Despite this, recent studies on the marriage institution reveal that speaking of marriage as an exclusive union of love, joy, and great intimacy risks being termed a contradiction amidst the experiences of violence today. It was possible for betrothal to happen when a girl had not yet reached her change of pubescent to later be married and was considered a marriage contract and if not followed, there would be great consequences. The brides father welcomes his guest and then asks the bride if she agrees with the proposal. Most African Americans get married but chances of the marriage lasting are slim. Journal of African Interdisciplinary Studies, 5(4), 4 23. Woman-to-woman marriage involves the following persons: 1) the female husband herself; 2) if the female husband is already married, her own husband (the female husband's husband); 3) the woman who is married by the female husband - the wife; and 4) the lover (s) of the wife who may father her children. moving away from patriarchal . 303-325. This article discusses how Wangari Maathai's life experiences narrated in her autobiography Unbowed offers an opportunity for discussing the contradictions surrounding the perception, place and identity of women in African politics.Against the backdrop of gendered nationalism which glorifies the role and place of women in the construction of nations, the article presents a different . Traditional verses Current Situation in Africa Traditional African society knew only one religion, ATR which greatly shaped the lives of the African people. Each has their own unique ritual of how they go about a wedding ceremony. About nine-in-ten Americans (88%) cited love as a very important reason to get married, ahead of making a lifelong commitment (81%) and companionship (76%), according to a 2013 Pew Research Center survey. When it comes to marriage, South Africa has various tribes and cultures which have very colourful traditional ceremonies. Some people are only excited with Jesus first public miracle- the turning of water into wine and may not see the main miracle in the passage. kinship. The Bahama of Africa and tribes of Samoa. According to Mbiti (1969 . - Single Women, Tradition, and the Bible in Zimbabwe (by Kudzai BIRI, with a foreword by Joachim Kgler), The loudness of the Unsaid: Proverbs in selected African drama, Not a boy, not a child": A qualitative study on young people's views on childbearing in Uganda, Isukha Traditional Marriage Processes and Rituals in Pre-Colonial Kenya. For African women activists, and womens organisations, these threats are magnified. The ultraviolet light that lit the tiny box of a room made her underwear and heavy lipstick glow in an eerie, supernatural but definitely eye-catching way. Christian marriage is different from traditional marriage in Igbo nation. To browse and the wider internet faster and more securely, please take a few seconds toupgrade your browser. This paper examines union patterns of young women (aged 15-29) in more than two dozen countries in sub-Saharan Africa, with the objective of documenting and analyzing the extent and nature of the. This has become a great problem that many igbo men choose to cohabitate with a woman than marry her because of the resultant shame., In a traditional Igbo wedding, the man asks the woman to marry him. Women in Islam versus Women in the Judeo-Christianity: The Myth & The Reality By Dr. Sherif Abdel Azeem. She is given the task to find her groom in a crowd of guests while she greets them. Once she finds him, he takes a few sips of the wine, and they are married. Enter the email address you signed up with and we'll email you a reset link. Generally, marriage meaning the institution regulating sex, reproduction, and family life, is a route into classical philosophical issues such as the good and the scope of individual choice, as well as itself raising distinctive philosophical questions. Anyone can have a wedding but only God can create a marriage. Are made up of smaller units called clan. society, there exists within the African traditional marriage system resources available, which if discerned and learned properly can help checkmate or even stalemate some of the ills it suffers today. In, Africa and China the children have absolutely no say on whom they are going to marry. My parents were together for 15 years before they divorced but before the split I was able to witness the idea of a family. Efundula: Wo men's Initiation, Gender and Sexual Identities in Colonial and Post-Colonial Northern Namibia, Obstacles in the Way of Love: The Enslavement of Intimacy in Samuel Crowther and Ama Ata Aidoo, Optimal pipeline connection for the west african gas pipeline network, Towards an African Atlantic: Ama Ata Aidoo's diasporic theater. In this way, African culture and values can be revaluated, their relevance established and sustained in order to give credence to authentic African identity. Email:, CONFLICTS AFRICAN MARRAIGES FACE IN WESTERN CULTURE, CONFLICTS AFRICAN MARRIAGES FACE IN WESTERN CULTURE. RITES OF PASSAGE AFRICAN TRADITIONAL REGION 1Dr. The different forms of marriage included musengabere, kuzvarira, kutema ugariri, kuganha, kutizisa or kutizira, chimutsamapfiwa, kugara or kugarwa nhaka, matengana gudo and kukumbira, among others. This is where the suitor either devoted his services for a period of time to the parents of the maiden he wished to marry, he would offer to hunt for them or even assisting to make canoes, or, When Africans were brought to America during slavery they were forced to give up most of their heritage and were usually separated from their families. Fewer said having their relationship recognized in a religious ceremony (30%), financial stability (28%) or legal rights and benefits (23% . What is new is the reaffirmation of marriage vows during marriage anniversaries. The Protocol to the African Charter on Human and Peoples' Rights on the Rights of Women (Protocol to the African Charter),13 article 2(1)(b) provides that state parties must enact and effectively implement appropriate legislative or regulatory measures, 11 South Africa ratified the CEDAW in 1996 and presented its first Country Report in 1998 . For example, if the culture, values private property, it will have laws that forbid theft of property. These values are best explained in African traditional marriages, family, clan, individual gifts and names, talents, cultural practices, arts and sculptures, dress, music and dance, folk stories amongst other traits peculiar to the African society. Throughout Africa, traditional or cultural marriages which provided the rich-ness of natural continuity of life are fast fading out due to the influx of the alien Western culture. We missed a balanced understanding of the contradictions that this ambiguity presented. As they witnessed their daughter and son make vows of marriage and enters into this Gods designed institution, they joyfully solicit Gods blessings on the new couple, wishing them growth and fruitfulness. However, they were successful in continuing the traditional African emphasis on the extended family. This is to show how crucial it is! The scenario presented in this passage depicts a traditional marriage ceremony. The setting of the ceremony in Cana is similar to African traditional marriage rites. 19, 1: 23-40. The findings have then been generalized to the rest of the U.S. population (Bean, Crane, & . It presents quantitative data showing very low marriage rates among Zulu It is an end or goal and its desirability can be taken for granted unconsciously. Every marital breach Box 720035, Houston, Texas, 77272 no longer supports Internet Explorer. If accepted, vows are made and covenant entered. the Background of Totemism. Although different societies in Africa celebrate marriage differently given the diversity of belief systems, it can be generally stated that marriage manifests a union of love, joy and great intimacy. Sodi et al. Marriage plays significant roles in the Igbo status system for the individuals and their family and relatives. Among the Igbo marriage serves many different purposes other than unity between individuals and social status. There are many reasons why Africans practised polygamy but here are the common reasons given through the years: - A man's wealth is measured by the number of wives and children he has. (1977: 113) Marriage in the traditional patriarchal society of Africa is performed with great importance and dignity. In some African regions if the couple is residing abroad, the traditional marriage will still be accomplished even in their absence by the family members back home. In an African customary marriage, there is an arrangement between families where lobolo (bride wealth) was seen as a token of gratitude for the upbringing of the daughter, as well as a step to. In Africa, it has not been any different. Protecting its historic definition for the sake of our children and our future is both wise and courageous . Tel: 8328813929 (Cell). Our parents have done their turn; we must pass the baton. The underline contribution is that there is value especially in the traditional marriage system this value is underscored in life. With a rich and diverse culture African culture is known to change from county to county, many cultures along with traditions are found in Africa which makes Africa diverse, unique and mesmerizing in many ways to the world. Even if they object, by virtue of beings parents, they must be duly and respectfully informed. India is one of the largest centers where child marriages take place. Every country has their own way of marrying two people that want to spend the rest of their life together. With the popularity of Christianity throughout Zimbabwe in mind, the article uses 1 Corinthians 7:4 (The wifes body does not belong to her alone but also to her husband) as the text that can be used for the liberation and empowerment of all women in the face of HIV and AIDS. family is linked to the broader community. Central to these customs is the institution of roora, the payment of bridewealth. In Africa, especially in Igbo land, marriage is the only known Woman-to-woman marriage involves the following persons: 1) the female husband . This article seeks to interrogate the practice of polygamy in the Johane Marange sect in the light of HIV and AIDS. 4. THE PLACE OF TRADITIONAL MARRIAGE IN AFRICAN CULTURE, Marriage not wedding was the real miracle. dissolution of a marriage by judgment of a court or by accepted custom. Each covenant has a senior partner and God appointed the man. Critics of apostolic sects have argued that, women in these apostolic churches are there to serve the sexual appetite of men hence the apostolic diet of wives. Christianity takes a lions share in the Zimbabwean religious market particularly when compared to other non-indigenous religions like Islam, Buddhism and Judaism. by J. Kgler / R. Gabaitse / J. Stiebert), Marriage and family life in Zimbabwean culture. The enquiries are very important as to ascertain the suitability of the relationship. Most Africans underwent three marriage rites before they could have their wives. If she says yes, they go to the brides compound where the groom meets with the father and explains why he is there. This article examines the question of morality in a nonwesternized African society drawing from Igbo cosmology. P.O. See also Bonnie B. Keller, "Marriage by Elopement," African Social Research 27 (1979), 565-585. There are consequences on those who breached this norm. bo society dominated the early centuries from 1408 to the present period. Today, the assumption is that all people, men and women, understand the urgent need to openly discuss and negotiate the need for safe sex, whichever way necessary, for the preservation of life and the integrity of families. This is a result of their own independent beliefs and traditions which causes them to go about their own unique ritual, although there are few similarities between the two countries., To the Igbo people of West Africa marriage is essential in life. I paid my toll more than twenty years ago. Usually they bring kola nuts and palm wine to feast on. In a modern family people is less subject to the parental control in the matter of mate choice. I ntroduction: Human societies globally have from time immemorial held with great regard the celebration of marriage. In modern times, the influence of the family over marriage has eroded, but many institutions of Shona marriage customs endure. The Igbos people are located in the southeastern part of Nigeria. wives should be homemakers and primary caregivers were considered to be conservative. I would like to mention just a few, which in my opinion are relevant to this topic. In traditional rural African societies, the contraction of marriage was dominated by arranged marriages whereby parents usually indulged in the selection of marriage partners for their children; this was mostly common for their daughters. ABSTRACT. It is found that there are many differences between the two of these cultures. It is important to state that child bearing is fundamental to African marriage as it was the major crisis that brought this one to failure. The Igbos wedding traditions might be different from the United States wedding traditions, but some of their traditions should take and put them into our wedding traditions., Marriage is a personal accomplishment for me. Life is sacred and the institution of marriage makes family life enjoyable when couples negotiate safe sex for the good of their relationships and society at large. Get ideas to incorporate into yours. Nina Evason, 2017. The bride and the groom marry for further lineage of the groom's family. Family, Gender Roles, and Marriage in the Ancient Near East and the Greco-Roman World, BiAS Series, Joachim Kuegler, Rosinah Gabaitse, Blessing Nyahuma, Mark S Aidoo, Mavis Muguti, Menard Musendekwa, daniel nii aboagye aryeh, PhD, Kudzai Biri, Francis Machingura, Josiah Ucheawaji, Journal of Nigerian Association for the Study of Religions (NASR), Making Tradition: A Historical Perspective on Gender in Namibia, Putting them in their place:respectable and unrespectable women in Zimbabwean gender struggles, VIOLATION AND ABUSE OF WOMENS HUMAN RIGHTS IN THE CUSTOMARY PRACTICE OF KUZVARIRA" AMONG THE NDAU PEOPLE OF MOZAMBIQUE, ALook AT THE STRUGGLE OF ZIMBABWEAN MARRIED WOMEN REGARDING SAFE SEX, Sex Work as a test case for African feminism, Harmonise Zimbabwe's marriage laws before changing marriage certificates, 'Let them come to me!' south african law commission project 90 the harmonisation of the common law and the indigenous law report on customary marriages august 1998 681 Koyiit zyiit / The Meaning of Marriage According to University Students: A Phenomenological Study adjustment to each other and relationship satisfaction. In a traditional family the parents contracted the marriage. love, CourtShip, and marriage in afriCa 121 exact words to express amorous or romantic love. To browse and the wider internet faster and more securely, please take a few seconds toupgrade your browser. Constructing the Meaning of Childlessness within the Luo Community of Western Kenya. Unfortunately the status of Zimbabwean women is still in a sad state due to the prevalence of masculinist and patriarchal norms that negatively portray Zimbabwean women as subordinates and men as dominating all aspects of life. The gospel of John in its second chapter records a marriage ceremony in the town of Cana in Galilee. Ethical Perspectives, The Community Dimension of Sexuality: Exploring and Reviewing the Concept of Posterity in Africa in the Context of Childless Couples, this man is my wife: the same-sex marriage prohibition act of 2014 in nigeria, Until He Releases Me from His Ancestors: An African Spirituality Pastoral Response to Wife Abuse, Quaestio Disputata What Male-Female Complementarity Makes Possible: Marriage as a Two-In-One-Flesh Union, Forum: Sexual Morality and the Possibility of "Same-Sex Marriage" *135 WHAT SEX CAN BE: SELF-ALIENATION, ILLUSION, OR ONE-FLESH UNION, Polygamy in Dramatic Texts: A Discussion around Postmodernism, ALCOHOL DEPENDENCE SYNDROME AS A ROOT OF INCAPACITY TO ASSUME THE ESSENTIAL OBLIGATIONS OF MARRIAGE (CAN.1095, 3), The attitude of the Methodist Church in Zimbabwe to homosexuality: towards a socio-sexological theological investigation, The Unethical Nature of Abuse of Childless Women in African Traditional Thought/Practice, Beyond biology: Bases for a child-centered and functional account of parenthood, Understanding Human Sexuality in John Paul II's Theology of the Body, Understanding Physical Activity Behavior of Type 2 Diabetics Using the Theory of Planned Behavior and Structural Equation Modeling, The changing philosophy of African marriage: The relevance of the Shona customary marriage practice of Kukumbira, What Sex Can Be: Self-Alienation, Illusion, or One-Flesh Union, Christian Perception on Widows Sexuality among Abanylole of Emuhaya , Western Kenya, A Critical Analysis of Marital Instability among Yoruba Christian Couples in the North West of England, A qualitative exploration of the experience and the impact of HIV/STIs among polygamous women in Muslim society of Nigeria, A Theological Appraisal of Marriage in Tiv Culture, Cohabitation in Akan Culture of Ghana : An Ethical Challenge to Gatekeepers of Indigenous Knowledge System in the Akan Culture, The nature and causes of marital breakdown amongst a selected group of South African Indian Muslims in the Durban Metropolitan Area and its consequences for family life. In many African societies the expectant mother may be smarred all over her body with white chalk and wears protective amulets. Journal of Nigerian Association for the Study of Religions (NASR), Icheke Journal of the Faculty of Humanities, UCLA Ufahamu: A Journal of African Studies, Oracle of Wisdom Journal of Philosophy and Public Affairs, African Studies Quarterly, Vol. Changes in family structures reflect the enduring tensions between traditional, Christian/religious and modern values and structures. Copyright 2023 - Weefree Ministries. The size of the clan could differ from one to the other. All Rights Reserved. African traditional marriage requires parent's consent and blessings. The African marriage is an integral part of the whole African culture and was a rite of passage for every mature man and woman. It is trite to note that even where regulations exist to excuse or better still legalise this form of marriage, it is still not acceptable in major cultures and civilisation across the world and particularly in many African countries like Malawi, Zimbabwe, Kenya and Nigeria. moral confusion and conflict that presently confront African Christians at marriage. Hopefully by representing marriages to God, there would be a fresh touch of God on relationships and the Holy Spirit shall put together the pieces, making them whole. They shall witness, bless and rejoice for Gods fulfillment, support and encourage them as they pass through new experiences of starting life together. The Role of Folk Music in Traditional African Society: The Igbo Experience 306 marriage rites, post natal ceremonies and other domestic duties. These laws are cultural values. Its important to put records right especially as most African rich traditions are branded demonic. The article explores a variety of marital counselling approaches relevant to African settings: indigenous, Western, Christian and Islamic. The Igbo tribes seem to be very traditional, and it feels to be rather an odd thing to see in America, but very normal in other parts of the world such as Nigeria., perception that they want to sell their girls, however this is not the case.