Find Pere Marquette-inspired gifts and merchandise printed on quality products one at a time in socially responsible ways. %PDF-1.6 % Airport (GRR) - Departure Private Transfer. ft. The entire river is known for excellent fishing, but some sections are better for particular species than others. Low water levels create more beach for launching and landing your kite and smaller waves around the jetty's and piers. CoastWatch Great Lakes NOAAPORT Data, includes all station types, NWS, Grand Rapids Office: The annual Chinook salmon and king salmon run in the fall, and the steelhead run that follows, brings in anglers from far and wide.The PM offers some of the finest trout fishing for a fly fisherman and is one the premier fishing destinations in North America. Glossaries reporting a streamflow rate of cfs. Pere Marquette Beach. In late summer, hoppers and terrestrials can bring in large fish throughout the day. Pere Marquette River Conditions (Baldwin / Scottville) Back to Guided River Trips Fishing Reports Weather - Baldwin, Michigan Loading Widget Real time data for USGS unit 04122500 Pere Marquette river at Scottville, MI Map To Location Gauge height: feet Discharge: CFS Center, Quality Control Data: They come up the river to spawn and ensure the rivers are full of fish throughout the season. These scrappy fish are arguably one of the best fighting fresh water fish, pound for pound. Resident Rainbow and Brown trout will be posting up down stream from spawning salmon to feast on the loose salmon eggs and come the end of the month, well see the first of our fall steelhead show up on the Muskegon river as well. Rarely do temperatures make it to the 70's, unless air temperatures stay up in the 90's for many continuous days. 2011-08-03T09:50:29-04:00 from. The average temperature will be 10F during the day. Plots shaded in The Muskegon river will have fall run salmon staging in deeper pools and runs as they prepare for their eventual spawn in October. The lower river tends to cloud up more easily after a rain as the bottom has more silt along with rocks and sand. For example, the Middle Branch is probably the best trout water, as is the upper tributary of the Pere Marquette. This river is monitored from 1 different streamgauging stations along the Pere Marquette River, the highest being perched at an elevation of ft, the Water data back to 1906 are available online. Heavy snow to start the week. Reply. The Bowman Lake Special Area is 1,100 acres and has both the Pere Marquette and North Country National Scenic Trail going through it. An official website of the United States government. Report Water Temp. View Data. Marie Tribal communities in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, Regional draft-storage relationships for central and western upper peninsula of Michigan, Occurrence and Transport of PCB's and other Contaminants in Tributaries of Lake Michigan, Ground-water flow and quality near the upper Great Lakes connecting channels, Michigan, The Importance of Ground Water in the Great Lakes Region, An Annotated Bibliography of Selected References on the Estimated Rates of Direct Ground-Water Discharge to the Great Lakes, Geology and Ground Water: Great Lakes Basin Commission, Ann Arbor, Using CoastWatch to plan Great Lakes tributary sampling, International Association of Great Lakes Researchers, An Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler Survey of Flow Velocities in Detroit River, a Connecting Channel of the Great Lakes, Visualization of Drifting Buoy Deployments on Upper Detroit River within the Great Lakes Waterway, Indirect ground-water discharge to the Great Lakes, Public Involvement in the Water Management Problems in the Great Lakes, The Pleistocene of Indiana and Michigan and the History of the Great Lakes, Estimation of shallow ground-water recharge in the Great Lakes Basin, Uncertainty in the Great Lakes Water Balance, Calculation of Streamflow Statistics for Ontario and the Great Lakes States, Fall Storm and High Lake Levels Spell Disaster Around the Great Lakes, USGS Capabilities for Interdisciplinary Investigations in Coastal and Nearshore Ecosystems of the Great Lakes, Hydrogeologic Framework of the Michigan Basin Regional Aquifer System, Physical and chemical data for ground water in the Michigan basin, Nomenclature of geologic units in the Michigan Basin, Stratigraphic relations of the Parma Sandstone and Saginaw Formation: Basal Pennsylvanian sandstones in the Michigan Basin, Geologic controls of the distribution of freshwater in a regional aquifers system: Central Michigan Basin, Geohydrology of Carboniferous aquifers of the Michigan Basin, Geochemistry of ground water from near-surface bedrock and glacial-drift regional aquifers, Michigan Basin, Geological controls of distribution of freshwater in aquifers of the Michigan Basin, Use of geophysical logs logs to delineate the position of the freshwater/saline-water interface in the Michigan Basin, Hydraulic conductivities of Pennsylvanian and Mississippian sandstones from the Michigan basin and their relation to mineralogy and borehole geophysical-log responses, Geophysical and hydraulic properties of Mississippian and Pennsylvanian sandstones from the Michigan Basin, and their relations to mineralogy and stratigraphy, Authigenic mineral paragenesis in Mississippian and Pennsylvanian sandstone aquifers in the Michigan Basin, Matrix-Controlled Hydraulic Properties of Mississippian and Pennsylvanian Sandstones from the Michigan Basin, Application of Geophysics in the Delineation of the Freshwater/Saline-Water Interface in the Michigan Basin, Direct-current vertical-electrical resistivity soundings in the Michigan basin, Deep freshwater in the Michigan Basin: A geophysical approach to identify ground-water resources, The freshwater/saline-water interface in the Michigan Basin, Delineation of saline-water-bearing formations in the Michigan Basin, based on water-resistivity estimates, Oxygen-isotope, X-ray-diffraction and scanning-electron-microscope examinations of authigenic-layer-silicate minerals from Mississippian and Pennsylvanian sandstones in the Michigan Basin, Predevelopment Freshwater Heads in the Glaciofluvial, Saginaw, and Marshall Aquifers in the Michigan Basin, Diagenesis in a regional aquifer, Michigan Basin, Transient electromagnetic soundings in the Michigan Basin for ground water evaluation, Textures and chemical and isotopic compositions of authigenic carbonates in Pennsylvanian sandstones in the Michigan Basin, Detroit River Group in the Michigan Basin, Cl and O-18 distributions in Michigan Basin ground water, Geohydrologic framework and ground-water flow in the Michigan basin, Plan of study for the Regional Aquifer System Analysis of the Michigan basin, Burial diagenesis and pore-water chemistry evolution in the Marshall Sandstone regional aquifer, Michigan Basin, Michigan basin regional aquifer-system study, Michigan Basin Regional Aquifer System Analysis, Application of AFINCH as a Tool for Evaluating the Effects of Streamflow-Gaging-Network Size and Composition on the Accuracy and Precision of Streamflow Estimates at Ungaged Locations in the Southeast Lake Michigan Hydrologic Subregion, Hydrogeologic Framework of Bedrock Units and Initial Salinity Distribution for a Simulation of Groundwater Flow for the Lake Michigan Basin, Processing, Analysis, and General Evaluation of Well-Driller Logs for Estimating Hydrogeologic Parameters of the Glacial Sediments in a Ground-Water Flow Model of the Lake Michigan Basin, Variations in Withdrawal, Return Flow, and Consumptive Use of Water in Ohio and Indiana, with Selected Data from Wisconsin, Consumptive Water-Use Coefficients for the Great Lakes Basin and Climatically Similar Areas, Fact Sheet: Consumptive Water Use in the Great Lakes Basin, Estimate of Ground Water in Storage in the Great Lakes Basin, United States, Estimation of Shallow Ground-Water Recharge in the Great Lakes Basin, Historical Changes in Precipitation and Streamflow in the U.S. Great Lakes Basin, Compilation of Regional Ground-Water Divides for Principal Aquifers Corresponding to the Great Lakes Basin, United States, Lake-Level Variability and Water Availability in the Great Lakes, Great Lakes Basin Water Availability and Use -- A Study of the National Assessment of Water Availability and Use Program, General availability and quality of ground water in the bedrock deposits in Michigan, General availability of ground water in the glacial deposits in Michigan, Summary of recovered historical ground-waterlevel data for Michigan, Summary of Hydrogeologic Conditions by County for the State of Michigan, A proposed streamflow data program for Michigan, Incidents of chromium contamination of ground water in Michigan, Chemical and Physical Characteristics of Natural Groundwaters in Michigan, Estimates of Dissolved and Suspended Substance Yield of Stream Basins in Michigan, Relation of Channel Slope to Reaeration of Michigan Streams, Age of the Bedford Shale, Berea Sandstone, and Sunbury Shale in the Appalachian and Michigan Basins, Pennsylvania, Ohio, and Michigan, Ground-Water Contamination and Legal Controls in Michigan, Effects of dissemination of radioactive materials on water resources conservation--with special references to Michigan, Michigan ground-water quality in National Water Summary 1986 - Hydrologic events and ground-water quality, Regional Ground-Water Flow and Geochemistry in the Midwestern Basins and Arches Aquifer system in Parts of Indiana, Ohio, Michigan, and Illinois, Screening for the pesticides atrazine, chlorpyrifos, diazinon, metolachlor, and simazine in selected Michigan streams, Summary of ground-water conditions in Michigan, Summary of Ground-Water Hydrologic Data in Michigan, A regression model for computing index flows describing the median flow for the summer month of lowest flow in Michigan, Statistical Models for Estimating Daily Streamflow in Michigan, Streambed Stability and Scour Potential at Selected Bridge Sites in Michigan, Pleistocene Proboscideans and Michigan salt deposits, Changes in water quality of Michigan streams near urban areas, Cost Effectiveness of Stream-Gaging Program in Michigan, Stream discharge in Michigan--miscellaneous measurements, Statistical models for estimating streamflow characteristics of Michigan streams, Summary of ground-water hydrological data in Michigan, Michigan wetland resources, in National Water Summary on Wetland Resources, Statistical Summaries of Michigan Streamflow Data, Compilation of miscellaneous streamflow measurements in Michigan, Ground-water-withdrawal component of the Michigan water-withdrawal screening tool, U.S. Geological Survey Programs in Michigan, Water use for thermoelectric power generation in Michigan, Arsenic in ground water in the "Thumb Area" of Michigan, Water use and methods of data acquisition in Michigan, Michigan Lakes: An Assessment of Water Quality, Geological conditions of municipal and institutional water supplies in Michigan, Trends in Surface-Water Quality at Selected National Stream Quality Accounting Network(NASQAN) Stations, in Michigan, Michigan--Water supply and use, in National Water Summary, Ground Water Atlas of the United States, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Buffering of Marshall Sandstone porewaters by mineral-water interactions in overlying glacial drift, Temporal Variation in Populations of Seagull-Derived Escherichia coli and Enterococci at a Lake Michigan Beach, Water resources of Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore, Michigan, Water resources of Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore, Michigan, Water-quality characteristics of Michigan?s inland lakes, Predicting lake trophic state by relating Secchi-disk transparency measurements to Landsat-satellite imagery for Michigan inland lakes, State and regional water-quality characteristics and trophic conditions of Michigan?s inland lakes, Predicting Water Quality by Relating Secchi-Disk Transparency and Chlorophyll a Measurements to Landsat Satellite Imagery for Michigan Inland Lakes, Predicting Water Quality by Relating Secchi-Disk Transparency and Chlorophyll a Measurements to Satellite Imagery for Michigan Inland Lakes, Flowing wells and municipal water supplies in the middle and northern portions of the southern peninsula of Michigan, Municipal ground-water development and withdrawals in the central Lower Peninsula of Michigan, Hydrogeologic Frame work of Mississippian Rocks in the Central Lower Peninsula of Michigan, Hydrogeologic Frame work of Pennsylvanian and Late Mississippian Rocks in the Central Lower Peninsula of Michigan, Configuration of Fresh water/Saline-Water Interface and Geologic Controls on Distribution of Freshwater in a Regional Aquifer System, Central Lower Peninsula of Michigan, Selected Geochemical Characteristics of Ground Water from the Marshall Aquifer in the Central Lower Peninsula of Michigan, Selected Geochemical Characteristics of Ground Water from the Saginaw Aquifer in the Central Lower Peninsula of Michigan, Flood of September 10 to 15, 1986, across the central Lower Peninsula of Michigan in National Water Summary 1986 - Hydrologic events and ground water quality, Environmental factors influencing the distribution of E. coli in water and sediments of a Lake Michigan swimming beach, Regional Aquifer-System Analysis double-packer aquifer tests, The Role of Lakes in the Hydrologic System With Emphasis on their Relation to Ground Water, Surface Water Stations in the Great Lakes, Quality of Water Stations in the Great Lakes, Investigations of Single and Multiphase Fluid Flow Energy Transport Environment, Remote Sensing and Ecological Research in Wetlands, Computational Hydraulics for Surface Water Problems, Carbon Fluxes in Hydrologic and Geologic Processes, Simulation Modeling of Hydrodynamic Systems, Geochemical Cycling of Trace Elements and Nutrients in Natural Water Systems, Digital Modeling of Transport in the Saturated Zone, Dispersion of toxic and Radioactive Wastes in Ground Water Systems, Hydrologic Regression and Data-network Design, Comparative Study of Organic Degradation in Selected Hydrogeologic Environments, Factors related to the joint probability of flooding on paired streams, Trends in Water Quality and Stream Habitat in Priority Watersheds, Limnology: Controls on Distribution and Composition of Benthic Communities of inland Aquatic Ecosystems, Application of the Unsaturated Flow theory to the Phenomena of infiltration and Drainage, National Assessment of Water Availability and Use, Some aspects of effect of urban and suburban development upon runoff, Regional Aquifer Systems of the United States: Aquifers of the Midwestern Area, Investigations of ground-water contamination at selected sites, Influence of surface glacial deposits on streamflow characteristics, Hydrologic events and floods and droughts, Hydrogeologic aspects of ground-water pollution, Artificial recharge by induced inter-aquifer leakage, A literature survey of information on well installation and sample collection procedures used in investigations of ground-water contamination by organic compounds, Ground-water hydraulics as a geophysical aid, Federal and State Assistance for Action: Rural Groundwater Contamination, DNA fingerprinting to determine the influence of seagulls on Escherichia coli populations, Using Molecular Approaches to Describe Microbial Populations at Contaminated Sites, Monitoring Relationships Between Microbial Community DNA Composition and Redox Status in a Contaminated Aquifer, Temporal Heterogeneity in Aqueous Geochemistry and Microbiology of a Contaminated Aquifer, A sequential sampling design for long-term, ground-water-quality monitoring, Application guide for AFINCH (analysis of flows in networks of channels) described by NHDPlus, Optimal Estimation of Suspended-Sediment Concentrations in Streams: Hydrologic Processes, A Dynamical-Systems Approach for Computing Ice-Affected Streamflow, Open- Channel Flow and Transport Modeling, Arsenic in ground water of the United States, STRMDEPL08-An extended version of STRMDEPL with additional analytical solutions to calculate streamflow depletion by nearby pumping wells, Comparison of Eh and H2 measurements for delineating redox processes in a contaminated aquifer, Tracking Salmonella species from Water to Source, Stable-Isotope Geochemistry of Saline Near-Surface Ground Water, The Study of Fresh-Water Lake Ice Using Multiplexed Imaging Radar, Analysis of Sediment Transport Associated with Low-Head Dams, Surface-Water Assessments Leading To Protection Initiatives, Methods and instrumentation for quanitfying contaminant loads from large watersheds, Regional Aquifer-System Analysis Program of the U.S. Geological Survey, Evaluation of RNA Hybridization to Assess Bacterial Population Dynamics at Natural Attenuation Sites, US Geological Survey Toxics Substances Hydrology Program, Estimating Ice-Affected Streamflow by Extended Kalman Filtering, Projecting Ice-Affected Streamflow by Extended Kalman Filtering, Geochemical Partitioning of Pb, Zn, Cu, Fe, and Mn Across the Sediment-Water Interface in Large Lakes, Pore Water Profiles and Early Diagenesis of Mn, Cu, and Pb in Sediments from Large Lakes, Estimated Use of Water in the United States in 201, USGS Science in Your Watershed for HUC 04060101, Search USGS for Links, Publications and Web Sites Associated with. Both Pere Marquette Lake and Manistee Lake are starting to fill in. Current conditions of DISCHARGE, GAGE HEIGHT, and STREAM WATER LEVEL ELEVATION ABOVE NAVD 1988 are available. There are several lodges and hotels in the area for anglers to spend their nights. Along the way, the PM flows over 60 miles and passes through Lake County, Mason County, and Newayo and Oceana Counties. Your comments for this place (water quality, rowds, facilities, activities, lifeguards, service etc. Once our primary hatches wrap up, hoppers, ants, beetles and other terrestrial activity picks up and provides trout with great mid-summer meals. The sun was out in force all day, I don't think I saw a single cloud in 8 hours on the water. The arrows point in the direction in which the wind is blowing. Winds19mph. SEARCH. Commons Area fly shops, local guides and websites that can provide a Pere Marquette River fly fishing report and update on current conditions are listed below: The state of Michigan requires that all people who are 17 years of age and older have a valid fishing license. You'll want to step up to a seven- or eight-wt fly rod for steelhead, salmon and lake-run brown trout. . Is that warm enough to swim yet? Located in the southern lower peninsula of west Michigan, the PM meanders through the wooded hills of Huron-Manistee National Forests and eventually empties into Lake Michigan. Beach Street. Wading and fishing are allowed since the river itself is not owned by a private party. With the C&O still controlling a large block of Pere Marquette stock it was only a matter of time until a merger occurred and the union was made official on June 6, 1947. . Be sure to check the stream conditions before heading out to fish the Pere Marquette River. A .gov website belongs to an official government organization in the No Macroinvertebrate Data have been added to this site. Research in the data Dry Flies- Adams Dry Fly- Elk Hair Caddis - Blue Wing Olive - Royal Wulff - Griffith's Gnat White - Stimulator, Organge - Chernobyl Ant Nymphs/Wet Flies- Rubber Leg Nymph, Brown- BH Pheasant Tail Nymph - BH Prince Nymph - BH Hare's Ear Nymph - Barr's Emerger Nymph - Zebra Midge Nymph, Black Streamers- Wooly Bugger, Black (Size #8x2)- Wooly Bugger, Olive (Size #8x2).