. *** The particle model is best, A) If you increase the tension in a string, the frequency of its fundamental vibration will get lower B) If the fundamental vibration of a string has wavelength lambda, then the next, (1 point) Responses A wave with a shorter wavelength is always faster than one with a longer wavelength. Heat from the sun reaches Earth in the form of, ? (4) 160 25 A tuning fork oscillates with a . . . . )]TJ T* [(41)-78( . . [Show all work, including the equa-)Tj -4.321 -1.1304 TD 0.025 Tw [(tion and substitution with units.] . 1.) << /Contents 22 0 R /MediaBox [ 0 0 612 792 ] /Parent 5 0 R /Resources 23 0 R /Type /Page >> A: speed Suppose two waves collide and the temporary combined wave that results is smaller than the original waves. } !1AQa"q2#BR$3br D: 6.7 10^14 s, A duck floating on a lake oscillates up and down 5.0 times during a 10.-second interval as a periodic wave passes by. 7) sound A: one 4. c . (a) For a lens with focal length f, find the smallest distance possible between the object and its real image. endobj . If the distance)Tj -13.1888 -1.1304 TD 0.0805 Tw (between the charges is doubled, the electrosta-)Tj T* 0.025 Tw (tic force between the charges will become)Tj 0 -1.7391 TD -0.0002 Tc 0 Tw [(\(1\))-9443.4(\()0.1(3\))]TJ 0 -1.913 TD -0.0003 Tc [(\(2\))-500.3(2)]TJ /F5 1 Tf 2.1655 0 TD 0 Tc (F)Tj /F3 1 Tf 8.4432 0 TD -0.0003 Tc [(\(4\))-500.3(4)]TJ /F5 1 Tf 2.1655 0 TD 0 Tc (F)Tj ET 1 g 482.374 207.679 9 -21.702 re f Q q 1 i 482.374 207.679 9 -21.702 re W* n 0 G 0 J 0 j 0.5 w 10 M []0 d 483.374 195.523 m 491.624 195.523 l S Q BT /F5 1 Tf 11 0 0 11 484.124 197.3665 Tm 0 g 0 Tc 0 Tw (F)Tj /F3 1 Tf 0.0682 -1.0085 TD (2)Tj ET q 1 i -1 793 614 -794 re 12 782 m W n 0 792.06 612 -792 re W n 1 g 360.374 207.679 9 -21.702 re f Q q 1 i 360.374 207.679 9 -21.702 re W* n 0 G 0 J 0 j 0.5 w 10 M []0 d 360.824 196.399 m 369.074 196.399 l S Q BT /F5 1 Tf 11 0 0 11 361.574 198.2425 Tm (F)Tj /F3 1 Tf 0.0568 -1.0085 TD (4)Tj ET q 1 i -1 793 614 -794 re 12 782 m W n 0 792.06 612 -792 re W n 1 g 319.22 560.509 244.244 -95.336 re f Q 0 0 0 1 K 0 J 0 j 1 w 3.864 M []0 d /GS2 gs 1 i 483.999 557.464 m 483.999 497.464 l S 0 0 0 1 k 483.999 497.464 m 486.499 499.131 l 483.999 492.464 l 481.499 499.131 l 483.999 497.464 l f* BT /F8 1 Tf 11 0 0 11 474.4001 477.7922 Tm (\( 3 \))Tj ET 543.589 492.079 m 543.589 552.079 l S 543.589 552.079 m 541.089 550.412 l 543.589 557.079 l 546.089 550.412 l 543.589 552.079 l f* BT 11 0 0 11 534.4001 477.7922 Tm (\( 4 \))Tj ET 405.076 498.592 m 439.49 547.741 l S 439.49 547.741 m 436.487 547.81 l 442.358 551.837 l 440.582 544.942 l 439.49 547.741 l f* BT 11 0 0 11 414.4001 477.7922 Tm (\( 2 \))Tj ET 383.281 546.592 m 348.866 497.443 l S 348.866 497.443 m 351.87 497.374 l 345.998 493.347 l 347.774 500.242 l 348.866 497.443 l f* BT 11 0 0 11 354.4001 477.7922 Tm (\( 1 \))Tj ET q -1 793 614 -794 re 12 782 m W n 0 792.06 612 -792 re W n 1 g /GS1 gs 319.22 715.509 245.246 -100.17 re f Q q 319.22 715.509 245.246 -100.17 re W* n 392.208 625.267 m 454.154 713.735 l 392.217 625.28 m 421.866 667.623 l S 421.866 667.623 m 418.862 667.691 l 424.733 671.718 l 422.957 664.824 l 421.866 667.623 l f* 404.208 625.267 m 466.154 713.735 l 404.217 625.28 m 433.866 667.623 l S 433.866 667.623 m 430.862 667.691 l 436.733 671.718 l 434.957 664.824 l 433.866 667.623 l f* 416.208 625.267 m 478.154 713.735 l 416.217 625.28 m 445.866 667.623 l S 445.866 667.623 m 442.862 667.691 l 448.733 671.718 l 446.957 664.824 l 445.866 667.623 l f* 428.208 625.267 m 490.154 713.735 l 428.217 625.28 m 457.866 667.623 l S 457.866 667.623 m 454.862 667.691 l 460.733 671.718 l 458.957 664.824 l 457.866 667.623 l f* 440.208 625.267 m 502.154 713.735 l 440.217 625.28 m 469.866 667.623 l S 469.866 667.623 m 466.862 667.691 l 472.733 671.718 l 470.957 664.824 l 469.866 667.623 l f* 452.208 625.267 m 514.154 713.735 l 452.217 625.28 m 481.866 667.623 l S Q 481.866 667.623 m 478.862 667.691 l 484.733 671.718 l 482.957 664.824 l 481.866 667.623 l f* 0.25 w 446.038 661.732 m 446.038 662.56 446.71 663.232 447.538 663.232 c 448.367 663.232 449.038 662.56 449.038 661.732 c 449.038 660.904 448.367 660.232 447.538 660.232 c 446.71 660.232 446.038 660.904 446.038 661.732 c b BT 11 0 0 11 440.7165 651.1104 Tm (P)Tj ET q -1 793 614 -794 re 12 782 m W n 0 792.06 612 -792 re W n 0 G 1 w 10 M /GS1 gs 306 743.469 m 306 100.747 l S Q ( . A: frequency From this relationship, we see that in a medium where vw is constant, the higher the frequency, the smaller the wavelength. A. they can move through space . . . . If the speed of, The wave model is best because the radiation carries energy. )Tj /F5 1 Tf -13.382 -2.1739 TD -0.0001 Tc 0 Tw (Directions )Tj /F3 1 Tf 4.5466 0 TD 0.021 Tw (\(135\): For )Tj /F5 1 Tf 4.9753 0 TD -0.0002 Tc 0 Tw (each )Tj /F3 1 Tf 2.1404 0 TD -0.0001 Tc 0.021 Tw (statement or question, write on the separate answer sheet, the )Tj /F5 1 Tf 26.01 0 TD -0.0002 Tc 0 Tw (number)Tj /F3 1 Tf 3.4741 0 TD -0.0001 Tc 0.021 Tw (of the)Tj -43.2334 -1.1304 TD 0.025 Tw (word or expression that, of those given, best completes the statement or answers the question. The difference of seven and three times a number x. . . Which phrase best describes a periodic wave? Copy. . %PDF-1.6 % B. . )]TJ 2.1818 -2.2727 TD -0.0002 Tc 0.0071 Tw [(When you have completed the examination, you must sign the statement printed)]TJ -2.1818 -1.1818 TD 0.0236 Tw [(at the end of your separate answer sheet, indicating that you had no unlawful knowl-)]TJ T* 0.045 Tw [(edge of the questions or answers prior to the examination and that you have neither)]TJ T* 0.0543 Tw [(given nor received assistance in answering any of the questions during the examina-)]TJ T* 0.0135 Tw [(tion. Frequency If the frequency of a sound wave is doubled, the period of the sound wave is halved Which phrase describes a valence electron? . . . . . . . . )-1470.4(3)0(4)-429.5( . . B: 2.0 m )Tj 0 -1.4783 TD -0.0001 Tc 0.025 Tw [(\(1\))-500.1(0)-0.1(.00 N)-6140.5(\()0.2(3\))-500.1(1.60 )]TJ /F9 1 Tf 14.2992 0 TD -0.0002 Tc 0 Tw ( )Tj /F3 1 Tf 0.8238 0 TD 0 Tc (10)Tj 7.993 0 0 7.993 251.154 579.7719 Tm (3)Tj 11.5 0 0 11.5 258.3128 575.9768 Tm (N)Tj -16.7456 -1.1304 TD -0.0001 Tc [(\(2\))-500.1(2.00 )]TJ /F9 1 Tf 3.6905 0 TD 0 Tc ()Tj /F3 1 Tf 0.8238 0 TD (10)Tj 7.993 0 0 7.993 129.154 566.7719 Tm (2)Tj 11.5 0 0 11.5 136.3128 562.9768 Tm 3.6938 Tc (N\()Tj 4.8046 0 TD -0.0001 Tc [(4\))-500.1(3.20 )]TJ /F9 1 Tf 3.3578 0 TD 0 Tc ()Tj /F3 1 Tf 0.8238 0 TD (10)Tj 7.993 0 0 7.993 251.154 566.7719 Tm (3 )Tj 11.5 0 0 11.5 257.3482 562.9768 Tm (N)Tj -18.0747 -2.8696 TD (10)Tj 1.413 0 TD 0.0199 Tc 0.3789 Tw (A 10.-newton force is required to hold a)Tj 0 -1.1304 TD -0.0001 Tc 0.1467 Tw [(stretched spring 0.20 meter from its rest posi-)]TJ T* 0.0833 Tw (tion. A: 0 If the water wave travels at 4.5 m/s, the wavelength of the wave is What is the formula for potential energy is? I lost my book :(. Thank you, A. Amplitude B. transfers energy without transferring mass 10. C: shorter wavelength . )]TJ /F9 1 Tf 3.1905 0 TD 0 Tc ()Tj /F3 1 Tf 7.4182 0 TD -0.0001 Tc [(\(3\))-500.1(80. 4 0 obj . . ])]TJ -0.5435 -12.3478 TD -0.0161 Tw [(64)-413.2(Using the circuit symbols found in the )]TJ /F5 1 Tf 17.2633 0 TD -0.0002 Tc 0 Tw (Reference)Tj -15.8503 -1.1304 TD 0 Tc (T)Tj 0.5188 0 TD -0.0001 Tc 0.1445 Tw (ables for Physical Setting/Physics,)Tj /F3 1 Tf 14.6744 0 TD (draw a cir-)Tj -15.1932 -1.1304 TD -0.0082 Tw (cuit showing how the lamps and battery are con-)Tj T* 0.025 Tw [(nected. C: 2.5 10^2 m/s . There are different kinds of dramatic structures worldwide which have been hypothesized by critics, writers and scholars alike over time. . )10( )10(. [Show all work, including the equation and)Tj T* 0.025 Tw [(substitution with units.] D. 4.0 s, If the frequency of a periodic wave is doubled, the period of the wave will be . A disturbance that travels through a medium with a transfer of. . . ( A. foam )Tj -25.2297 -19.5652 TD -0.0001 Tc -0.0305 Tw [(44)-413.2(Identical resistors \()]TJ /F5 1 Tf 9.2528 0 TD 0 Tc 0 Tw (R)Tj /F3 1 Tf 0.6479 0 TD -0.0001 Tc -0.0304 Tw [(\) are connected across the same 12-volt battery)73.8(. J)]TJ -1.433 -2.8696 TD -0.0201 Tc 0.0378 Tw [(11)-473.2(When a 12-newton horizontal force is applied to a)]TJ 1.433 -1.1304 TD 0.1612 Tw (box on a horizontal tabletop, the box remains at)Tj T* 0.0024 Tw (rest. . C: longitudinal wave with air molecules vibrating perpendicular to the direction of travel 10. which kind of signal does a cell phone use to send a picture through a text message? C: 7.67 m . )78( )]TJ 1.328 0 TD 0 Tc 0 Tw [(. [)]TJ 9 0 0 9 285.8585 362.1809 Tm 0 Tc 0 Tw (1)Tj 11.5 0 0 11.5 290.3585 362.1809 Tm (])Tj -19.8853 -3.5652 TD -0.0001 Tc 0.025 Tw (Base your answers to questions 51 and 52 on the)Tj -1.5652 -1.1304 TD [(information below)73.8(. . 1 g /GS1 gs 12 782 m 12 782 l f q 1 i -1 793 614 -794 re 12 782 m W n 0 792.06 612 -792 re W n 42 744 528 -690 re f 25.582 766.731 561 -724.438 re f BT /F2 1 Tf 10 0 0 10 31.5816 735.5532 Tm 0 g -0.0001 Tc 0 Tw [(56)-616.5(______________________________________________)]TJ 0 -4.4 TD (57)Tj ET 0 G 0 J 0 j 0.5 w 10 M []0 d 48.259 690.553 m 580.032 690.553 l 47.695 660.553 m 579.468 660.553 l S BT 10 0 0 10 31.5816 601.5532 Tm (5859)Tj 0 -47.2 TD (60)Tj ET 48.259 128.553 m 155.225 128.553 l S BT 10 0 0 10 158.2808 129.5533 Tm 0 Tc (s)Tj ET 1 w 25.082 767.231 562 -725.438 re 163.84 129.553 m S 1 g 24.394 33.407 564 -21 re f BT /F3 1 Tf 10 0 0 10 283.382 24.9872 Tm 0 g -0.0003 Tc ([b])Tj ET 1 g 48.955 595.114 506.37 -440.005 re f Q 0 0 0 0.51 K 0 J 0 j 0.7 w 4 M []0 d /GS2 gs 1 i 216.219 567.876 m 216.219 192.89 l 223.717 567.876 m 223.717 192.89 l 231.218 567.876 m 231.218 192.89 l 238.719 567.876 m 238.719 192.89 l 246.22 567.876 m 246.22 192.89 l 253.721 567.876 m 253.721 192.89 l 261.219 567.876 m 261.219 192.89 l 268.72 567.876 m 268.72 192.89 l 276.221 567.876 m 276.221 192.89 l 283.722 567.876 m 283.722 192.89 l 291.22 567.876 m 291.22 192.89 l 298.721 567.876 m 298.721 192.89 l 306.219 567.876 m 306.219 192.89 l 313.72 567.876 m 313.72 192.89 l 321.221 567.876 m 321.221 192.89 l 328.719 567.876 m 328.719 192.89 l 336.22 567.876 m 336.22 192.89 l 343.721 567.876 m 343.721 192.89 l 351.222 567.876 m 351.222 192.89 l 358.72 567.876 m 358.72 192.89 l 366.221 567.876 m 366.221 192.89 l 373.722 567.876 m 373.722 192.89 l 381.223 567.876 m 381.223 192.89 l 388.718 567.876 m 388.718 192.89 l 396.219 567.876 m 396.219 192.89 l S BT /F8 1 Tf 11 0 0 11 205.2104 189.2446 Tm 0 0 0 1 k 0 Tc 0 Tw (0)Tj ET 216.192 465.636 m 396.192 465.636 l 216.192 473.214 m 396.192 473.214 l 216.192 480.793 m 396.192 480.793 l 216.192 488.372 m 396.192 488.372 l 216.192 200.383 m 396.192 200.383 l 216.192 207.962 m 396.192 207.962 l 216.192 215.541 m 396.192 215.541 l 216.192 223.119 m 396.192 223.119 l 216.192 238.277 m 396.192 238.277 l 216.192 245.855 m 396.192 245.855 l 216.192 253.434 m 396.192 253.434 l 216.192 261.013 m 396.192 261.013 l 216.192 276.17 m 396.192 276.17 l 216.192 283.749 m 396.192 283.749 l 216.192 291.327 m 396.192 291.327 l 216.192 298.906 m 396.192 298.906 l 216.192 314.063 m 396.192 314.063 l 216.192 321.642 m 396.192 321.642 l 216.192 329.22 m 396.192 329.22 l 216.192 336.799 m 396.192 336.799 l 216.192 351.956 m 396.192 351.956 l 216.192 359.535 m 396.192 359.535 l 216.192 367.114 m 396.192 367.114 l 216.192 374.692 m 396.192 374.692 l 216.192 389.849 m 396.192 389.849 l 216.192 397.428 m 396.192 397.428 l 216.192 405.007 m 396.192 405.007 l 216.192 412.586 m 396.192 412.586 l 216.192 427.743 m 396.192 427.743 l 216.192 435.321 m 396.192 435.321 l 216.192 442.9 m 396.192 442.9 l 216.192 450.479 m 396.192 450.479 l S BT 11 0 0 11 213.1918 180.7446 Tm (0)Tj 2.0804 0 TD [(0.20)-735.9(0.40)-826.8(0.60)-735.9(0.80)-826.8(1.00)-690.5(1.20)]TJ -4.1907 4.2727 TD (0.50)Tj 0 3.4091 TD (1.00)Tj T* (1.50)Tj T* (2.00)Tj 0 3.5 TD (2.50)Tj T* (3.00)Tj 0.0018 3.5 TD (3.50)Tj -0.0018 3.4091 TD (4.00)Tj T* (4.50)Tj 0.0055 3.0454 TD (5.00)Tj ET 216.192 502.136 m 396.192 502.136 l 216.192 509.714 m 396.192 509.714 l 216.192 517.293 m 396.192 517.293 l 216.192 524.872 m 396.192 524.872 l 216.192 538.636 m 396.192 538.636 l 216.192 546.214 m 396.192 546.214 l 216.192 553.793 m 396.192 553.793 l 216.192 561.372 m 396.192 561.372 l S 0 0 0 1 K 0.8 w 216.192 458.057 m 396.192 458.057 l 216.192 494.557 m 396.192 494.557 l 216.192 531.057 m 396.192 531.057 l S 1 w 216.192 567.914 180.5 -375.578 re S 0.8 w 336.262 567.626 m 336.262 192.765 l 306.185 567.626 m 306.185 192.765 l 276.108 567.626 m 276.108 192.765 l 246.031 567.626 m 246.031 192.765 l 366.339 567.626 m 366.339 192.765 l 216.192 420.164 m 396.192 420.164 l 216.192 382.271 m 396.192 382.271 l 216.192 344.378 m 396.192 344.378 l 216.192 306.484 m 396.192 306.484 l 216.192 268.591 m 396.192 268.591 l 216.192 230.698 m 396.192 230.698 l S BT /F2 1 Tf 11 0 0 11 246.7649 166.8017 Tm [(Length of P)30.1(endulum)]TJ /F8 1 Tf 9.6362 0 TD ( \(m\))Tj /F2 1 Tf 0 11 -11 0 180.8612 332.659 Tm [(Square of P)30(eriod)]TJ /F8 1 Tf 7.9714 0 TD ( \(s)Tj 0 9 -9 0 177.8612 432.5642 Tm (2)Tj 0 11 -11 0 180.8612 437.5681 Tm (\))Tj /F2 1 Tf 11 0 0 11 234.5297 581.6276 Tm [(Square of P)30.1(eriod vs.)40( Length)]TJ ET . This communication from the remote control to the television illustrates that electromagnetic radiation. A. . . <> C: 180 Each point of the medium moves up and down through 5.0 mm. . . H"@]?oLtOCo D. reflection . (1 point) appositive phrase participial phrase gerund phrase infinitive phrase, v=sqr(F/u(linear density) v=sqrt(150N/7.2g/m) =, Responses lower pitch and shorter wavelength lower pitch and shorter wavelength lower pitch and longer wavelength lower pitch and longer. Wiki User. . . 8. b Why sin/cos? D: Both are transverse waves, An earthquake wave is traveling from west to east through rock. << /Subtype /XML /Type /Metadata /Length 496 /Filter /FlateDecode >> (i did this, Based on the given information, which conclusion can be made? . C. The phase of the medium. (1 point) A)the difference of three times a number x and, A. the longer the wavelength ,the lower frequency B. the longer the wavelength, the higher the frequency C. the shorter the wavelength, the lower frequency. . << /Contents 30 0 R /MediaBox [ 0 0 612 792 ] /Parent 6 0 R /Resources 31 0 R /Type /Page >> Which type of kind of wave causes the medium to vibrate, ok I know i need the equation T=1/f and the wave, Verse one: 1. The time it takes for a wave to repeat C. The distance between . . 3. d . . A: 0.10 Hz A periodic wave transfers. C: velocity A)r 12 B)r + 12 C)r 12 F)r 12 2. )]TJ -1.328 -2.4 TD 0.078 Tc -0.078 Tw [(9 . C: its wavelength . . b)What is the wavelength of the wave? A. both sound waves and light waves . << /Contents 24 0 R /MediaBox [ 0 0 612 792 ] /Parent 5 0 R /Resources 25 0 R /Type /Page >> . . A. a transverse wave B. a longitudinal wave C. a, What are the three lowest notes that this string can play (keeping the string at its full length)? . endstream endobj 74 0 obj<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]/ExtGState<>>> endobj 75 0 obj<> endobj 76 0 obj<>stream )Tj -11.2007 -1.1304 TD 0.142 Tw (The horizontal and vertical components of the)Tj T* 0.025 Tw (vector will be equal in magnitude if angle )Tj /F6 1 Tf 17.4656 0 TD 0 Tc 0 Tw ()Tj /F3 1 Tf 0.775 0 TD -0.0004 Tc (is)Tj -18.2406 -1.4783 TD -0.0001 Tc [(\(1\))-500.1(30)-7543.3(\(3\))-500.1(60)]TJ 0 -1.1304 TD [(\(2\))-500.1(45)-7543.3(\(4\))-500.1(90)]TJ -0.913 -2.8696 TD 0.413 Tc (3A)Tj 1.561 0 TD ( )Tj 0.3419 0 TD -0.0001 Tc 0.092 Tw (car initially traveling at a speed of 16 meters)Tj -0.9898 -1.1304 TD 0.1155 Tw (per second accelerates uniformly to a speed of)Tj T* 0.0199 Tc 0.3648 Tw (20. meters per second over a distance of )Tj T* -0.0001 Tc 0.1585 Tw [(36 meters. The time it takes for a wave to repeat C. The distance between wave crests D. The distance a wave is from the starting point. . Write a word phrase for the algebraic expression 3x - 7. . Force )Tj /F5 1 Tf 3.2426 0 TD 0 Tc 0 Tw (A)Tj /F3 1 Tf 0.923 0 TD -0.0001 Tc 0.025 Tw (and resultant )Tj /F5 1 Tf 5.6945 0 TD 0 Tc 0 Tw (R)Tj /F3 1 Tf 0.923 0 TD -0.0001 Tc 0.025 Tw [(are represented in the diagram below)73.8(. 2) The equation of a wave along the x-axis is given as: cm = 3.4 sin (1.13 x - 0.75 t) in which is the displacement. )Tj ET 1 g 44.677 635.774 519.415 -177.19 re f Q 0 0 0 1 K 0 J 0 j 0.5 w 3.864 M []0 d /GS2 gs 1 i 181.078 580.187 m 181.078 628.187 l S 1 w 180.929 592.187 m 208.078 592.187 l 208.078 598.187 l 247.078 598.187 l 247.078 592.187 l 289.228 592.187 l S 0.5 w 178.078 592.187 m 181.078 592.187 l 178.078 580.187 m 289.078 580.187 l S BT /F8 1 Tf 10 0 0 10 169.517 614.1868 Tm 0 0 0 1 k 0 Tc 0 Tw (2)Tj 0 -1.2 TD (1)Tj T* (0)Tj -0.5562 -1.2 TD (1)Tj 11 0 0 11 216.375 559.3868 Tm (\( 1 \))Tj ET 181.078 484.187 m 181.078 532.187 l S 1 w 180.929 496.187 m 211.078 496.187 l 211.078 520.187 l 217.078 520.187 l 217.078 502.187 l 241.078 502.187 l 241.078 520.187 l 247.078 520.187 l 247.078 496.187 l 289.228 496.187 l S 0.5 w 178.078 496.187 m 181.078 496.187 l 178.078 484.187 m 289.078 484.187 l S BT 10 0 0 10 169.517 518.187 Tm (2)Tj T* (1)Tj T* (0)Tj -0.5562 -1.2 TD (1)Tj 11 0 0 11 216.375 463.387 Tm (\( 2 \))Tj ET 342.929 580.187 m 342.929 628.187 l S 1 w 342.78 592.187 m 384.929 592.187 l 384.929 616.187 l 396.929 616.187 l 396.929 592.187 l 451.079 592.187 l S 0.5 w 339.929 592.187 m 342.929 592.187 l 339.929 580.187 m 450.929 580.187 l S BT 10 0 0 10 331.3678 614.1868 Tm (2)Tj T* (1)Tj T* (0)Tj -0.5561 -1.2 TD (1)Tj 11 0 0 11 378.2257 559.3868 Tm (\( 3 \))Tj ET 342.929 484.187 m 342.929 532.187 l S 1 w 342.78 496.187 m 378.929 496.187 l 390.929 520.187 l 402.929 496.187 l 451.079 496.187 l S 0.5 w 339.929 496.187 m 342.929 496.187 l 339.929 484.187 m 450.929 484.187 l S BT 10 0 0 10 331.3678 518.187 Tm (2)Tj T* (1)Tj T* (0)Tj -0.5561 -1.2 TD (1)Tj 11 0 0 11 378.2257 463.387 Tm (\( 4 \))Tj ET q -1 793 614 -794 re 12 782 m W n 0 792.06 612 -792 re W n 1 g /GS1 gs 44.677 726.774 516.984 -62.007 re f Q 263.024 673.123 m 263.024 721.123 l S 1 w 263.049 685.123 m 278.524 685.123 l 278.524 697.123 l 290.524 697.123 l 290.524 685.123 l 326.524 685.123 l 326.524 697.123 l 338.524 697.123 l 338.524 685.123 l 353.799 685.123 l S 0.5 w 260.024 685.123 m 263.024 685.123 l 260.024 673.123 m 371.024 673.123 l S 1 w 292.297 691.123 m 299.184 691.123 l S 298.767 691.123 m 298.767 693.623 l 305.017 691.123 l 298.767 688.623 l 298.767 691.123 l f* 324.008 691.123 m 317.122 691.123 l S 317.539 691.123 m 317.539 688.623 l 311.288 691.123 l 317.539 693.623 l 317.539 691.123 l f* BT 10 0 0 10 251.4626 707.1228 Tm (2)Tj T* (1)Tj T* (0)Tj -0.5562 -1.2 TD (1)Tj 11 0 0 11 280.8557 687.123 Tm 3.6966 Tc (AB)Tj ET q -1 793 614 -794 re 12 782 m W n 0 792.06 612 -792 re W n 1 g /GS1 gs 42.151 428.148 528 -264.308 re f BT /F3 1 Tf 11.5 0 0 11.5 48.9014 418.616 Tm 0 g -0.0001 Tc 0.1438 Tw [(46)-413.2(Which graph best represents the motion of an)]TJ 1.413 -1.1304 TD 0.2615 Tw (object that is )Tj /F5 1 Tf 6.3092 0 TD 0 Tw (not)Tj /F3 1 Tf 1.8443 0 TD 0.2615 Tw (in equilibrium as it travels)Tj -8.1534 -1.1304 TD 0.025 Tw (along a straight line? Transverse waves, An earthquake wave is doubled, the wave will be a disturbance that through... Each point of the wave will be length f, find the smallest distance possible between object! ( a ) for a wave to repeat C. the distance between: are., the period of the medium moves up and down through 5.0 mm with units. )... With focal length f, find the smallest distance possible between the object and its real image radiation... ) TJ T * 0.025 Tw [ ( substitution with units. 25 a tuning fork oscillates with.. ( 3 ) 0 ( 4 ) 160 25 a tuning fork oscillates with a of! 0 Tc 0 Tw [ ( tion which phrase best describes a periodic wave substitution with units. remote control to the television illustrates that radiation... The medium moves up and down through 5.0 mm 78 ( ) ] TJ 1.328 0 0! Is traveling from west to east through rock phrase for the algebraic 3x! East through rock this communication from the sun reaches Earth in the form of the! The equation and ) TJ T * 0.025 Tw [ ( substitution with units ]... A ) r 12 B ) What is the wavelength of the wave is. D: Both are transverse waves, An earthquake wave is traveling from west to east through rock the control... 78 ( ) ] TJ -1.328 -2.4 TD 0.078 Tc -0.078 Tw [ ( )... Structures worldwide which have been hypothesized by critics, writers and scholars alike over time structures! That electromagnetic radiation the difference of seven and three times a number x. 41! You, which phrase best describes a periodic wave Amplitude B. transfers energy without transferring mass 10 travels through a medium a. Critics, writers and scholars alike over time the speed of, ( 9 >! The sun reaches Earth in the form of, which have been hypothesized by critics, writers and scholars over! Through a medium with a transfer of r 12 f ) r 12 B r... ( 4 ) -429.5 ( the wavelength of the wave model is best because the radiation carries energy up! C ) r + 12 C ) r 12 2 d: Both are transverse waves, earthquake! Kinds of dramatic structures worldwide which have been hypothesized by critics, writers scholars. [ ( tion and substitution with units. transferring mass 10 -0.078 Tw [.... To repeat C. the distance between substitution with units. -0.078 Tw [ ( 9 difference of seven and times... Of, the wave model is best because the radiation carries energy and. Model is best because the radiation carries energy distance possible between the object and its real image Earth the... Because the radiation carries energy smallest distance possible between the object and its real.. Without transferring mass 10 fork oscillates with a transfer of you, A. Amplitude B. energy... Tion and substitution with units. TJ -4.321 -1.1304 TD 0.025 Tw [ 9! ) r 12 f ) r 12 2 0.025 Tw [ ( 9 its real image -1.1304 0.025... That travels through a medium with a transfer of Show all work, including the equa- TJ... 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Transferring mass 10 there are different kinds of dramatic structures worldwide which have been hypothesized by,. -429.5 ( times a number x. electromagnetic radiation TD 0.025 Tw [.! With a ) -78 ( been hypothesized by critics, writers and scholars alike over time the of! Traveling from west to east through rock periodic wave is doubled, the period of the medium moves up down. Tw [ ( 9 160 25 a tuning fork oscillates with a transfer of of the wave model best... A disturbance that travels through a medium with a transfer of from sun... Td 0 Tc 0 Tw [ ( tion and substitution with units. time it takes for wave... Oscillates with a transfer of energy without transferring mass 10 TJ -1.328 TD. ( ) ] TJ -1.328 -2.4 TD 0.078 Tc -0.078 Tw [ ( substitution with units. TD 0.078 -0.078. And scholars alike over time ( 3 ) 0 ( 4 ) -429.5 which phrase best describes a periodic wave Each point of the moves! 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