But some sort of low culture and primitive loudly people you can find very rude. The Quebecers are the rudest people, right up there with the Parisians. Down the steep highway into the valley, I passed several towns consisting of cheap liquor and clothing outlets with a few hotels and restaurants. So no it is not perfect. Years ago, when I was a teenager, my family took a trip to Europe. I think Indonesian is the most polite peoples in the world. The Netherlands. Different cultures have different standards of beauty. Its rude but its fine everyone makes mistakes and i know u Guys are just trying to share your experiences but however, u cant say that the French or whatever nationality is rude there are rude and friendly people everywhere no matter where u go. I think they are just inhuman to non-koreans. I agree. Kosovo was rated one of the ugliest places in the world a few years ago, and I knew I had to visit to prove this wrong! If customers dont, they are treated with disdain. Some countries are wonderful places to live. I understand, though, that once the Germans get to know you they are very kind. Theyve succeeded grandly. Numerous ancient philosophers gave their takes on beauty, arguing that beauty exists in form and is embodied in the spirit. Strangely, my acquaintances and friends who dislike Indians share this experience; they hate to admit that they dislike Indians (some of them make sure to qualify that they dont dislike Indians in general, but simply have been unlucky to meet unpleasant Indians)..but they mostly find that they have not been impressed by the Indians theyve met, and that they were surprised by how unpleasant they were. Even Americans. There are nicer people in the world and there are worse people. I agree! I dread going overseas because I have to deal with these losers when I return. Turns out, this only goes for models and actresses since just 16% of Indian women who applied to Beautiful People got accepted to the site. I used to live in Qubec. Theres nothing in there but a bunch of dirty underwear. There are chinese in North sumatra province that group exclusively with other chinese, and always talk chinese (not indonesian or local). The most friendly and polite people i have ever met is pakistanis. I am Jewish and Israeli and my dad was in the army so we go there almost every summer if were not going elsewhere in Asia or Europe or South America. But you should try Baltimore. This is the United States' fourth largest city when it comes to population, but the attraction sure isn't scenery. you will get what you will give. From France, one sees Pas de la Casa ahead. He told me that i could stay there for a night or two. Remember this! They are especially rude to us Germans. The amount of times I have been threatened with violence and sometimes even assulted just minding my own business. Europe can be really nice all the way around. That may apply to a lot of cases, but some rude people are rude through no fault of your own. I was highly impressed with the French & never had any interest in visiting due to hearing of others rude experiences. The positives outdo the negatives, even though many believe the French are rude. I am from Spain and live in 8 different countries over 6 years I live in NZ for 3 years and Aus for 1 and kiwi people were kindest, nicest most genuine people I ever meet. If you go by what many publications have suggested, then the ugliest person in the world is Ugandan Godfrey Baguma. And they love one another too,???? They should rename it Nazi Korea. Houston, we have a problem: You're ugly. Algerians will always be the same. I Have traveled quite a bit and I live in the USA. Dont like the food? The residents of these small towns were some of the friendliest Ive met. I differ with them on certain aspects of human rights such as gay rights but on the other parts I am in agreement with them. Spectacular is nice. To others, this only makes their women more beautiful. Portuguese women were not only labeled as ugly by the members of Beautiful People, but also by the forum users. Friendliness was pervasive throughout Australia. If a person is walking a dog and you try to strike up a conversation about their dog, dog-lovers cant resist it. While Canadian women had 24% acceptance rate, men achieved 23%. Not middle eastern but south east Asia. I have lived in the Philippines on a continuous bases for 18 years. Natural beauty and man-made wonders, 10 Ugliest Cities in the World My wife and I are native New Yorkers and I can tell you that two things are completely unnecessary in the Big Apple. The misery index was originally introduced by the late Arthur Okun, a Yale University economist, as a way to track the U.S. economy. So, if someone tells you that you look average, embrace it. Consider yourself lucky as you are westerner For us, arabs are shallow and double standard & those in Saudi & dubai are the worst, Lebanese are by far the rudest tribe in the middle east, Yes. I found the Greeks to be very friendly, not to mention good looking! the highest avg salaries and the strongest unions in Latin America, a killing rate. A lot I encountered were super nice and also jokesters, but some of the men could be real dbags. In my opinion the most beautiful countries I've been to (all from the first list) are Japan, France, The Netherlands, Spain, Ireland, the UK, the US etc. There may be countless ugly small and medium-sized cities around the world, but these are the ten least attractive of the world's capitals and major cities. When people from small towms found out I was from the US ( Minnesota ), they were even nicer to me and were funny ! Yeah I can agree with you though that much of the rest of the country is pretty bland, though I quite liked the Bohemian part. On the highest paved pass in the Pyrenees, Andorra has planted a McDonald's sign---an indication of the country's lenience toward commerce. Finally they did allow us to order one pizza provided we took it outside to eat it. Maybe not all, but when I had my business trip there, there was nothing I could ask to God than sending me back home. Yes, my mother, a wonderful woman who was an upper class NYC resident, taught me to never be in such a hurry to shut a door on another. Especially they do not consider Ethiopians do not have any capacity to work & underestimate!. Guys u cant judge people like this!! After my month-long trip to Australia I had to go through this with US Customs: Them: You mean to tell me that you just spent a month in Australia and all you took 10 Most Beautiful Countries In fact I am often mistaken for German when we travel. Buying a $25 guidebook and reading it thoroughly helps you understand some of the cultural differences and avoid misunderstandings and unintentional rudeness. I agree that if you are pleasant, people will be pleasant to you in return. But pakistanis i found the best. They are not only friendly, they are extremely generous. While I admire Indian ancient cultures, movies, musics and all that. So, dont say that Philippines dont like Indian, because we are a free country. No country in Europe or Asia begins to compare with the poor driving manners of Americans we are really in a class of our own in this regard. Head movements in greeting or acknowledging agreement can be construed by foreigners as being aggressive or contrary. But French people are definitely the rudest if you dont speak their language right they will just walk away and ignore you. Ive been here two months, and dont want to go back to the US. A Frenchman on the bus in Ireland gave me directions. There are good people and there are bad people. International SIM Card Currently GUATEMALA CITY is the ugliest place in the world. France: While we were in Hong Kong we saw many people from United States, France, UK, and European countries. On the other side I know French people can be very rude and grumpy, I can tell you that because I live there for now 5 years ! Initially she wasnt budging. I have traveled around the world and most people genuinely try to help you whether they understand you or not. they are the friendliest. The Irish are wonderful friends of the Yanks and the way they speak the language is poetic. Gosh, you absolutely true there. With such little tourism, I seriously Danielle Zito on LinkedIn: Kosovo, a Country Under the Radar to Add to Your List - Scratch your mapa On top of everything else, the subway system was a sewer, and a really scary place overall. PI has unbelievably polite and friendly people. Unlike the US, where restaurant workers are often temporary workers earning minimum wage, in France service personnel are professionals, and they expect their clients to treat them with the respect their station deserves. As a German living here I was shockedthey think we are rude but military folk say we are nice. I have lived here for 1.5 years, always speak and write in Spanish and am polite and friendly. and being mistreated by airport US Customs. And if you disrespect them they will certainly let you know it. Andorra: The Ugliest Country in Europe? We have met so many wonderful people all over the world that I hesitate to list the one bad experience. . JOGOS DE HOJE. Im Mexican so my opinion wont matter that much but Ive traveled to lots of parts in Mexico and the people Ive seen are kind to the tourists or visitors. Well, I am biased about this one because I lived there for two and a half months, but I can tell you that the people are very friendly and very helpful. They will TELL you, not ask you to do something such as turn your cell phone to silent! or call the other government office number! or go to our website! etc.. .I have heard that the Vietnamese are not too much different when it comes to coarse, crude, blunt, & impolite but all I know is that they (Vietnamese) are REALLY noisy, love money & wear questionable attire as in if you saw them on the street youd think they were looking for a night partner(we have many friends that have Vietnamese wives). We met the most generous people. Pakistan not far behind. Terms of Service Ive been in Spain for two weeks and find the mostly unfriendly with exceptions of course. you have the occasional Mexican who is cosmopolitan, but that is a rarity, indeed. HOWEVER, When we went back to where we live (kentucky) we had bills due to a hotel weve never been to. Of course if you only speak about French and Italians it has as much meaning as asking : are neighbors friendly it is quite incredible how Americans are internationally unaware and politically unawakened. On the other hand, we found Sicilians to be among the rudest people weve ever encountered in our 30 years of international travel. They live in scab-ugly apartment buildings, smog-gray and five stories tall and which permanently block the sunlight from the streets belowwhich are remarkably noisy for such a small country. I know it doesnt let women have enough rights. I have also travelled quite a bit in different parts of the world. Even in countries where everybody speaks English, I always learn how to say, Do you speak English? in the local language. In Uganda, the name ssebabi is one of the most common. So, France people are BOTH nice and rude? The subways were very clean,the restaurants and servers very polite, and the food was excelent. They are generally hated in those countries. Especially so are the immigration officers that are Hispanic. To put that in perspective, top-ranked Norway (HDI .957) has a GNI of $66,494 and its citizens attend 12.9 years of school on average. kooky. Then why dont you just stay in China instead? I u were lost and u visit their house, they will accept u like a family member. People from Texas and Portuguese people they are so helpful and polite. Maybe its just my type of job, but I must say Im always impressed with people. Yes! Scientists argue that the reason why we look at symmetrical faces as more beautiful is that they are a sign of health and good genes. A most interesting topic, but none of these countries top the list of the rudest country or group of people in the world. Even for those countries that are not plagued with strife, most people attend school for only a few years, and good jobs are rare, which leaves millions of people living below the poverty line. Home > Top 10 > Ugliest Cities in the World. Ive hitchhiked throughout America, Canada, many places in Europe and found the friendliness of Australians to be beyond compare. If you even ask someone directions they demand money. And just because they are nasty you shouldnt be otherwise you are travelling through life as an actor working for ego strokes, so be who you are and let nothing change or spoil you. Doug Pensinger/Getty Images. This is a cultural part of the Philippines. But in our daily life Im a victim of my fellows rudeness almost every day. He encountered a gentleman walking his dog, who promptly went home, got his cell phone, called a garage he knew (which we would not have found in a million years)., If you are an American the English are about as friendly as they come. And again back to the USA, my short stay in Tennessee.very, very friendly in spite of my being an outsider. Puerto Rico is my home country, yet our people 99% of the time go all out for newcomers, yet I recognize that service in restaurants is an area we are lagging behind. The young Czech male drivers will literally run you over and drive on! Well try them so kind That is one the biggest reason I choose to live in the Philippines for the last 18 years. Learn a little Moroccan Arabic, and they will love you. The friendliest country and peoples are in Costa Rica., Brazil, Holland and Israel. My friend had a horrible outsized monster suitcase (learned pack lightly the hard way!) Not only is it surrounded by shantytowns, its most central districts seem devoid of planning and style. , Although, I find the Greek and the Austrians very friendly! And in Scotland I wanted a photo of men in kilts and four of them obliged to pose for me as they are extremely proud of their heritage and always willing do to something to put a smile on an Americans face. Ive had some business dealings with Israeli companies and businesses and found them all very honest and straight in doing business deals. Just like anywhere else. Me: Go ahead. At the time, there were a lot of artiles in the U.S. press about how unfriendly the French were. Human beings, all over the world, have good days and bad days. By far the most arrogant, agressive, abusive, rude and soul-less people in the world. Being nice and being friendly are two different things. Peoples dislike for Indians isnt so much the colour of their skin like I said, its mostly about the attitudes and behaviour of Indians. For example, the average person in Niger attends only 2.1 years of school, and the country's Gross National Income (GNI) per capita is $1201 PPP. I can go on. I find China to be the rudest. There are certainly nice and warm people and if you visit as a tourist you have a better chance to experience friendly treatment by those in the tourism industry. I am not exaggerating. But in a true sense our ISLAM teaches us that we should b ehical to all.. Love from Pakistan!!!!!!!. I have to say that I personally find Indians generally too competitive and self-promoting; based on my encounters at the workplace, travels and those I deal with daily, and even in social settings. If the qualifications for judging a countrys rudeness are the amount of time youve spent there and the knowledge you have of the language, then I consider myself in a perfect position to say that in general, the French are not rude to foreigners, but Parisians for the most part are mean to tourists and to other Parisians. Next year we are going back to Paris, and visiting Barcelona and Italy for the first time. I once gave a neighbor flowers and a card to say thanks for a favor. The inhabitants of these cities are among the kindest Ive ever encountered. Shame about their barbaric treatment of endangered species. All Greek civil servants are rude, even to other Greeks! I feel so bad for foreign tourists who are I did a student exchange program in Japan and they are the nicest and politest people in the world! We have traveled in many of the countries listed. Sorry. Its true that people in South Africa and Australia have spoken out about Indian people and their habits. You shared your experiences, and it is clear that your opinion is based on them. BUT.an American once said to me .hay you there suck a fart out of my ass man .I was truly mortified .but am undecided as to witch category to put usa under .was the best offer I had that day . Lol they dont care for anyone but themselves. Very slow, no attention to detail service. Excuse me? They have a unique culture and 5000 years of history and believe that theyre superior to all other humans. I guess new yorkers arent liked much in other countries no matter how nice an respectful you are. I was on holidays in Hua Hin Thailand and I saw this German woman on the beach talking to a beach seller. When I travel I interact with the locals and living in the US I make friends with people from other countries. Not only that I can corroborate with other people- a friend of the family was yelled at by a rude and condescending cop in Vienna, and I know another person who wasnt in Austria but was on a tour with some Austrians and she said they were standoffish and grumpy. Other states everyone was kind. I was very pleasantly surprise when I travelled to Israel, 2 years ago. This is not racist but take it as reference: Chinese people: Living in Indonesia, chinese people may differ due to the numerous subculture here. During our trip to the Slovak Republic, everyone in that country seemed to be interested in making our trip an excellent experience. Puerto Rico is a very friendly place and if you buy a hot dog on the street and dont speak Spanish, you will always get the correct change. Never any rudeness. Americans are very rude, few manners and talk about money and religion all the time. In traveling, as with any other experience, you can always encounter one or two rude people, but to stereotype a whole country as rude based on the actions of a few would be unfair. We (family) have travelled around the world, and agree that definetely French from PARIS area are the worst, but not so for the rest, even if one or them do not speak the language (English, Spanish or French). Thats one reason people in other countries find Americans so obnoxious we expect everyone to speak English, no matter where we are. Quite the contrary, they way they treat you has improved significantly over the past two years. International Cell Phone then I lost my temper and shouted back.???????????? They cant do anything else in life and take out their misery on people who are But before you read the results, I think everything is best summed up by these 2 answers I received: People all over the world will be rude to you if you do not respect them, their culture or their language., Weve found everywhere in the world that If youre friendly to people, theyll generally be friendly to you.. LONDON (Reuters) - Britons are among the ugliest people in the world, according to a dating website that says it only allows "beautiful people" to join. The country you was describing was England, as Wales its small but with a big heart with Scotland as well as Ireland. But this country have NOTHING like the other Nordic countries. sorry, but they are so slow and rude people !! Italy?! Even if I acknowledge that meeting a few unpleasant Indians does not an entire unpleasant race make, I am personally aware that I appear to be racist. So true. Mexico City, Mexico I think Canadians have far more uptight than Americans but oh well. I am Indian and despite being a well dressed millionaire ive been mistreated and questiined by immigration and customs officers everywhere in western countries but never in asian countries not even singapore and hong kong which are filthy rich city states yet they are still very warm and welcoming. What percent of people you interact with in a foreign country treat you badly, 2 or 3 out of maybe 100s and then we say its all a bad experience. I accepted. I speak French well enough to be understood and I find it condescending for them to switch to English but fortunately not that many speak English so no big problem. However, on several occasions, I have also met German people and I would have to say that I have received the WORST treatment by these people. If you project frendliness and interest in their country, that is what is returned. Austrailia hands down is the friendliest place. its as if everyone is staring at a foreigner or an affluent Mexican out of the corner of their eyes constantly. I speak, read and write respectable French (minored in College over 40 years ago) and am so glad that I can communicate in their native language. The ugliest country is Denmark. Everyone we encountered was horrifically rude. The most dangerous countries to visit in 2023 are Afghanistan, Central African Republic, Iraq, Libya, Mali, Somalia, South Sudan, Syria, Ukraine and Yemen according to the latest Travel Risk Map, an interactive tool produced by security specialists at International SOS. But you run into these things many places. However, the friendliest people that I have met around the world are the Brazilians. Being friendly means someone you can confide with . The bottom end of Numbeo's index appears quite different from that of other indexes, as Numbeo analyzes a smaller range of countries and excludes much of Africa. For a country that supposedly gave up communism a couple of decades ago or so, culturally and bureaucratically, it still operates as if it were a communist country. We could see the waiter, who was so respectful to us, cringe. This could be. Actually England are so kind their like the kindest people on earth Me: I learned in the Marines to travel light. They will quite frankly ask you why you are not rich, so fat, ugly, stinky, or poorly dressed. My time in London was WONDERFUL. One evening I was taking a stroll on Copacabana beach with my wife when two lovely young ladies approached us, offering some personal services for a slight fee. Then apparently you have never been to Israel. absolutely delightful people. Ive been from Guyana to Dominican Republic. The people are courteous, have good conversations, want to help and know how to have fun!. Lmao!New Zealand on friendly list?The rudest country is New Zealand .And they r ugly. Seems like there are 2 sides to everything! They will even go to great lengths to defend their rudeness by saying its ridiculous to ask for help in a store from a clerk, as you should figure it out for yourself. Canada is such a beautiful and wonderful country, full of nice, bright, and happy people! 1 Lord_Sheev2612 8 mo. I have found that even in the places most noted for the rudeness of their inhabitants, a big friendly smile, an attempt to speak a few words in the native language, and the ability to laugh at yourself go A LONG WAY towards eliciting kindness from anyone anywhere. Im planning to see Italy and Portugal soon enough and then I'd like to see Germany, Australia, Thailand and Brazil. People are different, both in a way they look and the way they think. Especially NORTHERN WELSH and DOUBLE ESPECIALLY if they detect a hint of a scouse accent ha ha! I read that they are friendly, not true, only false. kooky, besides, everyone knows Japan is the most polite nation, I am french but im not rude i found lots of friendliest friends to me vut i thonk france are not rude might paris are rude because i just to live in france but i didnt live at paris, How goofy! Be nice to the french and they are nice to you. To judge a nation by meeting several people or even only a thousand over a period of many years is not a good a good sample. I truly believe to travel comfortably you must understand the culture before you go.if you expect everyone to behave as Americans you will be disappointed, and possibly act rudely yourself in your host country thereby causing some rudeness in return..travel is about experienceing places different than ours. IRIE means good feelings in Jamaican and that is what you will have if you go there. The waiter apparently did not know a word of English so, I stumbled thru the menu and ended up pointing to the entre I desired. Were in our late 40s, too, not cute little teenagers! Dont get me wrong Turkey is gorgeous! White countries aare going crazy dealing with immigration and they are mostly intolerant or rather insular people who cant differentiate between a brown refugee and a brown millionairethey lump everyone into one category and those categories are getting worse now with all the problems happening. You will always welcome it, will always have someone inviting you to leave, to take a swim, sleeping in his house, to shake his hand and hug you and not even know you well. The Alamodome in San Antonio, Texas. You seem to say that Indians are : arrogant, overtly self-serving and self-promoting, overly talkative, greedy and unreliable. You should not judge a peoples friendliness solely by the way they treat tourists. I cant say that we have found a country where even a small percentage of people were rude, and we have done a fair amount of traveling. It's undergoing a spectacular boom as the capital of Africa's recent economic success story, but let's hope the new development creates something more attractive than what we see now: ugly apartment buildings dotting the skyline of what incredibly is the world's most expensive city. I am extremely surprised nobody put Saudi Arabia on the rude list, it is the only freaking country in the world that does not let women drive. South Korean models are causing a major buzz in the Western world, for their unusual beauty. I also find German people very easy to talk to and get along with as well. I travel to the States often and never had anything even remotely resembling what you described in your post (knock on wood). It looks more like a slum than a capital city, with most buildings appearing on the verge of collapse. 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