After leaving Hogwarts, Patricia Rakepick went on to work for Gringotts Wizarding Bank as a Curse-Breaker, having apparently been taken in by the allure of a "challenging career involving travel, adventure, and substantial, danger-related treasure bonuses". Hopefully, you'll get the answers to them and find Jacob and free him. This will cause a section of the ceiling to collapse, which will trap some of your friends. Realising she would not be able to escape Azkaban after all, Rakepick admitted it was over for her and adviced her former student to keep its qualities against R. After Jacob's sibling left her in supermax, Rakepick was found by the Dementors as the prison's lockdown was soon ended. Luckily, this will work and Madam Rakepick will start choking. The game revolves around the player character's journey through life at the school. Trace the wand movement to do so. At some point during the 1987-1988 school year, Minerva McGonagall had a very heated argument with Rakepick about "something important", suggesting that the Transfiguration teacher, who presumably began to teach her when Dumbledore rose to the post of Headmaster, also did not think very highly of the younger witch or her methods. Defence Against the Dark Arts Professors at Hogwarts, Hogwarts students during the Marauders' era, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Magical Congress of the United States of America, Hungarian Horntail that guarded the Vault, "World Exclusive Interview with J K Rowling,", The Dark Forces: A Guide to Self-Protection, The Essential Defence Against the Dark Arts, Patricia Rakepick is one of the main antagonists in, In addition, she is one of the two Gryffindor antagonists shown in the universe, the other being. Due to it being highly efficient in fighting dragons, Rakepick taught Jacob's sibling, Merula and Bill the Conjunctivitis Curse. The two managed to enter the vault thanks to Jacob's legeremancy, but did not defeat the dragon. Once you are done, she will smile at you and applaud. She wore black robes, on which an ornamental Eye of Horus was pinned, high boots and white gloves, as well as two light brown belts across her waist, one of which held a leather holster for her wand. However, by the end of the next year, Rakepick's true intentions were revealed. [4], Charged with anything having to do with the Cursed Vaults, Madam Rakepick was notified when two students were placed in harm's way by wandering mindlessly into the Forbidden Forest, apparently while under the influence of a somnambulism of some sort. Between 1 September 1955 and 31 August 1956[1] Merula, Ismelda or Bill, depending on player's choice. After escaping you'll talk with Dumbledore about what happened, make sure Merula and Beatrice are ok, and help find Sickleworth (Rakepick's Niffler) that was abandoned when Rakepick fled the vault. You will ask the Merqueen about the vault once again. Upon arriving, you will be able to interact with some of the merpeople. Wary of her true intentions, when Albus Dumbledore invited her back to help break the curses plaging the school and its denizens, their old rivalry immediately reignited, and Snape immediately went about trying to uncover whatever ulterior motives she might have, suspecting that she wanted to use the Vaults to take control of Hogwarts. As it turns out, she needed to find a way to return back to the vault. Accepting this explanation, the professor explained that the easiest way for students to enter the forest undetected was by broom, revealing secrets about the forest he had learned from numerous years spent exploring it himself. Youll quickly use the opportunity to disarm her. When the Player sees Merula joining R at the end of Year 6 and being revealed as The Mole, it's not actually Merula. The rest of the chapter will differ, depending on this choice. This is our page for asking and answering questions for Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery. Proceed to the Defence Against the Dark Arts classroom when you are ready. There, they were ambushed by a group of Dementors. Presumably well aware of the events that lead to the expulsion of former Hogwarts student Jacob long before she ever met his younger sibling, given her own interest in the Vaults, Rakepick took interest in the latter individual for their first-hand experience with the Cursed Vaults, and is known to have kept an eye on them, possibly even before she was invited back to Hogwarts by the Headmaster of the day, Albus Dumbledore, to help put the threat of the Cursed Vaults to rest. Copyright 2023 Our website use cookies, please read our Privacy Policy. You will cast one final Bombarda to clear the path. [21], During the first part of the tutorial, Jacob's sibling practised casting the Shield Charm against Death Eater dummies while Rakepick observed and occasionally offered advice. According to Severus Snape, she made a career out of eliminating her competition,[8] leaving many who knew her by reputation only with the impression that she was not to be crossed. [36], She took William Weasley, Merula Snyde, and Jacob's sibling on as assistant Curse-Breakers, forming a team to find the next Cursed Vault. When Jacob was trapped in a portrait, Rakepick forcefully touched the centre column of the Vault, but instead of unlocking the supposed treasures inside, she was transported to the Forbidden Forest, ending the trip for her. Lioness[7] Ben will remind you that you might as well do as the Merqueen asks. Beneath her veneer of cordiality, lurked a personality that was ambitious, cruel, sadistic and downright evil. [18], In due course, Rakepick became the best Curse-Breaker at Gringotts, being promoted to the post of Head Curse-Breaker, a role she held by at least in the mid-to-late-1980s. According to Rubeus Hagrid, during her student years, she was rumoured to be friendly with the Marauders (Remus Lupin, Peter Pettigrew, Sirius Black, and James Potter), whom Patricia to some extent mentored in mischief-making. If you choose to let Rakepick enter the vault, you will step aside, allowing her to go in. One of these encounters notably ended with Rakepick murdering Rowan Khanna. Trace the wand movement to cast the spell. He welcomed her warmly back to Hogwarts upon inviting her back to the castle to help the staff in their efforts to put a stop to the threat posed to the security of the school and those who dwelled therein by the fabled Cursed Vaults, though it is unknown if he shared Severus Snape's suspicions about her ulterior motives, the latter of whom believed, quite correctly, that Dumbledore trusted her. Upon arriving, you will be amazed by the caves interior. Very secure in her own judgement and immensely confident in her own abilities, she would often eye those with whom she conversed with a look of gleeful smugness, yet could demonstrate a sudden temper or disdain towards those of whom she did not think very highly, such as Ben Copper, whom she cruelly singled out during her evaluation of a group of students from which she wanted to pick an assistant for her sanctioned search for the Cursed Vaults. Educated at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, during her formative . Educated at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, during her formative years she was an exceptional student, top of her class, who, regardless, was always in trouble. [15] At some point in her student years, she asked the Care of Magical Creatures Professor, Silvanus Kettleburn, how to enter the Forbidden Forest without being seen, telling him she meant to explore the forest and study the creatures that dwelled within it, and expressing a desire to become a Magizoologist upon leaving school. Return to the Astronomy Tower once you acquire enough stars to unlock the lesson. While Professor Albus Dumbledore found her to be an exceptional pupil,[12] she was nevertheless greatly disliked by most of her professors for her rebellious streak, a sentiment that did not improve when she, rather than being a good role model to her younger peers as she grew older, began mentoring them in the art of trouble-making. Youll quickly get to Merula to make sure shes okay. Title(s) Gender Relationship information Doing so requires earning five stars within eight hours. [52] Following this incident, Rakepick was arrested and sent to Azkaban. A: Forest Grove There's a ghost teaching this class! Shortly after, you will appear inside the vault. [13], Patricia Rakepick was born sometime in late 1955 or early 1956. Other than that, the actions here are fairly linear, so simply complete whichever action you see available. A: History of Magic There's lots of confiscated items here! Recognising that Rakepick regarded one of the pupils as a potential rival in her quest to find the Vaults, and aware how Rakepick dealt with rivals, Snape cleverly had said student serving as his spy to shift her attention over on him to protect the student as a supposed mastermind of the youngster's actions, while also using the ploy as a tool to try and learn what Rakepick was up to and expose her to Dumbledore, the one person who they knew for a certainty would be able to put a stop to her plot, whatever it might be. Like the previous vault you have to use the arrow to open the middle column which contains a sweater and another map. Jacob's sibling, her former student and enemy. Unfortunately, she will call you a disgrace and you will quickly notice that something is off about her. Unable to do anything about it, you will turn your gaze away and wait for the inevitable. Going as far as to proclaim them a curse-breaker on equal footing as herself, she went on to emphasise the importance of self-defence. Mother[6] You will thank the Merqueen for everything before she leaves. She recounted the story of her first visit, and when they tried to stand up to her, she shoved them down with simple wand strikes. Not all talk and no bite, however, she was happy to be in the thick of the action, she was not someone to shy away from a dangerous situation, with even Rubeus Hagrid believing her to be completely fearless. Youll then decide to inspect the vault. Most of your friends will find this way of transportation quite unpleasant, and Madam Rakepick will explain that it is a common occurrence. But all those things raised more questions. The Most Powerful Witch at Hogwarts will be overjoyed by this and shell suggest searching the vault. At some point in her career, she met an American wizard who worked as an Auror for the Magical Congress of the United States of America, who advised her on the subject of constant vigilance and told her that there were "more than one way to skin a Kneazle", a sentiment she agreed with. While happy to assist, she nevertheless insisted that she would only do so once they had improved their proficiency in combative magic. Avalanche Software's Hogwarts Legacy allows players to explore J.K. Rowling's fantastic Harry Potter universe in an open-world role-playing setting. I think now would be a very good time to bring Olivia, Jacob and Duncan all back together in the Prefect's bathroom. There is not much of a difference between this lesson and the regular classes, so simply treat it as such. As soon as you touch the column, everyone will fall down on their knees. Trace the path on the screen to complete this task. Hogwarts staff members, who generally disliked and distrusted her. Merula Snyde but alongside the . Each successful mini-task should award you some knowledge points, so try your best to complete them all. TLDR. Youll earn an additional reward for completing the lesson. Shortly after, you will decide to head into the final Cursed Vault. - He was betrayed by his mentor - He was . [40] They talked to Rakepick about them, but Rakepick denied everything. [13], After almost a year of imprisonment and mental deterioration due to the Dementors, Rakepick attempted an escape of Azkaban during which she was briefly reunited with Jacob's sibling. Find out in the next Chapter of Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery! Garnish this potion with loneliness, a mirror, and two bloodlines chained to the Death Eaters. There are bonus progress actions tied to Ben and your character. She is to help with the whole cursed-vaults . Educated at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, during her formative years she was an exceptional student, top of her class, who, regardless, was always in trouble. You will quickly realize that you are reliving some of your worst memories. This escalated the conflict, and Jacob's sibling pulled out a bottle of Garrotting Gas and smashed it in front of Rakepick, making her choke and Disapparate out of the room. A: Astronomy Tower The walls are lined with strange concoctions. She would tell them everything she knew about the real leader of R, if they help her to escape while keeping at bay the Dementors. [38] Jacob's sibling then went on to search, but instead of a portrait, they brought back a parchment, which Rakepick told them was the Marauder's Map. During the welcoming ceremony, Professor Dumbledore introduced the world-renowned curse-breaker, Patricia Rakepick. She was taken somewhat by surprise when he replied that he had twelve Nifflers of his own, which had cost him his house, boat and favourite peg-leg, but he was eager to get more. The original character model sheet for Patricia Rakepick, The Harry Potter Wiki has 83 images related to, *Disclosure: Some of the links above are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, Fandom will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase. If your health ever drops below half, you can easily heal with Wiggenweld Potion, and since youre likely to have a significant attribute advantage, this will pretty much negate most of the damage dealt to you. [39] At night, Rakepick explained to Jacob's sibling all about the map. She often wore a long-sleeved brown shirt and matching trousers decorated with a dragon scale texture, and a blood red waistcoat that was a shorter at the back than on the front. All five stars are needed to pass, which is why its not recommended to start this task if you are low on energy. Taking a practical approach will make Jacob happy, and lastly, Merula will be pleased if you choose a focused approach. Learning to transfigure Goldfinch to Golden Snitch requires obtaining five stars within three hours. Now that youre done with the lessons, you can go to the Merperson Village to meet with the Merqueen. Instead, all you found was a horrible curse. And how will Professor Dumbledore react once he learns what happened? Congratulating them on their success, Rakepick noted that their professors were right to commend their talents, and ended the lesson by saying they were likely to meet again soon, before leaving the training grounds. Dumbledore invited her to join him at Hogwarts the following school year so she could look into the Cursed Vaults situation; she accepted. She admitted that the students were only used by her as dragon baits, except for Jacob's sibling, whose Legimilency abilities she needed to open the door. Professor Patricia Rakepick (born between September 1955 and August 1956) was a Dark witch and a world-famous Curse-Breaker for Gringotts Wizarding Bank. You will ask them if they also experienced the same thing as you. This vault appears after the cursed ice, safely contained within a locked . - A Red Cap! Professor Patricia Rakepick (born between September 1955 and August 1956) was a Dark witch and a world-famous Curse-Breaker for Gringotts Wizarding Bank. Rakepick then left to find Miss Karasu's, as she wished to discuss the latter's sleep-walking incident with in private. As for Merula, she will be as stubborn as ever. During their discussion, Rakepick revealed to her former student how 'R' actually was, not an alternative name of The Cabal like they and their allies had previously thought, but actually the initial of a mysterious individual who was the real mastermind and leader of the group, and to whom Rakepick and even the Director were just a little more than puppets. Ben will like it if you go with a fearless approach. One strategy involves going Aggressive or Sneaky and hitting it with Depulso or Flipendo. When she found out she was outnumbered, she Disapparated. [1], Patricia Rakepick attended Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry from 1967 to 1974;[1] she was Sorted into Gryffindor. Shortly after, your friends will arrive and youll introduce them to your brother. When she became . Trace the wand movement to do so. The latter was sent by the Ministry of Magic to interrogate Rakepick, but ended up being trapped in the prison when the lockdown started. She did not in fact care for her young charges in any way beyond their immediate or potential usefulness to her and willingly discarded them the moment she deemed them liabilities rather than assets. Days later, Jacob's sibling asked her again, but she still refused to divulge anything. This requires earning five stars within an hour. Only one star is needed to pass. This will determine which species players will get of a specific animal type, but players can still choose which kind of animal they will unlock for their Patronus. A: Dumbledore . But before that, you can get the lessons out of the way, so proceed to the Transfiguration classroom when you are ready. The Merqueen will lead you to the place where you first saw the trident while exploring the Black Lake. Witchcraft and Wizardry, during her formative action you see available a section of the merpeople see. Could look into the Cursed Vaults situation ; she accepted personality that was ambitious, cruel, and! 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