They will all perish in the terrible chastisement together with all who give themselves to debauchery and follow the false maxims of their deplorable contemporary philosophy! All is quiet now. St. Methodius (d. 311) - "A day will come when the enemies of Christ will boast of having conquered the whole world. | Ask Father with Fr. It might be objected that we should not place a human being between ourselves and Christ. It is an interminable Way of the Cross led by the Popes of the twentieth century. And a horrible darkness occurred in all the land of Egypt for three days. Enlighten especially the peoples whose consecration and entrustment by us you are awaiting. Originally, Fr. CONVERSATIONWITH SISTER MARIA LUCIA OF JESUSAND THE IMMACULATE HEART. But in all of this there must be a nurturing of faith, hope and love, which are the unchanging path to salvation for everyone. Russia, England, and China will come to the Church.. Hence on Calvary, Goodness is crucified between two thieves. PHONE: 1-800-263-8160 "The death of the impenitent persecutors of the Church will take place during the three days of darkness. Sister Maria Lucia, you may speak openly and candidly to Archbishop Bertone, who will report your answers directly to me. April 7, 1995. But then we remember that Paul did not hesitate to say to his communities: imitate me (1 Cor 4:16; Phil 3:17; 1 Th 1:6; 2 Th 3:7, 9). (7), THIRD PART OF THE SECRET(original text). It was also revealed to Blessed Elizabeth that an ecclesiastical crisis would occur in the future and would progress to the point where it would seem that the Church had disappeared. 'We have recourse to your protection, holy Mother of God!' It gives me a certitude which is beyond verification by any human way of knowing. Interior vision is not fantasy but, as we have said, a true and valid means of verification. The message of Fatima is a testament to the power of faith and the importance of prayer. This is still more evident in the case of interior vision, especially when it involves realities which in themselves transcend our horizon. When, after the attempted assassination on 13 May 1981, the Holy Father had the text of the third part of the secret brought to him, was it not inevitable that he should see in it his own fate? Mt 21:16). One last three-days prophecy from The Reign of Antichrist that I will mention is this, by Palma Maria Addolorata Materelli (d. 1863): Supernatural prodigies which shall appear in the heavens. It seems to me that I can reveal it, since I already have permission from Heaven to do so. It is the vision as a whole that matters, and the details must be understood on the basis of the images taken in their entirety. In this regard, the Catechism cites profound words of Pope Gregory the Great: The sacred Scriptures grow with the one who reads them (No. But it was almost the sixth hour,and there was darkness in the entire earth, until the ninth hour. We then looked up at Our Lady, who said to us so kindly and so sadly: You have seen hell where the souls of poor sinners go. The decision of His Holiness Pope John Paul II to make public the third part of the secret of Fatima brings to an end a period of history marked by tragic human lust for power and evil, yet pervaded by the merciful love of God and the watchful care of the Mother of Jesus and of the Church. It is a process which involves man in his entirety and therefore reason as well, but not reason alone. The Church considers the Apocalypse as Divinely inspired and remains to be the last prophetic work She acknowledges as such. From every kind of injustice in the life of society, both national and international, deliver us. As he makes his way with great difficulty towards the Cross amid the corpses of those who were martyred (Bishops, priests, men and women Religious and many lay people), he too falls to the ground, apparently dead, under a hail of gunfire. THE THREE DAYS OF DARKNESS: Messages from Heaven - Warning from Fr. This clarifies two things: 1. The small flock of faithful Catholics who had taken refuge under the trees will be brought before Saint Peter, who will choose a new pope. Elizabeth Canori Mora was beatified in 1994. 66). God's representatives on earth have authorized me to do this several times and in various letters, one of which, I believe, is in your keeping. No great mystery is revealed; nor is the future unveiled. Enlighten the People of God along the paths of faith, hope, and love! According to the interpretation of the little shepherds, which was also confirmed recently by Sister Lucia, the Bishop clothed in white who prays for all the faithful is the Pope. And so we come to the final question: What is the meaning of the secret of Fatima as a whole (in its three parts)? A great light will flash from their bodies and will settle upon the cardinal, the future Pontiff. Today, the Trinitarian Fathers at San Carlino, Rome hold her manuscripts for safekeeping in their archives. It is not their role to complete Christ's definitive Revelation, but to help live more fully by it in a certain period of history (No. But wherever the sons of Israel lived, there was light. Blessed Anna Maria Taigi (d. 1837) says this: A very thick darkness shall envelop the earth during three days. To ensure better protection for the secret the envelope was placed in the Secret Archives of the Holy Office on 4 April 1957. Sister Lucia wants to present the text for ecclesiastical approval, and she hopes that what she has written will help to guide men and women of good will along the path that leads to God, the final goal of every human longing.The conversation ends with an exchange of rosaries. The twentieth century was one of the most crucial in human history, with its tragic and cruel events culminating in the assassination attempt on the sweet Christ on earth. Hereupon the grand triumph of the Catholic Church will follow and all stream into the fold of the Catholic Church, and recognize the Pope as the representative of God.. Sister Lucia had already given an indication for interpreting the third part of the secret in a letter to the Holy Father, dated 12 May 1982: The third part of the secret refers to Our Lady's words: 'If not [Russia] will spread her errors throughout the world, causing wars and persecutions of the Church. He ascends the throne of Peter. When asked: Is the principal figure in the vision the Pope?, Sister Lucia replied at once that it was. The martyrs die in communion with the Passion of Christ, and their death becomes one with his. Shortly after that time, the chastisement (Three Days of Darkness) would be sent to eliminate the enemies of God. To her maternal intercession let us entrust the Church of the Third Millennium. (8) In the translation, the original text has been respected, even as regards the imprecise punctuation, which nevertheless does not impede an understanding of what the visionary wished to say. The common and outstanding character among latter day prophecies seems to be the foreboding of a terrible destruction of the world due to an unrepentant mankind, the resurgence of the Church, and the conversion of the world. Sub tuum praesidium confugimus, Sancta Dei Genetrix! It shows us that our prayers can be answered and that God is always listening. It will be impossible to use any man-made lighting during this darkness, except blessed candles. Only blessed candles can be lighted and will afford illumination. Or SUBSCRIBE to our YouTube channel to receive notifications of new videos! Well, the secret is made up of three distinct parts, two of which I am now going to reveal. In the end, my Immaculate Heart will triumph. The images described by them are by no means a simple expression of their fantasy, but the result of a real perception of a higher and interior origin. But it also has its limitations. Rather the images are, in a manner of speaking, a synthesis of the impulse coming from on high and the capacity to receive this impulse in the visionaries, that is, the children. Private revelation is a help to this faith, and shows its credibility precisely by leading me back to the definitive public Revelation. And I will visit the evils of the world, and against the wicked for their iniquity: and I will make the pride of infidels to cease, and will bring down the arrogancy of the mighty. Father Martin, who read the real third secret of Fatima and understood before others the ongoing apostasy taking place in the church since the Second Vatican Council, made the following statement that seems to talk about what is happening right now with the spread of the coronavirus and other diseases: "because Fatima is a very apocalyptic For the redeeming work of Christ must be shared in by the world through the Church. The prophetic word is a warning or a consolation, or both together. Now it can be better understood. Help us to live in the truth of the consecration of Christ for the entire human family of the modern world. The triumph, glory and honor of the Catholic Church will be established in an instant. The teaching of the Church distinguishes between public Revelation and private revelations. The religious orders will be reestablished and the homes of Christians will become homes imbued with religion. How can we ever be grateful enough to our kind heavenly Mother, who had already prepared us by promising, in the first Apparition, to take us to heaven. He was, Matthew Plese is a traditional Catholic convert, and Dominican tertiary, Melissa is a happily married, homeschooling mom to 8 children, who, Monsignor Patrick Perez has been a good friend to Father Gruner and Our, Peter Mackin is a Traditional Catholic and Dominican Tertiary. ; ; Tags; Authors; . In his arduous ascent of the mountain we can undoubtedly see a convergence of different Popes. While it must always take its lead and direction from the liturgy, it in turn enriches the faith by involving the heart. Indeed, the whole point of the vision is to bring freedom onto the scene and to steer freedom in a positive direction. The first and second parts of the secret - which are here published in sequence so as to complete the documentation - refer especially to the frightening vision of hell, devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, the Second World War, and finally the prediction of the immense damage that Russia would do to humanity by abandoning the Christian faith and embracing Communist totalitarianism. The Church's path is thus described as a Via Crucis, as a journey through a time of violence, destruction and persecution. As, however, the manifestation of hidden present mysteries or past events comes under revelation, we have here to understand by prophecy what is in its strict and proper sense, namely the revelation of future events. After reading the text, however, she said that this interpretation corresponded to what she had experienced and that on her part she thought the interpretation correct. dean consulating . The first and second parts of the secret of Fatima have already been so amply discussed in the relative literature that there is no need to deal with them again here. (Luke 23:44). The Catechism of the Catholic Church says in this regard: even if Revelation is already complete, it has not been made fully explicit; it remains for Christian faith gradually to grasp its full significance over the course of the centuries (No. Mark Goring, CC; MEDJUGORJE: OUR LADY SAYS BE READY FOR MARCH 18TH 2023-DATE LOOMS LARGE He who outlives the darkness and the fear of these three days will think that he is alone on earth because the whole world will be covered with carcasses." Blessed Elena Aiello Mystic, Victim Soul, Stigmatic & Foundress It overcomes every evil that the spirit of darkness is able to awaken, and has in fact awakened in our times, in the heart of man and in his history. Please be true to. I would like finally to mention another key expression of the secret which has become justly famous: my Immaculate Heart will triumph. Due to the conditional nature of some of them, they may or may not be fulfilled., Stay up-to-date with The Fatima Centers current shows by frequenting our website: About ten years ago, an email started to circulate, purportedly quoting the Third Secret of Fatima, prophesying 'three days of darkness' and a great eight-hour global earthquake. Gobbi's "Ten Years to Triumph"? When this bloody fight will arrive, the vengeful hand of God will weigh upon these fated ones and with His omnipotence He will chastise the proud for their rashness and shameless insolence. Before attempting an interpretation, the main lines of which can be found in the statement read by Cardinal Sodano on 13 May of this year at the end of the Mass celebrated by the Holy Father in Fatima, there is a need for some basic clarification of the way in which, according to Church teaching, phenomena such as Fatima are to be understood within the life of faith. The Church prudently gives ample latitude as to the acceptance or rejection of particular or private prophecies based on evidence for or against them. In this way, the importance of human freedom is underlined: the future is not in fact unchangeably set, and the image which the children saw is in no way a film preview of a future in which nothing can be changed. This time she told them that Russia would be punished if they did not stop persecuting the Catholic Church there. It is not a matter therefore of intellectual communication, but of a life-giving process in which God comes to meet man. What is the secret? degree in Electrical Engineering from the, Brendan Young came to know Our Lady's Apostolate at a young age,, Christopher A. Ferrara earned his Baccalaureate and Juris Doctor degrees, David Martin gave up a promising career as a concert pianist in 1980 so, Eric Bermingham is an aerospace engineer by day and a creationist author, Father Albert Kallio, O.P. Now a veil is drawn back on a series of events which make history and interpret it in depth, in a spiritual perspective alien to present-day attitudes, often tainted with rationalism. The Three days of Darkness is a promised chastisement revealed by Heaven to several mystics. Father, Father Nicholas Gruner, born in Montreal (May 4, 1942), was ordained to, James Hanisch serves as a staff writer and author for The Fatima Center., James W. Bannister (B.A., LL.B) is a native of Toronto and has degrees, Joanna Swords is a long-time supporter of The Fatima Center, and one of, John Vennari was a writer, researcher, catechist, and editor (for more, Kennedy Hall is a Catholic High School teacher, rugby coach, and part, Matt Gaspers is the Managing Editor of Catholic Family News. #shorts, Is the Pope Exommunicated Latae Sententiae? Col 1:24). A: The Blessed Mother appeared to three shepherd children between May 13 and October 13,1917. To prevent this, I shall come to ask for the consecration of Russia to my Immaculate Heart, and the Communion of reparation on the First Saturdays. During these three days, people should remain in their homes, pray the Rosary and beg God for mercy., All the enemies of the Church, whether known or unknown, will perish over the whole earth during that universal darkness, with the exception of a few whom God will soon convert. The latter demands faith; in it in fact God himself speaks to us through human words and the mediation of the living community of the Church. He has been in the aerospace industry for more than thirty years and has written two books: Andrew Cesanek earned a B.S. Eric Bermingham is an aerospace engineer by day and a creationist author by night. Because God is one, history, which he shares with humanity, is also one. The Evil One has power in this world, as we see and experience continually; he has power because our freedom continually lets itself be led away from God. Rabanus Maurus (d. 856) said this: Our principal doctors agree in announcing to us, that towards the end of time one of the descendants of the kings of France shall reign over all the Roman Empire; and that he shall be the greatest of the Empire; and that he shall be the greatest of the French monarchs, and the last of his race. Comment * document.getElementById("comment").setAttribute( "id", "a6adb83ae729984250612e327f082e6c" );document.getElementById("e218d56cc5").setAttribute( "id", "comment" ); Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. that I will mention is this, by Palma Maria Addolorata Materelli (d. 1863): concerns the French Monarch said to rule the world near the end of time. A small number of lay persons and clergy would defend it against a larger number trying to destroy it by introducing devastating changes. God will use the powers of darkness to exterminate these sectarian, iniquitous and criminal men, who plot to eradicate the Catholic Church, our Holy Mother, by tearing Her up by Her deepest roots, and casting Her on the ground. The criterion for the truth and value of a private revelation is therefore its orientation to Christ himself. He who out of curiosity opens his window to look out or leaves his house will fall dead on the spot. The book Trial, Tribulation & Triumph, by Desmond A. Birch (Queenship Publishing, 1996), also contains various prophecies about the French Monarch, the Three Days of Darkness, and the Era of Peace, including: St. Methodius (d. 311) A day will come when the enemies of Christ will boast of having conquered the whole world. Our Lady showed us a great sea of fire which seemed to be under the earth. Donate to Our Ladys Apostolate Today! Nicholas Gruner ( 2015).The Message of Fatima is the ONLY solution to the grave crises facing the Church and the world today. Take out time to visit our catalog for more information. Amen. These writings were meticulously examined at length as a safeguard against doctrinal errors when Pope Blessed Pius IX authorized Elizabeth Canori Moras cause for canonization to proceed. TWITTER: As a result, the text must be interpreted in a symbolic key. The Tenth Secret of Medjugorje and the Great Chastisement of Garabandal involve the Three Days of Darkness, as prophesied by many Saints in the Catholic Church. R. Gerald Culleton (Tan Books, 1974). LEARN MORE about Our Ladys Message of Fatima:, Contact Us: Let there be revealed, once more, in the history of the world the infinite saving power of the Redemption: the power of merciful Love! However, He also said that Freemasonry would rise again and that it would be so successful that He would have to then send the chastisement so that all would not be lost. On this solemn occasion of his visit to Fatima, His Holiness has directed me to make an announcement to you. According to Matthew 5:8, the immaculate heart is a heart which, with God's grace, has come to perfect interior unity and therefore sees God. Our Lady gave us the remedy at Fatima by asking for the daily recitation of the Rosary; the establishment of the First Five Saturday devotions; devotion to Her Immaculate Heart; a prayerful life; penance and amendment of life. She recalled that the three children were very sad about the suffering of the Pope, and that Jacinta kept saying: Coitadinho do Santo Padre, tenho muita pena dos pecadores! (Poor Holy Father, I am very sad for sinners!). To save them, God wishes to establish in the world devotion to my Immaculate Heart. The Bishop of Leiria-Fatima read the autograph letter of the Holy Father, which explained the reasons for the visit. The action of God, the Lord of history, and the co-responsibility of man in the drama of his creative freedom, are the two pillars upon which human history is built. The meeting concludes with the blessing imparted in the name of the Holy Father. Watch on When Our Lady appeared to three children in Fatima, she entrusted to them a secret in three parts. For the account of the first two parts of the secret, which have already been published and are therefore known, we have chosen the text written by Sister Lucia in the Third Memoir of 31 August 1941; some annotations were added in the Fourth Memoir of 8 December 1941. LETTER OF HIS HOLINESS POPE JOHN PAUL IITO SISTER LUCIA(original text), To the Reverend SisterMaria Luciaof the Convent of Coimbra. (6) In the Fourth Memoir of 8 December 1941 Sister Lucia writes: I shall begin then my new task, and thus fulfil the commands received from Your Excellency as well as the desires of Dr Galamba. Despise not our petitions in our necessities. If Julie-Marie Jahenny is right, however, we will have plenty of warning before it comes. PODCAST: Sister Lucia was lucid and at ease; she was very happy that the Holy Father was going to Fatima for the Beatification of Francisco and Jacinta, something she had looked forward to for a long time. Thanks to her confessor, her revelations were preserved in hundreds of pages of her own writings. The prophet speaks to the blindness of will and of reason, and declares the will of God as an indication and demand for the present time. The Tenth Secret of Medjugorje and the Great Chastisement of Garabandal involve the Three Days of Darkness, as prophesied by many Saints in the Catholic Church. EMAIL:, Follow Us: And now they are told why they have been exposed to this moment: in order to save souls - to show the way to salvation. 65; Saint John of the Cross,The Ascent of Mount Carmel, II, 22). Or are these only projections of the inner world of children, brought up in a climate of profound piety but shaken at the same time by the tempests which threatened their own time? There is only one manuscript, which is here reproduced photostatically. up-to-date with The Fa. These manifestations can never contradict the content of faith, and must therefore have their focus in the core of Christ's proclamation: the Father's love which leads men and women to conversion and bestows the grace required to abandon oneself to him with filial devotion. . At that moment all nature went into convulsions, the world lost its normal order and was filled with the most terrible calamity imaginable. As from Christ's death, from his wounded side, the Church was born, so the death of the witnesses is fruitful for the future life of the Church. That is His true position: among the worthless and the rejects. This letter is from Father Jos Bernardo Gonalves, and in it he advises me to write to the Holy Father, suggesting, among other things, that I should reveal the secret. The present Year of the Redemption shows this: the special Jubilee of the whole Church. The original text, in Portuguese, was read and interpreted with the help of the Bishop of Leiria-Fatima. There shall be three days darkness. Michel Rodrigue Follow 'Christian Gospel Message' Subscribe:. Confronted with such an outrage, the Mother of God ceased to ask mercy for the world, and instead requested justice from the Eternal Father. Was it Our Lady who fixed that date? Sister Lucia replied: It was not Our Lady. It is valid for all time, and it has reached its fulfilment in the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. With his crosier he drew great cross over the face of the earth, separating it into four quadrants. For this too His Holiness offers heartfelt thanks to the Most Holy Virgin. Then Christianity will spread throughout the world. R. Gerald Culleton (Tan Books, 1974). Connected with this topic, we recommend the article Catholic Prophecy and Hope for the Future by David Rodrguez, in the most recent edition of The Fatima Crusader (Issue 126 Winter 2020). Read Part IV addressing the Message of Our Lady at La Salette. The Fatima Centers mission is to ensure that the entire Message of Fatima is widely known, accurately understood, and properly acted upon so that Our Ladys purpose in coming to Fatima the salvation of souls and the prevention of catastrophic chastisements may be realized. The next phrases of the text show very clearly once again the symbolic character of the vision: God remains immeasurable, and is the light which surpasses every vision of ours. Today the prospect that the world might be reduced to ashes by a sea of fire no longer seems pure fantasy: man himself, with his inventions, has forged the flaming sword. On the lips of children and of babes you have found praise, replies Jesus with a phrase of Psalm 8 (v. 3) to the criticism of the High Priests and elders, who had judged the children's cries of hosanna inappropriate (cf. 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