39. View Answer 2. a) Stress-strain relation E1value of Balsa wood is ___ Where the members are organized so that the assemblage as a whole behaves as a single object. In temperature effect, initial strain, 0= ____ In finite strain stiffness optimization, several potential definitions of the structural stiffness are available, such as structural strain energy, end displacement, end compliance, and end stiffness (Kemmler et al. 7-21 AMA037 Answer: a I the distribution of the change in temperature T, the strain due to this change is ____ a) Stiffness matrix d) Loads b) =du/d Material stiffness is a measure of how much of a load it takes to cause elastic deformation in the material and is numerically represented by Youngs modulus (aka the modulus of elasticity). This further reduces the number of material constants to 21. Formula for global stiffness matrix is ____________ Element boundaries are defined when nodal points are connected by unique polynomial curve or surface. Explanation: The given cantilever beam is subjected to a shear force at the free end, thus tx(0, y)=0 and ty(0, y)=-hT. From where does the global load vector F is assembled? For general user elements all material behavior must be defined in subroutine UEL, based on user-defined material constants and on solution-dependent state variables associated with the element and calculated in subroutine UEL. The same element is used in the COSMOS program at The Boeing Company and in the SAMIS program developed at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory. Explanation: The finite element method is a numerical method for solving problems of engineering and mathematical physics. For a triangular element,element displacement vector can be denoted as ___ In solid mechanics, what does linearized elasticity deal with? Apr 19, 2013 #7 ThurmanMurman 12 0 So is there a (nodes,DOFs) equation that states the size of a stiffness matrix for a system? The shape functions are physically represented by area co-ordinates. 7. B. low speed and high pressure drills. Answer: c The shear deformation taken into account when using the Timoshenko beam theory will, through the shear modulus, have a slight dependence on Poissons ratio, so we need to incorporate that in the material data as well. d) Both penalty approach and elimination approach A. release. b) U19=0 C. 50:50. Read the latest news about Fictiv and access our Press Kit. Learn about our company, leadership, and mission to transform the manufacturing industry. 303. feynman1 said: As is well known, the stiffness of an FEA model decreases with a refined mesh. In one dimensional problem, each node has _________ degrees of freedom. d) =D b) Penalty approach method Elastic modulus is a property of the constituent material; stiffness is a property of a structure or component of a structure, and hence it is dependent upon various physical dimensions that describe that component. c) Displacement 28. Polystyrene and polyurethane are selected as materials for the manufactured specimens using laser cutting and hand lamination. By using ___ d) x=N2x1-N1x2 Typical problems areas of interest include structure analysis, heat transfer, fluid flow, mass transport and electromagnetic potential etc..,. This is exactly what wed expect, based on the linear relationship Area MOI has on the output of the deflection and stiffness equations. b) Rayleigh method e[XX"J iE(+QRlz9{n9 @
tt QA#f9F vL{kz%C*O:lMMb\fZ0/2n'nHnc =t&k)c
L>GA%W_tq In general, when there are non-linear effects, either due to material, geometry or boundary condition non-linearity (contacts), then the element or structural stiffness matrix tends to get non-symmetric during the analysis. 12. 5. c) Strain and displacement a) Displacement function c) Both Essential and natural boundary conditions Copyright 2021 Quizack . On Belleville spring the load is applied in ______ b) N=uq Explanation: The co-efficient of thermal expansion describes how the size of an object changes with a change in temperature. 13. Explanation: Degrees of freedom of a node tells that the number of ways in which a system can allowed to moves. However, we may not always have access to a good FEA program. Prepare For Your Placements:https://lastmomenttuitions.com/courses/placement-preparation/, / Youtube Channel:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGFNZxMqKLsqWERX_N2f08Q. However, it also translates to the idea that each of these springs has its own stiffness. C. has a high strength to weight ratio. c) Isotropic material Read Part 2 to learn how to compute the stiffness of linear elastic structures in 2D and 3D. 4. applying pressure. d) Undefined d) Four 31. The force-displacement relationship and linearized stiffness can be mathematically expressed using the following equations, respectively: A typical force vs. displacement curve for a linear elastic structure. d) Uniform strains In stiffness matrix nodal displacements are treated as basic unknowns for the solution of indeterminate structures. =0.25*1.25 When starting to model a structure, one of the critical choices that we need to make is deciding on how much detail we are really interested in. Answers (1) Your global stiffness matrix depends on what problem you are solving i.e it depends on the governing equation. 11. 2. c) Displacement matrix a) 0.125*106psi Discretization includes __________ numbering. 24. Explanation: The stiffness matrix represents system of linear equations that must be solved in order to ascertain an approximate solution to differential equation. Explanation: Shape functions are interpolation functions. The external loads and the internal member forces must be in equilibrium at the nodal points. All rights reserved. 37. Answer: c a) Non symmetric and square W;>5/)b36dsC 0=Lq'wulXccCnp|_%3MF@X2qiU8Dscckxm=^e2` What is the magnitude of the force at node 22 if the moment M is replaced by an equivalent distributed force at x=acm? c) Global stiffness matrix with transparent plastics? a) 6 Health problems resulting from composite repair processes For time-dependent problems, the initial displacement and velocity must be specified for each component of the displacement field. For an elastic body with a single degree of freedom (DOF) (for example, stretching or compression of a rod), the stiffness is defined as. For an orthotropic material, if E and v represent Youngs modulus and the poisons ratio, respectively, then what is the value of v12if E1=200 Gpa, E2=160 Gpa and v21=0.25? k Some shapes perform better in certain load cases than others, and some parts need to be bigger to accommodate higher loads. c) Non symmetric and rectangular C. Beads left by polymerizable cements are readily d) Local displacement vector It is used to define nodes in the entire body. A. occurring perpendicular to the direction of the beam. 1. What is the Global stiffness method called? Answer: a The length dimensions are assumed to be _____ 1. They are a subset of anisotropic materials, because their properties change when measured from different directions. I have been trying to obtain the elasticity matrix of PMMA from the internet but I could not obtain it. Stiffness matrix is _____ Which is considered good practice concerning the Thus the order of the assembled stiffness matrix is 1616. Considering a plane frame element with three nodal degrees of freedom ( NNDF) and six element degrees of freedom( NEDF) as shown in Fig. Here B is element strain displacement matrix. The information of array of size and number of elements and nodes per element can be seen in ___ b) Normal strains b) Orthotropic material For implementation of boundary conditions we need a staggered grid. Explanation: Thermal stress is caused by differences in temperature or by differences in thermal expansion. When it comes to calculating the area MOI for a tube, the only dimensions we will need are the Outer Diameter (OD) and Inner Diameter (ID). The differences may be a result of the deflection spreadsheet approximating the interaction at the base, as well as small calculation margins combined between the FEA (which likely uses a more complex 3D stiffness matrix approach) and generalized deflection equation. The gussets are added to increase the part stiffness and strength, but how do we calculate this without extensive hand calculations? Element connectivity is the nodal information for the individual element with details how to fit together to form the complete original system. Explanation of the above function code for global stiffness matrix: -. d) The initial displacement and final velocity d) f=[2|i-j|+1] Second Year
As an example, if we place a load parallel to the Y-axis in the example above, well try to rotate the bar around the X-axis. 15. Explanation: The shape function is the function which interpolates the solution between the discrete values obtained at the mesh nodes. A Global Evaluation is used to print the values of kxx, kyy, and kzz. Stiffness Matrix to solve internal forces in 1D (Part 1 of 2) - Finite Element Methods Blake Tabian 34K views 6 years ago Derivation of stiffness matrix of 1D element Nivrutti Patil 7.3K. Theres even a tab for part stiffness and deflection that will allow you to estimate the deflection if you dont have an FEA program at your disposal. A crack formed as a result of Thermal stress produced by rapid cooling from a high temperature. c) N3=1- 30. 40:60 a) Co-efficient of thermal expansion 4. C. poor formability. Traction force term represented as ___ Wood may also consider to be orthotropic. point of the heat source. Access a wide breadth of capabilities through our highly vetted manufacturing network. Lets assume that a force, F0, acting on a body deforms it by an amount, u0. 6. The element stiffness matrix for the 2D beam element mentioned earlier is shown below. =0.3125. Lets look at our calculator again to run some quick calculations to compare a round tube and a solid round bar. It is noted that for a body with multiple DOF, the equation above generally does not apply since the applied force generates not only the deflection along its direction (or degree of freedom) but also those along with other directions. c) Aspect ratios You can see that the boss is not simply a cylinder, it includes gussets that make it a little harder to calculate the area MOI. 7-23 AMA037 Body forces contrast with the contact forces or the classical definition of the surface forces which are exerted to the surface of the body. study. One source of truth for team spend by project. In the two dimensional elements the x-, y-, co-ordinates are mapped onto -,, co-ordinates. A1is the first area and N1is its shape function then shape function N1= ___ The terms in the matrix depend on the beam geometry and material - A is the area of the beam cross-section, E is the Young's modulus of the beam material, I is the second moment of area of the beam cross-section and L is the length of the beam element. A potted compound repair on honeycomb can usually be a) Tangentially Answer: b Only No. Explanation: Hookes law states that the strain in a solid is proportional to the applied stress within the elastic limit of that solid. 23. By rigid body deformation is neglected so stresses are not considered. 29. M Using the Euler-Bernoulli beam theory, the following matrix equation can be formed:. Explanation: Orthotropic materials have material properties that differ along three mutually orthogonal two fold axis of rotational symmetry. Which technique do traditional workloads use? A. water from between the laminations. d) Degrees of freedom, DoF 40. Explanation: The amount of heat transferred is directly proportional to the temperature change. b) Direct stiffness matrix Follow For Latest Updates, Study Tips & More Content! Hence, the deformation or displacement (u) is not the same at each cross section along the length. A. firm fit, then backed off one full turn. d) Distance and displacement B. squeezes resin more deeply into the structure. c) Adjoining matrix. 7-22 AMA037 pressure system to absorb excess resin during curing called? Material Geometry both material and geometry none of the above Answer: both material and geometry For 1-D bar elements if the structure is having 3 nodes then the 13. stiffness matrix formed is having an order of 2*2 3*3 4*4 6*6 Answer: 3*3 When thin plate is subjected to loading in its own plane only, Under such a condition, the above equation can obtain the direct-related stiffness for the degree of unconstrained freedom. are achieved at what curing temperature Only T2T_2T2 is given; how do you determine the second property of the final state? 1. Third Year
c) 25-75 But 50% of consumer electronics products fail EMC testing during their first pass. A Fat boundary-type method for localized . Answer: d Explanation: Boundary condition means a condition which a quantity that varies through out a given space or enclosure must be fulfill at every point on the boundary of that space. 23. The axial force balance equation (ignoring any bending or torsional moment) can be written as: with the boundary conditions at the two ends as u=0 at x=0 and E\frac{du}{dx}=\frac{F}{A} (Hookes law) at x=L. Answer: a Explanation: In mathematics, a volume element provides a means for integrating a function with respect to volume in various co-ordinate systems such as spherical co-ordinates and cylindrical co-ordinates. 1. Stiffness matrix of a structure MATLAB example Peter To 1.02K subscribers 6.8K views 2 years ago 0:45 Main equation 1:40 Types of floors 2:37 Annalyse a structure Show more Show more Matlab :. c) Both Precision and accuracy 409. a) xy=0 c) zx=0 c) 1- direction and 2- direction We may use the info you submit to contact you and use data from third parties to personalize your experience. Penalty approach method is easy to implement in a ______ Explanation: A body force is a force which acts through the volume of the body. Answer: a x2x1 11. C. install anchor tabs on the aluminum surface. If thats the case, we can get the area MOI from our CAD program. When modeling various types of structural systems, one of the goals of the analysis could be to come up with an effective value of stiffness and interpret its scope based on how we compute it from the structural problem at hand. c) d) T A high modulus of elasticity is sought when deflection is undesirable, while a low modulus of elasticity is required when flexibility is needed. The structural stiffness, maximum stress, densification strain, and . The stiffness matrix depends on the nature of the elements in the structure, whether they are truss or frame elements, their geometric orientation and connectivity. d) Stress and displacement d) Displacement and strain A features shape and size impact the formulas required for a calculation of stiffness, so lets consider those geometric properties first. Fictiv is your operating system for custom manufacturing that makes part procurement faster, easier, and more efficient. This restrained stiffness matrix consists of the lower right-hand partition of the unrestrained stiffness matrix given in Appendix B as Eq. Axisymmetry implies that points lying on the z- axis remains _____ fixed. An example of this is provided later.) Lets consider a very simple situation. 3. adding a catalyst or curing agent to the resin. A. room temperature. Explanation: A rigid body is a solid body in which deformation is zero or so small it can be neglected. This is called isoparametric formulation in literature. The expressions u=Nq; =Bq;=EBqrelate ____________ \^ Y y{a>(>Zw\PXz/Bc+{J#q +ZX\g\u\}(!b:uh6LY:/_xqY,(~{
;U2K gqwa In particular, we will explore how it can be computed and interpreted in different modeling space dimensions (0D and 1D) and which factors affect the stiffness of a structure. In the XYZ Cartesian system, all the strain components except yzand zxare non-zero. v12=v21 E1/E2. The pistons run directly in the bores without using cast iron sleeves. Answer: b B. buffed with a clean, soft, dry cloth. 7-15 AMA037 Explanation: The shape functions are physically represented by area co-ordinates. Press fit of a ring of length L and internal radius rjonto a rigid shaft of radius r1+ is considered. Explanation: An element connectivity table specifies global node number corresponding to the local node element. b) Deformation Answer: c a) Potential energy Answer: b If an aircraft's transparent plastic enclosures exhibit fine 26. d) Integer on modern aircraft because this type of construction These effects result in a stiffness matrix which is . c) Unique matrix In discretization of 2D element each triangle is called element. The Point Load branch is assigned to the point located at x = L. In this model, we use a force (point load) of F0 = 1104 N. As long as you do not incorporate any nonlinear effects in your model, you can use an arbitrary magnitude of the load. 7-20 AMA037 28. 6. 7-18 AMA037 The prostate is slightly tender on examination. c) Co-ordinates 30. Combining all of this, we get u(x)=\frac{Fx}{EA}, where x is the distance from the fixed end of the beam and u(x) is the displacement along the length of the beam. What is the use of homogeneous coordinates and matrix representation? Explanation: Orthotropic materials are a subset of anisotropic; their properties depend upon the direction in which they are measured. Explanation: The relationship is that connects the displacement fields with the strain is called strain displacement relationship. d) Loads Answer: d d) Undefined Explanation: Temperature is a variant which varies from one point to another point. We already know that stiffness is directly related to deflection, but we still need to derive the formula. 4. c) Displacement vector 18. b) Linearly Year Of Engineering
lightning dissipation. b) Material property matrix, D This may be as simple as increasing the diameter of a rod or as complex as adding gussets to certain bosses. 3.5.Hyperelastic Materials 3.6.Finite Element Formulation for Nonlinear Elasticity 3.7.MATLAB Code for Hyperelastic Material Model 3.8.Nonlinear Elastic Analysis Using Commercial Finite Element Programs 3.9. What do you need to check, and does it influence the work term? For a straight beam with a rectangular Answer: b The strain energy per unit volume is known as strain energy density and the area under stress-strain curve towards the point of deformation. 2. room temperature exposure. The stiffness of a structure is of principal importance in many engineering applications, so the modulus of elasticity is often one of the primary properties considered when selecting a material. With temperature effect which will vary linearly? c) Potential energy b) On element c) Galerkin function When we look at the magnitude of deflection in the FEA studies, we can see that the smaller tube deflected by 152% more than the larger tube. For linear user elements all material behavior must be defined through a user-defined stiffness matrix. In the equation KQ=F, K is called as ____ hWko6H l'N8ieVI~lbh.8vqkv]}u8t#19X:Lx!PI4[i^fPNvvhNE{{vAWZjovgW94aVU]Ncu}E^7.~hfqWIQ7:A$4"8i8b;8bj|fSUV{g*O$.gIn{EeHWE%t7#:#2RNS)Rp3*+V3UhfCB&
^$v4yM1gQhL;tJ'.O#A_hG[o '~K&^?^m-)V;mfIEv(FN9Tq;8UAQ'%"UyAj{{<4";f|dcLNV&~? a) [N X NBW ] 15. b) Curved objective of our platform is to assist fellow students in preparing for exams and in their Studies The first step of penalty approach is, adding a number C to the diagonal elements of the stiffness matrix. Stiffness matrix method is used for structures such as simply supported, fixed beams and portal frames. A laminate is a tough material that is made by sticking together two or more layers of a particular substance. The vector form of equations of motion is D*+f=u, where f denotes body force vector, is the stress vector, u is the displacement vector, D is a matrix of differential operator and is the density. Answer: a It is unique for each material and is found by recording the amount of deformation (strain) at distinct intervals of tensile or compressive loading (stress). c) f=[fx,fy]T a) Programming equations B. thermoplastic. c) =D The performance of finite element computation depends strongly on the quality of the geometric mesh and . Explanation: Nodes are the points where displacement, reaction force, deformation etc.., can be calculated. The element stiffness matrix is zero for most values of iand j, for which the corresponding basis functions are zero within Tk. Answer: b c)Mb Final Year. b) Hole c) Barium 2 and 3 Explanation: The constant strain triangle element is a type of element used in finite element analysis which is used to provide an approximate solution in a 2D domain to the exact solution of a given differential equation. 2. A. pick up the "noise" of corrosion or other Explanation: A unidirectional (UD) fabric is one in which the majority of fibers run in one direction only. Each triangle formed by three nodes and three sides is called a ______ b) One degree of freedom 32. Stresses due to rigid body motion are _______________ Explanation: Local coordinate system corresponds to particular element in the body. The strength is obtained by having the applied load transmitted . External pressure deforms the interlayer to produce a change in capacitance. d) N1=x & N2=0 Answer: d Explanation: Coarse mesh is more accurate in getting values. Explanation: Traction or tractive force is the force used to generate motion between a body and a tangential surface, through the use of dry friction, through the use of shear force of the surface. Answer: a Answer: b The distribution of change in temperature, the strain due to this change is initial strain. If there are nonlinearities, then it is important to use the correct linearization point. 7-28 AMA037 8. b) Precision and accuracy Consider a wooden board you are applying stress to at the end a thinner board will deflect more under load than a thicker board. This means that we need to decide whether the structure is a single spring or a network of springs distributed in space and connected to each other. c) D2*+f=u 9. b) Non uniform b) Rayleigh method 7-25 AMA037 For a circular pipe under internal or external pressure, by symmetry all points move _____ In the given equation F is defined as global load vector. and is more corrosion resistant. Answer: b C. have larger bearing surfaces. c) Three Two Dimensional Finite Element Formulation, https://lastmomenttuitions.com/courses/placement-preparation/, https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGFNZxMqKLsqWERX_N2f08Q. Answer: c 12. C. analyze ultrasonic signals transmitted into the parts The ratios between the reaction forces (or moments) and the produced deflection are the coupling stiffnesses. a) Surface Composite inspections conducted by means of Crack propagation problems come under this category. Better estimates of maximum stress may be obtained even with coarser meshes. nonlocal or when the nonlocal effects become significant at a reduced scale of. It is important to note that the stiffness matrix is symmetric only in this simple case of linear elastic and static problems. of elements B. dissolves in organic solvents. These measurements are able to distinguish between healthy skin, normal scarring, and pathological scarring,[5] and the method has been applied within clinical and industrial settings to monitor both pathophysiological sequelae, and the effects of treatments on skin. Here, we will show you how to use the Beam interface in the 3D space dimension to compute both the axial and the bending stiffness. C. When nuts and bolts are used, the plastic should Therefore the principal of minimum potential energy follows directly the principal of virtual work energy. b) No. Second step is to extract element displacement vector. Answer: d included tip angle of is recommended. By element stiffness matrix we can get relation of members in an object in _____ d) Thermal effect Speaking of which, lets see what happens if we apply 20 lbf to the end of the 12-inch-long nylon 6 tube in our assembly (nylon 6 has an elastic modulus of 400,021 psi). a) Thermal expansion no_nodes = size (node_xy,1); - to calculate the size of the nodes or number of the nodes. These factors are of functional significance to patients. B. material such as titanium or corrosion resistant steel. c) Principal axes Since the translation along x is constrained, U9=U19=U29=0. 18. a) Linear a) Small deformations in linear elastic solids 27. For theplane stress problem in XYZ Cartesian system, xx=xx(x,y), yy=yy(x,y) and zz=0, which option is correct regarding the associated strain field? Unidirectional fiber- reinforced composites also exhibit _______ behavior. Materials have a long shelf life. When drilling into composite structures the general rule is Answer: d In COMSOL Multiphysics, you can set up the 1D model by first choosing a 2D or 3D space dimension and then using either the Truss or the Beam interface. Explanation: A node is a co-ordinate location in a space where the degrees of freedom can be defined. Answer: a function [stiffness_matrix] = global_stiffnesss_matrix (node_xy,elements,E,A) - to calculate the global stiffness matrix. Designing products for load bearing applications is a complex and multifaceted task, so its important for a designer to have a toolbox of techniques that improve design quality. a) Rayleigh method Stiffness matrices are square and symmetric. Assuming that the deformation is much smaller than the size of the beam, these expressions can be physically interpreted as follows. 2 inches in diameter. d) Kinematic energy d) Elements Chapter: Civil : Structural Analysis : Stiffness Matrix Method Element and global stiffness matrices - Analysis of continuous beams - Co-ordinate transformations - Rotation matrix - Transformations of stiffness matrices, load vectors and displacements vectors - Analysis of pin-jointed plane frames and rigid frames( with redundancy vertical to two) d) Cg solving Assuming that steel behaves as a Hookean solid (i.e., stress is linearly proportional to strain below the yield strength), we can write out the stress-strain relationship using the Youngs modulus, E, of the material as \sigma=E\epsilon. That is to say, the deflection of the smaller diameter tube is 170% greater than our larger diameter tube. Answer: c This can be evaluated both subjectively, or objectively using a device such as the Cutometer. If Q1=a1then a1is _________ Explanation: Strain is relative change in shape or size of an object due to externally applied forces. are not recommended. degrees of freedom a 7-44 AMA004 core material with thermoplastic resin. c) Plane surface This gives us two possible equivalent single-spring bending stiffnesses of the 1D beam depending on the loading direction. The structure stiffness matrix [S] is obtained by assembling the stiffness matrices for the individual elements of the structure. d) Material For any two cases of plane elasticity problems, if the constitutive equations are different, then their final equations of motion are also different. In the Belleville spring, the load-deflection curve is _____ His symptoms included nocturia times two and a history of erectile dysfunction. The image below illustrates what this means. We can see that the deflection is 0.0646, which is pretty close to our spreadsheet calculations again. Boundary conditions can be easily considered by using _______ Shape function is just a ___________ c) Building technique a) Essential boundary condition In rheology, it may be defined as the ratio of strain to stress,[3] and so take the units of reciprocal stress, for example, 1/Pa. Answer: d The images below detail a round rod and a rectangular rod with their associated formulas. det(Ko + K.) = 0 (20) Geumetric Sti ffncss ]\'Iatrix The del"ivation ofstiffness matrices for finite elements often is based on 1111 approximate displllccment field of . The first calculation well run is going to look at a 2 round tube with a 1 bore through the middle. b) =D IT Engineering
Answer: a M hi Regarding the above statements. 90 degrees 4. A node may be limited in calculated motions for a variety of reasons. Answer: c %PDF-1.5
b) Element-strain displacement matrix c) Elimination approach Potential energy, = _________ If the setup is Displacement-Controlled: When performing a ring (coin tap) test on composite c) Elements A. The composite can be cured at room temperature. Explanation: The part of solid mechanics that deals with stress and deformation of solid continua is called Elasticity. They show you these matrices, they attach some physical meaning, and in my opinion this leads you to developing a dubious physical intuition for the field. For example, if a plastic coat hanger is too flimsy to hold a piece of clothing without sagging so much that the clothing falls off, then its not worth much. The strain energy is the elastic energy stored in a deformed structure. 22. Answer: d Answer: b d) Lagrange shape functions I realized that the only way for me to obtain it is by calculating it using COMSOL. In many one-dimensional problems, the banded matrix has only two columns. d) Minimum potential energy theorem The Constant strain triangle can give____ stresses on elements. b) Zigzag Explanation: A Body force is a force that acts throughout the volume of the body. ) one degree of freedom a 7-44 AMA004 core material stiffness matrix depends on material or geometry thermoplastic.... Backed off one full turn F0, acting on a body deforms by. A numerical method for solving problems of Engineering and mathematical physics by having the applied stress the. [ S ] is obtained by having the applied load transmitted ( )! Shown below included tip angle of is recommended shown below constants to 21 ) ; - calculate... Of PMMA from the internet but i could not obtain it strength, but still. Soft, dry cloth what do you determine the second property of the structure stiffness matrix represents system linear... 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