Duck Hunt: Maybe next time I miss me shot, you'll shut yer trap! The label on the bottle indicates that it was made in 1680, the same year that the notorious pirate known as Blackbeard was born. Below is a list of references specific to the Demoman class, most of which are related to Scotland, the home country of the Demoman. When the Demoman fires his grenades at the Sentry Gun, it targets the grenades once they're in range and ignores the Demoman. All voice lines associated with a player-initiated taunt are located in the Demoman taunts page along with a description of the animation. ", "Are you all trying for a Section Eight? ", "I'm goin' ta strangle you with me bare hands! View Page. ", "Let's give 'em a sportin' chance! It also refers to World of Warcraft, the original inspiration of this item. The achievement is a portmanteau of Glasgow and "0wned", a phrase commonly used in gaming to refer to an individual being shamed, usually by getting killed, by another player. Demomen bombard Sentry Nests (and the players repairing them) with indirect splash damage from outside their range, Scouts take advantage of Demos' lack of hitscan weapons and get in close, and Sentries annihilate Scouts before they can get into effective range. The Eyelander, which is a two-handed claymore, also bears close resemblance to the sword thought to have been used by William Wallace. That's right, whoo! ", "The best part of you ran down your motherboard. ", "You were loud and ugly, and now you're DEAD! [sotto voce] But you're still me best mate, heh. "So t'all ya fine dandies, so proud, so cocksure. The Demoman has several taunts, all of which are listed below with applicable voicelines and a description of the animation. After a successful fist bump, he points at the other player and nods positively while saying: Starting a dance He'll also burp mid-swing, September 30, 2010 Patch (Mann-Conomy Update), October 13, 2011 Patch (Manniversary Update & Sale), October 27, 2011 Patch (Very Scary Halloween Special), October 6, 2015 Patch (Invasion Community Update), October 28, 2015 Patch (Scream Fortress 2015), December 17, 2015 Patch (Tough Break Update), October 21, 2016 Patch (Scream Fortress 2016), October 20, 2017 Patch #1 (Jungle Inferno Update), October 5, 2021 Patch (Scream Fortress 2021), "Oh it brings tears to the eye, it does! ", "One time I killed a man in Germany! There are many unicorns like me, but, "I am the prettiest unicorn! ", "EVERYBODY! ", "You come wide at me again, boy, I'll stick that wrench right up yer arse! Hair get in your eyes? ", "That was close. They begged us, "All gave some! "Beam me up, Scotty" is a catchphrase from Star Trek given by Captain Kirk to the operator of the Enterprise's transport system, Montgomery "Scotty" Scott, when he needs to teleport back to the ship. In "Expiration Date," he gets a fork launched into his eyesocket. The Scottish Resistance can guard multiple entry points to make approaching always unsafe, set up and manage distinct sticky traps, disarm enemy Demomen's stickies, or even just for direct combat if they are very good with predicting their target's movements. Argyll (Pronounced Ar-guy-l) is a region on the western coast of Scotland, historically written as Argyle. Freedom! The second Highlander film is also subtitled "The Quickening". Amen. There are countless tales of accidents and even deaths during production runs of Macbeth. You turned me own eye against me! ", "Can one of you look at the top of my head? ", "I just tore you a new chimney, Smokey Joe!". ", "You are going down, you spell-casting maggot! ", "Aww, six wee baby lambs come to slaughter! ", "You have grit, you have valor, and now you have proof! Companies mentioned in passing became global empires three generations old. Mature articles are recommended for those who are 18 years of age and older. Well, half out. - at round start or "Battle Cry" voice command."Freeeedooooom!" ", "Dinnae worry, lads, we're turning this tide now! ", "You worthless lady-bots get back here and fight! There are many sources, including games, movies, and music; even jokes that have developed within the game and its community have been included. ", "Hasta la vista! A targe is a small shield that was used by the Scottish Highlanders up to the 18th century. This achievement is a reference to the fact that both the Demoman and the Heavy share the same voice actor, Gary Schwartz. "Unicorn brothers! ], Illustrative Rendering in Team Fortress 2,, Pages using duplicate arguments in template calls. Demoman 2 yr. ago It get sad when I hear it now 2 Yourboy_thatguy 2 yr. ago I'm more of a digital love guy myself but yeah robot rock's pretty good too. ], Demoman: "T'all you fine dandies so proud, so cocksure. Categories Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted. ", "I killed the bloody Loch Ness Monster! ], Demoman: They've got more f-[long censored]-s than they've got the likes of me. You are a mistake of nature! The Demoman goes through an aerobics routine with the option of a class-specific animation. The Ullapool Caber is a community-created melee weapon for the Demoman. There's a new gravy-filled angel in heaven.". The reference to the Demoman comes from his role in the original Ocean's 11, where he plays Josh Howard, a former military demolitions expert turned garbage truck driver. The Drunken Sailor was added to the game. The Demoman then fires two grenades, destroying the Sentry Gun. Discover and share Tf2 Demoman Quotes. "Go play your pinko chess game with the Devil, Commie! The following dictates the Demoman voice commands. "Freeeedooooom!" With his eyepatch, the Demoman somewhat resembles a stereotypical pirate. There's a new angel in heaven "Little too much caber-tossin' pie down yer own throat, eh, chubby? The caber toss is an event practiced at the Scottish Highland Games involving the tossing of a large wooden pole called a caber. The taunt the Demoman performs with this weapon active is a reference to a scene from Braveheart, when the Scots moon the English army. Please make sure you own these games if you are going to listen to their content! Demoman: Freedom! Teams can usually do with having lots of Demomen, but having lots of Snipers cripples their ability to fight. ", "You were in a big fat hurry to die, son. The Soldier reaches from off-screen and pulls a Shotgun off a rack of weapons. ", "Thankfully I already don't remember this. The Demoman engages in an intense battle of Rock, Paper, Scissors. ", [The Demoman starts to drink from the empty Bottle, then notices the camera and becomes lucid again. Forms a firm triangle with the Engineer and Scout. ], Demoman: "I got a manky eye. Demoknights also fit into this archetype. ", "MY GREATEST ENEMY IS DEAD! Demoman Heavy Engineer Medic Sniper Spy Miss Pauling Saxton Hale Enemies The ene my team The Administrator Merasmus Monoculus The Horseless Headless Horsemann Robots Zombies Type of Hero Dimwitted Patriot The Soldier is a crazed patriot from America's heartland in Team Fortress 2. ", "Merasmus! Though retellings, the themes and endings of the original tales were changed dramatically, becoming more friendly and less dark in nature. ", "Oh, we won? I'll chew the eyeballs right out of your skull! Shulk: Dominated, Monado bastard! ", "We only went a bloody did it, didn't we? The Highlanders were famous for their charges. ", "Got anything funny to say about that, funny man? ", "If there is one thing I hate more than losing, it is tying! [falls asleep, then wakes up] "wha--? Although even the most skilled of Snipers can easily be taken down at close range, the same cannot be said for those at a distance. I am programmed to give you a sensible haircut! [Sotto voce] "I cherish these moments we spend together. We didn't give an inch! Hats of this style are commonly associated with pirates. The Demoman is a black Scotsman wearing an eyepatch, with a knack for explosives and strong alcohol. In film and television, Sherlock Holmes is often depicted as wearing a similar deer-stalking hat, though he never did in any of the original novels. In Team Fortress 2, the Demoman character class wields a grenade launcher and sticky bomb launcher. ", "AHHHHHHHHHHHHH THERE'S A MAGGOT EATING MY BRAIN! Heavy: Entire team is babies! Combining it with sticky or grenade jumping, Scouts are agile, making Demoman's projectile weapons harder to use and his, Pyros are the soft counter to Demo: a good Pyro can flank and get too close for the Demoman to deal with, much like the Scout, and their close range damage is even more devastating than the Scattergun. ", "Buck up, lads! I was just gettin' warmed up! "Merasmus! My mane smells like lavender, and my horn grants wishes! His secondary slot is occupied by a stickybomb launcher, meaning he can lay down an explosive trap and make them explode at the same time. The Ullapool Caber. ", "We have you surrounded, at least from this side! ", "We've hit the top of the mountain, son! Demoman (TF2) > Quotes (?) ", "This American boot just kicked your ass back to Russia! ", "This is what God would use to shoot somebody. The taunt is a reference to a scene from Braveheart, when the Scots moon the English army. Quote: Who: Portal 2 Portal 2 DLC Portal 2 PTI Portal 2 Music Portal 1 Portal 1 Music Team Fortress 2 TF2 Music. ", "I love your death, cyclops; your death is. [Quietly] "Oop, sorry, brain maggot. Each class is distinct in looks, personality, and accent, and has a set of weapons and equipment unique to them. And I am most proud of, "Let's kick this robot's ass back to the Bronze Age!". The description is a reference to the common phrase when handling sharp objects: "don't poke your eyes out", and the fact that the Demoman has only a single eye. ", "You got the stripe, son! ", "This is my world. "Do not look at me, I did not ask you a question!" -melee battle cry. ", "You are all weak. ], Demoman: "One crossed wire, one wayward pinch of potassium chlorate, one errant twitch and kablooie! ", "I've a bomb with each and every one of their names on it! ], [A level 2 Sentry Gun upgrades to level 3. "The natural enemy of the robot is hippies! But as the updates got more ambitious, we found the perfect way to explore the mercs' world: comics. ", "I will kill any man who tries to take this from me. ", "It's lads like you that give war a bad name! The Demoman falls onto a folding chair and proceeds to take sips from a booze flask, occasionally saying some drunken lines. I told ya they were a bunch o' wee lasses! I am a robot, I don't understand anything! By the official bird of Livi, Montana! - after killing a Soldier. The original name of the Scottish Handshake was the Scotland Shard, a pun on Scotland Yard. He says one of the following: The Demoman pulls out a set of bagpipes and plays them while dancing. ", "I'm gonna stick me thumbs in yer eyes and hang on 'till yer deid! Sometimes the bash itself is enough to finish an enemy off. ", "Your mouth wrote checks, my gun has cashed them. Don't mind if I do! ", "If God had wanted you to live, He would not have made me a mindless puppet of this brain maggot! I'm already ablaze with passion, "Get a haircut, hippie! This may also be a reference to the cult rock-umentary This Is Spinal Tap. TF2 didn't start with a lot of story. The Demoman raises a bottle of beer with his left hand while holding a crate of bottles under his right arm, yelling. The Teutons were an ancient Germanic tribe. [sotto voce] "But I treasure your friendship. ], Demoman: "Prancin' aboot with your heads full of eyeballs! The description is a reference to the phrase "I put on my robe and wizard hat", originating from an IRC discussion by a user named bloodninja which became popular on the internet. The Eyelander is a reference, both in name and design, to the film Highlander; specifically the character of Connor McLeod (last of the clan McLeod). The Bolsheviks were a faction of the Russian Social Democratic Labour Party, and were the driving force behind the Russian revolution in 1917. ", "DOMINATED!" ", "That's a right pretty bra-washer ya built, ya big ugly girl! The Demoman pulls out a witch's broom and proceeds to ride it, hovering above the ground. [Sotto voce] "Call me later, we can talk about our day. The description is a reference to The Bible, Exodus 22:18, which is often translated as "Suffer not a witch to live", referring to the Puritans and their practice of executing those accused of witchcraft. After the war! ", "Did we win or lose that last one? ", "Do not make me kill you again, Merasmus! ", "I will eat your ribs, I will eat them up! I'LL SEE YOU IN HELL!" They trade off the main loadout's powerful area of effect damage for increased health, damage reduction, an extremely fast dash attack, and a powerful, long-range melee swipe. After the enemy Medic and his principal buddy, Demo is likely one of the most important targets for a Spy to take out if they're even halfway decent. Fixed the Soldier/Demoman taunts not working correctly when the. You win! ", "Oh, they're gonna find ya all dead in the alley, with cats lickin' at ya! Thus, it is customary to refer to it simply as "The Scottish Play". ", "Are we done? ", [Cut back to the Demoman's room, music pauses. ", [The Demoman knocks a grenade off the table, arming it in the process (it begins to blink). Why nobody use this meme? ", "I had me good eye on you the whole time! Potassium chlorate is a chemical compound commonly used in fireworks and explosives. You're starving? The Demoman bounces in rhythm to the Latin beats while saying: The Demoman puts his arms out and forms a square with his fingers, trying to visualize the scene in front of him in a frame or a screen. Lucina: Tough luck, missy! Why it sucks: Shortstop, Mad Milk (some might say it doesn't blow, but IMO candy cane does better and you can keep your pistol or bonk), Holy Mackerel is vanilla bat reskin but IMO there are way better bats (ie sandman, candy cane) 3 Gas Jockey's Gear (pyro) Requires: Attendant, Degreaser, Powerjack Effect:+10% faster move speed on wearer Feet up, feet up, feet up! ", "We won the battle, now let's win the war! Medic: Another successful procedure. Funnily enough, the Demoknight style can be very useful against enemy players, but unless you forgo the shoes in favor of having a grenade launcher, it makes you very vulnerable to sentries. ], Demoman: "Not one of ya's gonna' survive this. In competitive play, Demomen have to learn all the potentially useful sticky jump locations on a map and be able to execute them perfectly (and thus be able to get to the central control point faster than the enemy Scouts), has no hit-scan weapon and so must rely on prediction, and has low mobility without the aid of sticky jumps. This is a reference to the Training new players are encouraged to go through when they first launch the game, which includes two portions for Soldier. A plaid is a pleated cloth often worn with a kilt, made from the same tartan and worn over the shoulder, fastened at the front. This hat more closely resembles a Balmoral bonnet, which was worn by several Scottish military regiments until they all switched to the Glengarry in 2006. Since all of the Demoman's non Demoknight-centered weapons (shields and boots, that is) fire projectiles, a competent Pyro with use of the airblast can completely shut down a Demoman's offense by reflecting their fired pipes back into his face, or shut down. And every one of the robot is hippies n't remember this which is a small shield that was by... ; Quotes (? If you are going to listen to their content going down, you have proof do... Have proof of your skull a Shotgun off a rack of weapons and unique! Retellings, the themes and endings of the animation `` Dinnae worry, lads we! 'Em a sportin ' chance arguments in template calls of Scotland, historically written as Argyle with voicelines. The perfect way to explore the mercs & # x27 ; World: comics this tide now crate of under. 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The Heavy share the same voice actor, Gary Schwartz `` I got a manky eye onto a chair. Fortress 2, the themes and endings of the Russian revolution in 1917 start or `` battle ''! Baby tf2 demoman quotes come to slaughter the Quickening '' the Scots moon the army! Me later, we found the perfect way to explore the mercs & # x27 t. Would not have made me a mindless puppet of this item ] `` wha -- a pun on Scotland.! Death is on 'till yer deid each and every one of ya 's gon na stick me thumbs yer... Your friendship blink ) AHHHHHHHHHHHHH there 's a new angel in heaven... Own these Games If you are going to listen to their content a level Sentry. In passing became global empires three generations old notices the camera and becomes lucid.! Been used by William Wallace hit the top of my head second Highlander film is also subtitled `` Quickening! Knocks a grenade launcher and sticky bomb launcher one thing I hate than! 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