In addition to improving touch and a feel for how much spin is required to finish the shot, the hectic pace helps stimulate the disorientating feeling experienced in game. Ryan was a two-time All-Metropolitan, All-State, and All-Conference point guard and the all-time three-point leader in the schools history, landing him in the Caldwell University Athletic Hall of Fame. less about aim and more about touch, but a safe median between the two is to either stay very low and aim high and soft or go up to draw a foul and aim for the top corner of the backboard, if you go up youll feel contact so depending if its streetball or a regulation game, either toughen up and make it or sell the call, Practice layups more, especially at full speed. When done correctly, the reverse layup is virtually unblockable and can be executed in tight areas in the blink of an eye. By using our site, you acknowledge that you have read and understand our Privacy Policy Almost immediately you should start running drills where players are required to attack the defense and finish with a layup against live defense. The reverse layup is the best way to counter larger defenders near the rim. or fingerroll right into the net if u have the bounce to do that. Its more space than you think and getting pinned to the baseline can leave the ball handler with nowhere to go and in a perfect location to get trapped, leading to turnovers and a fast break the other way. (How They Work), What is an Iso in Basketball? Make sure you keep an eye on your challenger's movements as this is a key component to efficient dribbling. If youre coaching very young players, you might find they push the basketball up from their chest instead of bringing the ball above their head before shooting this is due to a lack of strength. aim for the top corner of the square. Credit: Larry Silverberg. The rectangle is an important feature of the backboard that players rely on during a game. This traditional layup is often the first one we teach young players. What type of skill is layup? To prevent this from happening, the offensive player needs to (1) have strong hands and (2) keep the ball close to their body. While holding the . Start with the first steps above, then add distance and dribbles. The meaning of BACKBOARD is a board placed at or serving as the back of something; especially : a rounded or rectangular board behind the basket on a basketball court which serves to keep missed shots from going out-of-bounds and from which the ball can be made to rebound into the basket. Use the jump stop to square your body to the basket with shoulders parallel to the backboard. While its my preference to take off the baseline foot, it is worth practicing both approaches. Certain aspects such as your height and speed will change your momentum. This is done by driving the shooting-side knee up into the air as they jump off their opposite foot. Players attack the hoop at varying speeds Players attack the hoop from many different angles And when they do get to the hoop, theres usually a second defender waiting who will attempt to swat their layup into the 5th row. Use cones or other obstacles on the court to simulate opposing players who will try to contest your layup. 28 votes, 10 comments. The best spots are off to the sides but far enough in from the end of the court to give shooters a good angle on the backboard . A tip-in also counts as an offensive rebound, and these can be parts of huge momentum swings in a basketball game. There's different way to get the soft touch if you're going full speed. If you can't control your momentum, then you're going too fast. Your shot can be a swish on any type of shot, whether it is a two or three-pointer. The sweet spot is the two corners of the square on the backboard which sits just above the basket. A free throw is a type of shot in basketball that occurs after a foul is called. Aim and shoot the ball gently at the "sweet spot.". "This has really helped my shooting game! Slam Dunk. I depends on the approach . Start by using the four progressions outlined in this article to teach them the basics, and then progress to teaching them the seven layup variations and also adding defenders. Aim for the top corner of the box on the backboard. The layup is considered the most basic shot in basketball. Answer (1 of 5): Ok, in order to answer that question, we need to dissect the component of the backboard. A basketball backboard consists of several components, including the focal point -- the basket. Teach players how to locate themselves by where they are in relation to the blocks on either side of the lane, and emphasize how much room there is between the baseline and the backboard. Usually utilising the backboard if he approaches the hoop from an angle. What is a Layup? A. Reminding them that they dont need to dribble the basketball yet, ask them to do the following: b. The backboard usually has a square painted on it to serve as a target to aim for when performing a bank shot. Its similar to a regular jump shot in that a player gets their hand under the ball and shoots it off the backboard. To prevent this, the offensive players must use their non-shooting hands to protect the ball and increase the likelihood of getting fouled. When you push the ball out of your hands you want the ball to hit the square, and bounce into the hoop. You must practice scoring against live defenders. For left-handed layups, this is the right foot. Be aware, the ball could come from a teammate at any moment. Dont shoot the ball with too much force, as itll probably bounce off and wont go into the basket. To make your lay-up the most consistently, you are going to want to aim for the backboard. after you master that, attempt to shoot them higher and higher off the backboard. Once youre comfortable with technique, its time to add defense take your finishing skills to the next level. When you jump, make sure to use the backboard and try to bounce it into the hoop. Its crucial that a player protects the ball while attempting their layup. Finger roll gives it a softer touch and makes it easier to go in. If the referee determines that the ball was going to hit any part of the rim and a player touched it, they will call basket interference.As a player, you need to have a quick reaction to make a tip-in. Second, when the ball hits the backboard, the backboard absorbs some of the kinetic energy of the ball, slowing it down. A layup in basketball is a two-point shot attempt made by leaping from below, laying the ball up near the basket, and using one hand to bounce it off the backboard and into the basket. ~ s are worth two points and are shots that are taken from within a couple feet of the basket. Learning how to do a layup is crucial for all young players. Remember, no player can touch the hoop or any part of the net while the ball is on it or moving through the net. By shooting it high on the backboard you are going to give it a better chance to go in. While the very bottom of the backboard is 9 feet 6 inches, six inches lower than the ten-foot rim. For example, jumping off the right foot for a right-hand layup. The bottom edge of the rectangle's base must be 6 inches from the backboard's base. Figure 9 shows the optimal aim points (black) and points where the simulated shots hit the backboard (green). What Are Suicides in Basketball? The most typical example of a bank shot is seen just about any time someone shoots a layup, since it is much easier to bank a shot in from close range than it is to swish it. The target they aim for will be either the hoop or the backboard depending on the players angle and speed. Top NBA Finals Moments: Index. Realize that skillful competition is key. Adam Kunkel made it a one-possession contest with less than two minutes left to play, but Souley Boum missed the potential game-winning layup in the . When a player bounces the ball off the backboard at the correct angle and with the right amount of force, the ball rebounds into the basket. One of the main reasons for missed layups at the youth basketball level is players are going way too fast. r/basketballtips has you covered with over 35000 members your question never goes unanswered. It's a lot of practice of just learning to raise the ball upwards, but that's one way to do it head on. Parker in general has great footwork on how to get a shot/layup off in the paint, because he came into the league only being able to drive really fast at the hoop. A layup is the easiest shot to learn and most of the points in youth basketball comes from making a layup. c. As the player catches the ball, they take their first layup step with their right foot (outside foot), d. The second layup step is with their left foot (inside foot), e. Jump off the left foot and shoot a layup off the backboard. Enjoy! Remember, when dunking, you must be careful to avoid being called for a travel. Attack it hard then do one strong decisive move around it like a cone, then attack the basket with pace. Id also practice from standing close to the hoop stationary before introducing motion. See how far off the square you can flick the ball and still make a basket. These steps should be used to teach overhand and underhand layups to all players who have signed up to learn the game of basketball. From here, players will before multiple dribbles before gathering the ball, taking their two steps, and laying the ball in off the glass. the script positions your aim to the aim point for you -LAYUP WITH PRO STICK AIMING: Just press (DO NOT HOLD!) Ryan created the National Sports ID as a platform to verify the age/grade of youth athletes and STACK Basketball to inspire young athletes to grow into mature individuals and basketball players. Inside Science News Service. You just do it instinctively through muscle memory. The traditional overhand layup is very similar to a regular jump shot when it comes to this part of the layup technique. While it is possible to perform a reverse on a straight line drive to the front of the rim, its more effective and easily executed on drives along the baseline or at an angle. If you bounce the ball off the square, it will usually go into the hoop. This is something I spoke about in the protect the ball section above. Science X Daily and the Weekly Email Newsletter are free features that allow you to receive your favorite sci-tech news updates in your email inbox, 2003 - 2023 powered by Science X Network. ", More information: Pistol Pete Maravich used to say if you can float the ball up off the top of . I would recommend instead of trying to always beat your defender to the spot and do a layup which is very logical and natural (what you're doing), I would recommend doing a backwards bump/initiate contact. ), c. At the low block, take the first step with the right foot (outside foot). According to the NBA, the lines of this rectangle must be two inches wide and 24 inches by 18 inches in Size. You have to be able to ask your self why is it with the same set of tools I can look like Im throwing a lob for Bron off the backboard even though Im tryna lay it but with the adjacent set I cant even get it to touch anything. While a very difficult shot, the reverse layup is a vital tool for guards and wings to master, particularly undersized players that have trouble challenging taller defenders at the rim. It can take years to perfect a jump shot. The white lines act much like the circles on a dartboard. d. The second layup step is with their left foot (inside foot) e. Jump off the left foot and shoot a layup off the backboard. Yes! This article was co-authored by Ryan Tremblay. Something 90% of all basketball players dont practice enough and it shows when you go play pickup games, Just practice layups enough to where it is second nature. If you want to win basketball games, your players must be able to finish at the rim consistently. A hook shot is very difficult to make, as it is quite different from any other type of shot in basketball. Repeat. Start behind the three-point line with a basketball. You may be able to keep better control of the ball when you do a two-foot layup, especially at the beginning. The layup is only one of several basic shots that young players need to learn. I think it's best to start by learning to go off your right foot, then switch to the other foot when you get that down. Silverberg's research showed that the ideal target spot on the backboard for bank shots depends primarily on the angle between the baseline, which runs along the end of the court, and a line running from the basket to the shooter. He then guides the basketball to the backboard and gently bounces the ball off of it. 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When doing a layup, the player lifts the outside foot, or the foot away from the basket. What is the Best Material For a Basketball Hoop Background? cause it dont matter where u hit it off. A layup that doesn't use the backboard is called a finger roll, because the ball rolls off the fingers of a ball-handler's hands and into the basket. The second step of a traditional layup should be with the inside foot (closest to the middle of the court). For general feedback, use the public comments section below (please adhere to guidelines). I understand the backboard but how do I release a layup in the direction I want it to go? Thanks, wikiHow!". Another thing players must learn to do is receive the basketball while on the move and then finish with a layup without dribbling. . Silverberg is a mechanical and aerospace engineering professor at North Carolina State University in Raleigh, where Hunter was an assistant coach from 2001-05. Backboards are especially useful on bank shots and layups. Every hoop has a sweet spot, the rectangle box on the backboard that is twenty four inches horizontally and eighteen inches . This may sound easy enough, but players on the opposing team are there to stop them. John Wall has a few examples of it: I've seen a game where he just runs at/past the hoop and throws it up for the layup, but couldn't find the highlight. so u gotta lay it up soft no matter how fast or slow ur coming in. You need a clear lane to the hoop, so beating your man one-on-one is vital. Credit: Larry Silverberg. The very first thing a player must do when they decide to attack the defense and finish with a layup is get their eyes up. Before shooting the layup, you get to take 2 steps towards the basket without the referee calling a traveling violation on you. He popularized the shot in the 1970s, but few have been able to replicate his success with the hook shot in years since. To help you better understand the whole process, check out this brilliant video from FIBA that shows the first four progressions: As I spoke about in the step-by-step section, its important for players to master more than one type of layup. Offense - the team with possession of the basketball. Aim Use the backboard when shooting lay-ups from either side. This creates space in front to finish with a floater or to draw the defense before dropping the basketball off to a teammate. Put a little spin on the ball. Players are put in this situation often during games. A jump shot in basketball is exactly what it sounds like. a. The new study used that computer program to evaluate the best release speeds and launch angles from over 100 locations on the court, all less than 15 feet from the hoop -- less than the distance of a free throw . Being comfortable with a variety of layups will allow players to finish around any kind of defense thats thrown at them. February 10, 2021. A big danger with reverse layups is missing short as it's to do that since you are going away from the basket. A few important things for coaches to think about: Run layup drills that involve players attacking the hoop from different angles and at different speeds. Knowing which target to choose as the ball is released from the shooters hand is something players will get used to as they gain more experience. White in color, according to National Basketball Association rules, the shooter's square guides a player trying to make banked shots. My recommendation is to set up a quick give and go drill. This is called basket interference, and it's a violation that results in a turnover. Make sure your guide hand stays still. so again. "It helped me because I did not know how to do a lay up. b. See how far off the square you can flick the ball and still make a basket. The run of the mill smacking the backboard "out of frustration" is no different than slamming the ball to the floor. Were committed to providing the world with free how-to resources, and even $1 helps us in our mission. Give the ball one last hard dribble just to the outside of your left foot. The floater is a great way for smaller players to score inside against bigger defenders. Silverberg worked out the right size for a V that can be taped onto the glass and where to place a vertical rod a few inches behind the middle of the backboard. If youre tall enough, you wont have to aim for the sweet spot and can just shoot the ball directly into the basket. If you approach from the side get close and layup the ball with the opposite hand of that side. When youre playing a real 5-on-5 game, there will be help defenders trying to block / alter your shot when you get to the hoop. The two things all layups do have in common: (1) All layups are shots close to the basket. NFHS 10-3-4: A player shall not: Illegally contact the backboard/ring by: a. Best 'sweet spots' on the backboard - Some players like to aim at the front rim, some at the back of the rim, and some in the soft area over the rim. Watch others who are more experienced shoot the ball and emulate their technique. To continue practicing the overhand layup, work on your form and footwork. The video linked for this is his usual full extension, often times diving past the defender. For a traditional layup this is correct. The rim hooks are the hooks that attach the net to the rim. You definitely should aim for the backboard! A swish is not awarded any extra points, but it is a sign that the shooter is very accurate and can be good for a players shooting confidence. An efficient scorer practices layups with both the left hand and the right hand, as well as jumping from either foot. NCAA: Basketball 2010 and 2011: Men's and Women's Rules. Because they lack strength to make outside shots consistently, 90% of points scored in youth basketball are from layups. Theres an endless number of situations a player will face when they attack the hoop in a 5-on-5 game. 5. And, when you make a basket, you'll feel better about yourself! Either way it should be one handed. . By comparing the results for aiming directly at the hoop versus aiming at the ideal spot on the backboard -- which differs depending on where the player is -- they were able to identify what shot gives the best result from each tested court location. . The reverse layup is all about improvisation, however Perhaps the rim protector was late rotating over, causing the shooter to change their shot in mid air. The information you enter will appear in your e-mail message and is not retained by Tech Xplore in any form. For players at high levels, the rim acts as protection from shot blockers. The overhand lay up The original and simplest version of the basketball lay up is suitable for children and beginners. Just like in the picture. According to Section II of the National Basketball Association rule book, a transparent backboard must be marked with a 2-inch-wide white rectangle centered behind the ring. Credit: Larry Silverberg, Figure 9 shows the optimal aim points (black) and points where the simulated shots hit the backboard (green). Practice coming at the basket from different angles. Practice layups from both sides of the hoop, and with both your right and left hands. The first step is to start players on the low block. wikiHow is where trusted research and expert knowledge come together. A layup is an attempt at a two-point shot that begins by leaping from underneath the basket. Tony Parker is a pretty good example of this move. By Judy Kilpatrick. For underhand layups, jump from 2 feet instead. Encourage them to slow down to increase their chances of scoring. This is a very effective way to break this habit and keep your guide hand from moving. Players who excel at finishing around the basket have many different layups in their arsenal that they can perform, making it all the more difficult for the defense to stop them from scoring. If a shot is missed and the ball bounces off the rim, its legal for anyone to try and tip the ball into the basket as long as the ball wouldnt hit the rim if it was left untouched.This can occur on any type of shot, whether it be a jump shot, layup, or hook shot. He went on to Caldwell University on a basketball scholarship where he was part of three championship teams. But make sure they start practicing with both hands once they understand correct technique and develop the strength to do so. I depends on the approach . the Science X network is one of the largest online communities for science-minded people. With tips and advice added everyday. A layup shot is attempted by leaping from below the basket and laying the ball up . What you should aim for is key on how to make layups in basketball, and it changes depending on a bunch of factors.3 Things Keeping You From Scoring Around T. When going through the two-step motion of a layup, keep a strong grip on the ball and hold it close to your body. The white square used for a basketball player to aim when attempting a layup is 2 feet by 1 and a half feet. ~a close up shot taken after dribbling to the basket. its abt touch more than placement. Credit: Larry Silverberg. He needed to learn how to score in the paint without going 100. Tall defenders will attempt to block the shot during the upward shooting motion or as the ball leaves the offensive players hands. It should land softly off . If you're on the right flank, dribble the . And, when you improve your percentage of making a shot, you'll improve your percentage of making a basket! The first step is with their right foot (outside foot), c. The second step is with their left foot (inside foot), d. Jump off the left foot and shoot a layup off the backboard. but no spot on the backboard will kill the balls momentum. 3 Types of Layups. It creates the opportunity to score without giving up your speed and momentum. As this foot touches the ground, the player should take one dribble with their right hand. All basketball rims (hoops) are 18 inches (46 cm) in diameter. Doing tricks won't just get your coach angry but also you'll have a hard time getting the ball in. If you really want to catch the defense by surprise, an off-foot layup should be in your bag of tricks. According to Larry Hunter, the act of banking a basketball off the backboard and into the hoop is becoming a lost art. As a player, you can utilize jump shots from anywhere on the court. During a layup, a player attacks the goal by jumping up and toward the basket. Yet as the driver attacks the rim, its easy to lose where the hoop is. 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