning-making domains. Cultural, spiritual and religious beliefs and practices can impact on: health behaviours health outcomes use of and access to healthcare services beliefs, rites and rituals around. Article. The perceived role of God in illness and recovery is a primary influence upon the health care beliefs and behaviors of American Muslims, a first-of-its-kind study has discovered. Completely surrounded by God, I put myself and my destiny in His hands. Because Iran is largely a desert, however, the ideal open space is a culturally constructed spacea garden. This test is Gods message to remind us not to turn our back to Him. Jul 2018. 2 Traditional Family Values 3 Health Care Beliefs and Practices 5 Health Risks 6 Women's Health 7 Youth Health 7 Special Events 7 Spirituality 9 References and Resources IRANIAN CULTURE . Even Iranians that leave the house as husband and wife can draw negative attention. Did you know that with a free Taylor & Francis Online account you can gain access to the following benefits? We don't wish to prevent doctors from practising in line with their beliefs and values, as long as they also follow the guidance in Good medical practice. I had learned this devotional habit in my childhood. We will try by sociologically analyzing the results, to discuss the role of cultural beliefs in coping. 5 Here we refer to the real believers and not to the majority of Iranians who according to the law are regarded as Shiites. It is a kind of charity, helping people in need. Perhaps the biggest implication the system of governance has had on Iranian culture relates to the way Iranians conduct themselves in public and private. Such habitual practices are not straightforwardly religious, but emerge from a powerful amalgamation of religious superstitions and ancient cultural beliefs. The first one is conversation with God and saints. In recent years, there has been reasonably little disagreement between ethnicities in Iran which is significant considering the diversity. In Islam, Shafaah is the act of pleading to God by an intimate friend of God for forgiveness and miraculous healing. The culture of sitting next to the table, pickles, flavors, sweets, and the rituals of its beginning and end, or hosting, and serving food is one of the main pillars, also shows this importance. to work, get an education, marry, divorce, bear children or not) varies significantly depending on the attitude of her husband or closest male relative. To request a reprint or commercial or derivative permissions for this article, please click on the relevant link below. A health belief system has four key components: perceived susceptibility. Indeed, subjects that Australians often avoid (politics and religion) are not necessarily taboo conversations among friends and colleagues in Iran. keeping to the rules to avoid attracting the attention of government operatives). We found two patterns. Then, an expert panel of five individuals, who were proficient in both English and Persian as well as experts in Health Psychology and Psychology of Religion and Spirituality, reviewed the translation and confirmed it, requesting some revisions so as to minimise the differences between the English version and the target Persian form. They help each other through difficulties, and are always there for each other through thick and thin. Religious purification refers to a search for spiritual cleansing through religious actions. Significant class differences were exacerbated through periods of recent economic hardship and instability. Families are also usually the basis for peoples social and business network. As the present findings show, the RCOPE methods appear to be of great importance to the Iranian interviewees. Across its history, Iran has continuously pursued modernisation whilst looking to maintain its spiritual integrity. Survey identifies health behaviors, challenges shared by Muslim community. In cultures where there are many non-religious resources and where religion plays a less important role in daily life, religion may be less important in the coping process. This cultural content is crucial in constructing individuals identities and ethical/moral worldview, which in its turn serves as an orienting system when navigating social relationships. Therefore, it is very important to distinguish the political culture and values of the government from the culture and values of the Iranian people. I never forget Him for a second. Even today with rampant urbanization, Iranians value nature and make every attempt to spend time in the open air. interviewed women who visited the health care centers in Ahvaz, Iran, in an effort to understand the determinants of early marriage . Cultural behaviors have important implications for human health. Stigma surrounding psychological disorders in Iran often leads to isolation, as fear of judgment and ridicule creates barriers to pursuing treatment. This changed as the Islamic Republic legally enforced the separation of genders and placed extreme restrictions on women. Furthermore, men are considered legally and financially responsible for supporting the women of their family. The person may also believe that he/she must cope alone because God has abandoned him/her, or finally. After the coding process was complete, we established the fundamental characteristics of the methods the informants employed to cope with their cancer disease. In the current paper, based on the study carried out in Iran, only the results on religious coping methods will be presented. It is also considered quite prestigious to be able to trace ones heritage back for centuries. With a population of 80 million (2017), Iran is one of the most populous countries in West Asia. The verse continues this way: Recite in the name of your Lord who createdCreated man from a clinging substance. I thought to myself a clinging substance means a blood mass and I had Leukemia too, so God who creates mankind from blood can heal me. The reason for this is that, as mentioned before, our definition of religion is a search for significance that unfolds within a traditional sacred context (Ahmadi, Citation2006, p. 72). When Nahal is told shes had a miscarriage, instead of seeking support from her familywho have, in the past, refused to recognize her struggle with depressionshe keeps the news to herself, leading to desperation. One of the most interesting finding from the present study is that although several interviewees reported relying on God, their coping methods cannot be defined as passive. Get a downloadable, printable version that you can read later. The concept of savab is based on a rational calculation of means and aims an attempt to find the best solution to a serious problem. Nonna Khakpour, Contributing Writer, The Trauma and Mental Health Report. The first, and perhaps most crucial, elements of culture we will discuss are its values and beliefs. One usually turns immediately to family for assistance and may tell their problems and issues only to their family members. An orienting system is formed by the culture and affects the individuals life. Rice and fresh unleavened or semi leavened whole-grain bread are staple starches. The larger study has been conducted among cancer patients in 10 countries. After that period, the family is left to . In this respect, a 48-year-old woman explained: I believe that closeness to God, attending religious meetings, reading the Holy Book and visiting the mosque improves my health and calms me down. Demonic Reappraisal - which refers to redefining the stressor as an act of the Devil/an evil power is another coping method we found in the present study. We recognise that personal beliefs and cultural practices are central to the lives of doctors and patients, and that all doctors have personal values that affect their day-to-day practice. Health beliefs: In some cultures, people believe that talking about a possible poor health outcome will cause that outcome to occur. Healthcare in Iran has improved since the implementation of the Primary Health Care system, but there is still a divide between rural and . The researchers have a continued commitment to the research areas. Generally, young adults hide the existence of their girlfriend or boyfriend from their parents (especially the father) until they have ascertained that their relationship will lead to marriage. When our interviewees talked about ziyarat, they often referred to visiting his holy shrine. For example, the Quran says: We try you by means of danger, and hunger, and loss of worldly goods, of lives and of [labors] fruits, but give glad tidings unto those who are patient in adversity.Footnote1 Therefore, according to the religious teachings, the negative events have a purpose and people are required to be patient to achieve spiritual growth. First, following the process recommended by the World Health Organization (Citation2017), the original interview questions were translated into Persian by a psychology researcher whose mother tongue is Persian. Iranians can be a superstitious bunch, especially when it comes to being jinxed. I know that Ive done a lot of wicked things in my life. The modernization processes that took place in the 20th century, until the Islamic revolution, changed the situation with the modern and educated classes. Several Iranian dishes originated from the Greeks, Arabs, Turks and Russians. A sample of 27 (18 females and nine males) cancer patients/survivors (aged 16 and older) were selected using a purposive sampling method. This being said, many families see the education and development of their daughters as equally important. . They verified the process of coding and categorisation. In this regard, a 60-year-old woman explained: I feel extreme closeness to God. External Factors. Culture is a tool that its members use to assure their survival and well-being, as well as provide meaning to life. Debase, The several religious coping methods found in the present study are categorised on the basis of RCOPEs five basic religious functions. The Cultural Atlas team acknowledges the Traditional Owners of the lands throughout Australia on whose country we have the privilege to live and work. After all the interviews had been transcribed and analyzed, the main citations (participants responses and statements) for each category were translated into English by the researchers. Intercession is a safe way of obtaining a divine blessing. Education is greatly valued in Iranian culture and so people often seek to have at least a basic understanding of a broad range of topics. These are primarily their family members and close friends. Religion may not be the only available resource in a persons orientation system, and it may be easier to access other resources. AIMS AND OBJECTIVES To explore specific cultural and religious beliefs and values concerning death and dying, truth telling . I believe God wanted to warn me with illness and maybe death to change my life and be a better person. Cultural values are a culture's core beliefs about what's good or right. The researcher visited or phoned potential patients, survivors, and those who were kept in hospice to invite them to voluntarily participate in the project, and to make an appointment for an interview at the Behnam Daheshpour Charity Organization. Iran's unique history and geography translates to a diverse mix of cultural influences on the Persian cuisine. In above citation, we see a passive approach to facing ones illness and totally relying on God. Moreover, they claimed that ziyarat makes the individual calm and less anxious, as if s/he had visited the lost loved ones. Individuals' families also play a role in the way health is perceived. Traditions, cultural values, attitudes and behaviors help in children's rearing in the society and relays the family structure from generation to generation [ 7 ]. In our study, we observed interviewees who preferred to rely on themselves rather than God for Reason A, above. Arranged marriage is generally not a cultural practice but can be found in some isolated rural areas. However, as men dominate the public sphere and hold more decision-making power, womens authority is mostly limited to the domestic space. From this is can be appreciated that, while people do date casually, most casual relationships are approached particularly earnestly as there is a certain risk involved. The researchers discussed the categories and themes, considering the cultural aspects. The purpose of the project is to explore, from a sociological perspective, different forms of meaning-making coping (existential, spiritual, and religious coping) used by people who have been struck by cancer and, thereby, to attempt to understand the effect of culture on the use of these coping strategies. Among Muslims, the idea of testing (Ekhtebar) is rather robust. In this pattern, praying to and conversing with saints and imams are in focus; one interesting finding was that no one reported having turned to Clergies in this respect. The cultural interpretation of the religion has been traditionally open-minded, making allowances for liberal behaviour and improvements in womens rights. God tells us if you act, I will support you. However, it has received less attention from policymakers and health researchers in Iran. Self-Directing Religious Coping is a search for control directly through individual initiative rather than help from God. This being the case, ziyarat is considered a solution for connecting to the divine sources of blessing. TEHRAN, Nov. 18 (MNA) - According to, food culture is the practices, attitudes, and beliefs surrounding the production, distribution, and consumption of food. The two additional themes spiritual coping and existential coping will be presented in another article. The Cultural Atlas team acknowledges the Traditional Owners of the lands throughout Australia on whose country we have the privilege to live and work. As people dont want to risk doing something shameful, they generally adhere to social expectations. Therefore, the current study aimed to explore determinants of early . By closing this message, you are consenting to our use of cookies. (Bhardwaj, Citation1998, p. 72). Couples tend to only have one to two children. Our . Family beliefs define what you think is essential and what is good. Iranian Culture 12 Traditions and Customs Only Iranians Will Understand Posted on 28 July 2019 As in any other country, Iran is ripe with quirks and eccentricities. I told the nurse to bring me a Quran. Ziyarat seems, to be composed of subsystems that have developed in several cultural contexts, each of which shares the universal characteristics of Islam, but also reflects [the regional] cultural distinctivenesscontrary to Hajj, the behavior of the individuals in the ziarat [Ziyarat], reflects the cultural context and the individuals existential questthere are no uniformity prescribed rules. Iranian Sunni citizens are primarily concentrated in the provinces of Golestn, Kurdistan, and Sistan-Baluchestan. Elderly parents are dependent on adult children and grandchildren. For more information (Freud & Breuer, Citation1895). Table 1 shows the demographic characteristics of the informants. They help teach kids the difference between right and wrong. Shia Muslims believe that Imams are not dead, but alive; and if one visits Imams in holy places, they may mediate to heal ones sickness and help solve ones problems. Results and Discussion on religious coping methods (RCOPE),,, 10.1002/(SICI)1097-4679(200004)56:4<519::AID-JCLP6>3.0.CO;2-1,, Medicine, Dentistry, Nursing & Allied Health. Iranian nurses revealed a unique and culture-based set of ethical values. Generally, families with higher educations will be more open-minded regarding the mothers and fathers contribution to the household dynamic. The Islamic Republic of Iran is a Middle Eastern nation located at the crossroads between Arab Asia and Central Asia. It is a country with a rich history and unique culture. Iranian culture is patriarchal, legally and culturally males have more rights and privileges than females. Elderly relatives are kept at home, not placed in a nursing home. Whilst there are a broad range of opinions and beliefs within the Iranian community, a sense of national belonging is strong and great pride is found in the national character. By establishing a relationship with another entity than her-/himself, the patient tries to gain comfort and control. Behaviour in Iran is also noticeably influenced by peoples perceptions of pride and dignity. Today, Iran is home to a population of around 83,024,745 individuals. Thus, it is quite understandable that some interviewees use Religious Purification as a coping method. Instead, people are expected to self-deprecate their success. Dec 15, 2012. Iran is an Islamic republic, both officially and in practice. Therefore, if Iranians go out with their girlfriend or boyfriend in public, they run the risk of being berated, reported on or even detained. Show abstract. While some households may employ servants, others may struggle to put food on the table. The concept of orientation system concerns the ways in which culture influences peoples lives. It is uncommon for people to overtly express themselves or publicly identify with unconventional subcultures or hobbies. According to Aflakseir and Coleman (Citation2011): The Quran emphasises clearly that the difficulties in this world are to test the believer and also asking people to have patience in facing their problems. As in other studies in the international project, after translation of the transcribed interviews, the interview protocols were coded in line with the themes found in the study using a thematic analysis method (Braun & Clarke, Citation2006) and the MAXQDA software (version 12). All people may gain the prestige of a familys success or bear the responsibility for a familys dishonour. I did Nazr without understanding why. Islamic clergy can be regarded as vicar, master or guardian. It is a Muslim man, or woman, educated in Islamic theology and sacred law. The interviews were conducted from November 2017 through December 2017, and the transcription process was completed by February 2018. By the likes of tall poppy syndrome, people are expected to be humble and unassuming about themselves. Moreover, it was explained to all potential informants that the research is part of an international study aimed at identifying the strategies patients use to cope with their illness; participation was voluntary; participants could withdraw at any time or from any part of the research without any consequences for themselves; the data are kept confidential; and the research reports have been presented and published without mentioning the participants name or representative characteristics. They invite a great number of guests for the wedding day. One of the most notable characteristics of the Iranian people is their thirst for knowledge. Full-text available. Ethnicity, Language, and Religion in Iran. According to the scripture, there should be a partition (hijab) between men and women that are not related (non-mahram). The provinces of Golestn, Kurdistan, and beliefs comes to being jinxed peoples perceptions of pride and dignity spacea! 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